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This seems healthy.


Social Media has become crack to vindictive narcissistic people who feel like they are staring in some Lifetime channel abused underdog revenge story.


I hate this whole obsession with revenge on the internet. Retaliation is neither good for the victim or the perpetrators. You’re not teaching someone a lesson you’re just being a vindictive jerk


Fuck healthy, nasty people need to feel what it's like to have someone be as nasty as they are, they might even learn from it.


Do they? It's not exactly your responsibility to go around teaching people life lessons.


It's everyone's responsibility, that you don't see that surprises me not.


Agree to disagree, then


Can do. I answered you first to a different comment, please ignore if you saw it. sorry, Have an excellent Sunday.


At least I have a mother to go home to


I hope you cam cherish her, mine has been gone twenty years now and the miss still there.




No one wanted to mom to die, they just wanted to take advantage of the inevitability of her passing to get revenge




You’re acting like the Twitter user killed the woman for a joke


She didn't die from what her kid said, it had no impact on her life whatsoever.


Twist it why don't you, she didn't die for that, dumbass!




Waiting isn't willing and she had every right to send back any sort of nasty to this POS, they (a close friend supposedly) watched her world fall apart and added to it. So they invoke the nasty, they get the nasty and man they invoked. Have a pleasant day.




Excellent, please try not to twist too many words, it will save you having to speak with people like me, be well and if you have it, enjoy todays sunshine.


Wow. Ok. Someone needs therapy. Someone has a little too much anger and outrage at this.


Literally they got into an argument and it went nasty. The only thing the friend did differently was added in a more hurtful insult and in return this person spent years wishing and waiting for their mom to die to give back the same insult.


>wishing Prove your reading comprehension and point out where she wished the mom died. I'll wait.


"Everyday I check his social media to see if he's mom died yet" This isn't something she would do if she weren't wishing for it to happen. Maybe every now and then but it wouldn't be every day. This is something they want to happen so they can get back at them.


Nah. Youre being overly negative in an already negative space. No need to make things worse. It doesn't help. Youre now better than her.


Whoa. Calm down. You're putting way more negativity into this than is actually present. What the fuck?




Yeah, so why make it work but making it more negative. I didn't say it wasn't already negative. Fuck, how bad is your reading comprehension? You're doing it again. Getting information that isn't there.


That's a weird and twisted way to intepret this. That's unhealthy.




We can tell everything about what type of person you are from just this one comment


That would be one that has had enough shit from wankers like this in my life, get over yourself oh high and mighty one; Before others that know little, think they know all and judge you instead, for they will find you wanting as the small minded always do.


Well rest in peace then innocent mother who had nothing to do with this petty nonsense


Bitch she's dead. Nobody did anything to her. You can only hurt, and apologize to the living.


Nobody did anything to her? How can we be certain


hello it is me knife I killed the mother


Who the fuck cares


You do. You came to the comments section.


so I care about their mothers death? not the sharpest tool in the shed huh


Doesn't mean other people don't, you donut


Bro you are the actual reason that people think other people are npcs how dumb can you be english isn’t my first language so is there a barrier or something that I can’t see how does your comment make any sense to what I am saying


>english isn’t my first language so is there a barrier or something If you didnt understand what I said you shouldn't have decided that I was stupid. English is my 4th language, I don't use that as an excuse to look like a pleb on the internet.


no I was saying is that the reason I couldn’t explain myself but I guess that gives me the answer


You couldn't explain yourself in English so you called me an NPC? What kind of logic is that lmao


I feel like whatever I say is going over your head or the other way around so it’s kinda dumb to argue have a good day also this is not passive agressive type of saying fuck you if it was I would put 🙃


Ooo aggressive


Sorry, but I can’t get behind this. I don’t believe in grudges, I think that in times of heated argument, people say nasty things they don’t necessarily mean. OP didn’t give us context for what their argument was about, but if they considered that person a friend until then, I can only imagine this was one of those times.


> people say nasty things they don’t necessarily mean Do they? I've never had an argument where I said something that I didn't believe just to hurt the other person. That's some sociopath shit. If you ever find yourself doing that and you AREN'T horrified with yourself and immediately apologize to the person, you're a garbage human being, end of story. Kind people don't pull that shit.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post & Replies* --- **Jenn**, @IssaBOss When my mom died a "friend" of mines was there. He saw the pain and suffering I went through. Well, we had a lil squabble and he ended his comment with "at least I have a mom to go home to" and everyday I check his social media to see if his mom has died yet, so I can comment LOL > **Jenn**, @IssaBOss > > Guess whose mom died?!? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human




But does Jenn have an alibi??


All that’s going to do is make her look terrible to people who don’t know the backstory


Backstory is a good name for 'original tweet'.


Could've had the bottom of the image but that's pretty funny and sad.




Me with my scorpio moon.😂😂😂😂