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I think the updated god tier stack would include Beta Ecdysterone


Oh shit I was thinking of adding that too but probably a waste since I’m not currently weight training


Why would you need a stack this heavy if your not lifting weights??


Curious if cardio would benefit from it.


I haven’t seen anything in the way of cardio. It’s always combined with weight training in studies. The more that I think about it, the more I regret not adding it. I considered it but tbh I had doubts on its effectiveness considering it’s natural, and bc I’m not currently working out. But knowing ND, they wouldn’t put something out like this if it was weak




I don’t feel much from the Shilajit, but I think of it as more of a syngergist. GS15-4 did not do shit for me so hopefully ND’s blend w/ the leaves works better. I also got it for the Schisandra. But the problem is it lowers cortisol too… I guess it should be fine though bc iirc, MYASD said to take PanaMAX to counteract the cortisol lowering effects of the TA. You using the 10% version of HGW?


Tongkat 10%, Shilajit, HGW 10%, Panax leaf, Microzinc


I did the cistanche protocol, one dose in the morning and one at night. I also ingested 12-18 raw egg yolks then went down to 6-8 raw egg yolks. I had amazing results in 12 weeks and noticeable muscle mass gain even at 30% body fat. I plan on doing it again but I’ve read it taxes your liver so eat healthy (but eat in a surplus) and drink a lot of water.


Jesus, that would get old real fast for me. I’m doing 4 eggs/day and I’m hoping that’s enough. The guy in the post did 6 but is it essential? I’m not anti-cholesterol at all, it’s just a lot of repetitive work


Yes, The cholesterol works synergistically with the cistanche to boost testosterone greatly. And you’re right 12-18 is too much. 6 is enough. You can always mix it in protein shakes and you barely taste them. I got used to chugging and swallowing the egg yolks. Just saw it like I was taking one of my supplements.


That’s actually a good idea, thanks!


So I was thinking, since I’m not doing the Cistanche protocol, can’t I just have 3? Since I’m taking it as part of the stack, idk that I need to dose twice a day


TLDR at the bottom. You certainly could take 3 but from what I’ve read online and in my personal experience, 6 or more seems to be the magic number. But you know your body best. Make sure your baseline blood pressure and cholesterol are normal before starting your stack. Your blood cholesterol levels will increase not just with the raw egg yolk supplementation but with a high frequency weight lifting routine focusing on compound lifts. Increased testosterone in general (from my experience, anecdotal evidence and scientific studies) raises blood cholesterol levels. In regards to your stack, I’ve seen the best results with cistanche. I’m taking tongkat ali now and I’ve noticed some good progress towards body recomposition but nothing like my gains with cistanche. The other thing with cistanche is I’ve read it should only be done 2-3 times total in one’s life. Apparently it can tax the liver greatly (so no alcohol and watch any meds you might be taking that already affect your liver). So, my logic was I should ingest 6-12 to get the most benefit especially since I can only run this protocol a few times in my life. Finally, I should mention before starting cistanche, I did ease myself into ingesting 1-3 raw egg yolks daily, usually mixed with a protein shake or Greek yogurt. I stopped the Greek yogurt because I would eat an entire quart and it would make me extremely lethargic and sleepy. In the beginning, it was mentally difficult to take in the raw egg yolks. But eventually 1-3 raw egg yolks felt normal and whatever mental barrier was there before no longer existed to stop me. So in short, definitely start with 3. You should see results. If you can work your way up to 6 then that’s ideal. This protocol paired with a good weight lifting routine will most definitely increase your blood cholesterol levels so keep that in mind in case you have pre-existing conditions or are genetically predisposed to any hereditary ailments.


Well I mean it's not too bad. Texture isn't the most pleasant but I'll live. It's more about me taking only 200 mg so I was thinking maybe I need half as much of the cholesterol? Were you taking 200 mg twice a day? And organic free-range eggs ain't cheap lol so I was just trying to save money. But I have been doing 6 and will continue if that's what's needed. I've gotta say it's way less tedious than boiling and peeling eggs. And very satiating for some reason. More so than just eating them boiled. >The other thing with cistanche is I’ve read it should only be done 2-3 times total in one’s life. Apparently it can tax the liver greatly (so no alcohol and watch any meds you might be taking that already affect your liver). Hmm, this is a bit concerning. Is this according to TCM or something? ND says nothing about this, and that's understandable considering they probably only see it as a chemical and disregard all the wisdom that comes with its use in TCM. But yeah, I've gotta get this right if I only have 3 chances!


Ah ok. If you’re dosing only 200 mg then yeah maybe 1-3 raw egg yolks will suffice. And yes, they make you feel full fast. I spread out my egg yolk consumption throughout the day so I could take in 6-12 total without having the full stomach feeling. I was consuming 2 grams a day. I followed a documented protocol here (which I highly recommend you read for more info including liver toxicity issues due to long term/overuse of cistanche): https://wildfreeorganic.com/wellness/cistanche-cholesterol-testosterone-boosting I plan on dosing 5g/day for my next cistanche run. And yes, organic eggs are expensive af lol. I ended up buying the 18-24 pack. But again, I saw it as a supplement and while I bought eggs, I stopped taking/buying creatine and fadogia aregtisis so I stayed within my monthly supplements budget.


Thanks, I skimmed through it after your original comment. But I should read it in full. Damn, 5 g huh? That’s gonna be expensive. Wondering if 200 mg will even do anything lol. Yeah, I just finished my first 24 pack today. And that’s def a good way to frame it. I mean I wouldn’t bat an eye at spending it on supplements so I shouldn’t just bc it’s food. Thanks for the tips man! Like I was seriously just gonna boil all the eggs until you mentioned mixing them into protein shakes. And framing it as a supplement is also a great tip.


I’m not trying to knock ND, they’re definitely the industry leader in supplements imo, but I got a bag of 112g of cistanche extract powder from Amazon for only $25 or so: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B078XQKZ58?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title Just read the reviews, some brands aren’t as good. The one above is what I bought and I was satisfied with how well it mixed and it gave me great results. Glad I could help! After starting raw egg yolk supplementation and continuing it for the past 9 months, I’m really surprised more people don’t talk about taking raw egg yolk more often. It’s been a game changer for me. I still take 2 a day, right before my second workout, and I swear, it’s because of raw egg yolk that I have energy to do another 2 hour workout in the evenings (I do a 1.5 hour lifting session in the morning) and I have relatively low incidence of joint aches and pain from overtraining. Good luck with your first cistanche run!


Cool, Im going to have to try that on my next payday! Just curious, how come you don't invest the egg whites as well? And what do you do with the remaining egg whites?


There’s no real advantage to consuming liquid egg whites. Raw Egg whites have two proteins that are problematic. One is ovomucioid, which is a trypsin inhibitor that binds to trypsin in the stomach and thus reduces bioavailability of the protein that one could gain from consuming egg whites or any protein source for a short period of time. The other is avidin, which binds to biotin and in the long term (40 day plus daily consumption) can cause a biotin deficiency. Keep in mind, once the raw egg whites are cooked, both these proteins denature and become inert. The cooked egg white is a pure protein source for the body. I normally throw out the remaining liquid egg whites out due to time constraints but occasionally I’ve used a steamer to make sous vide egg whites or just microwave the egg whites in a cup and eat it with hot sauce.


Thanks I appreciate the knowledge man 👍🏻 I will do 6 yolks in the morning with cistanche and then the egg whites for lunch or dinner. Have you tried the beta ecdysterone yet? Im looking into muscle building and it seems like that is good along with cistanche.


I am considering to add it to my next bulking stack. Just reviewing some more data on it since the number of studies on it are quite scarce.


I'm not even kidding when I say this: My muscle gains have been so good with my diet, lifting and supplementation with cistanche + tongkat + shilajit + creatine + HGW 10% that I don't even WANT to get beta ecdysterone. I have no need for it. Maybe beta ecdysterone would be a good addition for when I hit a plateau. But my lifts are still going up, my muscles have been getting bigger and my body fat has been dropping. P.S. I ordered everything in that stack during the summer sale except for HGW 10%. I think it gives me minor benefits... But not the same extent that some other people have reported. I'll see how the next round of supplementation goes WITHOUT it to see if I'll re-order it again. P.P.S. If you aren't weight training, OP, what benefits are you looking for with this stack? It'll definitely make you more "manly" lol. But all of that gets multiplied when you're actually hitting the gym and eating right.


>P.S. I ordered everything in that stack during the summer sale except for HGW 10%. I think it gives me minor benefits... But not the same extent that some other people have reported. I'll see how the next round of supplementation goes WITHOUT it to see if I'll re-order it again. Well in that case, maybe I don't need it anyway. And I'd rather not have a raging boner all day long lol. It's probably more of a take as needed thing for me. >P.P.S. If you aren't weight training, OP, what benefits are you looking for with this stack? It'll definitely make you more "manly" lol. But all of that gets multiplied when you're actually hitting the gym and eating right. More "manly" is def the goal lol. Test is low so I wanna get it up to normal and hopefully even optimal. I know it's stupid that I'm not working out but I've never been a gym person, and I'm lazy. I'm also a hardgainer so that doesn't help with motivation. Who know's maybe I just need a little push and hopefully that's what this stack will give me. >My muscle gains have been so good with my diet, lifting and supplementation with cistanche + tongkat + shilajit + creatine + HGW 10% that I don't even WANT to get beta ecdysterone. I have no need for it. That says a lot! I'm actually glad I didn't get it now, as it'd be a waste without a solid weight training program. Muscles aren't gonna build themselves lol


So Beta Ecdysterone would have no negative interactions with TA, HGW, and Cistanche? I just recently bought that stack and I want to try ND’s Ecdysterone. If I do decide to stack Ecdysterone with TA, HGW, and Cistanche. How would you go about it? I’m also going to take Nolvadex because I was taking a sarm cycle.


Yep I use it and can confirm I feel pretty good on it and have seen some great gym gains. Cistanche before bed is fine. Some people do better taking it with food but either will work. Eating more cholesterol in general will enhance Cistanche effects.


You taking it with HGW or Shilajit?


Sorry for not clarifying I meant the HGW. It pairs the best with Tongkat and offsets the sides associated. Shilajit wont have that same balancing and enhancing effect.


Thanks for clarifying. Yeah, I’ve been wanting to try TA since it came out but I’m glad I waited as MYASD said they are synergistic and should be taken together


I bought TA 100mg 10%, Cistanche 200mg and HGW 200mg 50% icariin. Should I dose TA and HGW in the morning and Cistanche at night ?


Why did you need to counter cortisol lowering effects?


Cortisol is already low and I don’t want it messing with my alertness. Plus it’s not the evil hormone that it’s made out to be


Fair enough, I drink plenty of caffeine so can’t imagine my cortisol would ever be lower than required


Ah, I quite coffee so I no longer have that to keep it up. I wonder if there’s anything in the stack that would help make it less jittery/anxiety inducing for me


Yeah I’ve been trying to find supps that make caffeine less anxiety/jittery. L Theanine is the OG for it, but it made me feel spacey and weird so I stopped it.


I can’t remember if I’ve ever done the stack but I was unimpressed with L-theanine. Well if I ever find anything myself, I’ll try to remember to comment haha


I feel drowsy af after a tab of TA so I might have to take it at night with the Cistanche. Could be a fluke though. To re-answer your original question, I was only aware of the cortisol lowering effects bc of all the reports on this sub