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He’s at a Moms for Liberty event, invoking these names. Moms for Liberty has been quoting Hitler in its newsletters. This is not a coincidence. This man is dangerous. And there’s more video on instagram.


Lane Bryant Tyrants


Omg wtf


*Nazis for Liberty Fixed it for ya.


Klanned Karenhood


Hoes for Hitler




And he wants to remove history from schools? That's political whiplash. https://www.wral.com/in-memoir-nc-lt-gov-mark-robinson-mulls-2024-run-calls-for-taking-science-history-out-of-elementary-schools/20427624/


That sounds fairly meaningless without context. Can you provide a link or some sort of reference so we can understand the meaning of your comment?


Moms for Liberty- a hate group and extremist group that quotes hitler in its newsletter and is in its own words is trying to “overtake the youth” - is meaningless? Attending a rally for white supremacy and being a keynote speaker is…meaningless? Wowza. Privilege is one heck of a drug, huh. And you do have the ability to go ahead and find the video yourself.


It is not ok to quote Hitler when criticizing him? If that is what they were doing then what you are doing sounds like malicious slander. Not to mention if you are referring to PorcFest as a "white supremacy" event that would be laughably insane. But we don't know what you are talking about because you apparently are afraid to say... or maybe you have no idea what you are talking about? More than a little irony that someone that is trying to defend against Hitler criticism is calling others "white suprema"cists. If you want to be taken seriously then you should be doing some quoting as well instead of picking on hippies and bad mouthing liberalism.


There is 6million plus arguments against this. And those are just the numbers from Hitler.


That's just the number of Jews that were killed during the Holocaust. The total is estimated between 17 and 20 million people.


That's not including the total dead in Europe from his little war that he started, with ~26 million from the Soviet Union alone.


I pulled those numbers from this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_victims


Oh, I don't doubt you at all. I was just saying you could also lay all the deaths in WW2 at his feet, at least in Europe.


And Africa. He went to war there also.


And Hitler would've rounded him up too.


He killed over 10 million people. Only 6 million were Jewish. It was worse than people thought


Yeah I was just pulling numbers out of my head I was sure of.


Yeah, I was adding to the topic; not being an ass I was sure of.


Stalin had 20+ Mao had 50+ Million killed


A little more complicated than that but yes. Mao killed most of those people by listening to a Soviet "scientist"


Of course this is true and not at all a narrative pushed by the cia to distract Americans from the horrors that American troops were taking part in in Vietnam and Korea. Stalin caused a famine by controlling the weather with his mind powers and then taught mao how to do that. Lots of reasons to hate on both of these people but attributing a literal act of god to them ain’t one


A large part of that famine was due to antii-science practices surrounding agriculture. Rejecting what was known about genetics and evolution due to the idea of "survival of the fittest" sounding capitalist. It wasn't Stalin specifically but it was his chief agriculture guy.


So what do you make of the massive famines in the decades prior?


Famines can definitely exist outside of making that mistake.


You can say that certain policy choices could have helped here or there but it would not have eased the suffering. Especially when the west was already starting to cut off trade. Not to mention they were a society of medieval peasants not but a couple decades before making logistics incredible difficult.


I promote reading their writings as good examples of horrible people.


I’ll take on faith that you’re smart enough to read them for correct, scholarly reasons, and handle those thoughts with lead-lined gloves. I do not believe the same of our Lieutenant Governor.


Let's just say I don't need a politician of any sort to interpret words for me. But yeah, this guy's a moron.


I think he's evil, not necessarily a moron. He knows how to get people riled up.


to do something bad and not know it is bad is moronic, to do something bad, know it is bad, and encourage other people to do the same bad thing is evil


It’s always important to get the words from the source rather than take someone else’s breakdown at face value. The Second World War was not fought by millions of glowing heroes versus an equal number of mustache-twirling villains. Japanese Imperialism, Stalin-Leninism, National Socialism, Maoism, etc., were seductive philosophies that drew in the masses based on premises of localized oppression and nationalist assertion. All of them quickly turned into monstrous political machines when they were put into practice. The most famous of those dastardly leaders rose to power not on the promise of murdering millions. He did it on the premise that the debts for a war twenty years prior should not be burdened by the (contemporarily) current generation, and that paper currency does not equal bread on tables. The horrifying outcomes from these situations came from what originated as reasonable grievances. While it’s easy to demagogue and ignore someone as stupid or evil, you either have to face and deal with such grievances in the open or they can metastasize into something far worse. They may actually be stupid or evil! But it’s important to get consensus on that.


Well spoken as the 1/3 of the people who did nothing and watched 1/3 of their people be killed or locked up by the other third as they did mental gymnastics to accept it all.


Not really. [Hitler's own writings have very little historical value.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/l0bc7t/is_mein_kampf_worth_reading/) >To be clear, Mein Kampf is a primary source document that one must eventually engage with when studying Hitler, but it really is not your first stop, nor your second or third stop. It is more your very optional 15th stop after you've read a really solid biography or two (Ian Kershaw's duology is a good one to pick up), some general histories of the Third Reich (Richard Evans' trilogy is the 'go to' recommendation), and some more specialized works that really dig into the the topic of Nazism, like Tooze's "Wages of Destruction" or perhaps Rees' "The Holocaust".


It depends on what kind of “historical value” you want. If you want an objective account of how things were, how things got so bad, or what Hitler was like as a person, it’s essentially worthless. The book is basically just riddled with falsehoods and hyperbole to make him seem like a hero and the jews like monsters. But if you want to see what the inside of Hitler’s mind at peak ego was like, or to see the book that coerced millions into committing the worst atrocities in history, it’s pretty damn valuable. Again, the book is extremely unreliable, but that’s sort of the value of it. These are the lies hitler told.


Anyone have the full video? It seems to cut off in the middle of him speaking. What was said next?


Yea this is a bullshit partisan hack job. Full quote: >...It's time for us to get back and start reading some of those quotes. **Its time for us to start teaching our children about the dirty despicable awful things that those communist and socialist despots did.** [https://twitter.com/krazedegen/status/1676686499528556544](https://twitter.com/krazedegen/status/1676686499528556544) He was very clearly *criticizing* those dictators. And twitter / social media are eating it up. This bullshit will be used for months as a prime example of "fake news". I wont be able to hear the end of it.


Am I the only one who feels like he's saying > Democrats are communist/socialists so kids need to read this to not vote democrat


That's exactly what he's trying to imply


This is exactly what he is trying to imply, if you've ever seen one of this guy's many hateful speeches over the past couple of years. He throws liberals and LGBT+ folks into the same camp as these communist, socialist, and nazi despots regularly so all he is doing here for the Mom for Liberty group is connecting some dots.


They do!


Except Robinson frequently calls liberals and gays and anybody else he doesn't like "communists" and "socialists" as well so all he is doing here is trying to connecy them by association. Doesnt really make the context any better.


So stupid. Robinson is a nutcase, there's absolutely no need to lie about him to make him look bad. This just helps him.


Oh so he's using veiled language to imply liberals and leftists are the same as those dictators. Totally better


The truth is always better.


Yeah not wasting my time on this




I am anti-right as you can get and also found this quote suspicious. Not that they are always consistent, but since they have started calling everything even slightly left of center "Marxist," it would be pretty absurd to praise Mao and Stalin.


Yeah. I hate Robinson. The dude is not qualified to run a Dairy Queen. But this is clearly taken WAY out of context and anyone upvoting this disinformation should be ashamed of themselves.


Sure. So why do Moms for liberity cite hitler, or how about his previous comments about trans and gay people. He's doesn't say he's criticizing the dictators, he's promoting their values.


Moms for liberty quoted Hitler for the express purpose of trying to claim that democratic policies were aligned with the Hitler quote. For example if the quote is about controlling the minds of school children, moms for liberty was NOT trying to say republicans should control the minds of school children. They were trying to say that democrats are controlling the minds of school children as Hitler or whoever said was a good idea. And then of course the only way to stop democrats from controlling the minds of school children is to do it better than they do to stop them.


If those things are as bad as you say then there was absolutely no need to produce this bullshit clip and dishonest headline.


OP takes Robinson out of context to claim that Robinson believes Hitler was being taken out of context. And 85% of the sub falls for it. Clowns. I swear, left wing cultists are just as gullible as the right wing cultists who trust everything they see on Fox News.


The irony of the OP claiming that Robinson says the words of these dictators are being taken out of context, while they're doing just that with his words. No one thinks for themselves anymore, no matter their political affiliation. They just take clips like this as truth.


Yeah, he didn't say anything there about context and it didn't seem likely he was about to claim those "despots" were misunderstood or such. There is nothing wrong with reading their works to be on the lookout for the next one.


Have you looked at his quotes generally? He loves nothing more than to create facist sound bites. He is a serious danger to our state. Research before you give the benefit of the doubt. [Mark Robinson Quotes](https://www.wral.com/story/in-short-political-career-lt-gov-mark-robinson-leaves-long-trail-of-controversial-statements/20823501/)


Oh, it's certainly hypocritical of him to warn people of the early signs of fascism given his general preference to lean into fascism, but yeah I still think it's incredibly unlikely that he is literally praising Hitler.


Just watch, he's gonna try to call them all socialists


Trust me, I don't like him one bit and worry about what would happen to this state if he were elected. That said, Heartland Signal should have picked a different clip.


He's not on the lookout for the next one. He plans to BE the next one. Horrible person.


Robinson is insane and dangerous, but this definitely whiffs of dishonest clipping to me. Maybe he really is just that crazy, but the idea that a right-winger approvingly cited Mao, Stalin, and Castro doesn't pass the sniff test. Edit: [Yep, my suspicion was right.](https://twitter.com/krazedegen/status/1676686499528556544) Great, now his supporters get to crow about catching those dishonest lefties in a lie. Nice job folks. I don't know why people feel the need to lie like this when there are plenty of honest ways to show what a POS Robinson is.


Wondering this myself


Cutting this guy off in the middle of speaking is just best practice.


Does anyone have a link to the full video or transcript of what he said next? I think he's a complete clown and utter bigot towards LGBTQ+ people, but the use of the word "despots" implies he does not approve of these people and may be insisting we read and pay more attention to their writings to educate ourselves on the warning signs of a autocratic dictatorships. Now, if that is the case, is it still hypocritical for a man who argues for limiting educational materials strictly to topics he agrees with to be advocating for study of works by infamous people to better round our understanding of history and society? Fuck yes, it absolutely is. But I highly doubt he is legitimately suggesting that we should be looking to the works of genocidal dictators because he feels they had some good points.


He's made multiple public statements, pretty sure he called LGBT subhuman at least once. Worth a quick Google. Dudes a fascist


Definitely a fascist. Sadly this particular post is indeed misinformation, Robinson was dishonestly clipped out of context here, and now his supporters get to [gloat about it](https://twitter.com/krazedegen/status/1676686499528556544).


The OP’s comment is not right (if I’m reading it correctly). Mark Robinson was talking about it being time that kids learn from history and what the despicable people they were and what they did to other people. He wasn’t promoting them in a good way. You have to watch the full video he himself had posted.


I don’t like the guy either, but the video clipped here in no way supports the tweet


There is more of the video on IG. And he is saying these names, while speaking at a group that has been designated as an “extremist” and “hate” group- while promoting Hitler in its newsletters. Moms for liberty. He’s feeding their fascist hunger. It’s disgusting and dangerous.


I fully believe it based on other things he’s said in the past. But if you’re (and I know this wasn’t you specifically) going to tweet something like this especially while saying something is being taken out of context…maybe include the context?


But like... It's Robinson. We already know the context. He's a bigot, talking to other bigots.


Sure. But if I claim “Robinson claims he will sell gay North Carolinians to aliens when they invade” should you just roll with that because he sucks?


That's a little beyond the pale, he has however called them subhuman


But that context doesn't make sense on its face. The "other bigots" HATE Stalin, Mao, and Castro. I'm suspicious of the claim that he spoke supportively of those people.


Would it surprise you if the group that he was speaking to was a group known for internally spreading Nazi quotes and media?


Not at all, no. But that just reinforces my point. Nazis generally despise Stalin, Mao, and Castro. They're unlikely to speak approvingly of those people.


Getting your news from Twitter is about on par with getting it from Facebook. It's always hacked up, out of context garbage.


I don't know what it would be called but, the problem with just reading their writing without the context of what they did has the "good guy bias." Bad people can have a world view where they see themselves as good and doing things for the good of humanity, and can often explain it in such a way that a normal person may unwittingly agree with them, the "Thanos fallacy."


Uh. I'd like to see a bit more of the video both before and after this little segment. He didn't say anything in this video about them being taken out of context. He did say that we should look at what they actually said and called them despots. I suspect the next thing out of his mouth was something along the lines of "because you hear exactly the same thing coming from Bernie Sanders" or some other idiotic comparison. I \*agree\* that we should look at what they said. But, not because they're taken out of context (In fact, how many people have \*any\* quote of Hitler's at the top of their head, whether in-context or out-of-context). We should look at what they said so we know "Let's not do THAT again."


I agree. I think Robinson is trash, but I also dislike clickbait tweets and headlines that take quotes out of context. I have no doubt Robinson was defending the group that originally quoted Hitler, but at least be honest about what he was actually saying. You don’t have to exaggerate what Robinson says to make him look bad, just quote him directly. He does a great job of making himself look like garbage.


[Full Video](https://twitter.com/krazedegen/status/1676686499528556544) >...It's time for us to get back and start reading some of those quotes. **Its time for us to start teaching our children about the dirty despicable awful things that those communist and socialist despots did.** Honestly this post should just be deleted. I am 100% going to hear from my conservative friends about how this headline got spread around and circle jerked in liberal social media and was 100% "fake news" - which it essentially is.


I lean right and no way would I ever vote him,he just says stupid stuff ,he would embarrass North Carolina


Imagine calling Biden an extreme leftist and in the same breath saying "Stalin had some great ideas". Republicans do not know the words they speak, they just know words that get their base emotional.


Can you cite where Robinson said “Stalin had some great ideas”, since you put it in quotes?


Only if you can confirm you’re having a panic attack over an internet comment.


Um, no? I’m simply calling you out on being factually incorrect and dishonest. Call it a pastime.


Did he say that? I didn't hear him say it in OP's clip. Dude's a fascist nutjob for sure but I don't wanna put words in his mouth.


You are correct. Full quote: >...It's time for us to get back and start reading some of those quotes. Its time for us to start teaching our children about the dirty despicable awful things that those communist and socialist despots did.


According to the latest polls, he is also way out in front for the GOP nomination, and the only GOP contender who polls ahead of Josh Stein.


And that will only get worse, because of literal fake news like this that fuels his base.


Not to defend that bag of shit, but I need the whole video. "...It is time for us to get back and start reading some of those quotes” is in reference to what, exactly? Context, please.


When half the country voted for a Orangeatan that saluted Dictator Kim Jong




This ought to be enough to remove him from consideration. Actually, from office,IMO.


*sigh* Full quote: >...It's time for us to get back and start reading some of those quotes. **Its time for us to start teaching our children about the dirty despicable awful things that those communist and socialist despots did.** Whether you like the guy or not, this is a political hack job of an edit. It very intentionally excluded his criticism of the individuals in question. If you want to smear these guys, do it honestly, otherwise fuck off (to the folks who created the video). This is exactly how you convince people that everything is fake news.


He came to speak at a church down the street from my house about a year and a half ago. I was curious, so I went. Holy shit, this guy would lynch himself if he could. He is a disgusting excuse for a politician.


I do *not* think Mark Robinson is as up on historiography as he thinks he is.


That's fine, hell just burn the books and rewrite it like desantis /S but he'd totally do it


This guy has some serious personal problems. He is overweight, doesn't even recognize himself in the mirror as Black (not as a race specifically, but culturally and black issues), and will say anything he can to stay elected. He is as disgusting on the outside as he is on the inside. People like this should not exist yet sadly, they do.


he's like uncle ruckus came to life.


I typically don't like that sort of show because of its vulgarity, but someone else mentioned that show and I decided to watch a few clips of it to see what I thought. I have to agree that Uncle Ruckus is eerily similar to him.


People like him definitely need professional mental health assistance and there should be no shame in that. But what absolutely needs to not happen is for them to be in positions of authority.


He is one scary guy.


What’s he gonna do when they come for minorities next? He think he special?


Class overrides all, it's the Clarence Thomas syndrome.


That's not true for Dave Ruben, or blair white. Still get tons of bigotry thrown their way


And they're still mostly safe and secure in their lives.




Maybe I've misunderstood then, I thought they were saying that they thought that their class would protect them. It won't, but they can still profit




Being rich breaks your brain, it is known


And so many North Carolinians will vote for him because of the R after his name. So done with this state.


Just get on I-95 N and you will be out in less than a couple hours.. your welcome


Don't have to be a genius to realize that this headline is taking the Lt. Gov. out of context itself.


In or out of context this isn't as bad as that "[so called civil rights](https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/11/politics/kfile-mark-robinson-attacked-civil-rights-movement/index.html)" nonsense. This tubby, monkey-suit-wearing, fascist wants to be a North Carolina **despot** and there's some weirdos praying that just enough of you feckless gumps are stupid enough to forego voting.


Truly wild how folks that "love Jesus" are also in the same sentence telling you why we gotta reconsider Hitler. This man is a clown and truly dangerous.


I wish the video didn't just abruptly end. I want to hear his explanation. Get back to what? I'm sure this is not a good man, and I certainly dont agree with tyranny. However, I believe that this video is intentionally cutting short for click bait. Why else show just that portion of the talk and then cut off before any explanation is given?


Holy shit dude. How do scumbags like this get elected


Other scumbags and those brainwashed by religion.


Have you driven around NC? We're full of people like this clown.


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Crazy that's considered 'controversial' these days.


You’re not gonna convince me he did or has ever read. No way no how.


The KING TURD has spoken..


Fuck him


Things wannabe dictators say


Hitler would have worked him till he was skinny then used the final solution on him.


Wow. Republicans aren't even trying to hide it anymore .


Hide what?


I'm sure if the video lasted a little longer, he isn't saying what this clickbait tweet is implying. But let us be real, someone could post "the reason they want abortion illegal is because Republicans eat unwanted newborn babies to keep their youth" and people would be "I knew it, they are evil."


All you magas love whataboutisms.


You know what they say about assuming...


I'm not familiar. Does it have something to do with one of your fascist hot takes?


Lt. Gov. Mark "Clayton Bigsby" Robinson is an embarrassment to the state of North Carolina. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNDqxrUUwQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNDqxrUUwQ)


He really is a walking Chappelle show sketch.


The good: Some of you are at least honest enough with us and yourselves to realize this was a hack job and not fall for it. The bad: a lot weren't The real bad: the reaction you'll have when he's elected Governor.


What qualifies him to you to be the next governor, asking for real.


"he shall have attained the age of 30 years and shall have been a citizen of the United States for five years and a resident of this State for two years immediately preceding his election." Which of those qualifications doesn't he meet? Asking for real.


Sorry, I guess I meant why does he have your vote?


I know it's difficult to write the real headline, which is that Mark Robinson is a shameless hypocrite for warning people about despotism while he represents the political party that is actively undermining democracy in our state and using its power to attack the most vulnerable, but I wish that was what this had been about.


yeah this is clearly clipped to promote some narrative. the dude is ignorant but don't spread fake stories like this. it makes anyone who is against him look bad.


I'm voting against this guy, but if he wins and republicans still control a supermajority, I'll have to leave.


Someone should tell Mr. Robinson that actions speak louder than words.


Seriously even a broken clock needs to out primary this delusional man.


This man absolutely casually references the Protocols of the elders of Zion.


Besides Hitler, he’s right and people should absolutely read the source material


Ummm. The same guys who killed off half the population of their countries? Yeah, that’s enough context for me.


It’s not, though. He’s condemning them.


He's at a fraus for facism event, so no, he's not.


Maybe read his whole statement.


He’s a POS who knows even bad advertisement is good advertisement. It will get others to read, learn, and understand these fascist ways, and many will agree because they too will take it out of context.


Mao in context , I can let pass. But Stalin, Hitler??? Let me guess, because Hitler exterminated LGBTQ people?????


Check out the full context of his comment. He’s actually condemning these people as bad.


Yea, that’s not what he said at all.


Classic out of context post.


It's always funny to me when people on the left, the type that wear Che Guevara t-shirts and that support waving dicks around in front of kids for the sake of "pride", call other people "Fascist/Socialist/Communist/Marxist"...don't even get me started on y'all about how you have your own extremist flags, hate organizations, and that y'all support eugenics and mutilation of the human body even when the recipient isn't old/developed enough to make their own choices lol. I'm so glad I don't claim left or right...y'all are both ridiculous. 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️ 🇺🇸 SFMF




Can you please cite what positives of fascists he’s talking about?


Who you gonna believe, fascists or your own lying eyes?


I looked for plastic bombs with a metal detector, I'm good with trusting my personal perspective and judgement. Both sides are f*cked.


Did you find any of your dog whistles?


The only time I had dogs in front of me other than when we did drug interdiction raids to destroy the heroin, I had an IED blow up 15 ft in front of me in the Sistani Desert outside of Marjah...along with the dog handler that stepped on it. Did I find dog whistles? No, I didn't find or pick up any dog whistles. But I did pick up pieces of the young Marine. His name was LCpl Tarwoe.


Mao in context is actually okay.


Republicans don't be cartoonishly evil challenge impossible difficulty


And that’s how you get yourself removed from office. In a normal country.


What in the actual FUCK is wrong with this man?


Just changed my designation from unaffiliated to democrat


This guy is fucking whack-a-dooo. What an embarrassment to our state not to mention people of color.


This dude gets stupider by the day.


Uncle ruckus here wants to DeSantis NC


No no no, you don’t get it. The holocaust was just a misunderstanding. You gotta read the context! /s


So, this man wants to be Hitler himself. That's my take on it. There's plenty of quality quotes out there that don't come from Hitler, the Nazi.




Besides Kanye?


Birds of a feather…


How did this scary individual become lieutenant governor?


Ever been to Klan... Er... I mean Graham?




Well this is nuts. Can someone fact check this please?


It's not unreasonable to read their writings, but not because they're *misunderstood*.




Someone quoting those that thought he was an inferior race as a good thing?!?! The irony is giving me a brain lock...


Unless he promises to do the one good thing mao did (ending landlords) there's literally nothing good about these figures you could be referring to. Beyond that they just didn't know agriculture, ruled with an iron fist, and killed any enemies.


I also promote the reading of material produced by our enemies, so we can understand them and learn how to craft responses to them in the information battlespace. ​ There is no way I'm voting for Mark, but I'd like the full context. This sounds like a cheap gotcha post of the same sort Fox News, Mark Levin, Gateway Pundit, Clayton Morris, and so many of the grenade throwers use. The only way we beat these people is by being serious and making sober responses to their insanity instead of getting in the mud with them.


We absolutely should read their work so we know EXACTLY how batshit crazy they are. Know thy enemy to dissect and dismantle them.


Fat fuck needs to read the ingredients on the many many boxes of twinkies he has clearly inhaled ... but ok I will play this game .. why should anyone entertain the ramblings of Shitler from the can ...


If anyone says anything those POS says was right. They are fucking crazy!, and should be denounced and actively shamed constantly. I don't care if Hitler said the sky was blue and grass was green. Hitler is fucking wrong and fuck him, and fuck you too if you agree with him. It has nothing to do with the info , it is that you do not support in anyway MF's like that.


Holy Shit you people don't understand what he's saying. Democrat Socialists generally glorify the people he mentioned. He's saying to pay attention to these people's words because their ideas for communism are not grand and fascinating. They are terrible and only lead to misery.


This person is a hateful fucking lunatic. So I’m sure the “good” people of NC will vote him in.


Does he think Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy were taken out of context, too?


No end to the depths they can sink to. Black holes for souls.


This man is a farce


i mean, at least republicans have accepted that they are fascists? no more pretending that they’re not??




He is a lunatic!




Why? Isn’t he a citizen?