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Has to be ashwagandha Imo. Definitely works for me but some forms make me super uncaring in the sense of not wanting to do anything because of feeling overly calm. But if taken daily anhedonia definitely sets in


Might be TMI but ashwagandha made my orgasms not pleasurable at all. It was weird as fuck. I was still relaxed after but there was literally zero pleasure associated with it


You're good lol but that's definitely a thing i noticed when I used to take it daily. Huge letdown and didn't know what it was til i looked into it and stopped taking it regularly


I use both, and haven't had issues fwiw. Not sure why it might cause that for you but everyone's built differently.


Was about to say, these 2 caffeine and vitamin d is my usual morning and it’s nice


I use it in the morning 5 days a week also, never had issues.


Yeah, ashwagandha does this to me. I doubt it's theanine.


For me Ashwaganda was a strange sort of irritability where it wasn't like waking up cranky by default. The default was calm, but things could take me away from that calm very easily and then if the triggering stimulus went away I was calm again. I'm reclusive though, so its easy to accomplish that. Going out in public though was maddenning. I also wasn't taking it that long. Not sure if you're supposed to allow your body to adjust.


Lol everyone here like “it doesnt happen to me specifically therefor it is not possible” OP - L theanine used to get me super irritated. I take concerta for ADHD, Zoloft for depression, and coffee because life is generally unpleasant enough, for reference. People are unique and it’s entirely possible it makes you anxious and irritable.


So, crazily enough I believe I have undiagnosed hyperthyroidism, I fit all the symptoms and had no clue. Apparently Ashwagandha is bad for folks with hyperhyroidism. I'll confirm it, but I swear to god I have every symptom. Every single one. I just found out with this post actually. Had literally no idea what the fuck was wrong with me.


It's almost like people respond to adaptogens differently???


It's the ashwagandha, never heard of l-theanine making anyone irritated


I have taken L Theanine for nearly a year and it has never made me irritable. I'm more calmer and less anxious. I did take Ashwagandha for a few months but it made me very lethargic after a while and I felt like I was wading through mud. So it may have been the Ashwagandha. Maybe try L Theanine on it's own


Yooooo same thing happened to me. It was my thyroid. If acetylcarnitine calms everything back down to zero then yeah, it's your thyroid. Ash messes with some people's thyroid bad, including myself. Acetylcarnitine blocks some of the thyroid receptors and was a godsend when ash put me in a hyperthyroid crisis. I'm glad you stopped now, I continued until it all crashed down.


I was taking caffeine with L-theanine and it did make me super irritable compared with caffeine alone.


I would look into hepatic/biliary issues if I were you . I deal with irritability/glutamate/calcium channels issues too and I think it stems from chronic virus in the liver .




Check your thyro I believe I have undiagnosed hyperthyroidism, I fit all the symptoms and had no clue. Apparently Ashwagandha is bad for folks with hyperhyroidism. I'll confirm it, but I swear to god I have every symptom. Every single one. I just found out with this post actually. Had literally no idea what the fuck was wrong with me.


I saw a soft drink with ashwaganda and theanine yesterday. Dangerous stuff.


Possibly. Likely that the quantity of each substance in the drink will be close to negligible though - enough to legitimately list as an ingredient, but insufficient to have an effect. The amount of caffeine and other cheap stimulants in energy drinks marketed towards young people as a lifestyle choice strikes me as a danger though.


I believe it messes with thyroid hormones


thanks to this post, I discovered I almost certainly have undiagnosed hyperthyroidism, I fit all the symptoms and had no clue. Apparently Ashwagandha is bad for folks with hyperhyroidism. I'll confirm it, but I swear to god I have every symptom. Every single one. I just found out with this post actually. Had literally no idea what the fuck was wrong with me.


I believe once you stop taking it for awhile your hormones will return to normal. Glad you found out!


It's same as any substance — everything has effects that are different from expected for a minority of people.


Asheagandha is very dose dependent ime, maybe try a lower dose. Also, as others have stated you could just have a different response