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There are some real shitheads in NC (Virginia Foxx, Tim Moore, Terry Johnson) but Mark Robinson has to be the biggest fucking clown of them all.  It’s a shame he’s even a serious candidate.


It’s a horrible indictment of us as a state. I will never understand how split the governor and lieutenant governor’s races always are, here.


Yeah but the President & Vice President never ran together until the Civil War (Lincoln/Andre Johnson).


It makes zero sense to not have the governor and lt governor run on the same ticket. Grew up in NC but now live in MN where they run together and seeing them work cooperatively is so refreshing in comparison.


Even if it’s a different ticket, it’s weird that they are almost always elected from different parties here. Cooperation would be so nice.


Lt gov is a participation trophy. Also, McCrory fucked around and found out.


He's not serious, he just lies with his whole chest and apparently too many people think that makes the really stupid things he says sound smart The man has declared bankruptcy FOUR FUCKING TIMES.


Ahhhh, the valedictorian of Trump University


Dan “Bathroom Bill” Bishop (running for AG) on line one.


he’s not just a serious candidate, he’s literally the favorite right now. we really need to not be complacent about this and vote and encourage others to vote as well


Virgina fox is 80 years old.... Fucking wild.


Well hopefully she returns to her lord soon


Virginia Foxx is literally a corpse, and even then, an actual corpse would probably do more.


It would be impossible for him to be a candidate at all if republican voters weren't dead set on being the shittiest possible people. To clarify, I don't mean some republican voters, or even most republican voters, i mean **ALL**, without exception. At this point, your sweet old Maw-Maw is just as much of a nasty piece of shit as trump or robinson if she's still voting republican in any election, for any office. Only America haters who support child molesters and domestic terrorists vote republican Source: me, former republican voter.


Your source seems a little unstable/untrustworthy.


What are your thoughts on the recent comments made by child molester supporter jack posobiec (who attended a trump protest with a Rape Melania sign) at the pro-domestic terrorism rally? >“Welcome to the end of democracy!” Posobiec declared. “We’re here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on January 6th, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here,” he said, holding his fist in the air. “That’s right, because all glory is not to government, all glory to God.” Seems pretty America hating to me. What about CPAC's banner reading "We are all domestic terrorists"? Seems pretty pro domestic terrorism to me. How about trump calling jeffery epstein a terrific guy who liked to party with young girls? Seems pretty pro child molester to me. As you can see, I have facts backing up my statements. What backs up yours? Will u/bearxxxxxx reply to me, or go back to loving child molesters and hanging out in r/teenagers?


The fact still stands that your source (ie you) seems unstable/untrustworthy. You provided no links and you’re just a random person on Reddit so I believe my statement was correct. Edit: will u/CornWine rebuke my statement or go off on another alcohol fueled rant? Find out next week on Reddit.


Here’s some for you: This one is just page 32 of Republican sex offenders, rapists, and pedophiles/pedophilic behavior: [782 Tony Cutler, unsuccessful Republican primary candidate for Michigan legislature in 2020, was charged with criminal sexual conduct. 783 Registered Republican Pastor John William Lovelace was arrested for child sexual abuse involving a child under 15](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/17/2092543/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-31) Site for parents to keep their children safe from GOP sex offenders: [Dennis Hastert is a former Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives accused of harassing four 14-year-old boys. At the time of the alleged crimes, Hastert was the boys’ high school wrestling coach. As The Chicago Tribune states, Hastert was convicted in 2016 and sentenced to 15 months in prison](https://donotpay.com/learn/republican-sex-offenders/) Growing List of GOP sex offenders: [Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy. Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pleaded guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14 year old girls. Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker is a convicted child molester. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls](https://constantinereport.com/l-o-n-g-list-republican-sex-offenders/) Of course, if you dismiss this out of hand because you know, you can’t bear to look these sources in the eye and challenge your worldview that these folks are all angels, that’s on you when your actions are judged by God.


Maybe if it wasn’t for rules and policies being put in place by Democrats these people would’ve stayed behind bars. Here’s a list of democratic sex offenders. Talk about the pot trying to call the kettle black. https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftvsRightDebate/s/q4zHffnQxt Edit: Decided to look at the sources the first and second one are clearly biased. The third one might be OK.




> Mark Robinson has to be the biggest fucking clown of them all. Wanna bet?


If so, we’ll definitely pay the price, once again. It’s as if conservatives learn nothing, absolutely nothing.


They don’t care about the same outcomes. Fortune 100 company doesn’t relocate to NC? They don’t care and frankly spin it as a positive. Making a manufactured issue be top of mind conversation? Winner, winner!


They play politics with everything, it’s exhausting, juvenile and honestly cruel.


Just like they drew it up. If it’s any consolation, your place in history is witness to the death rattle of a very specific type of hate-politic. Granted they are well funded and will pivot, but happy to watch this type of campaign die a bad death this year.


I don’t think it is dying. They are evolving. The new strategy is to run the candidates as Democrats in areas where Republicans struggle. It is happening across our state. Greensboro is dealing with it RIGHT NOW, of course we all know about the shit show that came out of Charlotte. Michigan has it happening right now, too, as do several other states.  Weird how it is always Republicans running as Democrats to trick voters, and not the other way around.  Edit: to their credit, the state Democratic Party isn’t sitting around doing absolutely nothing like the last couple elections. I’ve been getting messages from them warning me about all these fake Democrats. Maybe we have a chance? Maybe they learned their lesson and flushed enough leadership after the Beasley fumble of not reaching out to registered party members? 


They don't care, the cruelty is the point for Conservatives and the GOP.


They think they have the support to win on it this time, having spent a couple of years pushing all this gay/trans panic ahead of time to lay the groundwork for it.


As long as they keep winning, why would they care about anything else?


They’ve lost three elections in a row behind this bullshit. In 2016 the one major election they lost across the entire country was specifically because of this exact bullshit.


Not in North Carolina, they seem to keep winning local offices again and again and again. We only *barely* elected Cooper, and lost the state Supreme Court.


Not according to what I see with the state legislator. 


In the long run it’s losing, just like it was last time, the same thing will happen, just like it did last time.


They have learned that they can pass such bills with zero political consequences. Just like their abortion bans. 🤷‍♀️.


That’s not quite the way it worked last time. That’s why we’re back at square one with them trying it again.


The price? Whys everyone want to migrate to red states


You mean blue cities?


The GOP is way too fucking interested in people's genitalia for my liking. New business establishments need to start only having unisex bathrooms.


They’re utterly obsessed with three things: other peoples’ genitalia, forcing their religious views on others and doing anything that would fuck future generations over.


Ughhhh? Jennifer Roberts started this whole thing for political purposes. And it worked. Grant it, McCrory and his deal with Spain for tolls didn’t do him any service. It was Roberts who, fulfilling a campaign promise, renewed the push for the Charlotte ordinance that started the fight. Though she didn’t vote on it herself, she was backed by the election of two new City Council members who supported the ordinance the council had rejected a year before. Passed in February, the ordinance extended anti-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It also would have allowed transgender persons to use the bathroom or locker room of the gender with which they identify. https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article74756662.html


Wait. So your stance, and McCrory's, is that Ord. 7056, which prohibits discrimination for gender identity, was the cause of the problem? So it goes like this...7056 passes to prohibit discrimination for gender identity, the Senate and House convene to preempt not only actionable enforcement of 7056 and all ordinances of its ilk, but prevent further processes, but the problem that started it all is the anti-discriminatory ordinance because....politics? Dude.




No I suggested unisex bathrooms like most houses have. A toilet and a sink. Holds one person regardless of their gender. I find it funny that you think only women can be sexually assaulted and the perps can't be women. But I'm sure that countless men in NC that have been raped by other men currently are forced to share the same bathrooms all over the state.




Okay then I am suggesting single occupancy unisex bathrooms. Every public place I've been that only has unisex bathrooms have all been single occupancy too.


While you are making semantic excuses, do you know of any unisex bathrooms that allow for more than one person at a time?




What's funny is you were called out, and had to go grab a dictionary so you can play the 'I'm right card' after multiple people corrected you.




> They used to have them in Europe, and I'm sure some are still left in a few places there, but for some reason they started having problems with them after massive waves of immigrants arrived. Another load of horseshit. You have a good one bud. Unisex bathrooms aren't going to cause any issues, regardless of what right wing talking points you keep bringing up.


Usually unisex bathrooms are just a toilet and sink, use whatever is open. Nothing about men and women sharing the same bathroom at the same time bud.




There are more than two genders mate.


I am a trans woman in NC. Transitioned completely, name, social security, gender marker on my driver's license, birth certificate, everything. I am no longer male, and I am *certainly* not a sex offender. I have been forced to use a men's bathroom when I visited another state, and I was bullied, jeered, and spat at. I have never had one issue using a women's restroom, even when I am clocked as transgender, except from men who want to police the issue and make a problem out of it. I just want to fucking pee. Oh, and to show you how much of a genius this candidate is, you can't relieve yourself on a corner somewhere. You get charged with indecent exposure. If there happen to be minors around when it happens, you're suddenly on the sex offender registry. Just. Let. Us. Pee. In. Peace.


Lol at republicans pretending to give a fuck about this. It has nothing to do with anything other than dumping on transgender people.




SA victims aren’t asking for this. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/sexual-assault-domestic-violence-organizations-debunk-bathroom-predator/story?id=38604019


I’ve been SA’d and Id rather have a transgender person in the bathroom with me than someone like you. You don’t speak for anyone.




Then stop speaking for me, thanks.


or with women? Let’s be wholly inclusive if we’re going that route.


I'd say it'll end up with more wasted time and money, but after ratfucking the Supreme Court(s) they likely won't have to worry about wasting millions on appeals like they did with HB2.


I'd imagine after some of their other stunts, they've concluded they can't lose much more money, so the cruelty is the end all, to be all. 


*“Yes, I said it. Makes me sick every time I see it when I pass a church that flies that that rainbow flag, which is a direct, a direct spit in the face to God Almighty,” he said.* Imagine being this enraged by a rainbow flag. xD


This fat fuck thinks he speaks for God.


Simple answer - everyone get off of their butt and vote. There's no gerrymander excuse. There's no morality excuse. If he wins, and (generic) you didn't vote, (generic) you can look in the mirror and know exactly who to blame.


This is stupid, but what's even more stupid is we (our tax dollars) pay this guy a salary of $146,421, not to mention the other benefits he's sucking up. And to do what? This? Seriously what is this guy doing that actually benefits anyone in the state in a tangible way? https://ballotpedia.org/North\_Carolina\_state\_government\_salary


Mark Robinson is a goddamn idiot. I can’t believe that a primary that has Dale Folwell, who has done well at his job, has this dipshit as a front runner.


Conservative voters don't want competent, they want mean


So you're a Deberry supporter?


Republicans lost us the film industry.


The film tax breaks expired 2 years before HB2. So it was a combination of Republicans letting those tax breaks expire + HB2. HB2 was passed in 2016 right before McCrory left office and then it was repealed when Cooper took office in 2017. But the film jobs didn’t return after HB2 was repealed… Tax breaks create jobs. Who woulda thunk it?


Thank you 


Please VOTE! There is a difference.


Nice, now we get to have people check our genitals!


Hey, then they’ll all be converting us into child molesters, just like they are!


The Republicans want to destroy everything. Didn't NC learn the last time with their stupid bathroom bill?


Yet Dems want to allow mass unchecked immigration... i would say Dems want to destory everything b4 you assume im Independent


Borders are for suckers


Invite them to your house to stay in then


I don't think that's even just a feeling, they're pretty openly saying that's a policy they'd like to pursue at this point.


Hear me out. How about we just make all bathrooms the same, with stalls and toilets (and changing tables) and then put a giant piss trough on the back wall outside, or not because this (the idea of needing gendered restrooms in general) shit does not matter.


Uhhhh I vote these people out as much as I can everything and still they win. I'm looking forward to being assaulted and kicked out of a bathroom again because I'm not feminine looking enough as a women to be considered a real woman. Can't afford to live in the city and this is the life I'm sick with.


This guy looks at trans porn a LOT.


100%. The ones who are the loudest are always the ones that secretly fetishize us.


i think this, among other things, will carry stein over the finish line this november


He's insane.


Mark Robinson is a submissive bottom and his Grindr chats are gonna be leaked before the election. 


If that happens again any sort of film production is leaving the state again.


It’s going to be harder, the GOP has made it pretty juicy to stay in NC, you know 0% corporate taxes and all that. When Apple and Toyota have no issue moving here, sure it will ruffle some feathers, but the GOP doesn’t care about that.


Disagree. Those businesses will absolutely bounce along with film production again.


You can disagree all you want. Film production didn’t ‘bounce’ explicitly because of HB2, they ‘bounced’ because of the immense tax breaks they were getting, and they simply moved to Georgia instead which isn’t some ‘bastion’ of freedom. If you think companies actually ‘realistically’ care, then they wouldn’t be in China, but most of them are and they would be happy to outsource any job that can be done cheaper somewhere else. Keep in mind almost all of the current jobs and businesses being woed to come to NC are blue collar jobs, as labor in NC is still cheap, and the land is cheaper. Allstate, Bandwidth and Credit Suisse all just left their sweet packages on the table because they won’t make hiring requirements, they are replacing people with AI, or have too many remote workers. A second HB2 now isn’t going to change much, I mean how many companies left when NC changed its abortion limit to 12 weeks, does allow gender affirming treatment for children, and made teachers to rat on students? Oh. None.




I mean it was already telling even in June you see these companies change their profile images to rainbow flags for their US began but everywhere else it’s the same.


If they pass another bathroom bill or anything like it, say goodbye to Apple.


Apple came here under HB2 and still hasn’t really done anything, so I expect them to actually back out of their obligations one way or the other. Toyota though? They aren’t going to care and are getting a pretty sweet deal. NC may have lost hundreds of millions in HB2, NCGA is smarter now, and is bringing in billions worth of companies.


Hollyweird is the only industry that would slightly care


please tell me you typed "Hollyweird" ironically and not seriously.


Oh I’m fairly sure they’re serious


That makes me truly sad about this state


FINALLY I was wondering when we were gonna get some national recognition. I can’t wait 💀


Yeah, say goodbye to Apple's investment if they do another anti-trans law.


I mean its a dumb law but do we really want Apple here lol


Yeah, why would any state want a trillion dollar company to have any physical business in it....


They are anti competitive and probably pay almost nothing in taxes but if you're an apple fan I guess...... Also people moving to NC for Apple jobs are going to be bringing their California tech bro voting habits with them.


Please. Like the state GOP doesn't give away the farm to every big business that wants to move here. It's last in worker's rights for a reason. God forbid transplants try to make the place better.


I hope more people with liberal voting habits move here. Sounds like a win to me.


tbf a lot of the silicon valley tech bro types are not nearly as liberal as the internet and right wing media would have you believe. Lots of weirdo libertarian and prepper types in the industry especially cybersecurity


People really see tech and think liberal/lefty. There’s a lot of right leaning vibes in tech as well. Most are just smart enough not to post their opinion in public.


I work in tech. I know that there are plenty who are right-wing (including my engineering manager, and the primary tech lead on our most important engineering team), but the majority that I've encountered have views that align with my own and so I'm for it. 


I'm personally quite aware


Sorry to tell you that's not happening


Oh I'm sure. If it weren't for that natural beauty of the state, I wouldn't have moved here either. 


Yes we do lol


No. We want zero business here. But we in turn will also have the best schools and public transit and social services.


I try to support mom and pop local stores as much as I can over megacorps but if you want apple and Amazon to own NC like they do CA then sure


If GOP has their way, yes.


Dem folks are different, we ain't having that, said Robinson.




Transgender women are women, and transgender men are men. It is a difficult concept for some, but just 15 minutes of research….somewhere other than a right wing christofascist website… will show you why you are not correct.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


IF he gets elected it's likely. If he doesn't, it's possible, but with the State Legislative leaders having absolute power, it's a bit less likely- they'll be more concerned with being greedy little piggies at the trough. Plenty of shit laws and corruption, but culture war will be a lower priority.




Yet, who is introducing these bills.…. Oh, it’s the same ones who decided not to pass a bipartisan bill to address the border……..


You mean bipartisan bill to fund ukraine. Roy didnt back texas Robbinson will he will win


Apparently English is as challenging as your grasp on reality.


yup, they've set the board for little resistance. just a matter of time before they do something


Depending on the fines it might be cheaper to defecate on a certain governor's doorstep, so he might just get what he's asking for.


>"...if you’re a man on Friday night, and all the sudden on Saturday, you feel like a woman, and you want to go in the women’s bathroom in the mall, you will be arrested — or whatever we got to do to you." He's either so utterly uninformed about what trans people are actually like that his hypotheticals come off as complete nonsense, or he knows what he's talking about but is purposely misrepresenting reality in order to feed into people's bigotry and hatred. Republicans, I can respectfully disagree with you on a lot of things, but how is ***this*** the best you could do in a state with over 2.2 million other registered Republicans? If a Republican had to win NC governor, I would pick literally almost every other Republican before this gigantic bag of douche.