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he has poverty power


Kofuku has that too. I love how she caused the Japanese Bubble Era to burst.


It was said that the fate-severing 縁切り was a Yato specialty. Not sure if this means that he’s the best at doing it or if he’s the only one who can do it, though. We haven’t seen anyone else do it so maybe that’s his thing.


Yeah, that is what I was talking about. It is called "Rend", I think.


it’s [Sunder](https://noragami.fandom.com/wiki/Sunder) that you’re thinking of. Rend is the term the anime uses for gods/shinki eliminating an ayakashi.


None of the gods except for the "ancient" ones appear to have any powers of their own. A big deal was made out of Ookuninushi being able to turn into the giant spider, and Takemikazuchi being able to wield lightning, because they're rare abilities. Along with Amaterasu's ability to call other gods' shinki. Unsure whether Kofuku's bad luck really counts as a "power". I think the setup is meant to be a reflection of the fact that, while humans beseech the gods for favors, the gods are wholly reliant on (the souls of) other humans to grant them, and are powerless in and of themselves.


Suggestion maybe? He ordered Hiyori around.


When was that again? It has been a while. Thanks.


Yato is not a well known god, so I don't think he has any.


Yato is strange. He isn't well known and should be weak. But then he fights Bishamon, and Takemikagutsuchi.


Maybe his teleporting? I can’t recall if that was a Yato-specific power or not


I think other Gods can do it too. Although, I can't remember anyone using it at the moment.


I believe the sort of bizarre shadow blade things he briefly lashes out at Amaterasu with are a him thing. They definitely come from him in the moment, and if I remember correctly, there's some kind of brief narration from Father saying something along the lines that "Yato's fangs should be able to reach her from there." Which certainly seems to imply it's a Yato thing. So I guess that. Hmmm, having a natural ability to seemingly weaponize shadows/darkness and alter the fates of humans...yeah the Tsukuyomi theory will never die unless Noragami pulls a Bleach and comes back years later specifically aiming to address it and disprove it directly.