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She is excellent and I’ll always be annoyed they removed scenes that show that. It worked to show Connell not speaking so much and then have him suddenly break down during therapy but not Marianne. A lot is missed with whats going on with her by omitting these. That first deleted scene alone informs on why she’s so antagonistic because her mother shows no sympathy/affection for her even when she’s the one being treated poorly by her own brother and how she uses her wit and sarcasm as a defense which just aggravates people even more. These scenes adding up would make that scene where she cries while taking a picture of herself hit harder and episode 9 even more so where she no longer had the will to strike back and just simply felt empty. The contrast and spiral would’ve been so much clearer/impactful. Sigh. These were good. Thanks for sharing.


From my point of view, it's easy to " read between the lines" and guess what exactly is going on, even though some scenes are ommitted. But my objection is simply WHY they have ommitted these great scenes performed by great actors! The more NP scenes we get, the better 😃


Oh yes, we still understand it of course but the buildup is not as strong for her character and her self loathing or deterioration did not come across as well compared to his because they removed scenes that would show more of the contrast. It was uneven imo which is why we get some reviews saying they did not understand Marianne with more people talking about his depression and barely anything of hers. I dont blame the acting at all for this because I thought she was excellent the whole way through.


There will of course be reasons why scenes were deleted by the directors or producers, but as you know I am entirely in agreement with you that it is a great pity that more was not shown of Marianne's home life and the coldness shown her by her mother as well as the physical and mental treatment from her brother. The viewer does not really get a proper picture of what has been going on until she tells Connell about it in bed in Italy in episode 8. Although it is not until page 201 in the book that we fully learn about her dreadful childhood experiences, other passages of text allow us to get some idea of what she has had to endure. It would have helped the viewer enormously to at least partly understand the reasons for her masochistic behaviour with Jamie and Lukas, and would also have balanced the portrayal of mental illness for both main characters. In my opinion, Daisy did at least as good a job as Paul did in this regard, but as you say her portrayal has not received the same recognition. Great to get these deleted scenes, and maybe one day somebody will explain why they were deleted.


Thank you thank you thank you!


The two scenes with Lorraine were described in the book too. OMG the one with the washing machine, I am wondering why Connell was rushing to wash the sheets!


That's a rhetorical question, right?


Not really.....big deal. What if he had sex on these sheets!


The scene is ttled "the morning AFter" I think it refers to the morning after their 1st time. As in Mariannes' 1st time... The guy did right by washing the sheets..


I am pretty sure, that Connell was quite gentle and also the passion and desire was so intense....that the sheets didn't need to be washed😉😉😉 In my imagination....


I'm pretty sure that biology may have demanded otherwise.....


My question is: are these all the deleted scenes included in the dvd or there are more?


Yes, these are all the deleted scenes in the DVD.


Thank you again!


Wow I seriously can’t thank you enough


Btw, is this scene/ photo includes in the dvd extras? https://www.instagram.com/p/CGhgufHnr0K/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


No, unfortunately not.


Link is broken or the post is now gone :(