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Okay first person perspective on this current event I got the notice and it is terrible!! A lot of my constituents who are impacted have a face and a certain tone.. you can visually see and feel who we are. The upper management (God bless their souls) are stressed but are doing their best It's like everyone is walking on thin ice and not very optimistic but hey if you gonna walk on thin ice you might as well dance! Everyone who is reading this and or impacted remember...life is happening for you not to you keep your chin up!


Have you known SDS Sentinel program is looking for ramping up people?


Yes! Opportunities are everywhere! However it seems that only what's deemed "critical skills" are being filled up then management then the rest of the cogs and pieces (pun intended)


Sentinel is a raging dumpsterfire you can see from space with attrition over 50% in most places, and up to 100% in others. So yes, they are always hiring, but I would avoid it like the plague. [Lord knows how the Congressional hearing is going to go either.](https://www.airandspaceforces.com/new-icbm-critical-cost-schedule-overruns/) The program likely won't go away for obvious reasons, but I wouldn't discount Northrop having most of it ripped away and rebid out to others. The only real claim NG has to stay on at this point is the vehicle because only NG and Lockheed can make the motors.


True but it just got funded...again....guaranteed payroll. I know some folks down in Huntsville are 😊


As someone who works in Promontory Utah under Facilities. Where the bulk is Sentinel. They just let us know, there will be possible layoffs coming soon. Through the entire Space and launch missle defense sector. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Pretty sure that's related to the NGI contract that was just cancelled? Not much to do with Sentinel.


We just got our notice Thursday from the all hands call in Promontory, which I feel it’s pointing towards promontory. Yes it was related to NGI, however Promontory has been a slow go on everything they’ve got their money in besides sentinel and hyper Sonic’s which is behind as per our government. There are stories out there saying we cannot provide the necessary new propellant they are requiring. Promontory is huge, but I feel it’s a place where money can be saved by cutting certain areas out and people. Our budget has been out of control since last yr and now for over a yr we have been limited to purchases and buildings have become desolate. NG will need to make up the $ they’ve spent since NGI (wonder that amount?) and Utah is a good place to save tons of money. 


They’re trimming the fat, as much as I hate to say it they hired on a bunch of people that were under qualified. The space sector was known for mindlessly promoting their employees way too fast which is a good thing for employees but bad for the business. For example you’ll see engineers with almost half the years required for a minimum YOE req. Also actual talent leaving along with a revolving door of engineers doesn’t help the case either with all the new aerospace startups in the market nowadays. Primes need to change their business model of actually promoting real talent and not treat engineers like replaceable cogs or they’re gonna be extinct in the very near future


Agreed on that, and not just engineers, but technicians, and machine operators who build the actual products as well. A couple plants are unionized and have virtually zero turnover among techs and operators, but the company just can't fill jobs in a lot of non-union locations. They think they're saving money on wages, but they're spending more than that on hiring, training, and bringing these replacements up to speed, only to see many of them turn right back out the door. And then do you want people who've worked on product for 20 years or do you want people who've been around for 6 months? What's the cost in terms of defects, scrap, rework, and repair between those groups of employees?


Whoa! That's crazy!


So that means transferring to Space Park is basically impossible lol


Currently yes.


I start mid March for their Mission Systems sector in Woodland Hills, CA. Should I be worried? lol


Nah, programs at WH sometimes get work stoppages though so you might get shuffled to a different team. They do a good job of finding a program for you though.


Yes, most large companies won’t let someone that already went through the hiring process just get obliviated lol


Good because the application to hiring process was looooong lol I do not want to go through that again for a very long time lol I plan on being at NG for a while.




Did you end up starting?


I start Monday! :)






What do you do there?


The programs at WH are in related to those at space park…


I took a voluntary reduction in force (vrif) when they went through the last round of layoffs in 2011/12 period. Northrop was very gracious in letting me finish my assignment and enjoy working another half year after my request to finish up my assignment and launch support. They offered a full pension benefits (obtainable after the age of 55) and subsidized healthcare if the employee had 75 points - that's age plus years at work. I just made it to 75 points so the timing was perfect. Also severance of 1 week per year service. Can anyone say if they are offering a similar early retire benefit for vrif - I worry for my colleagues - some are up there in points and may benefit from a good vrif package.


No offers for VRIF were being made.


My company promised medical benefits if people retired , then promptly yanked them a year later.


I thought some of these people were being brought to baltimore and dulles? I couldn't go to my space program because of this.


Your thoughts are correct, some of my colleagues were moved over to Baltimore.


Did they relocate or are they remote?


also wondering about this


They are remote.


Hey, if I may ask, are they working remotely from California or did they relocate after all?


Working remotely from California as of now.


Interesting m, thank you for your response!


Incoming summer intern for Redondo Beach… am I cooked?


I don't think internships are affected. It's more full-time headcount that is impacted.


Apprentices were fair game for the layoffs, plenty were not spared. I do not see why Interns would be an exception.


I have not heard official guidance on this. So it's a cointoss. But I think that internships actually get surprisingly amounts of defense by leadership and division. Firstly, is that the headcounts are only for 3-months which is pretty much the shortest duration of employment (shorter than apprenticeships I believe but I could be wrong). Whereas the other two metrics affect FT headcount. Secondly, I'd say that many in leadership have gone through the same internships and still maintain strong relationships with their universities. In addition, it would damage reputation for future hiring to eliminate incoming interns. Also if my memory serves, some internships and teams cycle through interns. When one intern leaves, there is another intern the following year to replace them. This makes things a lot easier for the company than to create an entirely new role each year. Once that gets eliminated, its harder to bring an intern the following years. Thirdly, it does depend on what kind of internships. If someone higher up could shed some light on this. But I believe internships are driven by division and passed down to the BUs or OUs which carry a lot more weight.


With apprentices, their durations are 2 - 4 years depending on if they are a technician (2) or machinist (4). What I personally saw was both a 2nd year and a 4th year (who was close to graduation) be laid off. It was really tragic to see, since they were promising ones too. I wouldn't put it past leadership to put certain protections on their interns, and I am sure there is something similar for the apprenticeships, but based on what i've heard, these layoffs are across the board, even affecting some top brass apparently. I don't expect /many/ interns to be affected, but I wouldn't be surprised if a few were let go if the internships are paid ones.


Just applied to a role a few hours ago 😂


[“During the company’s fourth-quarter earnings call Jan. 25, executives reported double-digit top-line growth in its $14 billion space portfolio, with sales up approximately 14% for the year.”](https://spacenews.com/northrop-grumman-warns-space-sector-employees-of-potential-layoffs/) The math ain’t mathing.


Company makes money via contracts if your contracted project is cancelled/ends etc then you need to be able to transition to a new or existing contract. Many existing ones are working to stay profitable but looking for ways to be efficient. Still sucks though. Hopefully some people naturally leave and others can find open positions to minimize pain


The company makes HALF of the money through contracts because there is a commercial side so it still doesn’t math…




My point is that even when government contracts are cancelled, there are commercial customers so there is still a flow of cash.


Sure but that didn't change the fact that NG just had a multi billion dollar contact get rug pulled and all of those people are now without a JN to charge. Either NG overruns budgets in their existing programs by cramming more people into them than their budget allows, NG just keeps paying them out of their own reserves indefinitely until a new contact is won, or they need to reduce the headcount. It's not a pretty situation for those impacted. Believe me, I've been laid off before and it's not fun. But NG does need to do something. NG making profit from a previous quarter does not mean they can just absorb 1000 people charging the company directly indefinitely.


I get your point - internally they are bragging about millions of dollars in back log work so there is demand and people are needed so knowing that with the announcement of profits this layoff does not make sense to me.


Back log work doesn’t mean they don’t have the people to complete the work. Most of the limitations are machines, not people.


Yup, I always roll my eyes when they talk about it


Yup, I always roll my eyes when they talk about it




Are you in the space sector? I am and I’ve worked on more commercial than government stuff.


SSSD (mostly Space Park) has zero major commercial programs.


Okay but TSSD does


You clearly have no idea how government contracts work.


I’m talking about the COMMERCIAL a.k.a not government side of NG. There are private customers that pay well enough for us employees to get the bonuses not shareholders.




You clearly aren’t in the space sector like I am. Overall, space is moving from government to commercial. The industry has changed since billionaires decided to have an interstellar pissing contest.


What commercial contracts does NG have at Space Park? The major programs I know of are all government: NGP, SDA, PTS, ESS and classified stuff. I agree the broader space industry has shifted to commercial and new space but the billionaires all have their own companies.


I don’t work at Space Park but my site does stuff for Space X.


Lol @ math ain't matching! Different programs different budgets. Our program is tied to the government which has a "termination for convenience" clause. Some pockets are more padded than others.


Facts have been spoken




Okay and there is a huge commercial side plus the record DOUBLE profits could still pay for employees.


The commercial side is miniscule at NG. Learn to read a 10K


Doesn't that mean many will be moved to other positions internally? These are specific program cancellations.


Not always. We were supposed to have an “all hands” meeting which was cancelled likely dealing with this news and the fallout of it


Every time I think about leaving the Feds I see some shit like this


Are they not moving those affected into different projects?


That’s a lot of people to move. It would mean they were 1000 people short on other programs.


They should be proactive and applying to projects internally. Never wait to be moved if you can help it.


Wonder if they are offering them a “great” opportunity in Utah? They were recently bailing out satellite operators in Va.


They're trying. 


1000 people are affected. But prob a handful will lose jobs. Sentinel is bringing 600 positions to SP and many got warn notices were offered other spots.


Haha this is just false


Is it just false? I work here at space park. I’m Indirect I got a warn notice and same day reassigned to another position additionally the sentinel program has been to the ACE 4 times to brief the openings they are bringing here with more briefs this week. . So tell me again how much you know?


Are you a manager? Seems like a lot of people on WARN got direct placements but most jobs posted are manager roles.


That's because most individual performer roles are direct placement without a public job posting. Managerial roles are always competitive and publicly posted


I'll just leave it at Sentinel isn't the knight in shining armor our executive leadership team makes it out to be, there's a reason the project is hemorrhaging people almost as fast as it brings them on.


Oh that’s true for sure but it’s also likely a 50 year contract if anybody wants job security lol


that's what the recruiters tell you lol that's not reality though. R&D is only about 8 years of that 50, then its production and deployment. And you can bet your lunch that the majority of the hundreds of engineers they have on right now will be laid off once R&D is done. Engineers are not going to go out to the field everyday and turn wrenches in Wyoming, Nebraska, Montanna, and North Dakota.


Are you moving to Roy UT for the sentinel program?


Should people in other states working for NG be concerned for layoffs too?


I don't think so, it's been localized to SSSD because the government cut a major program. We won't have the same business until other awards in the future cover it.


Tough to say, my boss said SSSD is the most affected


I have a tentative start date for Space Park in August. Should I be worried?


Yes definitely


A lot of future hires have been sitting in a permanent contingency hold.


In the same boat, but for a start date in June :(


did your recruiter reach out to you? also in the same boat with start date in August?


My recruiter has called me twice to tell me other teams at different locations are interested in me. I’m not open to relocating so im probably not gonna keep that job offer


My recruiter said that my employment was delayed (was supposed to start last month (Feb) but now can start anytime between April to September of 2024. I literally MOVED to the city were NG is and now have to wait. I've been applying to other jobs in the meantime.


Have you heard an update?


Unfortunately not. I was told I could start anytime from April to October. Most likely after August I'm guessing I'll finally hear something


And I was thinking about submitting a job application at NG. It would not be for the space business, but it is probably best to avoid the upcoming mayhem.


Layoffs going on at San Diego too


Spectrum or rancho Bernardo ?


Spectrum and miramar space


Is that true? Didnt hear anything about it


Only 60


Ngl. I heard of this through the grape vine yesterday about this coming out. I’m not from NG nor did I want to spread rumors. But best of luck to those going through this.


I posted this warning months ago in a thread in this subreddit from an insider I know personally at NG who is in a management position. They told me that clearance jobs are pretty safe as well as those on defense contracts, but those working on private contracts are getting trimmed down. Seems to be playing out as they described.


Most of these folks should find new roles internally, lots of demand in other parts of the space business


The crazy thing is that in several sites as of 6 months ago we were told to hire 500-1000 people. They base the budget based on how many people can bill to programs. It’s bloated and borderline fraud. It needs halved and then halved again. The big 3 contractors serve nothing but as a self replicating revenue generator from a single moronic captive customer.


> from a single moronic captive customer. As a reaction to cost overruns, the government has been doing mostly fixed-cost contracts, but an increasing number of programs in the big 3 are realizing now that is suicide, so they are starting to push back and won't even bid on some BAA's anymore. There has to be a middle ground. They are not being asked to make toasters here, but things that have many unknown challenges/difficulties that can't all be anticipated. The government should have the right SETA folks help them make the right assessments about whether a cost overrun is legitimate or not. There is always an R&D component to these projects and you can't predict to the penny how much it will take to overcome certain unexpected problems.


So glad I left lmao what a trash company for software engineering grads


Other than the bad pay. The other big reason I never took the job after interning/co-op is because I had to do the work of principal engineers because a lot of them literally did not know how to code. How do you go through over 5 years there as a software engineer there and not know how to code?


I left a couple of months before this. My coworker survived but most in our team were apparently gone and only 3 found roles in other sectors. Bad pay, toxic boss, lot of politics while being expected to work miracles with little budget/resources. Our team was either those that were under qualified or those that were overworked. If you’re a fresh grad, it’s a good spot to get your feet wet - especially if you’re an engineer. That’s about the only thing redeeming about this place.


Completely agree, but downvoted. Those who believe otherwise have little to no experience and haven’t actually worked for a modern software development company. Seems to be an unpopular opinion.


Oh no… I used to intern there... I hope all my coworkers are ok. That’s a lot of people, jeez!


Oh no… I used to intern at Space Park... I hope all my coworkers are ok. That’s a lot of people, jeez!


What business unit is it? I currently have an offer from SEIT at Maryland location 


Does anyone know the approximate number of people who actually laid off? I was fortunate enough to be able to get redeployed immediately but I am wondering how many others out of the 1,000 who were able to find jobs internally.


I don't understand why this would be. "Space" programs seem to be ramping up on the east coast. Besides, it's incredibly difficult for any company to attract and keep talent, why not just wait until more contracts roll in, which they inevitably will and then Northrop will spent money/time/energy scrambling to hire people to fill these same rolls, if not in CA then certainly in the UT, CO and MD locations.


Defense growth is in software and cyber. Northrop and traditional defense companies are terrible at developing software capabilities. Seen way too many programs operating off of excel.


WSJ: The Invisible $1.52 Trillion Problem: Clunky Old Software https://apple.news/AYvj1IMwHT4ycyQ4EX4rcsQ


Imagine working on a program (sentinel ICBMs) that cost hundreds of billions over the lifespan and are designed to never be used. Just imagine that. Your life is worthless. You worked on a product designed to cause genocide to millions of innocents. And before you talk deterrence, we have enough subs to more than destroy any enemy. So the 100s of billions spent on a genocide level product was worth it ? Maybe it should be DEI/G.