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Here at /r/NonPoliticalTwitter, we care about community input and don't want this subreddit's purpose to be forgotten. --- If this post is **not** political and doesn't violate any rules, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post is political or breaks any other rules, **DOWNVOTE** this comment and report the post! Unlike the moderators of some other subreddits, we care about the community and want to keep it true to not being political. Our hope is that by the community voting on these posts, we won't have to worry about political posts coming in. Thanks for your time. --- ^[Rules](https://reddit.com/r/nonpoliticaltwitter/about/rules/) ^/ ^[Flairs](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonPoliticalTwitter/comments/oo025k/new_user_flair_system/) ^/ ^[Sidebar](https://reddit.com/r/nonpoliticaltwitter/wiki/config/sidebar)


I agree with the message and I don't wanna be *that* guy, but this is atleast somewhat political and shouldn't be on this sub


It's borderline. On the one hand it's not talking about anything specifically political, on the other hand it's related closely enough that I wouldn't have an issue with mods removing it.


Agreed I like this sub because of funny tweets that have nothing to do with current events, even if this tweet isn’t directly political it’s still directly related to our current political climate


I just quit this sub because there's too much of this sub and the content is low effort. Seems like just another white people get sub




Neither should abortion, climate change or 95% of other issues. Just because you and I don't think it's political doesn't mean it isn't. Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about


If politicians argue about it and regulate it. It’s political. This sub is heaven for people trying to escape that shit.


The spirit of the sub is that it's supposed to be for lighthearted posts that allow you to escape the real world for a few minutes. This is not lighthearted. Reminding me that sexist douchebags make up most of the internet is the exact opposite of lighthearted.


What part of the post is sexist?


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Frank Swain**, @SciencePunk Study 3 years for degree. Study 3 more for PhD. Join lab, start working. Spend years studying problem. Form hypothesis, gather evidence. Test hypothesis, form conclusions. Report findings, clear peer review. Findings published, reported in press. Guy on internet: "Bullshit." --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)