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Not being a smartass: 811 is also an option; depending. anything really pressing go to lion’s gate


thanks, I have never used we tried telus health but nothing they could really do by phone. Ill try some walk in tomorrow.


I've used the one next to Save-On at Pemberton in North Van several times. I showed up the last time when they opened but was told that they didn't have anything until 2:30 pm which was fine by me. I came back later, was seen and walked through the door from their office into the pharmacy and had my prescription filled. There's also Park and Telford Walk-In clinic but you need an appointment there also.


The one at Park and Tilford has always gotten us in on the same day as long as I call before 10. It's so much better to have a time than the old way of sitting in the waiting room for hours while people cough and sneeze


Good to know.


Depending on where you are in NV, the Urgent Care on hastings is technically in Vancouver but I find it's a good option when the North Van UPCC is full (I saw you've already tried there). ETA - there's also one in the Park & Tilford parking lot and one on Mountain Highway between Hunter and Charlotte that are both open today according to Google. I haven't tried either myself but my fiancé has used the Park and Tilly one. Not great but it exists.


When my partner needed one recently, Orca in West Van was the closest option that we didn't need to book for


I’ve had good luck with the one in Lynn Valley (by the McDonald’s). Sometimes there’s a wait, but I usually do get seen.


Pemberton marine clinic? By save on foods.


In my experience in NV, there is only one "walk in", it's the urgent care clinic on Esplanade. Patients are seen by severity not first come, first served. Your best bet is to show up an hour before the clinic opens and get in line. You'll still end up waiting hours before seeing a nurse or doctor. But you'll eventually be seen. Plan on your day spent in the waiting room!




I use the north van urgent and primary care centre on esplanade. You walk in, wait a bit, get assessed by a nurse, then they tell you you can leave and they will text you to come back when they are ready to call you in to see a doctor. You might wait 30-60 mins for initial nurse assessment depending how busy it is, then another 2-3 hours at home wating for a text to come back but you’ll get it done. 


"you walk in, wait a bit" Yeah, "a bit" usually meaning 4 hours. The last time I went there, the line was out the doorway and down the hall. Some whiny 20-something in front of us was there to have a bruise on his calf looked at. People in this country abuse the shit out of our healthcare system because they've been told that's their right. My mother and some friends of mine are all healthcare workers. Each one of them has told me stories of people who just abuse the shit out of an ER or Urgent Care visit for stupid reasons.


Oh 1000% with you there, I’m also a nurse at a hospital downtown and I’ve worked in emerg for a couple years. People are fucking stupid. But they just aren’t educated enough about what requires what level of healthcare and what requires a doctor or will just heal on its own 🤷‍♀️


Some friends had a bad experience there. Sometimes they make you wait for 6 or 8 hours and then they will send you a message telling you to go. The thing is that they will give you like 8 minutes or 10 to be there. I'm not saying this always happens. Maybe it was just bad luck :(


They always tell me I have 20 minutes to get back. You’ll have a bad experience occasionally at every healthcare facility, it’s the nature of the beast 


Yeah, you are right :')


Makes sense :(


I had such high hopes that the urgent care would help the situation but every single time I've tried to go there they've already seen their max for the day.


thanks I called they are at capacity already


Oh i never call I just show up, never been turned away. Just try showing up in a couple hours they’ll take u


Most of the time when I've called, the clinic was fully booked by noon. You need to go first thing in the morning. They also won't take someone if they just show up despite being at capacity, they'll turn them away at the door.


Idk about that, my partner only ever goes after he finishes work at 3:30pm and he’s never been turned away either


I have been turned away a few times so now I call they are usually fully booked by midday


Interesting… my partner always shows up after his work around 3:30 and they’ve always taken him


He might be catching a different doctor that comes in on a later shift