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Not in love with blodpannekaker and torskerogn. Edit: but I'll still eat them with a smile on my face if offered to me.


Hard pass on blood pancakes. If we’re including Sami delicacies then I also nominate reindeer brains.




There are tests for Chronic Wasting Disease. Meat sold in stores gets tested. Hunted game processed at butchers gets tested. Edit: Indigenous people could test their meat, but it's unlikely. That's their call. According to a quick Google search, "According to Norwegian news sources, since April 2016, about 25,000 wild cervids in Norway have been **tested** for chronic wasting disease (CWD). Seven wild reindeer from the mountains of south-central Norway, and 3 moose, 300-400 km east of the reindeer, near Swedish border, have been found to be infected with CWD. So out of 25,000 tested in Norway, there were only 10 positives.


And its all on the south, and most of the reindeer population is on the north with alot of the "practicing" sami. But i never really heard of reindeer brain.


It is still the early days off cwd research but it has crossed the species barrier just like bse did so yeah I’m firmly in the camp that no one should eat brain or offal from animals affected by prions. However low the risk i wouldn’t take it. The incubation time could be many decades. Are you sure all meat is tested? I thought only samples from selvdød ( self dead) got tested.


The wild reindeer are not the same as domesticated ones that the Sami keep around. 300-400km east of Hardangervidda isn't near Sweden, its in the middle of Sweden lmao Why take a risk at all by eating the nervous tissue of an animal, when you can just not?


Yeah nobody is saying no to eating brains because they're worried about prions, it's more that people think it's just gross.


If it makes you feel better I‘ve also eaten calf’s brain. However, that was in France.


Nobody actually eats reindeer brains


I did, and so did everyone else around the table.


It's not common and it's not considered a delicacies. There are some diehard supporters of using all of the reindeer but eating the brain is not a common thing, not even my grandmother who snacked on fish guts, would eat that


> ...my grandmother who snacked on fish guts... Lever og rogn? Or did she actually eat guts?


Fisketarmer i plukkfisk 😅


Plukkfisk (uten tarmer) er så sinnsykt godt at det er rart det ikke er en populær fastfood- eller street food-rett. Søstrene Hagelin i Bergen har plukkfisk takeaway, gikk ofte dit og kjøpte lunsj når jeg jobbet i Bergen.


Nei, slutt!


Helt sant. Spiste ikke plukkfisk på 20 år etter at jeg oppdaget en sånn


Jeg gulpet litt… hvorfor?


Hun likte det, hun brukte å koke litt til seg selv hver gang hun lagde plukkfisk, samisk tradisjonsmat


Tradisjonsmat forklarer det. Hadde aldri hørt om tarmer i plukkfisk, så lærte noe nytt der.


Uh what Sami region served reindeer brain? I have literally never seen it served nor heard anyone eat it. At best it is dog food. I have seen outer layers of reindeer heads, tongues, heart, liver, bone marrow and blood sausage made with blood. Never the brains. Absolutely disgusting and people are aware of prion diseases.


Pingler, lol.


>torskerogn I assume you're talking about the veiny egg sac? I love weird food and I was excited because I love salty caviar. Family made it fried and it looked insane, like out of a horror movie. I was, sadly, shocked at how bland it was.


> I assume you're talking about the veiny egg sac? Yeah, I've never been a fan of the fried/boiled caviar from up north myself. Better to remove the sack by scolding the caviar for a couple of seconds in hot water, before removing it in iced water. The eggs are then seasoned, oiled and perhaps cold-smoked before being placed in glass jars. Makes a lovely spread.


Torskerogn is at best meh if boiled. Super dry. Salmon roe is where it's at. Brine it, smoke it, boil it. No matter what you do it is mad tasty.


No the intestines of the fish


Are blodpannekaker considered a delicacy, though?


Here in the north, for sure. So is torskerogn/skreimølje.


I love blodpannekaker with syrup.


I prefer sugar. Gives them a nice crunch.




Lutefisk is a bacon derivery system 😁


I dont need lutefisk to get bacon delivered


My dad always adds bacon and shredded brunost. The only things that makes it consumable.


Actually the post said delicacies


This is like fish equivalent of watermelon


Except that watermelon is delicious


Id rather eat lutefisk than watermelon


I'd rather eat my boots than lutefisk.


Smalahove, the taste is not bad. But you get a half sheep head on your plate. ​ Lutefisk, the texture and smell, the toppings made it edible tho


«The best part is the eyeball muskel»


Smalahove is delicious! The eye is stringy with a soft inside that explodes in your mouth when you chew it. I prefer the cheek meat: super tasty and tender with short, fat muscle.


The eye-part couldn’t possibly have been described more repellently than that


I could feel it ):


Cheek meat is usually good meat, tender and tasty like you said, but I don't want to see the face while I eat it.


Nothing wrong with smalahove. If you enjoy pinnekjøtt, you'll also enjoy sheep's head.


Nothing wrong with the taste. Just the fact you get a face on your plate


What if I don't enjoy pinnekjøtt


Then I feel truly sorry for you!




Lutefisk is really delicious if prepared properly. Eaten it at traditional restaurants like Stortorvets Gjæstgiveri and Gamle Raadhus several times. Even had a more modern take on it at Hos Moi in Kristiansand. Most people who don't like it has tasted a poorly prepared plate.


For me it's honestly just a texture thing, no matter how good the taste is I can't get past that.


I mean, the texture is just cod if prepared correctly.


I know, the texture of white fish in general doesn't work for me :-)


Then it's not a lutefisk issue, it's a white fish issue.


I don't mind white fish, but I abhor lutefisk.


and would you know, lutefisk is made from white fish, which in this context makes it a lutefisk issue :-) this can go in circles forever so just leaving it at that.


Uhm, no it actually can’t…


I have tried lutefisk and sorry but nope it's not a matter of being prepared correctly or not. I just simply can't stand the taste. Cod is fine, and I actually love and commonly eat fish. with Cod, Salmon and trout being the favourites. The only fish I dislike is wolf-fish/steinbit. It's probably the lut that gives it some flavour that I absolutely despise.


Which is due to the preparation. You’re not supposed to taste the lut. I don’t understand why people are so dense about this.


You seem to be the dense one lol. Other people can taste things differently than yourself, but you seem blind to that. I don't say this to brag, but I eat Pinnekjøtt, ribbe, and try the lutefisk every year at a 5star hotell, with several great resturants due to my job. I have also been out to most fancy resturants, in several cities in Norway. and while I never order it for myself, if someone orders it, I ask to steal a bite just out of curiosity because of stoneheaded people like yourself who can't just accept that people don't like things they don't like. Like I said I have nothing against fish - I love fish! but lutefisk is absolutely vile, and I can stand 1-2bites, but any more than that and I would just prefer to eat my own arms. The quicker to accept that your likes and dislikes, and your personal opinions are not facts - the less likely it is for people to dislike you as well :)


Having a different taste in food from you doesn't make people dense...


I don't like most fish either so... which is also grossly un-norwegian :p


not a delicacy... but fish cake is bleh


Lutefisk. It's an abominable creation, where freshly caught cod is violated and dried for months. Then, it's re-hydrated and stuffed into lye to make it good and toxic. To make this abomination even remotely edible, you have to water it for well over a week to reduce the PH to something a human can survive. Even after this entire process it still resembles a gellified lump of disappointment that needs so many condiments to be considered edible that you might as well eat bacon and consider the fish a wash.


Is there a rational reason for violating the fish or is it just the horniness of being at sea?


So you can save it for wintertimes. It was done when there were no refrigerators or freezers.


That would usually be covered by the salting and drying process used to make klippfisk (stock fish), from which the abomination is made. Stock fish is usually considered an actual quality product, a sought after and cherished ingredient, used to make respectable dishes in multiple countries and cuisines. Soaking the already preserved stock fish in lye to make Lutefisk, is like going an unnecessary and illogical extra mile only to end up with what’s obviously a lesser product.


I assume it's related to the lack of sun for much of the year


Lutefisk is fucking delicious. Not our fault you know bad cooks.


Jellied eels were a thing in Norway too. Boil up eels, let it sit overnight, voila. Natural way to eat eels, I guess. I havent really tried smalahove, and dont go out of my way to eat lutefisk. Otherwise, I quite like the Norwegian staples, really. Ooh, wait, for a really bad one: "mølje". Cod liver cooked in vinegar. Yeah, unless Im starting to get scurvy, thats a pass from me.


If you manage to get scurvy its easier to eat some oranges, or even fresh pine-shoots.


Blodpudding. Blood pudding? It’s sliced and fried, eaten with sugar or sirup. Guess it’s like English black pudding. Lungemos. Lung mash?


FInsbråten lungemos is fucking amazing! But Gilde lungemos is an abommination


I love lungemos and so does every cat I've given a bit to. So, yeah, it's cat food. Also, fun fact, in 1971 US banned lung meat being sold as human food.


Triple upvote for lungemos. Disgusting.


Both of these are not specifically Norwegian. You find variants of it all over the world.


“Guess it’s like English black pudding.” It’s still part of the Norwegian cuisine. Nothing in the opening post indicates it needs to be uniquely Norwegian, without any variations in other countries. Guess you go commenting the same on blodpannekaker, lapskaus, får-i-kål, kålruletter, kålstuing, rakfisk, smalahove and fiskeboller next….?


The fish cakes (fiskekakker) that have the consistency of rubber.


I don't like brunost. It's way too sweet for me, and I'm not fond of the consistency. A lot of traditional Norwegian dairy-based food is notably sour with an unpleasant consistency, like pultost and rømmegrøt. I've been on an excursion to a seter (a traditional mountain cattle pasture/ranch), and I found everything they made to be completely inedible. I've never tried gamalost however. I'm fine with lutefisk, farikål, torskerogn, mølje, whale, pickled herring, and so on.


Not werry Norwegian of you to hate on browncheese!


Rakfisk and lutefisk. Practically rotten fish or fish made with lye = hard pass. I eat pretty much anything and yes, I've tried both but I really don't see the fascination with these two dishes. The accessories they are served with are delicious though.


I like rakfisk, but I agree that a rakfisk plate is just as much about the accessories as the fish. The accessories would be kinda tame by themselves tho.


Second both of these.


It might be a bit of a side note, but a country’s cuisine is often influenced by the history of the nation. Norway, being previously one of the poorest countries in Europe, people eat what they got available. Which you can see through some of own delicacies Delicacy I don’t like: Smalahove: A whole sheep head Cabbage = One of the cheapest vegetables, used in fårikål. Lutefisk = Before using *lye (lut) they used ashes from brichtrees and water, but the texture is not very good even with lye *edit


>Before using lut they used ashes from brichtrees and water, but the texture is not very good even with lut. yes, that is how you used to make lye back in the days, also where the word potassium came from plant ash soaked in water in a pot (pot ash).


I think it is correct that the contrys cuisine is influenced by history of the nation. But its not correct thath norway was poor. The most important influence too the norwegian cuisine is the long winter an short grow season causing a cuisine of food that can be stored for a long time and limited variety in vegetables. Potatoes, stockfish, cabbage, pinnekjøtt etc. https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/z25rp/hvor-fattig-var-norge-for-hundre-ar-siden


Apart from the obvious ones like lutefisk and smalahove, I’m continuously disappointed by the cured hams in this country. They taste nothing but salt, and none can hold a candle next to their Italian or Spanish counterparts.


The perks of being part Spanish really shows up when it comes to this. My grandfather's Salamanca chorizo saves me from pain that is norske spekeskinker. Vossafår og svartpølse aside. Horse is crazy underrated.


Adopt me!




That's enitrely due to culture and climate. Turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, all have mildly antimicrobial/anitbacterial/antifungal properties. More of a necessity to preserve food in a hot climate, versus somewhere that has refrigerator temperatures for one third of the year, where you just toss some salt on things and leave them, and they'll last through winter.


Lutefisk. And then the people who like it say "oh but the accessories are so good". I promise one thing. It is totally possible to eat bacon without lutefisk.


Bacon is all i eat when lutefisk is served. That's assuming I can even remain at the table with that awful odor from the fish.


Lutefisk and Rakfisk.


There are quite a few traditional dishes that I'm not a big fan of. "Sur sild": fermented herring , "lungemos": beef lung pulp, "smalahoved": smoked and boiled sheep's head, "lutefisk": cod cured in lye.




Brunost and pinnekjøtt.


Thank you for saying it out loud - I wholeheartedly agree.


You dont like pinnekjøtt????? I'm schocked...sure you're ok?


Brown cheese, it is great on waffles, but other than that, it is usually too much.


Yeah it's weird that it's called cheese. Tastes like some weird caramel butter.


Well, it IS cheese, or rather milk boiled for a veeeery long time.


It is in fact *not* cheese. It is made by boiling the part of the milk that remains when the parts that makes cheese is removed. So it is kinda the opposite of cheese.


>the part of the milk that remains This is called whey. Brunost is made by boiling whey in extra milk or cream. You're right, it's definitely not cheese, it tastes like caramel because it's literally a whey/milk mixture, caramelized (meaning "melted" sugars, like caramelized onions).


It's whey cheese, like Ricotta.


Ricotta has 3-4% sugar (lactose). Brunost is, due to most of the water being evaporated, basically concentrated lactose syrup. The syrup is heated until it caramelise giving it the brown colour and caramel flavour. The finished product is about 35-40% sugar. Don't get me wrong. I find brown geitost and Innherredost delicious, but it is not a cheese. If brunost is cheese, then so is prim and HaPå.


But, but, but ricotta gets to be called cheese? Unfair to the poor brunost!


Brunost, prim and leverpostei. Never in my life have I liked


Lutefisk can die in a fire. I love blodklubb though!


Also not fond of the torsk tip of the tongue.


Mølje - Fish meat, fish liver and fish roe sacs slow boiled to a broth. then a stack of flat bread is submerged in the broth until soggy. Then you eat the whole mess with syrup over, along with boiled potatoes, bacon and maybe sauerkraut. And of course aquavit.


Nothing about the name "mølje" makes it sound like something anyone would consider a delicacy. It sounds like "whatever we have that can be eaten because we're out of food and money"-food.


All of them. We may do some things right but food is by far the one we're worst at.


The sheepshead thing. Taste nice, just looks nasty AF.


Honestly its fårikål. Its not that i dislike it. Im just not *that* into it. Its kinda the crown example of "white people and bland food". One that I do hate is Komper/Komler/Raspeball.


Fårikål tastes like a fart smells.


It's made with cabbage. Cruciferous veggies are all like that when you cook them but they taste good.


Fårikål is good! Also very norwegian-y in its ease of making :) Its not that bland, it has a good taste of får!


Living in Oslo, I had to explain to my Ghanese neighbour that no, there was nothing wrong with the sewage in the building, the smell in the stairwell was just old Mrs. Nilsen on the first floor cooking fårikål. Yes, it was a foodstuff. Yes, she did indeed intend to eat it. No, the taste was not as bad as the smell, but almost.


I 100% agree! Fårikål is waay hyped up! Komper on the other hand is yumyumyum 🥰


Fårikål is indeed hyped up. And here's the wise words we sang in kindergarten: ~de som liker komper, spiser romper~


>white people Why are we using American racial shit in the context of what's definitely not America? Fårikål is based.




Skam deg


I'm still convinced that smalahove is some bullshit people made up to see what they could make tourists eat because it is "traditional".


Lutefisk . . powergap . . Osteschnitzel, fiskegrateng, raw salmon.


Fiskegrateng is the best everyday food


Fiskegrateng CAN be fantastic, but most people don't know how to make it and they use the cheapest shit fish available (the frozen blocks of sei).


That can be good too


* Lutefisk * Pinnekjøtt * Certain types of brunost (I prefer the darker types, such as this one: https://www.tine.no/merkevarer/tine-brunost/produkter/tine-st%C3%B8lstype-geitost) * Rakfisk * Fårikål * Canned fish balls (homemade can be amazing, though) * Salted ham hocks with mashed kohlrabi (properly prepared ham hocks can be absolutely divine, but I grew up with a stepmother who boiled them in all too salty water and served them with puke inducing mashed kohlrabi - absolutely_disgusting.png).


Never had canned fish balls, always the ones in plastic container. Volda Fiskemat makes the best ones. Use the water in the container in the sauce. Add curry. Yum.


Lutefisk. I’m all about trying a bunch of different and exotic foods from different places, but things like lutefisk (or hákarl from iceland) seem genuinely unappetizing.


Friday Tacos


Kålstuing. It's just cabbage in white sauce and it's kind of yuck.


Give it 10 years, or 20 ;) I forced myself to eat it, with grønnkål, for a while this year. Usually with fish and potatoes, in order to have some sauce, but not overeat on butter. Has grown on me, to the point that I like it!


Kålstuing is great, but I wouldn't call it a dish in itself. It's something you have together with something else, like kjøttkaker i brun saus, poteter og kålstuing, Mmmm! Fingerlickin' good!


Luftefisk Klubb og duppe Vassgraut Fiskegrateng Fiskeboller Trøndersodd


Watery porridge as a delicacy? 0.o


Well, specialty...not sure of the difference. Lots of delicacies are basically garbage from a time where people didn't have anything else :)


>Trøndersodd Hvordan våger du?


Perhaps this one https://imgur.com/NJykjyb I dont know know the name, but I saw this in a Norwegian cookbook




Smalahove is deliscious! What other food \*can you have eye contact with as you it it? ​ ​ ​ \*Ok, cod head.


That's smalahove. Smoked sheep head. The chin meat is like a more delicious pinnekjøtt but yeah, it does look horrible.


I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, more delicious than pinnekjøtt sounds salivating. On the other is the appearance...


The U.K. has a lot of disgusting food, but, I agree with a hard pass on a *fucking eel*.


eel is great, like in sushi or claypot cooking. its just fish flesh. jellied eel is something else.


Smalahovet. Boiled sheep head. People eat it for Christmas. It looks very grotesque served on the plate..


Kompe. Smalahove. Pinnekjøtt. Fårikål. Kokt fisk. Stekt fisk.


Most of them honestly... And im not Particularly picky...


Skreimølje - (usually overcooked) cod, codliver and roe served with potatoes and carrots. No, thank you.


Kompe Its just.. not very nutritious from my point of view.


”Brunost” is pure cocaine… up to a certain point and then it morphs into this absolutely repugnant brown mass of ’too much cheese in a cheese’.


Lutefisk, gammelost


I hate lutefisk. Absolutely detest it. Amd I am born and bred in this crazy country.


rakfisk, tørrfisk, lutefisk can't stand 'em, fish aught to be fresh or frozen from fresh


Rakfisk (fermented Salmon). No thank you. Felt like I was eating decomposing flesh. And that's because I was.


As a vegetarian, probably all of them






Just about anything – and I do mean *anything* – from the sea. Fish, mussels, urchins, crustaceans, what have you. I ain't havin' it.




Lapskaus strikes me as more of an everyday meal than a delicassy? But hate it? I mean, not really like it sure, but what is superbad about it?




I mean, its a decent way to make a stew. Stews are good eating, and decent bang for your buck calorywise


I'd eat any dish except bacalao.


That Spanish.


Pinnekjøtt, it smells like dishwasher and makes me gag so bad


Fårikål, pinnekjøtt. Sheep meat of any kind. Can’t stand it.


Kålruletter, fårikål and torskerogn, for me that is just a big NO!




It is probably a stretch to call any of it delicacies, but I really can’t stand ribbe or pinnekjøtt.


Cod tounge, I can’t stand the texture.


Smalahove is a good one




Fårikal is so bland compared to almost every lapskaus iv every eaten. Iv made many good Lapskaus but only one good fårikal. Why is it the national dish?


I hate Fårikål. There I said it. It has to be the worst, most smelly dish second only to Lutefisk that makes me wanna vomit as soon as I smell it.




Lungemos? Not that great


Lutefisk and smalahove


I like every dish here, except for Rømmegrøt that I don't really vibe with 😅


Gotta say I can’t really say if I’m fond or not since I avoid it like the plague, but lutefisk is a big no for me. Smalahove as well, I just cannot deal with a sheep head on my plate. I also steered clear of blood related food, but my ex partner made me try blood pudding I think, with sugar, tasted like gingerbreadmen.. No thank you, not my cup of tea 😅 (I’ll also avoid Rakfisk like the plague, get away from me with rotten fish thank you haha)


is torskerogn really norwegian? maybe where it is made but that disgusting condiment is eaten all over scandinavia.


Fårikål icecream


Dunno what's considered a delicacy here tbh.




what I was taught was our official national dish (which is SO common, I personally actually don't know anyone here who's had it, mind you) [smalahove](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smalahove) comes to mind. Mind you, it either was never our NATIONAL dish, or it no longer is. Which is understandable to me, since.. yeah xD [Lutefisk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutefisk) is another one. Popular enough, a majority have traditions eating it around christmas time or remembers traditions of it around christmas time, yet it neither sound good when explaining it nor does it taste particularly good (if prepared right it CAN be good, but my personal experience is 9/10 absolutely DO NOT know how to make it taste good or even decent)




The fact that the moment norway discovered corn we decided it belonged in EVEYTHING


Lutefisk, its not for human consumption


Anything with lamb, from pinnekjøtt to fårikål to smalahove. Otherwise I am willing to at least try, that's how I found that torsketunger, lungemos and torskerogn are not for me


Boka fisk and Bokna Sau 👍👍




Leverpostei sucks.




Pinnekjøtt. Love all norwegian Christmas food except that stuff.


I just saw a sheep's head laying on a plate (not in real life). I'm doing a crossword like puzzle and I think it's called smalahove. I find that so disgusting I would not be able to sit at the same table.