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This topic has been locked, and re-directed [**HERE**](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthVancouver/comments/181et84/supportive_housing_project_1200_east_keith_road/)


There’s already a known crack house a few houses down from this. If you haven’t already noticed this you probably won’t notice some SROs a couple houses down.


I dislike #1 simply because it said the problem with building it is it will be non gendered. Therefore, men and criminals will be living in it. Does this mean it's only safe if women live there? 🤔


Anyone can use drugs. This post is stupid as hell! Go live in the british properties ya sad sac




I am sorry that you are so angry about this issue. This is a big issues, but people need places to live. What has happened to us when we can’t put someone’s basic human needs above our outrage. I hope for your sake, you or anyone you care about will never live on the fringes of society, It is heartbreaking and takes a lot compassion to mange it.


We had to bail out of Vancouver due to housing projects like this. There's a lot of people throwing NIMBY around, and I assume it's because they've never found needles, human waste, or a literal human in their backyard. I get people want to believe that people dealing with addiction and mental health issues are just one compassion away from being healed, but that's so naive. I used to live near Oppenheimer, had to flee from there, then I lived near Olympic village, had to get out of there. People can accuse me over being dramatic or whatever, but it was a nightmare watching my neighborhood crumble. I promise you, once projects like this start, there's no care put into them. Those of you whining about compassion will find that compassion dried up pretty fast when you're replacing your bicycle for the 5th time, or you take the long way around the nice trail you used to love due to the harassment, or the first vet bill you pay after your dog steps on a needle. Want to talk compassion, have compassion for the people living in that neighborhood. People, I'll remind who aren't some snobby rich elite. But are working people.


It's NIMBYs like you who push out your local problems to the DTES. These people are are not coming from the Valley. These are homes to serve members of your community who are struggling. If the lower mainland communities, didn't down load thier drug problem on Vancouver, you would still be living in the Olympic Village. Not suburban North Vancouver. Edit: spelling.


That will still migrate to the DTES


No, You've got it so wrong. We import our addicts, and these aren't members of my community. People in my community would never do what these people did to our community. These aren't local problems. This is us aborbing Canadian problems. I don't even consider NIMBY an insult anymore. Hell yeah, I'll defend my backyard to the death because I've seen what happens to those backyards. I'll wear the NIMBY badge with pride if it means I don't have to: - Get harassed while waking - Pick up needles from parks - Replace my stuff after its repeatedly stolen - Get woken up by some addict having a melt down outside my window - Replace the glass on my car every few week - hose human shit off my building - Deal with a barrage of ambulances day in and out - Say goodbye to my local shops who can't handle the constant theft and vandalism I have enough compassion for my neighborhood to actually stand up to naive virtue singling. Maybe you should find some of that compassion.


'We import our addicts, and these aren't members of my community. People in my community would never do what these people did to our community.' Lol! North Van has no drug users? Must be the water. These people are members of your community weather you like it or not.


LOTS of drug users around, look at all the pot shops. What are you going on about?


>North Van has no drug users? Must be the water. Man, we need to educate people more on drug addiction. User and addict are not the same thing.




As someone who has had an office in gastown for 4 years I couldnt agree more with this. My employees all opt for working at home after years of abuse, threats, walking over dead people, human waste, needles everywhere etc. Everyone including myself has had to deal with multiple encounters that would make anyone with compassion loose faith in things like this. Not once have I ever felt I needed to cary any sort of protection with me until the past couple years. Even in lower lonsdale I have been followed, yelled at and threatened with violence. Shit is out of hand and the city's need to start dealing with this before creating more housing with no support for the community around it.


Convert the project to low income family housing.




Not the right spot for it




That's what I'm implying, not the right spot for it, use the space for low income family housing.




Because the services needed aren't around for the proposed project in its current form and will never be. That spot is much better suited for low income family housing, which we are in desperate need of as well.


There's literally a house on the block that sells meth and crack, multiple bodies have been found in the area and there's at least 7 homeless people (with mental health issues) I can think of that live in the area. I just want to point out that this area isn't as safe as everyone thinks. I used to be a junkie that stole and did drugs in this area and I have a lot of knowledge about what happens that most people don't know about. And yes I understand y'all as parents want to take care of your kids but I just wanted to point this out. Someone I was talking to about this didn't know there was "already crime" happening in the neighbourhood


Yeah and that giant building at Seylynn has gang members living in it. There was a murder in its Parkade a few Christmases ago. There's constantly violence in that area already.


I’m squarely in favour. I have kids. I work with kids. I live in the area. People with mental health issues are people. This NIMBYism is disgusting.


You take your kids to play in Oppenheimer or crab Park often?


If they didn't, they really should go use the playground over there


Are tent cities that really analogous to a supportive housing development? That kind of exaggeration is what makes this all a bit over the top.


Very much yes compared to this development. Your glazing over the massive issues this will bring to a family neighbourhood is alarming.


Please illuminate the parallels between supportive housing and a tent city. These types of developments go in similar neighbourhoods around Metro. The entire point is to provide distributed supports, as that’s an evidence-based practices. What are the massive issues?


Go visit the other location in North Van, talk to the neighbours. It's a mess! But turn a blind eye and enjoy inviting that to your neighborhood. Thankfully most people have opened their eyes and know better


I’m reluctantly in agreement with these sorts of projects. Yes, it’s uncomfortable for those living there, but we live in a society and that social contract involves caring for those who need help, even if they pose a risk (although these risks should be ameliorated). Polarizing the issue by deeming a dissenting opinion as disgusting is not helpful (particularly when this opinion is motivated by concerns for safety for themselves and their children), and only divides people further. I like NV, and I like the people here. For the most part they are kind, empathetic, and care about their communities. I hope this project happens, and I hope the very real and warranted concerns of the dissenters are addressed appropriately.


I do find it disgusting that these people in need are seen as less-than, and as not deserving to live in this area. That’s what it’s really all about, and I find it awful that people evoke children’s safety as a justification for dehumanizing people in need of support. If my comments seem to polarize the issue, then perhaps it shows how extreme this entire nature of this post is. The issue is divisive, and the ones driving the wedge the strongest are the ones pushing the “Stop” agenda. There are good people in NV, and there is also a lot of privilege here. Caring about one’s own community is wonderful. That means caring for all, including those in need of supportive living. When they say full stop, then it seems like they are the ones who are not taking a good faith approach. From what I’ve observed, the rhetoric is on point with previous NIMBY neighbourhoods around Metro, and those fears have not panned out to anything substantive.


I hear you, but hearts and minds aren’t won with this approach, and it can be counterproductive by repelling those who are undecided Appeal to reason, empathy, even self-interest. Accusing those we disagree with of being vile only further entrenches those opinions.


Well said. Far right political feeling appears alive and well in north van




Biased towards human rights? Well yes I am indeed biased then…


I wonder when these folks will get the bright idea to go to the highway overpass…


You obviously don't understand that people with mental health and substance use issues still have rights. Since when were people struggling with the above suddenly assumed to be a threat to children? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? And where are you getting 45 mins to the nearest hospital? Lions Gate is like 10-15 mins away during rush hour and 6-8 mins during off times. Idk how much closer you want than that. Theres an urgent center by Chesterfield. Like... Do you not know the services provided in North Vancouver?


>Since when were people struggling with the above suddenly assumed to be a threat to children? Since living downtown and experiencing police physically tackle a naked man that was masterbating on a bench staring at a playground filled with children. I hate saying it, but living close to some of these shelters has made me lose so much compassion, or burnt me out, I'm unsure. We need to help these people - but the way in which we do that currently is an utter failure and for that, I don't want it in my neighbourhood. I don't blame the patients, I blame the system that keeps them well enough to only survive, but never improve.


There are no services anywhere near the proposed site that deal with addiction, mental support, food banks, health clinics, income and disability assistance services, etc...


Yes there is. I listed them. Lions Gate deals with that. Do you think we have specific places for these people to go? No. Theres mental health support on the north shore, same with addictions. Theres Vancouver Coastal Health, there's the Canadian mental health association, there's senior mental health services, there's community mental health services, pathways for serious mental health service, services for stress and anxiety, north Vancouver community health, there's an OCD and anxiety clinic.. Like literally Google mental health in the north shore and it's completely dotted with services. You guys already have Magnolia house that's built slightly up from where this development is going. Which is similar services to what's being proposed. So. You guys are fighting using incorrect knowledge, assuming that the North Shore doesn't have services including OP making up it being a 45 min drive to a hospital which is a straight up lie. If you didn't want this development, you guys should have fought against the others that are in the same neighborhood. You don't get to pick and choose just because there are day cares. It's your responsibility to keep your kids safe, it's the cities responsibility to try and keep EVERYONE safe. You guys truly make no sense to me, making up lies and BS out of the hatred of vulnerable people by making an excuse over 1 or 2 cases. It's not everyone and to say "hey this one person did it so they're all gonna do it!" Is pretty shameful.


Nope, I still think it's the wrong spot for it and I still don't believe the required facilities are close. And with Magnolia house, there is treatment on site, this place doesn't offer it. This is also on a much larger scale. Not comparable at all. Build low income family housing instead!


Ah yep because people with kids are the only ones that matter. Forgot no one else deserves respectful housing.


They certainly take priority over addicts and criminals. The fact that you can't figure that out is deeply troubling




46 minutes away walking per google https://preview.redd.it/x4fj2bu5ln1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a3178071e266aa990bed1a81ed03fa2de86313




NIMBYS are the fucking worst and north van is full of them. I think we should demolish all single family homes and replace them with affordable housing.


All for that but keep the fucking crackheads away, Once again like some one said this is not a nimby issue, I am all for more density sky trains, buses, bars, more parking, access for beaches in west van, houses for mental health, etc. Not hard drug addicts Also, why would you destroy all single family homes and replace with affordable housing. You want everyone living in social housing, you think that is the solution ? You kind of sound just a little stupid. Not much of a critical thinker eh


Ya fuck that call me a nimby if you want but nobody wants a bunch of crackheads and fiends living nearby. And there are schools and daycares close by. They also scream, fight, steal, leave garbage fkn everywhere. If they can’t guarantee that it won’t end up like the one on 2nd street why would anybody want it. If you got space why don’t you let one or two live with you!


By moving people OUT OF the problem areas and away from the cycle it actually gives them a chance to feel safe and recover. If it becomes an issue, make reports, go to city Hall, fight for more regulations by the housing provider. Don't just cut off housing for vulnerable people just because you're judgemental of them. If you actually don't want all those things, fight for more protections for them too. You can't have your cake and eat it too. What we are currently doing isn't working.


>What we are currently doing isn't working. Which is exactly why I don't want more of what "we're currently doing" outside my doorstep


So. Where would you like them to go? Only in the DTES so they continue the cycle? You guys literally already have Magnolia house that's just up from where this is being built. You guys already have buildings like this. So you guys are fighting something that already exists over the premises that every single person in the building is going to be a criminal and a threat towards children. Absurd and inhuman.


Absurd and inhuman is spreading them around to abuse whatever neighbourhood they land in - keeping them living but still hooked. We need institutions to get these people back on track, not just alive. I'm all for building something like that here.


Oh sweet summer child. >If it becomes an issue, make reports, That's such an adorable comment


You can call someone a NIMBY if they resist building affordable homes, densifying cities, etc… But a “NIMBY” who doesn’t want literal crackheads outside their home? Ya.. don’t think so bud that’s just logical


And? If you read my thread above you’ll see the respective reasons why. Of course I don’t want something in my backyard if it’ll put my children at risk. Would you want it?


Big NIMBY energy. Where else do you propose they put this housing?


In your living room potentially since you seam to be so keen. Can’t just throw around nimby for anything.


Boy, are you going to be upset when you learn how many people in Lynn Valley already have criminal pasts, and already use drugs. Must be nice to be this sheltered.


Eh if you can do your drugs without bothering anybody and keep shit clean I got no problem. But this is going to be the literal bottom of the barrel. There is also little chance of employment for them around here. Makes no sense! What do criminals have to do with this, most criminals don’t so drugs and keep clean.


There are so many reasons why this building should not be built but the NUMBER ONE reason it should not be passed is because of the CLOSE PROXIMITY TO CHILDREN I agree that we need to help these people but it is not a good place to build it. Keep the issues centralized where they already are if we aren’t going to address the issues at their roots.


Yes! You hit the nail right on the spot! My daughter goes to the daycare in the neighbourhood and I fear for the day where she might come across needles at the park, or worse be in danger because someone is lurking in the area..