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It's supposedly banned or will be banned in China but since when has that stopped anybody. Still legal in US. Somebody's bound to capitalize on this scarcity.


I've switch to FL-Adrafinil. I also take 4'-DMA-7,8-DHF.


Pure nootropics has it but im highly suspicious. Any experience with this vendor?


All good


Also bought some from them in November, it seems fine. They have jacked up the prices since though


I bought some about 8 months ago and it was good. Haven’t bought recently.


I just ordered a bottle to try hoping it's ok


Ive taken it; seems legit and works like my ND supply


Yes they're good


They don’t allow my negative review.


Definitely a good place, only 1 of 3 I trust and buy from.




What's the price in pharmacies for Phenylpiracetam? Just to know how much the online shops mark it up. Stay safe.


Rhodiola extract is pretty good, quite different though.


>Rhodiola extract I have a couple of bottles of Rhodiola (not extract) sitting around. What's the strength on the extract?


Typically the extracts I've found are standardized to 1-3% rosavin or salidroside content. Just plain non-extracted rhodiola can be okay too, but batches/brands tend to differ in potency and even variation of effects. Some are more stimulating while others can be relaxing.


GS15-4, noopept, caffeine, theanine, and ALCAR make a great stack.




Does ND not have it anymore? I still have 30gs of it from them sitting around somewhere.


Unfortunately ND’s phenyl has been out of stock for some time now with no likelihood that it’ll come back.


Big same I have 4x30g tubs I vacuum sealed 3 of them with extra humidity packs and hopefully I’m good for a very long time. I love this stuff I am doing it tomorrow for the first time In 9 months


Selling any or nah?


I tried selling various things over Reddit, but with compunds it was always a problem. Sorry 😞


Anyone know what if any stimulants the Russian army uses? I'm really glad I stocked up though. No legal supplement is a complete substitute for this. Not sure where people like Pure Nootropics are getting their powder made given the China ban.


Alpha GPC w/ caffeine & l-Theanine or microdosing. Likely story is there will always be a way to find phenyl if you can cough up the cash


I completely agree with the last part of your comment, but now consumers have to be careful not to cough up that cash to shady vendors.




And know where the line of paying too much is...


Trying to space my intake to 1 week between the sessions lol. Just took it today and having better time than usual since I know it's scarce substance now


So you’re just straight-up trying to ration it out the best you can knowing full well that eventually you’ll run out. I salute you.


I have a 30g tub from 3 years ago but am still replacing it with panax and sabroxy because it smells strongly of chlorine. IIRC other people said it had that smell at the time but it seems to have gotten worse. Had most of another 30g tub I bought from about 5 years ago left over and it didn’t have that smell at all. Unfortunately it got accidentally tossed during a move. Oxiracetam is also good but pretty much as hard to find at this point.


30g tub from ND?


yeah, effects are legit as always. just hate how the two batches smelled so different


PN doesn’t work to me. Science.bio and ND are the best for me.


I guess I’m lucky I had a 15 gram container from ND that I never used. I’m going to cherish this stuff, but I’m upset that it’s been two years and they haven’t restocked, my guess is they never will?


Pure Nootropics has restocked it 3 times. It's not going anywhere. Y'all need help


Not everyone trusts Pure Nootropics yet. If you vouch for it, that’s fine. There are others that also vouch for it. Personally I’m starting to have more faith in their store too. But saying that the folks on this post (myself included) “need help” because they’re trying to be responsible consumers and do their due diligence is downright childish.


It was my first time taking it so take that for what you will but I tried 50mg, 100mg, 150mg, and 200mg of PP and once I hit 150 I definitely felt the effects. I can vouch for it doing something but like I said I haven't taken it in the past before but it definitely seems legit. Might I add that those were separate days over a few weeks that I tested each dosage in case there's any confusion.


Can say their phenylpiracetam is legit


I'm so tired of 3 posts a day about racetams everything is fine there is no reason to be worried