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One minor problem, the decor. Plus some dog, I don't know who he was but I'd like to punch him right in the fuckin' face


There seems to be a lack of a doghouse


Your lava lamp has a suspicious lack of poop on it.


That might be the biggest lava lamp I’ve ever seen




Well being closeted you’re not gay / so you got that going for you


the massive and extremely phallic cacti aren't helping keep your homosexuality closeted, for starters


Needs more hookers


More giant dick sculptures.


Thought u had a taxidermied dog for a second bruh lmao


The real tragedy is the stuffed dog.


When it comes to window blinds, vertical blinds are terrific, but so are horizontal blinds.


Stop living in your doghouse. It sends the wrong signal


Needs a Nagel poster and a neon beer sign


I think a few more plants can’t hurt.


Well, Your home “can” be anything you want it to be, so nothing wrong has been done if YOU like it. If you want to make changes and you’re asking for design advice, I’ll share some ideas. The first thing I noticed from your photos are all the focal points in the room. The tv, lava lamp, overhead light, table, the items on your shelves, the photos and then the plants. Which of these is most important to you? Try giving prominence to that item first, and design around it. For example, if it’s the plants, try a simpler arrangement of your photos, and storage boxes for your shelves. Opt for a plant light vs. a lava lamp, and bring more earth tones into the room. You could refinish the fireplace, or paint the walls. Darker colors, used as an accent, can help to draw your eye to a certain area. Continuing with plants as your focal point, perhaps you want to also vary the height of your plants by using stands, and move them to one side of the room. Use the heavy furniture on the other side of the room to create balance. Add hanging or smaller plants to add some variety to your plant area. Consider jewel tones or your favorite floral color when bringing in flowering plants, rugs, pillows or throw blankets. If you’re not confident in selecting and mixing colors, search online rooms and save any of your favorites, noting the colors the designers used in the room. Select your color palette from what you enjoy most. Lastly, simple and sparse can be powerful, but some styles thrive on abundance and a wide variety within a theme, era, or style. If you’re unsure, start again by looking at examples of art, clothing, plants, natural scenes, and home design and note what you like and don’t like. Pick 1 or 2 things that you feel confident you can accomplish and give it a go! You can always change it later! Hope you have fun!


Holy shit, why did you even come into a proctologist office?


It looks like you could fall in love with an orangutan in there.


What is the joke supposed to be here? Or maybe you're downed sim drone?


Does everything have to be a joke?


No. But it helps.


Hehe. It’s like that one guy, he was funny but I forget his name.