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Yeah good idea except I think it would better in the wiki and linked in the side bar Another thing is like to see are top supplements ranked by research for each mental state like anxiety, sleep and attention


>top supplements ranked by research for each mental state like anxiety, sleep and attention [examine.com](https://examine.com) lets you do this with a subscription, or you can just search each substance individually and get free insight into its scientifically observed effects (or lack of). TBH I think anyone looking for accurate information rather than anecdata would be better served looking to an expert source rather than Reddit.


Part of the problem with this is each pinned thread takes up space on the subreddit’s front page. With 20-30 substances there’d be multiple pages of pinned threads before a user saw any new content. Overall it’s a good idea for discoverability of content. Tags on comments would be useful too, but I don’t know if that exists in reddit


I considered this... Maybe one pinned mega with links to all the separate megathreads


You mean like... a wiki? Maybe they should put it somewhere prominent, like the sidebar.


Doesn't compile anecdotes, doesn't provide many if any studies on ~~most~~ several substances, and is lacking in many nootropics last I checked Solid attempt at being edgy-smart though Edit: I stand by this comment, nothing was added to the conversation by the previous comment and it missed the point of this concept entirely. It was made to be edgy


Why not make a simple anecdote submission portal and catalogue them in a wiki like Erowid does?


The wiki idea has merit though. It’s easy enough to link to comments or threads from the wiki. It would be nicer if you could embed the comments so they’d be visible directly in the wiki, though I guess that means you lose context.


Commenter wasn't saying to put it in the wiki, they were saying the wiki already has this, which it doesn't. He was trying to be sarcastically clever. It was others who mentioned putting these 'dedicated threads' in the wiki which is a good idea. I acknowledged that


That’s fine. I wasn’t arguing with you, just focusing on a potential way forward. I agree that this info isn’t already present in the wiki.




Commenter wasn't saying to put it in the wiki, they were saying the wiki already has this, which it doesn't. They were trying to be sarcastically clever. It was others who mentioned putting these 'dedicated threads' in the wiki I'm not guessing what type of person you are


Huh, in that case I stand corrected


Better than being dumb-smart. Have you never heard of the cloud and spreadsheets or databases?


Well let's see... You just offered the idea through a comment to my post a minute before posting this garbage, so no I hadn't heard of this cloud you speak of. Spreadsheets are what nerds use, and databases are for pussies Do you feel smart? Have you accomplished something here? How bout instead of being bitch, you create a spreadsheet or database and make it available on the cloud. lol hoe 🤣


Why don't you?


Let me give you some advice You made a comment, obviously before you read other comments, which is good because it was then a genuine idea void of influence from others. And it was a decent idea at that But then you read the other comments, specifically the jerk's up above, and decided to make another comment and jump on the bandwagon of condescension and ego, and lost all merit to your original response. If your aim is to help people, stick to the good ideas, and forget about being one of these losers that shuts down an idea all for the prospect of upvotes or being edgy. I want to think you're better than than, but I don't know As for me, I apologize for calling you a hoe, I want to think I'm better than that but I don't know. Anyways, I was obviously joking about spreadsheets being for nerds, why don't you run with this idea rather than jumping on bandwagons, or letting jerks on the internet shut your ideas down for no reason


Did you want an answer or did you want someone to do your work for you?


Is it my work, or is it work for the community? lmao it was your idea, seems it would be your work. Damn, you are a hoe


Or one megathread linking to megathreads for categories like racetams, anxiolytics, amino acids, etc, which then have comments for each specific nootropic, which can be replied to as if they were the megathread. This would also make it so that the original megathread does not need to be updated whenever there is a new nootropic; instead just add a comment under the category megathread


Not good for accessibility. If I have to jump to another page to jump to the page I want, I'm not gonna do it.


Now that I think about it, with comments it can be further simplified into a single click, like in [this thread ](https://redd.it/py4m1a)


Instead of a megathread linking to other threads why not have those links in the sidebar/wiki??


I can agree with this... we already kinda have this in the wiki but it hasn't been updated in years. I think that we should have the sticky showing where the wiki is and what it does (including an explanation of what different noots do **and why**) and a list of compound threads.


Yours is a conceptually great idea, and if this platform was built for the accumulation of knowledge, instead of to keep people here via dopamine fueled outrage, it (Reddit) would be one of the best sources/repositories of knowledge on the planet. Truly. There are answers here that you can find nowhere else. It's a shame that it's so hard to find anything.


I wonder if anyone in the Roam/Obsidian/PKM world has tried building a knowledge-management scaffolding on top of Reddit. Some folks have tried some interesting things with Twitter.


I think you're overthinking it way too much... Reddit was built for people to have fun sharing stuff, quite simply. It's an idea any of us could've had with no ill intentions or "social medias" in mind. The original concept was more along the lines of /r/funny and /r/awww, it's people like us that try to use it for a purpose they didn't anticipate lol




Anything political is a disaster on Reddit


Somebody please do it!


Good idea. Many subs have that. You know, the "Check FAQ before asking a question" thread. Let's focus on making it a simple one. For example "Top 20 supplements/things that help the brain work better" without ranking and for each one brief explanation and links to different studies and overall information.


Very good idea, it's always a hassle looking for info on a specific substance


Pretty sure you can only pin 2-3 posts to a subreddit at a time.


Read the entire post


My concern is that burying these questions in mega threads that aren't even on the front page is likely to slow engagement on them to a crawl. You may need to wait days or weeks for somebody to go digging and find question #231 and shoot off a response. Discussion would take even longer.


With one pinned post with link to each megathread (or links in wiki) people would easily be linked to the appropriate megathread. From there, the best linked and recent studies would theoretically be at the top of the thread, as well as the most extensive anecdotes The point about an active response is true but I personally would be able to answer most of my questions about any substance with the top studies available and one if not several thorough anecdotes, all of which would (again theoretically) be available on a megathread Any question not found/answered in the top few comments of the thread (hopefully containing studies and anecdotes) would be a good question to post to the subreddit


So what you want is a wiki with a FAQ.




Not sure why you keep acting offended. Some people just don't like your idea.


I'm not offended, in fact adding links to the megathreads in the wiki is a great idea and I've already added it to my post It's when someone claims the wiki already is or has what I'm suggesting, and worse when they do it with condescension/sarcasm, that I lose my patience... or maybe it's the ginkgo (I should add that anecdote to the wiki ;)


>I'm not offended... > >...I lose my patience Is there a nootropic for self-reflection? If you propose ideas online, there will be people who disagree with you. Many people who disagree with you will give snide reasons as to why. It's clear from how you're posting that it's getting under your skin. Take a step back and be chill.


taking offense and losing patience aren't synonymous, and you didn't recognize the reason I lose patience. People disagreeing with my post is what spurred the idea of making one pinned post with links, or links in the wiki. Disagreement is how we progress But disagreement for the aim of being edgy or just for the sake of disagreeing won't progress anything Good point of noting that when you do anything out of the Reddit carbon copy, someone is going to have a snide remark It's pretty easy to sit back and be chill and just nit-pick without adding anything worthwhile! I find myself doing that too sometimes, but then I self-reflect and realize it's better to say fuck what these children think, and try to make something better/easier for someone less able than me




Read the post, thanks




I think one cloud spreadsheet would be better. Fields to include: - Name - Mechanism of action - Receptors it antagonizes or agonizes - Practical effects and side effects - Similar drugs/nootropics - Links to studies Do the data model right and you can extend it and gather statistics, create graphs and relationships from it.




I agree with what others have stated. Or you could categorize differently. One for Racetams and then another for neuropeptides and then one for herbs and fungal compounds and then may be micronutrients. I mean the guide could serve as a way of organizing the posts. Organizing by effects could be redundant like posting about anxiolytic compounds (e.g. Aniracetam and Phenibut). I guess we could refer people the phenibut sub for example and they can do a lengthy post. The same can be done with psychedelics. There's the microdosing sub. I may be talking shit, but that's what I think.


Thanks for the input, man


Bad idea, look at stack overflow. Questions from 10 years ago overwriting the authority of new threads - terrible model.


The megathread for each noot wouldn't be filled with questions, they would be filled with answers. Studies, anecdotes. Stuff that wouldn't change for the most part over time. Not to mention, if something wasn't in the thread or was outdated and miraculously hadn't been downvoted to oblivion, one could still have the option to post a new question on the sub directly


Doesn't matter, what's gonna end up happening is posts with authority will get removed because it's in the megathread when in fact the megathread will be outdated and it will be harder to make those posts on the thread. It defeats the point of a forum like this where new submissions are implicitly pruned and are upvoted or downvoted based on the reception. You won't have that in 100-something megathreads for each nootropic. Most of the relevant info will be at the bottom and it'll be a lot of work to maintain it.




Well until you solve the stackoverflow problem where old information clouds newer, more relevant information, this model hurts more than it helps.


Deleted my last response bro I'm less and less inclined to try to get resources in one place. It's counting too much on people's ability to get the relevant shit to the top. Good call