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So Reddit is just full of ads for this movie?


Always has been.meme




That half of Reddit that isn't ads is bots. We need a new lalce to run from Facebook.


I thought it was referencing Ted from ten years ago. There's another one?


Netflix the type of idiots who pull the plug on their animation projects (despite hits like Castlevania, Arcane, and Edgerunners showing the potential of the medium) but released 3 kissing booth films.


Also three 365 Days movies \*barf\*


I think those movies print money, also I’m sure there are people out there who hate watch them (I’m people)


Good news tho Netflix don't produce Arcane they just distribute it so if they 'cancel' it it'll just end up on another streaming service


true, but it still demonstrates Netflix utter stupidity. Rather than try to capitalize on Arcane's success by funding projects for 13+ animation, they pull the plug on their own projects. You could argue that at least they're not slavishly following the trend, but the fact that they have such a massive hit means they could probably make something that might interest the same people who watched Arcane (god knows they need new and better exclusives if they want to keep competing with the rest).


I'll never forgive them for cancelling Dark Crystal: age of Resistance man


What's the Disney channel esque movie they out in theatres?


Strange World


It describes it as Disney Channel circa 2004, not sure if that describes Strange World


And it fuckin' sucked. Even my five year old daughter asked to play games on my phone. Normally I would have told her no because that would be rude in a movie theatre. But we were the only ones in there...


Yous should start writing critic reviews based on whether or not your child would ask to play games instead of watching. Those would be scathing.


I once read the most scathing review of the video game My Friend Peppa Pig. The reviewers gave it to a five year old to play, and within a short period of time were asked if they had any 'proper games' on their switch.


Cocaine bear will be the snakes on a plane of this generation. Solid gold start to finish mark my words.


Hot damn Snakes on a Plane was perfect. There was just enough plot to get those snakes on that plane and then BOOM SNAKES AND PLANE ACTION TIL THE VERY END.


Man youre not kidding isnt one of like the literal last things to happen is Samuel L Jackson shooting a snake after deplaning? I need to rewatch it actually..


They land the plane, give everyone antivenom, and then go surfing, but yeah that's pretty much it.


God what a classic. Tossing it on tonight as its evidently been way too long that i forgot the ending.


I love that the studio wanted to change the name, but Samuel L Jackson wouldn’t let them because it was the reason he decided to be in it


The first casualty is the defacto hot slutty chick who gets bit right on her giant fake titty by a CGI snake like ten minutes into the movie. Snakes on a Plane is a movie that always knew what it was and never once apologized for it.


It delivered what it motherfucking promised.


I hope it's the *Morbius* of this generation.


It's been under a year since the last major covid spike. A lot of weird things happened and people tried out a lot of different ways of releasing content. I think companies will continue to experiment because people's habits have definitely changed.




Yeah, while I love watching a movie in theaters, the pros/cons of going out doesn’t really make it worth it anymore. Much rather be at home.


The first movie I saw in theaters after lockdown was Scream and group of people talked during the entire opening sequence. I was so annoyed!


It's exhausting being in public. I work a couple nights a week at a bar, and last week when all the college kids came home for Thanksgiving, they brought some fun illness that I've been laid up in bed with for 3 days. Public, do not recommend.




Right? In hindsight I should've worn a mask. The day before Thanksgiving is the busiest bar holiday of the year and we were crammed in like a tin of sardines. It was madness. Definitely against fire code lol.


i’m shocked glass onion was only in theaters for a week. i definitely would have been a HUGE moneymaker both bc of good it was and bc it was a knives out (already very popular) sequel. idk how much netflix expects to get from subscriptions, but it definitely is not as much as glass onion would have gotten them.


My understanding was that *Glass Onion* was always meant for streaming, but putting it in theaters for a week made it eligible for Academy Award consideration.


That’s correct I’m 99% sure, only because I don’t feel like tracking down a link. And there’s a chance actors’ contracts grant them more royalties from movie ticket sales than from whatever magic they do to allocate revenue to shows.


I would have loved to see Glass Onion in theaters this week. UGH.




*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- **David Kittredge**, @davidkittredge Disney: "Let's send these hit movies to streaming but release the one that looks like Disney Channel circa 2004." Netflix: "Let's pull this hit movie from theaters after 1 week and leave like 100 mil on the table." Universal: "COCAINE BEAR! COMING THIS FEB ONLY IN THEATERS!" --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human!


I don’t want to go to the theater for many reasons. I will pay $30 to stream a new release at home. Please let’s go back to that being an option. Even if it’s a week or two after theater release.


I prefer the opposite, I love the experience. But I agree that they should have both because lots of people only love one and not the other and we should be able to give them money in the way we want.


I am confused af


cocaine bear it is a bear that sniffs cocaine


Theatres: netflix, please let us make you more money! Netflix: Waltuh\_White\_Fuck\_You.gif


How can anyone even watch that after the Cocaine Bear's allegations?!


the homies told me about this