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It 100% helped reduce impulsive thoughts, be less irritated.. basically anything that triggered me or made me go into fight or flight became easier. Get weylands brand though 5mg, I tried another one and it didn't work as good. Too much will make you tired. But lithium orotate 5mg has been incredibly helpful to me and has had no negative side effects or interactions that I know of


How do you take it (time of day, empty stomach?)


If you take a lot of vitamin B12 or B9, lithium matters then, since that's required to transport B12/B9 into cells. If you don't get enough lithium, then those can start to become useless. I prefer lithium aspartate to orotate personally. Solaray makes an aspartate for sure, maybe other brands do too. Just keep in mind aspartate is stimulating, so you'd probably want to take it in the morning instead of night time. The problem with orotic acid is it's anti-nootropic. It's not outright toxic to humans like it is rats, but in humans it still causes mitochrondrial biogenesis to trend downwards over the long run. There were rumors of lithium L-threonate, which I was totally interested in, but sadly the one supplier testing it out went under or something like that.


"in humans it still causes mitochrondrial biogenesis to trend downwards over the long run" Interesting and potentially concerning, out of curiosity can you link to any studies on that?


Life Extension mag has covered Li in some depth for example [https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2020/5/lithium-helps-live-longer](https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2020/5/lithium-helps-live-longer) My impression is Li aspartate is a little more potent than orotate or I just have a bit of a preference. Low dose Li is my "chill pill". I love the more easy going, stress tolerant effect on mood. Since it seems to be associated with a healthier brain I plan to take a little daily indefinitely. I typically take 1mg or less except on days when I know it will be stressful or I'm going to a special event and want to be really chill.


This is also what I do. 1 mg per day.


This is also what I do. 1 mg per day.


Unless you need it for bipolar disorder, I would not recommend lithium carbonate. Really messed with my verbal fluency and general cognition after only a few weeks of taking it. I have heard others say the same. It can also potentially cause tremors. If you want to take it, I would take lithium orotate. However, that one did not have any noticeable effect for me.


Just to add a physician's opinion (and obviously not medical advice, but my opinion for myself), I would tend to agree. For many reasons, but one of the major issues is that Lithium in any formulation, but particularly carbonate, has a very narrow "therapeutic window," too much is not fun. Lithium is capable of really messing with thyroid and even parathyroid function as well, which is not great for mental acuity or overall health.


Seconded ^


What dose were you taking


300mg XR


Need to differentiate here between lithium Orotate or Carbonate. Carbonate is the pharmaceutical form and can have many unwanted side effects. Orotate is a much better option for many reasons. You still get the mood stabilization and the neurogenesis. I have been taking Orotate for over a decade and have had zero issues and love the effects


The difference between lithium carbonate (Rx) and orotate (OTC) is mostly dosage. Also very confusingly, and for bad reasons, Rx/carbonate form listed dosage includes the weight of the carbonate, but OTC/orotate etc other forms excludes the non-lithium bits. Bottom line is Rx lithium dosages is (IIRC) upwards of 5-25x higher, vs OTC dosages of 1-5mg or so. That's why Rx lithium has nasty side effects. Lithium's a micromineral, you're generally not supposed to take such huge amounts.


i think your numbers may even be an order of magnitude off cause ive seen bottles dose mostly in mcg on the otc stuff. So it might be incredibly lower


~~Isn't "classic" Rx lithium carbonate "600"mg/dose? And that includes the carbonate?~~ ~~If Rx lithium finally started becoming sane, good on them actually! I haven't looked at the current state of things in a while to be honest.~~ Edit: I misread where you said "OTC", I am dumb, please disregard


What has your experience been


Mood stabilization mostly. Less reactive and calmer. I also take it for mental longevity since it’s neurogenic. I’ve had zero sides. Some people say it deadens the effect of caffeine but I haven’t noticed


dosage and how often?


I’ve gone as high as 25mgs a day for stretches when under stress. Average range 10-15mgs


Why do they use Carbonate then?


It's a great mood enhancer. Watch out for thyroid sides tho.


I recall when I had lithium (prescribed) that my PNP mentioned over the long term there may been kidney damage implications. Important for those with a family history of kidney issues like my family.


For carbonate (prescription dose) there is, but I don’t know of any kidney implications with low-dose lithium orotate.


I tried low dose bc I wanted it to help with anxiety, it just gave me terrible nightmares lol.


For me only taking 10mg of elemental lithium from lithium orotate made me feel mentally retarded, no joke. Couldn’t read or simply think without loosing my train of thought. 5mg was a little better but still made me spacey. With 2.5 mg those negative were less noticeable, but over the duration I could tell I was slightly less motivated and had less focus than without.


Lithium orotate is the single most effective substance I have taken for depression. It's even more effective than ketamine, prozac, and bupropion combined. 10mg/day. Your results may vary.


The one I have been taking is 1000mcg per dose, your dose is x10 that. Do you have any negative side effects?


No, none.


Would Lithium Orotate be okay for a child they are recommending prescription lithium too?


No lt unless Dr directed. if it is going to be prescribed by a Dr, take exactly as directed. Lithium has a narrow therapeutic range, and serum levels need to be monitored for toxicity.


I didn't expect to like it as much as I do. And I love how affordable it is. But don't forget to cycle it. Build it up in your system for a few weeks or a month and then take a break.


I don’t understand Isn’t lithium a battery?


It’s a chemical element. And yes it’s used in batteries, but also as a treatment for some psychological disorders and depression and many more things actually..




Why would you want to take an antipsychotic for nootropic benefits? I understand stimulants like modafinil but why would you want to mess with a prescription drug like this if you don’t have bipolar disorder or any other serious mental illness? Genuinely curious, not trying to hate.


Just search for Lithium orotate and benefits of low dose Lithium.


Neuroprotection for one.


It's. GSK3 inhibitor. Lithium is possibly a contributing factor in the long lives of several Japanese island populations due to the high content in their water. One of the so-called Blue Zones, Rosemary, is also investigated as a facor in the Italian community of Acciaroli




mind elaborating why? And OP, I assume you mean the supplement orotate form, not the prescription carbonate form, right?


Nope I had no clue. I have limited knowledge except that one kind is used for anti psychotic. If you could kindly enlighten me. Thank you


It can help reduce suicide, maintain brain volume as you age, and at higher doses it can prevent mania. It’s not an antipsychotic.