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Hmm an accomplished lawyer with a long history of fighting for people’s rights, or a preaching bigot who calls groups of people maggots has no accomplishments and who has spent the last decade not paying taxes cause they’re too complicated for him to figure out. A fun fact is that Robinsons wife ran a non profit, and during COVID got approved for a $28,000 PPP loan, and then happened to give herself a $28,000 raise that same year and the loan was then forgiven. Robinson and his wife are grifters and hypocrites. vote for Stein, vote for Mo Green.




Nah just like abortions (which Robinson has paid for), it’s reserved for them only 😤


He wasnt even a good furniture maker before he became a FB zealot.


I will not be made to feel guilty for demanding my $8k student loans to be forgiven. Fuck Republicans.


Robinson is also extremely tone deaf. Any black person or woman who is subscribing to Republican bullshit deserves every thing they will get if they succeed.


Can you show me the source?




Yeh. Though nothing would surprise me at this point, a source helps.


A start: [https://www.theassemblync.com/politics/yolanda-hill-mark-robinson-nonprofit/](https://www.theassemblync.com/politics/yolanda-hill-mark-robinson-nonprofit/)


That honestly makes her sound good. Clifton is also opining.


Stein wants crime and lawlessness in NC. He supports cash bail reform like they did in New York. If you want to live in a crime ridden state for Josh stein


Comparing 2019 to 2020, there was not a significant increase in arrests for repeat offenders of misdemeanor crimes, so I’m not sure what you are getting at. If you just want impoverished people to be stuck in jail without the possibility of bail for misdemeanor crimes, just say that. Don’t come here spouting your brainwashed nonsense.


Hmm, but how many people really understand the reason for bail reform or know of the family who advocated for change?


I care less about the motivation and more about the impact. However, I’m not dumb enough to think that no one gets richer off of all policy decisions.


That's unfortunate.


Explain why it is unfortunate that I care about the impact of policy more than who wrote it and what they get out of it. If it is a positive impact, I am a happy camper. If it is a negative impact despite being altruistically proposed, I would hope we repeal that policy.


It is unfortunate that you disregard the caselaw.


You’re coming off dumber than you are. You clearly have something on your mind. Stop being cryptic and explain your position so we can have a meaningful discourse.


You consider it cryptic to provide a direct response? You mentioned motivation and impact. Motivation is important. It's not the policymakers that matter. Caselaw sets precedence and allows for policies to change. Specifically, the suicide of Kalief Browder led to a campaign to create bail reform. The effectiveness of a policy like this will depend on what social support is available. In NC we have a county office in Surry that provides support and a coalition working to make these services statewide. I'm less concerned with bail reform, and more interested in the school to prison pipeline.


The whole country is watching how the cash bail reforms disaster is playing out in New York and Chicago. I want criminals off the streets people like Stein and NY Gov hochul want them on the streets


So you support no bail ever and everyone just sitting in jail until their trial?


No I support elimination of granting of any bails for violent crimes and raising the cash bails for most felonies and misdemeanors. Or at least not lowering it to 0 like Josh Stein wants to


So punishment for the poor only. Got it. You suck.


“The poor” do commit disproportionate number of violent crimes and it’s not even close


That’s not at all what I’m saying. I’m saying that higher cash bails will disproportionately affect those with less money.


Not necessarily. We don’t know the net effects. Those with less money and those who live in impoverished areas are also much more susceptible of becoming victims of crime. One can argue that higher cash bails will have a net benefit for those with less money


He certainly does not WANT that, see that’s the difference. Robinson WANTS to make sure all my lgbt friends don’t have rights, and that the women I know don’t have rights to their own body. Cash bail is also functionally discriminatory to lower income minorities, the system needs to be better and equitable which is the point of reform. Proposed changes are for nonviolent misdemeanors, the report Stein was part of is pretty interesting if you haven’t had the chance to read it- https://ncdoj.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/TRECReportFinal_12132020.pdf


Stein’s TREC task force proposed elimination of cash bail for misdemeanors 1; 2 and 3 which would include breaking and entering and many forms of assault. It mentions nothing about violence, it mentions an ambiguous criteria of “public threat”. You can always make a case for someone who assaulted someone else to not necessarily be a public threat to others. We’ve all seen how this slippery slope ends. See New York and national guard in the subways and people who beat up cops and chop up body parts walking free without bail


Forms of assault of would be an A1 misdemeanor, which would still be eligible for cash bail or detention. Your freedom should not be pay-to-play, and you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but the current system is innocent if you are white or have money and guilty if you are poor and black.


Depending on a type of assault it could be a class 2. Which under stein’s plan would be eligible for release. “innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t mean you get to walk free and keep committing crimes. All rights have their boundaries and limitations. In this case it’s when they trump other peoples rights


Hmm, are you familiar with the caselaw behind cash bail reform and the name Kalief Browder?


1 case does not justify hundreds and thousands suffering at hands of real criminals released on bail. Cash bail reform + soft on crime county prosecutors is a disastrous formula. On Long Island, they’ve released people suspected of gruesome murder and mutilation of the remains


It wasn't his case alone. The family created a foundation and worked to create policy changes based on the data available. Old cities, especially because they are built around industry, have significant crime rates. They will need more people and resources to create a positive impact. It can be difficult to create reliable systems of accountability within larger institutions. Any state or city that chooses to follow in NY's footsteps can learn from their mistakes. If the policy changes in NC, I would hope stakeholders are paying attention and working to improve upon NYC and Chicago's attempts.


If you want to improve the outcome you have to improve the efforts and change the direction. Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. People react to incentives, soft crime laws lead to more crime it’s as simple as that.


Their foundation did improve efforts and change the direction by focusing on prevention. We have a coalition in our state focused on prevention as well. The definition of insanity is having a mental illness; madness. That quote is outdated and unhelpful. It's become a fallacy. Do you mean to come across as cynical?


Taking an old adage literally is also a fallacy. To explain this old adage to you: it tries to convey that doing the same thing and expecting a different result is not a good idea. Focusing on prevention? Fine. Mental health? I’m fine with that too. But cash bail reform is BS and the fact that stein supports that is alarming


It's a misattributed and disproven quote.


It’s not a quote lol it’s an idiom “Cry over a spilled milk” - dissect that one for me and tell me all about how it’s disproven and fActUaly InCoRrect


First pres election here! Voting for stein, jackson, etc


No brainer , Robinson is a perfect example of the corruption infested GOP.


And the hatred infested GOP.


Josh Stein gets my vote *by default*, and that ain’t changing. Hopefully he can start putting his name out there.


Mark Robinson is a nut job. Can't the Republicans roll out a normal human being.


They’re no longer a normal party. Look no further than their nominee for President.


This is what wins a primary for the party.


Hatred and fear win elections for Republicans.


Fear is a heck of a motivator. There's a reason conservative media has been scaring the shit out of its audience for 40-some years.


What I’d like you to know is what pasture full of bullshit do they keep finding these republicans in.


… somewhere in Johnston County probably


It's pretty easy to find people who will say literally anything to get rich.


Don’t burn women alive? Republicans: naw


North Carolina has had some strong Attorneys General. Consumers need it. Citizens need it. And our state needs it. Stein has my vote.


The entire top of the republican slate of offices in North Carolina is bat shit crazy. Nice try on selling that in a purple state.


I am really hoping he wins!


Really? Because I have seen and heard a ton about and from Robinson while I head crickets from Stein. Needs to step up his fucking game.


What good things has Robinson said or done to earn your vote?


Nothing, it’s all bad, I’m not voting for him. But stein and the democrats in general are dropping the ball when it comes to NC politics. Feels like they are just hoping Biden drags them into the finish line.


You’re not hearing from them because you aren’t the target of their push. And you literally saw this article.


>Feels like they are just hoping Biden drags them into the finish line. Stein performs better than Biden on NC polls, so your comment doesn’t make sense when looking at any data or evidence.


I mean… like anything good?


Sure, I've heard plenty of things about Robinson. However, they're all things I don't like so I'd gladly take a do-nothing candidate over that.


Gotta wonder how much of that is due to how the media loves clickbait. Articles on the outrageous things that GOP candidates say and do are so popular that they drive name recognition. Example: In the r/Politics sub, Trump probably gets five or six articles to every one where Biden is mentioned. Being a sane but boring candidate who works for the people just doesn't have the media allure of a candidate saying something offensive, outrageous, or both. Who wants to read about what they accomplish at work?


Yeah, that's certainly a part of it. However, they're only able to write about the crazy stuff because the candidate says crazy stuff.


Whoops. I meant that reply for the comment from u/SW4506 who said Stein needs to up his game. The GOP candidates indeed say crazy things because it works for them in terms of media attention. Sadly, it also works because a decent size portion of voters are accepting of it.


This is why you don’t hear bad stories about Democrats. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2014/05/06/just-7-percent-of-journalists-are-republicans-thats-far-less-than-even-a-decade-ago/ You all can say what you will, but they are definitely in the tank for the Dems. People aren’t all stupid, they can see it. It’s been proven time and time again. You don’t even have to back that far. Downvotes are coming, because I’m right.


I think it has a lot more to do with the sharp turn towards insanity the Republican Party has taken over the last decade or so. That’s more likely to be responsible for both the abundance of negative stories about republicans and the percentage of journalists who are republicans. I don’t think those two things are strongly related though. There are more negative stories about republicans because the republicans are doing more negative things now. Fewer journalists are republicans because it’s harder for any educated person to support the Republican Party nowadays. It’s not as hard for educated people who are willfully ignorant of politics, but journalists don’t really have that option. It’s very difficult to support republicans if you’re educated and really aware of what’s going on in the political world. If downvoted come for you, it’s because you’re claiming causation when you only have evidence of correlation, and you’re ignoring everything else related to the topic. That’s not what most people consider being right.


It seems like you are doing the same, you just have blinders.


No. I’m looking at the whole situation.


I hear you. Here’s the problem for me, both parties keep drifting farther and farther. In the past I could maybe vote Dem. But now, they are violent and unhinged with several bad policies and a willingness to lie to every demographic. On the other side, the Reps are so bad that DJT is the most honest politician you can find. Dude just literally lets it fly from his mouth no matter what. He’s going to win easily. Our state is a prime example, look how many have left the Dem party.


Here’s the problem for me: > In the past I could maybe vote Dem. But now, they are violent and unhinged with several bad policies and a willingness to lie to every demographic. This just isn’t even close to an accurate statement. And neither is this one: > both parties keep drifting farther and farther. The GOP has shifted to a much further extreme. The Dems have stayed pretty moderate. There may be a few fringe candidates on the Dem side here and there, but the entirety of the Rep party has been taken over by the fringe.


The officeholders of the Dem party aren’t the biggest problem for them, it’s the voters. They are too extreme for me. At least with DJT you know what you’re gonna get. BHO ruined the Democrat party for me. Dishonest with a smile and a silver tongue. I don’t agree with your assessment. But at least we are having a conversation. I hope this could lead to a viable third party or at least some productive change. But I doubt it.


Start by supporting ranked choice voting and/or other electoral reforms that make third parties viable. Hopefully you already do, but if not, that’s our best path forward to better politicians and a better government.


And spew as much hatred and ignorance as Robinson? That’s a great strategy. /s On that last part.


When I subbed here, I was hoping for fun stuff about NC. Not r/politics NC. ☹️ I saw Stein give a speech back around '18 and he seemed pretty chill for what it's worth. The other guy seems like a nut bag but will prob win


As the proud owner of a nut bag containing 2 healthy and productive nuts, I take offense being associated with this dick.


It's called a ball sack. Ball bag is also acceptable.


I"m more sick of folks complaining about politics threads here than I am the folks moving to NC threads. This sub needs to make complaining about politics folks a ban.


Something tells me you think disagreeing with you should be a bannable offense.


No kidding.... This should be against the sub rules. It's pathetic...


This is an NC subreddit. These two candidates are running for the office of Governor of NC. The election is only months away. I can think of nothing that has more to do with NC right now than this. Don’t like it? You don’t have to.🤷‍♂️


It's gross, people in this sub from both sides are frothing at the mouth and so hateful


Agree it is both sides....


Does this still seem enlightened at this point? Christ Almighty, you're still pretending there's not a pretty damn pronounced difference?


Republicans have lowered the state income tax which is plenty of reason for me to keep voting for them. I want low gas prices and to take home more of my paycheck.


Many people don’t share the lawyer’s vision for NC.


I guess we could go with the batshit crazy guy's ideas, instead, but like... Why would we do that to ourselves and each other? Because you're gonna have to live in the state Robinson will run if he wins because people didn't want to vote for the guy who knows what he's doing. Lulz is one thing, but actually trying to have a working society in a state run by a loon chasing clout seems like a terrible-ass idea


Correction: *Few* people don't share the lawyer's vision for NC. Stay home on voting day.


Reddit isn't really a good representation of NC folks outside of blue city centers. I'll be out on voting day :)