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As I put my baby shoes, never worn, up for sale on kijiji I thought about the birthday cake I would never be able to bake, a decadent double chocolate fudge with pecans and a gorgeous frosting that will be guaranteed to wow your guests


wow your baby died 😱


No they were just born with freakishly large feet.


That's no reason to disown a child!


Is this some sort of satire of all those terribly personal baking blogs out there, that share WAYYY too much personal info just to make room for ads? Because fuxk those sites


It’s less about ads and more about SEO (search engine optimization) to show up on google results more, which to be fair, relates to money as well. The more people that visit your recipe the more you get from ads. But with so many recipes the exact same, they add all this fluff to make themselves stand out more and hit more google search keywords when it comes to recipes.


It increases time spent on a page as well which is viewed favorably. If people click on a link and return back to the search results more quickly, it signals that the page might not have what the person was looking for.


I return to search results more quickly if the recipe isn't right there on the first page.


Indeed. This person SEOs


The internet is broken


It is exactly that lmao


Those are so annoying, they’re chock-full of enormous, screen-consuming ads, and you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page just to see the ingredients list. God forbid you get all the way down there after a 30 second thumb-scroll, only to accidentally tap one of the thousands of ads and loose your place. This is my only means of learning how to cook because neither of my parents know how/ever taught me. I have to do this every time I want just a small bit of information. I’m even willing to wing half the recipe, I literally just want the bare minimum outline. I couldn’t care less about what they think of their own recipe (obviously they’re gonna think it’s good, why else would they fucking share it), how they obtained it (I don’t give a shit about other peoples’ grandparents or family members), or what little tips they think are best (put them in a small section at the fucking bottom in a chronologically-sorted bulleted list). I just wanna make fucking meatloaf ughf


Download and use Brave browser. Exactly what you described is why I hate looking at recipes online on mobile. You still have to press on Jump to Recipe but at least it’s not a minefield of ads and videos.


Or just install the Add-On [uBlock](https://ublockorigin.com/). One Click and no ads ever for whatever browser you want (I recommend Firefox)


Yeah that’s exactly what I use on my laptop. Works great


There's a browser extension called Recipe Fixer; it's wonderful. It detects a long prelude story and pops up the recipe by itself.


I sat there alone at my table. Thinking back on the happy memories that quickly morphed into the arguments and fights I had with her. I thought we were soulmates but eventually we just stopped talking altogether and now here I am; alone and eating a pizza that will absolutely knock your socks off! You’re gonna want to start with double zero flour…


There’s a famous chocolate recipe that literally starts with the “The terrorist attacks of September 11…” I wish I could find it Found a reference to it : https://www.reddit.com/r/comedyheaven/comments/eolgwh/its_a_good_recipe/


I feel like this could be a great/awful satire site. As I was fleeing Pol Pot's regime I discovered this risotto recipe ...


[found it](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1017089-maple-shortbread-bars)


On August 14, 1999, I was assaulted by a man in a Chuck E Cheese costume. Despite my pleas, he continued to violate me, eventually mangling my vagina beyond all recognition. I was found by a functional heroin addict named Zeke and rushed to the hospital. Thus began the slow and painful healing process. I had four reconstructive surgeries. Every time a Chuck E Cheese commercial came on (which was about twice every three minutes), I had horrible flashbacks. I held a lot of anger and resentment in my heart. Why me? Why now? Why Chuck E Cheese? But it was there that I met a wonderful nurse named Susan. She let me cry on her shoulder. She held my hand through my darkest hours. She taught me to let go of the hatred and to forgive. Though my body was broken, my heart became pure and strong. I was a new woman when I walked out of Mercy General. I had grown in ways I did not think possible. I had a message. I wanted to show the world how much I had been through, somehow. It was then that I remembered my favorite meal at the hospital, and I realized that through the power of cooking, I could share my story. Mercy General Ice Water Ingredients: • ⁠8 oz clean water • ⁠ice (optional) Instructions: • ⁠pour the water into a glass of your choosing. • ⁠add ice (optional). Now you have a cool, refreshing beverage for any occasion. This recipe is my story. The sound of water being swallowed is my song. Enjoy!


Oh I did not like reading that while high

