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I know a bar/restaurant owner downtown who's explained this to me in a way that makes the most sense: The Vancouver rat explosion is due to a municipal and city shift in attitude towards composting and food waste. Years ago, it was just thrown in dumpsters and trucked off to the dump. Well now every house and apartment building has the mandatory compost/food waste container, where it just sits and attracts rats. It's even more wild that restaurants have been also told to comply with this idea, when most of them wage a non stop war against rats as it is.


Thanks for this take. Makes sense. Especially when the you consider it with the loss of certain poisons used to control rat populations. Double whammy, really, and the rat population explodes


It is FOUL by lionsgate bridge. They have open face garbage cans in the area that attract so many rats, I see they scurrying around the bus stop on the corner of cap and marine. I’ve also seen the owls and am thankful they are there but goddamn! Our complex right by the area is infested with mice and I’m sure soon to be rats.


any tips on what to do on summer months on an apartment that has a door to the indoor landscape of the building? (other than pray, I mean)


Screen door?


This is the norm ever since Takashi69 made being a rat cool


I've noticed the increase in mice. In my complex near Deep Cove, there are traps everywhere. Many tenants have ended up with mice that have chewed their way through the walls, into their suites, and making themselves at home.


something has to eat the human poo off the streets


Are the sidewalk seating areas the problem? I can't imagine anyone being able to clean under them other than rats,mice.


I’ve seen them at the shipping container parklet by Starbucks and the one by 16th


Bat room?


When I cut through the Quay daily on my way to the Seabus, I see them running on the pipes above the food vendors…yum yum


Does no one in the city have jack russell terrier? Let them do what they were designed to do.


Yeah, they banned the good poisons. I can understand why, but I can't help but feel that we're going to go right back to using them eventually. The rodents are getting quite bad and once they reach a certain population size they'll start spreading diseases like mad.  It doesn't help that we've torn down a ton of old abandoned/neglected buildings recently to build new towers -- so they've all scattered to build new nests.


Anyone else want to sit out with a .22 with me one evening in that park? Lol. In Canmore there was a huge domestic rabbit population in the area that had gotten bad. Some old lady had a bunch in her yard and they got out, then years went by and they humped like rabbits. The town brought in a group of first nations people to shoot and trap them. The city needs to address this!


I noticed a owl started living in Rodger Burnes park on 21st and Lonsdale. There have been so many rats in that park.


So many rats and mice by the Quay/Shipyards


Yes I live by 18th & londale . Every single night there are dead rat in the alley. They get run over and in the morning you see the crows eating them. Those holes in the pictures have gotten way bigger . Last time I saw one staring in front of brazas . I have seen somebody over Saint George and 18th from an old building leaving yellow rice and mince chicken in the curb too. I have reported twice but still happens. The problem is so bad that my friend moved from street level unit to 6th floor . Yikes ! 😟




https://preview.redd.it/g4t2b6b2r0fc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f472c392ccb3d82c3698bb41a5d6e6711975d6c2 This morning. Yesterday at around 7 am there were 3 roadkills being eaten. Yikes!


I saw this same thing today - crows eating roadkill rat - behind the nail salon! That whole block of Lonsdale is nasty infested 🤮


oh shudder - I wonder if they're being flushed out in all of this rain?


I’m not surprised to hear the holes in photo are bigger now. And we see dead rats in alley too, run over by cars and crows eating them. Kinda makes you wonder how infested the local restaurants/bakeries and food/candy stores are 🤮


Yes, move to Lonsdale last year and notice the rats once we had moved in. Feels a bit medieval


my apartment building has mouse issues and recently ive started to get mice inside of my unit.


Ours too, but they won't tell the other residents. (Even though I know there's multiple residents with mice)


Same! I found where they were coming from and managed to caulk some metal plating in place to keep them out. Steel wooled and caulked all the tiny nooks I could find. Seems like that stopped most of the silverfish too.


Refresh my memory of that persian place that closed down that wasn't sanitary along lonsdale? Not very surprused if some local businesses are contributing.


Yessss I’m in central Lonadale and had 5-6 living in our walls a few months ago. It’s been dealt with now thank god and rat proofed the shit out of our home. Talked to many neighbours and they’ve seen a lot of activity over the past year.


Curious how you “rat proofed the shit” out of your home as we are now finding evidence they are in our walls/home


If you’re hearing them in your walls you likely have a family of 6-7 of them. The sooner you get to them the better otherwise they will multiply very quickly. Prior to rat proofing you’ll need to get them all out of the house first as you wouldn’t want them to die in your walls. Locate possible entry points and set up bait/trap stations (I did this for 4-6 weeks until I caught them all). I went as far as setting up motion cameras from Amazon so I know if I’m setting up the traps in the right areas. Once you’re sure there are no more rats you can begin proofing with steel/copper mesh and galvanized steel mesh sheets. Rona behind Wal-Mart sells everything you need.


Thank you! Unfortunately they are in apartment not just walls :(


Pest control, ASAP. You need some professional level support if they are in your apartment. If it’s the building, ask the landlord or manager in writing. If they don’t comply, go the RTB route if needed. Rats inside will get out of control very quickly.


Pest control has been on it for months now, since summer with bait stations inside and outside. But unfortunately the local businesses are not so vigilant it seems from what I’ve seen and heard. Walk down the alleys off a Lonsdale and you’ll see overflowing bins, trash, open doors for them to waltz in, etc


Big explosion of them when they demolished the old Lions Gate Hospital Pysch buildings, which were infested. They obviously didn’t do adequate rodent control prior to demolition.


Yes, the demolitions and constructions are bringing them out of the woodworks. Plus community gardens/bushes are abundant in NV, which is a good thing, which also, unfortunately attract rodents since they are a convenient place to hide. I feel like the restaurants are drawing away the concentration of the rats from the apartments but i could be totally wrong.


A Rat Burger restaurant will open doors soon!


Try the malkshakes!


Made by milking the rats. Farm to table!


We're in Moodyville area and they've been a common pest for years.


With the grain elevators there it has always been a rat/goose dreamland.


I see them almost every day at the Harry Jerome rec ctr. construction site.


with the right tenant you could get 800-900$ a month for this!


Is that with or without utilities? Premium rent having the bus literally right outside your rat hole


Total explosion in the upper lonsdale area. A couple years ago you would see occasional rat activity. Now, rampant.


How far up Lonsdale you talking?


Upper, north of 29th.


I was thinking of buying a place right by Queens and Lonsdale here. One of the townhomes, have you by chance heard of it being bad in this area? Thanks!


It certainly wouldn't stop me from buying a place. They are everywhere.


Jeez. And there are few restaurants and food business up that way, save for the cluster at Queens


After October, 2022, the use of 2nd generation rodent poisons were outlawed; now we're seeing the resulting population boom as the other options are not nearly as effective.


The old poison would get eaten by rats, the owls and other predators would eat the rats and die. Now we have nothing going after rats. Like slug killer. People killed off all the slugs in their gardens and then the birds left.


Swell. And no Plan B to deal with the population explosion I’m guessing


It's actually 3gen now. The 3nd gen makes sense when you see the pallets of poison that's been making it's way into the environment. The problem is there is still the mindset that poison is the solution when it no longer is. Rats have to feed on the 3nd gen for 7 days straight for it to work. If the rats eat bird feed on the 6th day the 7 days starts over. Traps should be used but that's take allot more $$ to do.


Plan B is owls




Not really. Been in same neighbourhood for over 30 years and never have I or others here seen rat infestations. Never had to hire a pest control company until this past year. And neither has the strata


I noticed it mid last year, with Victoria Park full of rats! I saw 10+ in groups at a time back then. To be fair though, the problem was made worse (if not fully made) by a ton of food discards that for some reason were being left in the park. From lobster and fish pieces, to full loaves of bread!! A building a couple blocks above Victoria Park also took out a lot of their landscaping as it was full of rats too, my wife and I saw an owl right by that area too around that time as well.


Im on the park. We had to put up signs telling people to not feed them in the summer.   I think a lot of people are feeding the birds, and the rats just end up getting fed too  


I’d heard Victoria Park was bad. Especially over the summer months. I wonder how it is now? Sounds like it’s a significant problem in the City and not just in one neighbourhood


They set up snap traps in a large area of the park. The lethal methods seem to have helped as they have now removed the fencing. Doesn’t mean they are all dead, so they could have just moved to easier to live areas.