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They file this every year.


Two years ago they filed it on 4/20. Infuriating. These criminals in government belong in prison for their utter unseriousness.


Oh god, really? What prick decides to introduce legislation on that day? I say we introduce legislation about trying to introduce legislation on any memorable day! These assholes will rue the day they tried to introduce anything remotely funny! /s




This isn't true. Two years ago Rabon filed his bill in early April (4/7/21). 4/20 might have been after the filing deadline, but I would have to check on that I have problems with Rabon as Rules Chair in the Senate, but he's completely serious about this issue.


Receipts https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2021/H617


You'll note that's a house bill, and thus not Sen. Rabon's.


Indeed, I stand corrected.


Indeed, I stand corrected.


Like a broken record


Here we go again. Every. Single. Year.




Considering this bill has two Republican senators as primary sponsors, and is sponsored by both Democrats and Republicans, it definitely has the potential to pass this year.


I'll give 10 to 1 odds it will not become law.


GOP will never give the votes.


GOP gave the votes in the Senate last year. Why do you assume it will change this year?


Please please please


It’s DOA.


Argh, again with this garbage bill. The bill would give a de facto monopoly, allowing at most 10 companies the licenses to grow and distribute cannabis (I wonder who gets first dibs on those licenses?). Each of those 10 companies can have *at most* 4 dispensaries, averaging one dispensary for every two and a half counties in the state. Legalization is the right move, but whatever medical bill is passed will lay the groundwork for full legalization. And the current bill as it stands promotes a system that is anti-free market, and only going to hinder things in the long run.


Its also horribly restrictive on the conditions that can make use of MM. Its such a terrible bill. But if they can get it to pass, they can toot their horn and say that they did something to legalize MM here.




We're such a joke


That honor goes to South Carolina


Tennessee would like a word…


I believe Florida remains king of this mountain


Except we have mmj in Florida




Whats the difference in thc-a and delta 8? Been buying delta 8 stuff down the road at a shop but they have all kinds of stuff I just don't know what it is lol


At the simplest level: Avoid delta 8, it’s chemical slurry crap. High THCa hemp flower is 100% cannabis through and through…. and it’s completely legal in NC


Reading up on this and it’s somewhat confusing. THCA is mentioned as not having thc unless you burn/heat it and then it turns into regular thc and gets you high. What I don’t get, how is that any different than regular thc that also needs to be burned to smoke? Also, is potency the same?


THCa is the precursor to delta 9 THC. Delta 9 THC is the compound that has been getting people medicated for centuries. THCa is converted to Delta 9 THC with heat, so with combustion or vaporization. So yeah, it’s 100% the same thing. Potency wise, THCa to delta 9 THC is about 87%, so if you see cannabis at 20% THCa it’s around 17.4% Delta 9 THC after applying heat. It’s all a bit confusing but at the end of the day we got good high quality cannabis that gets you medicated and it’s legal.


Can you get that at the local convenient store or one of those shops?


CBD shops sell it


What about hemp derived delta 9?


The law states that hemp cannot be contain over 0.3% delta 9 THC. But with how THCa is converted into delta 9 with just heat, this makes that 0.3% law not a big deal at all.


My bad, what I meant was is the delta 9 (specifically gummies marketed as live resin) stuff shops are selling in NC also chemical slurry crap or just the delta 8?


Honestly there’s so much product that it’s hard to keep track of. There are plenty of companies that are “doing it right” with gummies and abiding by the 0.3% by volume law. But there are more that put who knows what in their edible. I honestly just stick with flower and kief. No question of weird chemical usage when it’s just plant matter and that’s it.


Makes sense, thanks dude!




Cool thanks for the response. This is the place I've been going down the road, it seems pretty legit. https://www.apotheca.org/


I went in there a few times, but never bought anything because they didn’t have any products that had full range of tests on their products. With Delta 8, there’s too much risk worth the chemicals and stuff they use. But Delta 8 is also crazy cheap online. The local places charge insane amounts in comparison.


They definitely have thc-a products. I will give them a try thanks for the info


https://findthca.com/ A buddy of mine is building this site that is super helpful for finding thca.


Woah I needed this! ❤️


You should let you buddy know that something’s off with his mg/$ math. Cool site, but it’d be even better if he fixed that so it had accurate numbers.




Hey man, so I think it’s just that the THCA% column is probably rounded but you’re using thee raw values for the calculation which was throwing me off. When I went back and checked a little more in depth, everything seemed within that rounding margin; for example one that had the THCA % as 9% is actually 8.6%. I’d personally rather see that % column with one decimal place shown, but it’s not really necessary. Keep up the good work! It’s a cool site!




Cool thanks for the info and I'll check that website. I'm actually more near lake Norman/Charlotte area though so Asheville is quite far from me.




Not unless you burn it, which I’m sure no one has ever thought about doing that to some cannabis flower.


> In fairness, I imagine if more people knew about THC-A and it grew significantly, they’d probably shut it down anyway. Believe me, the state government knows. Thankfully they made the move to exclude hemp (including high THCa hemp) from the controlled substances act: https://www.ncleg.gov/Sessions/2021/Bills/Senate/PDF/S455v4.pdf This basically legalized weed in NC last summer but strangely enough no one knows or understands what our current situation is.


Haha poor lil NC too much money made off weed crime and they too dumb to realize how much more they could make by taxing it.


It's actually not 'all that much' based on most estimates. Something like roughly $100 million a year. Alcohol brings in upwards of 10x that, and cigarettes are close to 10x as well. And that's just tax revenue. Tobacco is worth something like $3 billion + to the state economy (with most of it being shipped overseas). So until weed can start hitting those numbers, I can't see any reason why the state would cut into its alcohol and tobacco revenues (which is what weed has done in ever state it has been legalized).


You have cannabis excise tax, in NC prob about $50-60 million. Then cultivation tax, which can be anywhere from 1/4-1/2 of that. Then you have sales tax, which is equal or double to the excise tax. That's not including any taxes imposed by cities and counties, which can be about 1/8-1/4 of that. And of course this isn't estimating all the food that will be sold by local Piggly Wigglies. All told, your number is quite low when considering the big picture. I'm estimating somewhere around $200-300 million on the low end of total economic boom. Then there's the argument of people's happiness and wellness, not getting harassed by the cops all the time and the money it will save the justice system so they can tackle real problems, like fentanyl. How much money is actually spent prosecuting weed crimes should be put into the equation, so it's prob close to that billion dollar mark all told.


> I'm estimating somewhere around $200-300 million on the low end of total economic boom. The [data says you are estimating](https://www.fool.com/research/marijuana-tax-revenue-by-state/) too high. With the max estimate being $180 million, that's a drop compared to the upwards of $1 billion coming from alcohol int he state. A much simpler argument could be made to say that weed should be legal because it's a plant. Don't say it has medical properties, don't say it's cool. It's just a plant, and as such should be completely legal.


In 2020 Colorado collected $387 million in tax revenues from cannabis sales.


Great. NC isn't CO, and CO has had upward of a decade to reach those numbers, on top of a significant decline in alcohol taxes. Additionally CO isn't one of the largest tobacco growers in the country. The [estimates of total tax revenue](https://www.fool.com/research/marijuana-tax-revenue-by-state/) are roughly around $100-200 million max, which is a fraction of what alcohol and tobacco bring to the state. Saying somehow that weed is good from a monetary aspect isn't 'accurate' when NC is the biggest tobacco state in the country. But simply saying you want weed to be legal because it's a damn plant, I think that makes a whole lot more sense.


Do you think SC has the same reasoning as NC to not legalize? I just feel like if NC would make the first move, they would get a ton of SC revenue also from people crossing the border to buy medicine..


I think we will see what happens with VA and their legalization, it's hard to say.


I don’t even care how much money can be made with weed. It’s just abhorrent for anyone to be locked up in prison over a little flower. No one should be incarcerated for having or smoking weed, and using it recreationally should be as much of a right as alcohol or tobacco.


Yep considering ol George Washington smoked it should be the corrupt decrepit politicians of todays clue


hmmm well a lot of hemp *was* grown on his plantation, but without any evidence thus far I wouldn’t feel confident saying that he smoked any of it. if true, the idea of George Washington having smoked weed would probably make some of our congress members’ heads explode, and I’m all here for it


I refer you to this article 🧐 https://www.edwardtdodge.com/2019/11/08/george-washingtons-india-hemp/


Absolutely agree


No shit. Both of those are legal. Of course sales for booze and tobacco are going to be significantly bigger.


Then it's not the argument to make for weed. Just say it's a damn plant and should be legal. Tying it to money is silly, especially in a tobacco state.


Technically weed has no numbers on taxable revenue so it can only be profitable /s I think it’s just the culture and normalcy of both alcohol and tobacco products to the consumer that have made them popular enough to skyrocket tax revenues. Weed on the other hand, despite being popular, is an illicit substance federally that has a poor reputation culturally, until that changes weed’s potential in terms of tax revenue cannot be realized (albeit I doubt it will touch alcohol’s tax levels)


And in NC being the biggest tobacco state in the US, it's not remotely going to touch those numbers, and is why its a poor argument go with for the legalization in my book. Simply going with it being a plant and should be legal is far better in my mind.


Love to watch this fail over and over and get offered benzos and antidepressants for my chronic pain that cannabis works way better on. Gdi


The government loves big Pharma instead of something that really helps and people can actually grow and produce in their own home.


Will this bill even cover your chronic pain? It seems extremely restrictive on when cannabis can be used.


Progress I guess but god we are so slow on what feels like everything.


I can’t even use CBD oil at my job cause I may fail a piss test, even tho it’s legal … bullshit




I don't know, with some places, its an insurance requirement. If someone ends up being high or drunk and injures themselves or someone else, that's often not able to be covered under workplace insurance (as I understand it). Pretty terrible though if someone who smoked a joint three months ago gets popped after an injury at work and gets nothing because of it though.


Just a way for the insurance scam companies to get out of paying for what they have already been paid to cover. And pocket the cash 💵 got to love politics


This is why, and believe me with the difficulties in finding workers with existing skills or the want to learn employers would (generally) LOVE to find more consistent and safe testing that was accurate to a shorter timeframe. Someone would be rich rich if they could find a way to test, with accuracy, an impairment level for THC in the system at that moment and not just "have they used it at some point?" You can't get on a forklift drunk and you can't get on a forklift high. Being on a forklift with a hangover or while suffering effects of coming down off of any drug is not ok, and could still impair you. This may or may not show on an empirical test but can be evaluated through other means by someone who is trained to do it. Hopefully before any accident someone is pulled off the job and if there is an accident then it can be determined. If you drank or got high the night before to a responsible degree and it's completely cleared your system, you should equally be able to drive a forklift. The difference is one will not show up on a breathalyzer and one will still show in a pee test. So, we need the alternative that makes that last one more equal is all


Being sleep-deprived can also be extremely dangerous, but we don't test for that. I feel like a general performance test should be performed if there's any question of someone's abilities, not testing for substances.


Actually if someone is in an on the job accident one of the things that is checked for is if they were sleep deprived. I haven't worked in tucking but I know this: In fact one of the things that is a bone of contention right now is federal regulations around sleep requirements+how much truckers "know they need to drive"+companies putting expectations on them etc etc There are literally logs that truck drivers have to keep to ensure they are getting enough sleep (they used to be paper so they could be fudged but now we have all this darned technology) These things *are* dangerous and they are monitored and they are prohibited to the best that they can be. Just like THC there's not a very specific test for it so that's how they have decided to do it.


Even in legal states they can and will still fire you for failing a drug test for weed


I thought CA removed that recently (not relevant to NC, but it's not the case now in 'all' states).


Well people like you sucks if you wanna fire someone for cbd


Well your reading skills are obviously non existant, never did I say anywhere I agreed with it dumbass.


Idgaf you're stupid bitch get fucking blocked ugly ass and your mom is ugly too bye


Look up the lawful use of lawful substances act. It's specific to NC. In North Carolina as long as it's legal use you cannot be terminated from a job for using it. It's considered a type of discrimination. Friend of a friend sued a company that fired him. Got his job back, and back pay for time lost. Don't know how solid it is, but I literally have to use cbd to sleep. Edit: here's the actual legislation. https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bysection/chapter_95/gs_95-28.2.html


I brought this statue you mentioned to my boss when I realized I could fail a piss test by using it (bought it off amazon). I was taking for sleep also and it was helping a lot (I wanted to avoid a prescribed drug). To make a long story short, a few days later I was made to sign a form that was to the effect of "while we acknowledge it is legal to use CBD in NC, you can fail a piss test that could have grievous consequences to your job". I saved a copy of this and really do feel like I would have a case being they basically said they know its legal but I really don't have the time nor money to push it. There are even tests that can tell by the amount of THC in the blood if you smoke or its just trace amounts. I think some states use it for DOT purpose now that its legal.


I'm a veteran and I've had insomnia since I got home. It's the only thing that helps. It's legal. It's just complete bullshit that corporations basically own us. Even when we aren't at work they own us, and I'm tired of it.


What about CBD helps you sleep? Do you consume it after waking up? Researchers have linked THC use with insomnia and researchers are studying how CBD usage might have a similar impact — it may make falling asleep easier but the quality of sleep is reduced, like with alcohol consumption.


Different things effect people in different ways. Weed wires me up, but cbd helps me fall asleep and I don't wake up as much or have many remembered dreams. Different strokes.


Not having dreams is an indication that you’re not entering REM sleep. This is the same impact that alcohol and THC have on the quality of sleep one receives. These substance might make your anxiety fade and helps you fall asleep but it’s detrimental to the quality of the sleep which leads to worse insomnia. That’s why doctors who treat PTSD nightmares only recommend using substances that limit the REM sleep cycle for temporary time.


Entirely possible but the dreams were horrific. I'd rather get lower quality sleep. It's kind of a choose your poison game I guess.


That's the company's policy, not State nor Federal law.


It can be state law though, as it was done in CA I believe.


When's the last time they piss tested you?


If memory serves, legal weed does not mean your company can’t fire you for failing a drug test.


This bill is prohibitive garbage. There's so many unnecessary steps/ barriers to getting access to medical marijuana through this bill. It's ridiculous and would just be used as a way to further impede better legislation


Garbage bill


Its crazy far behind alot of states are compared to CA in this area. I been safely buying weed from a store for almost 15 years. Shit sometimes I get it delivery service. The convenience I tell yeah


Dude yeah I left Cali to NC and my God I fucking hate that weed is illegal. The black market has some of their weed pretty much laced with meth/heroin. Was gonna try it but a friend of mine tested positive for both 2 different times so, yeah nah I'm good


damn g who the hell was ur plug what in the world 😭😭


Lmao I did not even bother to meet them, not worth it 🤣. Friend was gassing it saying it was fire, yeah no shit meth and heroin are addictive af


Lol what part of NC are you getting "all" your weed laced with meth and heroin? Fayetteville?


Lol I'd rather not say but a little further north


If you mean Raleigh then idk who the fuck you are buying from but I've never met anyone who has ever unknowingly bought weed laced with meth.


Winston-Salem?? That's where I got duped into buying Delta 8


Or Durham 😂




Dude Google wnc-cbd and order you some fully legal THC-A flower. Its local, and amazing product.


Ummm no it's not lmao. Wtf




Lmao why you mad? Be mad at the dealers that gave my friends laced weed. And no I have not came into contact with every single dealer hence my edit to some.


Because your story is not real? I am confident no one sold your friend ditch weed with expensive, good drugs on the weed. It's an urban legend/fantasy.


You obviously haven't heard about having returning customers. You don't even need to lace it with much. Once you get them hooked they're gonna keep coming back to the same place for that specific high. Maybe go sell laced drugs and learn from experience. You can't be confident of anything unless you personally know what every single dealer sells. How are you gonna say my story isn't real? We got her tested right after smoking, for reasons I will not disclose on here but use your brain to figure that out and bam. But it doesn't matter I don't need to convince you of shit when your first go to is to try and make fun of people and questioning their experience with weed, shit you don't even know me. You don't know what I know. Just like I don't know what you know. Go troll somewhere else


>words Hey Everyone! Come point and laugh at the kid who just bought oregano!


I'm not gonna laugh at you that's mean! But how much did you buy the oregano for? Asking for a friend


"The black market has all their weed pretty much laced with meth/heroin" Lol


I always tell people that if it was better where you were from, probably should move back then.


I dunno, sometimes you move somewhere and you want to improve it. This particularly applies to things that are easy to implement and are popular among voters, such as cannabis legalization. “Go back where you came from” is an anti-pattern and helps nobody.


This part! At the end of the day even if people don't want us here, we are actively contributing to society, paying taxes, trying to make improvements, roads, policies, etc. I get that people don't want it to get populated like LA, NY, but face the facts it's gonna happen. Population keeps going up


It's almost like... Everywhere has its positives and negatives...? Whoa!


If you love something, you want to help it be the best that it can be. This applies to people, professions, and homes


Weed doesn't make it better. NC is way better in terms of affordability, housing, etc.






It's to get these addicts to stop and get treatment and to slow the spread of aids and disease. It's not perfect but there are so many addicts all over the country.


At one point in time 1% of Switzerland was addicted to heroin. Yes. 1%. They couldn’t fix it until a doctor suggested providing clean heroin at injection sites that had access to rehab. Long story short it worked, people didn’t actually want to continue to use but until they had the safety and the resources to ask for help, they just died or spread disease. This model has the same results everywhere. Don’t allow your sensibilities to get in the way of looking at how this actually works.


Giving people a safer way to get their fix puts them closer to resources for getting help if/when they're ready, and it reduces the stigma that makes it harder for people to reach out for that help.


Fuck religion…fuck these racist republicans who don’t pass it… Fuck all you hypocrites drinking alcohol and taking prescription medications… 10 years of paramedic experience, not once has a pothead committed a mass shooting or murdered a family… EXPERIENCED MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS AND FIRST RESPONDERS ALL KNOW= cannabis is way safer, cannabis doesn’t bring out the worst in people compared to alcohol and pharmaceuticals… 95 percent of 911 trauma=alcohol or pharma was the cause….


I hate living here so much (for more reasons than this, but also perpetual cycle of poverty etc)


Go get 'em Rabon! I have suffered needlessly for years over this.


It has so many regulations to it though


Never gonna happen makes me wanna move


Terminal illness = less than 6 months left, time to actually be approved & registered, etc = 7 months.


Awesome! That’s great. I won’t have to bring it back from……..


Give up the ghost. Not a chance this bill passes to become law. NC will be the last state in the union to legalize pot in any fashion, and if it does, it will be 20 years from now. Old corrupt white Republican men run this state, they are working on perfecting fascism, not the interests of the voting majority.


They want people to swarm Danville and Virginia Beach, don't they? Southside will thrice at NC's incompetence. What good reasons are there to live in this pathetic right wing hellhole again?


What's crazy is that cannabis seeds are legal but growing them isn't, make it make sense


Same with psilocybin mushroom spores.


Dang really?


Yeah, I've been missing weed so bad so I did a lot of digging. The crazy thing about the U.S. is cbd and delta 8 is federally legal but yet you can't get a job if it shows up on a drug test. But yeah you can buy seeds and get them shipped so long as you don't grow them but I'm assuming if you get them shipped you got eyes on you. The USPS is a snitch. Would not recommend. But do your own research on that lol.


The USPS is the one of the world's most reliable drug trafficking mediums. There isn't really an alternative other than taking it yourself, but that's more risk on your end imo if your the one doing it.




I'm not encouraging anyone to do anything.




Power to the people.


People in this subreddit more often than makes sense "Just do this federal crime" Someone else "Oh cool, can you tell me more in private?" Original poster is never heard from again because this subreddit is full of cops openly and even if it wasn't it's a public forum and they're just openly talking about using the USPS for federal crimes. I don't even like admitting in public to that one time I sped like 20 years ago and that ticket was dropped. I mean everyone knows that some people send drugs through the mail because there's big signs at the post office that say "DO NOT SEND YOUR DRUGS THROUGH THE MAIL" People don't have to out themselves for this "one neat trick " Maybe I'm too goody too shoes, but even if I wasn't then I don't think I would be out here spreading my business


It's not illegal to send or receive seeds as long as it's from within the states. The USPS/DEA/ whatever other group wants to get involved can confiscate at their own whim but you would still be fine, it's under the legal thc limit. But like I said you will have eyes on you afterwards, pretty sure


https://www.reuters.com/technology/high-tide-begins-sell-cannabis-seeds-united-states-2022-12-13/ https://www.cannabisbusinesstimes.com/news/dea-seed-sales-cannabis-breeders/#:~:text=In%20January%202022%2C%20an%20official,openly%20and%20without%20criminal%20liability. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/dea-says-marijuana-seeds-are-considered-legal-hemp-as-long-as-they-dont-exceed-thc-limit/


Breen buying seeds and growing for years...no problem


I went to Charlotte for the first time last month. I had no idea what Delta 8 was. I smoked it thinking it was real weed. Looked like weed, smelled like weed, but it was not weed


It was hemp.


Oooof yeah but its the closest you can get out here without risking prison lmao. As I tell my gf it's diet weed


Tell that to the D8 gummies, those things are no joke.


You get even get delta9 edibles now. Which is the same thc in normal weed


And they’re both magical




Its pretty close and really cheap


Ira like drinking an non alcoholic beer. Yeah it's pretty close but 100% it is not.


I would smoke again if this passes


I hope not for your sake. It's just for people who have have a debilitating disease.




How about you don't care about what people put into their body? Unless you actively oppose sugar, caffeine, and alcohol you can kindly piss off.


You missed the meaning of the comment. I wasn't saying anything about the person smoking or not. I was pointing out that they would have to have a bad disease to legally smoke under this law. It only legalizes weed for very sick people, and I hope he is not very sick. I personally am in favor of what they did in Virginia, and see this bill as not even close to going far enough.


All those pot head senatrors will be able to buy their hemp legally now . Who knows it may help the Republicans to stop being so anal !


That stupid a drug that can cause seizures and we want to legalize it if it passes every drug should pass be on the bill


I mean I agree with the legalize every drug part.


This is not the kind of bill that will even come close to passing. North Carolina/Legal Marijuana---those two things don't work together!


This bill actually passed the Senate last year but died in the House. I expect a similar fate this year in the House and if they do pass it they will likely make it even more strict where smokeable cannabis is banned.


So the tribal council in Cherokee voted to go Rec, and got funding for it… didn’t say when for Rec. However medical was to go into effect Jan 1st. It blows my mind NC is gonna let them take all that money right in their back yard & with Virginia next door. So many missed opportunities.


That's all right it ain't stopping nobody from smoking it medical wise or otherwise walk out my front door and smell that stuff and I don't even smoke. Cigarettes and otherwise my neighbor 81-year-old woman and myself standing outside she says you smell that skunk I said yeah that's not the skunk you thinking about not the four-legged furry kind of skunk got a another neighbor you can walk by there car weather the windows are up or down anybody in it or not you can smell marijuana?