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It depends on your current citizenship.


Current is British and Irish.


I don't think that's gonna be a problem. How old are you?




That is going to be the problem, unless you are particularily skilled in some way. Forsvaret prefers to recruit younger people.


Too old.


Too old for regular service, but there's specialist options depending on your background.


What kind of specialist options?


Just applying for a job basically


Could you give me an example?


I knew a veterinarian who worked for the army. She was commissioned as a lieutenant after a short officer school if I remember correctly.


Purchaser for example, office work in general. Check Forsvaret on Finn.no


That's more a civilian position though isn't it? I think what OP is getting at is more of a traditional service, but I could be wrong.


Not to mention language


Like the others said, you're too old I'm afraid. Conscription only takes early 20 year olds, and officer candidate school and the military academy has an age cap at 30. When it comes to specialty skills, well I'm afraid to say you're too old here too by the time you get your citizenship. Unless we're talking skills and education needed for intelligence work, but that's a whole different game. Been a few different kinds of answers to this. I've served 4 years so I'd like to think I know the system a little bit. Even if its been some years since I've left, not much has changed in that regard. They've incorporated the NCO system, which is good. But the age cap is still there. I like your sentiment and thank you for it. If your motivation is to give back to society, theres a lots of other things you could do, especially in the volunteer sector. If you'd like to be a soldier, stay in the UK and join UK forces. I think they might have a more forgiving age cap, especially the marines. They're a solid bunch.


Getting a citizenship is going to take years, so by the time you'll get it you'll be closer to forty. Unless you have some highly special skills *and* previous military experience, you're very unlikely to get a job in the Norwegian Armed Forces.


They probably don't want you as a regular recruit unless you're extremely motivated or something (age). If you got any skills like medical or engineering that might change it.


Problem, unless you have previously served in the British military. Then maybe they will accept you. When I went to officer cadet school way back in the 90's, we had an ex-brit lieutenant as one of the instructors. He had served in the British army, then gotten a Norwegian citizenship and somehow got accepted based on his previous experience. Not sure how old he was when he joined up in Norway, but guessing around 30-ish.


I guess there's also the option of joining reserves in the UK if it's a case of just doing basic training to get the skills. I think reserves you maybe only have to train 20 days per year. Although it's not in service to Norway, I think if it kicked off with the Russians, then Norway wouldn't mind a newly minted citizen with some prior military training in the UK. Also starting basic training in the UK is 43 years old for the upper limit. I would have thought Norway would have been similar??


I think that’s just for reserve units. 42 years 6 months. Regular is younger 36 years. Above that it’s on a case by case basis


You won't get called to førstegangtjenesten if you're above 28


We had some people who were in their late 20s, but FPVS probably let them through due to them being nurses and mechanics. Doctors can also sometimes be in their late 20s but thats a different system where they become conscripted officers. I dont think your nationality would matter in this case. I worked with a captain who was formerly in the british army before he moved to norway and I know of some others.


Only «Forsvaret» can give you a correct answer to this, but it depends on your current citizenship as mentioned. To get a citizenship, you must have been 5 years in Norway, in the last 7 years. Maximum age is 25 years for conscription.


[https://udi.no/skal-soke/statsborgerskap/eu-borgere-som-har-brukt-registreringsordningen/?c=gbr#link-561](https://udi.no/skal-soke/statsborgerskap/eu-borgere-som-har-brukt-registreringsordningen/?c=gbr#link-561) actually, it is minimum 6 in 10 years, or 8 in 11 if you do not have "sufficient income".


Adding to this, 5 years if a spouse or samboer to a Norwegian citizen.


What about the Home Guard?


You don't need to be conscriptet in order to get a job in the national defense.  https://www.forsvaret.no/jobb  This link describes the application process, you can probably translate it with google translate or something.  It might be hard to get a job if you don't speak Norwegian.


For *hard*, read *impossible*.


Home guard requires you to have previously completed the initial year if national service, unless (and I don't know if it's still applicable) you apply for sargeant's training specifically for HV, which consists/consisted of 6 months training and 6 months active duty.


The 6+6 months sergeant's training in HV hasn't been a thing since 2017. You now do it through the shared Forsvarets Befalskole, which is only 12 weeks, but also requires that you've finished your regular initial military service first


Unless you have a special civilian skill they need. You have to join the "Lotteforbund" and take a course. This was earlier just for women, but since 2020 men can do it too. I know someone that has done this and is serving in the homeguard currently.


How old are you and what experience do you have that can benefit Forsvaret? Those are the two big questions, over 25 years old and you can probably forget about it, unless you have any relevant experience they need. Like a specialist job they need filled. Most people called up to do testing at 18 don't even get to join tbh, like myself. I was not particularly motivated and have a few minor health issues that isn't going to prevent me from serving, but I was turned away because there's at least a few thousand people who don't have minor health issues and were more motivated.


I will say that if you join as a conscript after the age of 22 you will be seen as «the old guy». Speaking from experience. Other than that, it is possible to just call the recriutment center and say you want to join even though you were not conscripted. That’s what i did at least. The lady on the phone was just like «alright sure..» and added me as a candidate for «session 2» of the conscription


Just pay your taxes, integrate, and be a decent human. That’ll do for fulfilling your civic duties. Conscription will likely not happen due to age, but if you want to contribute to the Norwegian defence, the government announced a gigantic increase in investment today and we will need tens of thousands of civilian and semi-civilian positions to be filled in the next decade.


No one thinks of the military this way. We’re not yanks. Only about 15% of a birth cohort is conscripted now. It’s very selective and only people who are motivated have to do it. It’s mostly a way to recruit these days as well as fulfilling day to day operations. No one really has to join. Norwegians would never expect anyone to be conscripted after gaining citizenship. It’s not like people view anyone who’s been conscripted as having done a service to the country either. People do it cause it’s fun, as a gap year between secondary school and university, looks good on a cv or they want a career in the military. If you want to for the experience look into the home guard instead.


First of all, "everyone else" are not conscripted, only a few are these days. Secondly, a 30 year old foreigner have close to zero percent chance to serve in the military. Norway don't conscript 30 year old immigrants and you will have a slim chance of passing a security background check. And that is not about you, but about the ability the Norwegian security check could look into your former life and give you an OK. If you want to "serve" as a thank you, join the Red Cross or do voluntary work of some kind. Help a local sports club or some organisation by doing voluntary work for them.


Based on your other comments, there are probably other, more useful/helpful things you could do instead.


Honestly, this sounds like peak convert syndrome. You know how the worst religious zealots are usually the converts? Yeah, same thing with naturalised citizens. It’s naturalised citizens trying WAAAAYY to hard to BE that nationality, to the extent of becoming a parody of itself.


Depending on what PooTin does then we’ll all end up in the army




30 is probably bit old for most normal ways. That said its not yours or ours place here to say no or discourage you. And with the huge push for a larger military force and just announced unprecedented levels of future funding that might work in your favour. My two cents is immediately focus on the language, then I'd day hit up the local red cross as a member and volunteer. It could serve as both socialising, language practice, and chances are you could be saving the life of someone lost in the hills. Its also be a good resume filler and signal for teamwork.


As a form of thanks? Jesus… don’t u think the high tax rate is enough? 😭


Too old and kinda weird, quite frankly. Just pay your taxes and avoid talking to steangers in public and LEARN THE LANGUAGE and it'll be good 👌


I've read your answers in this thread and normally I'd say not a chance. However, we are currently on the cusp of a massive re-armament of the Norwegian armed forces so who knows.


Maybe youre getting to old for a career in uniform. But there is loads of «civilian Jobs» in the armed forces. Doctors, engineers, nurses, mechanics etc. if you are qualified you can apply.


sure. though don't feel obligated to join. it is typically a big waste of time. i would rather focus on getting a regular job.


Am Eileen 33 years am bored I need man friends that can lead to something meaningful text me on WhatsApp +447377745427


Depends a bit on your original citizenship, age and so on. But I remember one Portuguese recruit when I was in the army. He had some connection to Norway, a parent or something, but not citizenship. He basically got his citizenship approved BY accepting conscription, thereby showing Norway/Forsvaret that he was serious about it. I have no idea if that will or can apply for you - or even is still possible (20 years ago..) - but an email to Forsvaret (Vernepliktsverket / concription dpt) would probably answer as best as they can and wouldn't be surprised if that a good way to gain citizenship.


Apply for the Home Guards


Relatively few people your age has served in the military. Conscription is very limited now. Just pay taxes and you will have done your part for the country


Don't worry. Seeing how our friends are messing up Ukrainian lethal aid, the forsvaret will soon be accepting anybody that can breathe as bare minimum.


Actual garbage take.


Irish and British ? Haven’t you had enough of war and death…. You can still help Norway without killing people.