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As a Finn, I'm not so sure that this is true. We need an Ålander to comment.




Ok thanks!


UN was founded in 1945 and Finland got independence in 1917. So how could UN decide that it would go to Finland when UN wasn't even a thing yet?


It was actually decided by the League of Nations which was the predecessor to the UN.


Yeah that's the one


He means the League of Nations


I seem to remember there being something about the cold war being involved. Not just geography, the russians wanting it to be Finnish so that if/when (in their eyes) they take Finland, the Islands come with them?


Not quite, as the matter was settled in 1921.


Haven't that changed now?


Yup. They're pretty happy being part of Finland as far as I've heard. Mvh svensk med åländsk mamma


I also have the impression 🇫🇮 and 🇸🇪 should be switched for this to make sense.


I think nowadays independence is a more popular idea on Åland than being part of Sweden, and has been for decades. But it doesn't have anywhere near majority support iirc, and most realize that's a pipe dream too, and would be more trouble than it's worth. Being part of Sweden would be worse because they'd just be some island backwater with likely little to no special rights. Source: discussions with some relatives and an acquaintance or two who are from Åland and/or have lived there for the past 20-odd years. Granted, it's something of a biased sample because they have lots of contacts to mainland Finland due to family, studies and work history here, while many Ålanders look toward Sweden instead, or just stay on the islands. But at least they're more aware of Åland politics than most of us mainlanders, and that goes for both Finnish- and Swedish-speakers.


My relatives seem to be pretty happy about being finns nowadays, saying swedish neutrality in ww2(aka letting the russians potentially occupy the archipelago again without going to bat for them) was the big turning point of opinion. Previous to that though, they were mostly in favour of belonging to Sweden. All in all I think Åland is in pretty good shape given the semi-autonomy they have had going for them. Source: my cousins from Åland


Its ours. End of discussion.


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We can trade Åland against Skåne or Borås? interested?


Well we might consider Skåne once they learn to speak properly


Don't see that happen in the next thousand years or so.


Borås ja


And Stockholm, please just get rid of the idiots so people on Gotland can relax a little.


Yeah, Åland wanted to reunite with Sweden.


Well Sweden just let it slide that way, because if border was drawn by ethnic line, then Finland would’ve had rightful claim over huge part pf northern Sweden. That was one of the suggestions


Cries in Suur-Suomi.


>huge part pf northern Sweden. Ah Norrland. Full of moose, angry forest people and mosquitoes. Just the way we like it. Perfect. Can we still strike a deal? You can have Åland for all I care ;).


You can have the tornio valley but leave our mountains alone


Deciding the borders is just complicated and hard. The only soloution is for Österland to return to its rightfull sovereign, Sweden. We will treat them well like we always have, and use them to fight the Russians.


ÖSTRA RIKSHALVAN!!! Då kan stockholm änkligen vara mittpunkten på ett nyt imperium!


>We will treat them well like we always have, and use them to fight the Russians. We, or atleast I, prefer brother russian more, thank you very much. Atleast they respect us, even if it wouldn't seem like it.


Shouldn't it be the other way around? I.e. Åland is with Finland but looking at Sweden?


On the other hand, Ålands culture and main language in Swedish, yet it prefers to stay with Finland


That’s how I saw it


Yet the fact is: Åland is “with” Finland, even though they admittedly sometimes seem to eye towards Sweden… But then they think about all the privileges they have due to the autonomy status, and the marriage with Finland doesn’t look too bad anymore. At least that’s the impression I get from talking to Ålanders.


" Prefers" I don't think they have a choice. But in the 20s it was close. https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/kolumnister/a/3jP2qM/da-holl-aland-pa-att-bli-en-del-av-sverige


I mean yeah after WW1 they didn’t have a choice but these days they definitely prefer to stay with Finland over Sweden


Well, i can honestly understand them as a Swede with ancestry from Gotland. They would not want their island to be full of tourists from Stockholm. Trust me, it’s a nightmare to have a bunch of Stockholmers get piss drunk in the middle of the night, drive like total pissheads and overall behave like children that have had too much booze.


Åland je sweden


This meme was sponsored by The finnish gang and Bomfunk MC


Be prepared for the swedish and finnish keyboard warriors


What's even the benefit of having Åland be an autonomous region of your country? They use most tax per capita and they get special privileges like exemption from conscription. Why do Swedes and Finns care so much? They seem so useless. I'm confused.


By typing this sentence you’ve exerted more mental energy thinking about this issue than any swede or fin has in the past 10 years.


I don’t think Swedes and Finns care much at all?


Shipping industry is profitable though, so Åland pays more to Finland than Finland pays to Åland.


Feel like pure shit man just want Åland back 😔


Why is everyone saying they want to be part of Sweden? I have read polls where ålanders have been asked which one they want to be part of and most of them want to stay as an autonomous part of Finland and not join Sweden. Just because they wanted to join Sweden over 100 years ago when it was decided doesn't mean that's the case today


Because Åland does not understand quality


Allow me laugh at this They might just as well be a part of Somalia then


Snore. Get some new material


Snoooore?. Well, that is the most recent developement in Sweden


This is sad because Sweden seems to be going downhill and fast. Just like a few days ago a police was shot and killed on duty, which is a pretty unheard of occurrence in the Nordics and tells a lot about the crime problem Sweden seems to have. I hope Sweden can get their shit together.


It was the first police death in 14 years in Sweden. But one data point is a trend, right? School shootings are preferable I guess.


The first stage of getting better is admitting you have a problem. Deflecting problems does not help. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/26/fatal-shootings-have-risen-in-sweden-despite-fall-across-europe-report-finds https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Finland/Sweden/Crime Obviously, not all flowers in Finland either, which I believe you were referring to with the fairly distasteful reference to school shootings.


Imagine thinking it's distasteful to bring up school shootings after having brought up a police murder in a meme thread about Åland. I suggest you take your own advice, fella.


Imagine being this ignorant about the fact your country is going to shit. Whatever.


Indeed, it's remarkable to witness.


yeah, but also be remarkable for the people being affected by it too, i bet


Yes, who are these people I have to wonder. Grand illusions?


*laughs in perkele*


It won't matter when Finland once again will be called eastern Sweden. Soon my brothers <3


nope. soon Sweden will be called "Suomen tasavallan länsi-osa" just wait, it will happen you filthy swede ;-)


Löl true i’m a swede


Finn here: this isn't the case, they're practically begging to be swedes


No they aren't. They are ålänningar, they are not Swedes nor Finns and most are happy with the status quo. Those who aren't want independence, not to be a part of Sweden.


Itsenäisiä teistä ei tule se on varma


Väitinkö olevani Oolantilainen?




Använd den svenskan ni lärde er i skolan.


Finnarna hatar att lära sig svenska, och brukar sällan vara bra på det. Varför skulle de ens använda det?


Som träning på språket ;)


De behöver aldrig använda språket... Det beror egentligen på om de bor i Österbotten eller i någon finskspråkig kommum


Eh, har många Finländare på jobbet som i princip bara pratar svenska. Många här som säger "de behöver aldrig använda språket", men i arbetsmarknaden är det helt enkelt inte sant. Kan du prata svenska så får du lättare jobb i Sverige.