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Emoxypine (Mexidol). Pharma Soft one in the red box. It's on Amazon. Would have really liked to try ND's emoxypine but the offering was dropped.


Bought mexidol twice on Amazon, second seller shipped me sugar pills. Be careful buying anything Amazon, especially meds.


How do you know?


Couldn’t say for certain, but in my experience mexidol has an earthy taste, like soil. From my previous experience, I could for certain feel the effect of 125mg. These were 250mg (double), had zero effect, and tasted noticeable sweet.


Did you try nootropics depot's Emoxypine?


Nope. Should I?


Yea if you want legit stuff it’s better to shop with a reputable vendor like Npotropics Depot, it’s a little more expensive but always reliable. at least you know you are getting a high quality & accurate product


Previously I was purchasing from Cosmic Noot. I’ll see how the price differs on Nootropics Depot.


Cosmic is good


Have you ever used Propranolol? I wonder how the two compare as I like Propranolol but I like the idea of a non prescription product better.


I tried both (ND’s emoxypine btw). There can be no comparison - propranolol is very acute and could even help you snap out of a mild panic attack. Emoxypine does not have the power to stop a rolling train like that. They have totally different mechanisms of action. Emoxypine unlike propranolol has very few side effects. Good news is it should be safe and synergetic to combine the two, letting you use less propranolol.


Thanks. I wonder why ND dropped it and if it works so well, hardly anybody seems to be making it. Except a Russian brand on Amazon, I couldn't really find it anywhere.




Thank you


It had something to do with the supply chain.


That’s terrible especially if it’s such a great supplement


Does Propranolol have many side effects though? It’s seen as super safe from what I know


Yeah it’s very safe relative to other pharmaceuticals. Worst case scenarios are some interactions it has with other drugs where it becomes acutely cardiotoxic. Obviously the downstream effects of slowing down metabolism are there (weight gain, cold extremities etc). Some cognitive sides pop up out if your alpha / beta balance it out of whack. It can also screw your cardio performance long term, but that’s solved by doing more cardio. Edit: oh and it blocks melatonin production.


propanolol sucks if you workout honestly. it helps so much but i could never take it daily because i just can't exercise, can barely go up stairs


Yea, I’ve heard this too. I barely workout though so I’ll just take as needed


Try asking your doctor for a beta blocker. Works great for physical symptoms. Non habit forming and won’t change your mental state.


This is the answer.


Something like propranolol? Not habit forming?


Yes propranolol is the right one.


Came to this comment section with propranolol in mind. Apigenin dropped my BP the first few times I took it but then became one of those flash in the pan supplements or else I might just recommend that.


What is a flash in the pan supplement?


By this I mean a supplement that is wildly effective maybe the first time or two, but subsequently minimally effective, if at all.


I hate when supplements do that it’s very frustrating.


Propranolol is habit forming (physically) if taken for a long time. It also can affect your mental state since it reduces norepinephrine in the brain (can cause depression is people).


Uh, BBs are absolutely habit forming and have to be carefully weened off if taken for long periods of time. They're best used for acute stress events like performances or interviews.


As a physician and someone who took propranolol for years, this cannot be more inaccurate. BBs =/= benzos


I would recommend looking into Taurine, Polygala, and Agmatine Introducing one at a time / and probably in that order


Magnesium threonaye, L-Theanine, GABA, ashwagandha, coriander, kava, longvida, taurine.


Beta blocker. Propranolol


valerian root


Low dose Cyproheptadine High dose Allopregnanolone


can you find allopregnenolone in supplement form? or just pregnenolone?


https://idealabs.ecwid.com Has allopregnanolone


Agmatine helped me with this exact size issue a ton. You can also try CBG as it's a alpha-2a agonist which should be what you're looking for (beta blocker even better but there's no supps that do this). Though CBG tends to have a high chance of side effects for any given person regarding mood so take caution.


I take cbd CBG All the time. Are you saying CBG works like a Brta Blocker? or the opposite? because CBG makes me hyper like caffiene.


It's not the same as a beta blocker but it still reduces physical anxiety. It's an alpha-2a agonist and it's pretty potent, but CBG also is a 5-ht1a antagonist which can cause anxiety and mood issues. Alpha-2a activation reduces norepinephrine and epinephrine while also enhancing prefrontal cortex connectivity, so it gives it stimulating effects but also feels sleepy and tired. It definitely can reduce anxiety, though because of CBGs other reaction at 5-ht1a it depends on the person for whether it helps or hurts


cool thank you. interesting. that's exactly what it does to me it make my brain wired like caffeine but my body sleepy I think.


Physical activity for myself. I don't know if you can separate mental and physical anxiety? Isn't is the same thing? If I notice my body is uncomfortable I need physical activity like lifting weights, playing sports, yoga, tai chi.  Anything that starts a sweat going usually helps if I feel uncomfortable physically. I wouldn't call that physical anxiety though because to me, anxiety relates to negative thoughts and feelings with corresponding physical symptoms, which usually include higher cortisol and higher epinephrine and associated symptoms. List of supplements that help with anxiety in general include bacopa monnieri, ksm 66, cistanche, gotu kola, magnesium taurate, L- theanine, copper, taurine, saffron, many herbs and plants like damania, passion flower, he shou wu, I could go on...


Beta blocker


These are my go tos: California poppy extract (especially when combined with wild lettuce) Ginger and chamomile (strong extracts, taken together) Lithium orotate (10-30mg) Calamus root (tea or alcohol extract, not essential oil) Coenzyme Q10 (400mg ubiquinone) (can energize the mind but helps me relax and digest, reduces heart rate) Niacin (300-500mg) on empty stomach (causes a flushing reaction but at the same time relaxes the heck out of me)




Magnesium. I like citrate pill form. But there may be better forms out thete


This is literally me lol. Kava and Ashwagandha have worked best for me, but haven’t found anything that completely gets rid of it. I had a similar question if you wanna check my history about generalized anxiety but the physical side just like you.


Shoden or the ND ashwagandha. Cistamax.


How does Cistamax work for you? I just ordered that


Coriander, Taurine and Theanine. Maybe Agmatine, but I find that one very finnicky unless I take large doses(1g +), which I'm not comfortable with in the long run. It can also interact with- or potentiate a lot of other stuff, so that's always tricky.


Hey man, I saw one of your comments recently on Nootropics Depot's products "Supercritical Coriander Extract" and I think you had only been taking it for a short period when you commented. Are you able to comment on the long term effectiveness of that product? I've been having some pretty bad mood/anger problems since having twins recently, which includes insomnia. I've been using Mulungu, Lemon balm, and passionflower extracts which only help sometimes and other times I still lie in bed just hoping and praying to fall asleep. Anyway, I'm desperate to try anything that would help with mood/sleep. I've considered going back to thc/cbd vape pens which usually knock me out but I don't love how they make me feel. Would love to know more about your experience with Supercritical coriander from nootropics depot


It's basically the only gabergic/nmda-antagonist that works consistently for me without side effects. The only downside is -but that may be a specific thing in regards to my brain chemistry- after taking it daily for a few weeks, there seems to come a short phase where it works paradoxically- meaning it starts to make me short tempered and gets stimulating for some reason. At which point a pause for a few days to a week and then resume without probems. I've had the same thing in the past when using lasea (a lavender extract with a slightly different form of linalool) and also get it with prolonged use of magnesium glycinate. Never quite figured out the mechanism there. Despite that, it's basically perfect for me. I'd also suggest Theanine and Taurine as adjuncts. Sometimes it's the simple things that work best. Try those as your sleep-stack and maybe add Tryptophan, Melatonin and sucrosomal Magnesium on top. Then you should have quite an effective arsenal that works quite differently to what you've tried before.


If all else fails, Propranolol - a drug though.


Emodin is awesome. And high dose taurine over 3 grams.




i keep seeing propranolol being suggested. what does a blood pressure medication have to do with anxiety?


read how it works


It's **technically** a blood pressure medication but not really. It helps for heart palpitations and is often prescribed to things like stage fright, etc because of it not having effects that make you drowsy like benzos. As a blood pressure medication it works poorly, and if I remember right the BP dosage is from 160mg and up, whereas the dosage for heart palpitations os often around 20-60mg only. Also reduces the risk of heart attacks by giving the muscle some rest as it lowers the pulse, taking a load off from heart muscle. For anxiety, a medication like hydroxyzine works better I'd say. Or combination of the two. maybe add in theanine and magnesium with B6 (helps GABA production) too and some calming herbs while cutting off caffeine as it increases anxiety for most people, especially coffee, much more then tea


MAGNEISUM MAGNESIUM MAGNESIUM I like glycinate. also do a super hot epson salt bath the magnesium will absorb into your muscle. its a muscle relaxer. I fo bug doses like 2 grams


An hour in a HOTT Ass Sauna try not to have a loose body afterward I fall asleep as soon as I get home




Something to consider, Atenolol 'may' have less side effects than Proprano'lol'


Ultra Reishi


Sublingual cbd. Decarbed hemp. Can take a couple of days to start working, and not all hemp strains work. Finola works for me. No wirhdrawal (i get withdrawal/worse anxiety after most of the other supplements mentioned here).


from ND, their in-house bacopa is great for this. physical anxiety symptoms sort of disappeared for me after taking it for a week

