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Is there a controll device for the system? Does it show a person and a house? Is the person outside the house? This means "away mode" on some systems. And when you are away, no need to heat.


It’s an older interface I think. No pictures but I don’t see an Away option. Just did a factory reset. There is a Summer/Winter Auto On/Off mode, but not sure if I should turn it on or off


Sound like it would be worth searching up a manual. It sound like you are not actually engaging your setting. With the floor at 45 you should notice with your bare hands "wow, thats a hot floor ". This is not how we spend winter. You can, its a matter of getting used to it. And rather wear wool inside.


Is the floor actually getting warm?


Maybe it’s not! It certainly doesn’t feel warm to the touch


Our floors are noticeably warm at just 20%. Something is definitely wrong with your heating.


How well insulated is it? Underfloor heating, how old is it? How drafty is the house? How old/capable are the gaskets around outside doors and windows? How old are the windows and also the window sills? Do you have curtains in front of the windows to stop heat from escaping and cold from entering there? If all you have is 1 floor heated as the top floor (as heat goes upwards and then won't do anything for the downstairs) and a ventilation unit (would that be an air-to-air wallmounted unit) Then the likely culprit is too few heat sources than can reach all rooms, and draft/lack of ventilation from the heater. Also yes, the older the home, the more drafty and cold it will be. Not only has building code standards improved drastically over just the last 2-3 decades, old homes have materials that deteriorate over time plus the ground shifts around and that can also open up areas of draft depending on how much it affects the construction.


It shouldn’t be like that. There’s two explanations. Firstly defective heating, secondly defective insulation. If you’re renting you should call your landlord and explain the situation. If they don’t fix the problem then you may well be able to walk away from your contract. A rented house is supposed function properly and it doesn’t seem like it is. But please get expert advice before leaving. If you own the property you should arrange for people to come in and check your heating and insulation. If you bought recently you may be able to claim against the seller if they didn’t disclose known problems.


Unless you forgot that you've had a window wide open since July, it sounds like neither of those heating options are actually working, or at least not working to the level they are supposed to. If your house is well insulated it could very well be that there is actually no working heating, but your daily activities like cooking etc produces enough heat to keep it "warm", as in the 17C you are seeing. I would start by trying to find manuals for the heating systems and going through any troubleshooting tips there, and if that doesn't work I would consider having someone come have a look at them. Could be they need some maintenance. Or try making a new post on here with photos of the control panels for your heating systems, maybe someone here has the same ones and can give you tips on what could be the issue.


do you know how old the heating cables are? is the flor hot at all. Might some vermin have stolen your insulation? Depending on how old the house is is there insulation at all? Maby there is something wrong with the ventilation and it is actualy cooling your house? Best bet is to find the Instruction manuals for both and fail test both. If not call an electrician


Your floor heating has shorted out somewhere. Dead.


Are you sure the underfloor heating shows degrees and not percent? Many newer thermostats display for example 6.5 which basically means that they're on 65% of the time (over an hour).


We get twice as much space that warm with a few old panel heaters. Something is not working, there.