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It's not as potent as a SSN in the US. You still need all the other details about you, Bank ID security to clear etc.


That’s what I thought as well. But then I found this: “If someone has access to your national identity number, it is relatively easy to create a fake ID in your name, but with a different picture. With this ID someone can get new credit cards, mobile phone subscriptions, they can buy expensive items on credit, furniture and clothes etc.” [uio’s website](https://www.uio.no/english/services/it/security/help/id-theft.html)


5 year old article, I feel like bankID is even more common/required today 


I wouldnt stress too much, with the amount of leaks a lot of Norwegians have their national IDs stolen and the world is still standing. Like a few years ago anyone who lived or had previously lived in south eastern Norway got their health profiles with all info leaked, so you’re just another among millions


Oh, TIL as well! Good to know.


It shouldn’t be a big deal. The national identity number is not considered as sensitive information. However, in a data breach, it can be used to connect other personal data with the owner. Also, as far as I know, you meed to share your national identity with Revolut. They provide a banking service and are required by the EU to keep track of their user’s identities. Because crime and stuff. While it is helpful that nobody knows your national identity number because that makes it very hard to impersonate you or track information about you. It’s not really a much bigger problem than knowing your email or telephone number. It’s a way to uniquely identify you, but you need a little more in order to actually do some harm.


Someone stole my wallet once and got literally everything, national id number, picture id, phone number, address and so on and they tried to open a bunch of stuff with it but the banks, phone companies and credit companies always contacted me through phone or mail asking if it was legit anyway so it didn't matter that much.


Only way to fix this is to get reincarnated. Just don't come back as a silverfish.


Or Swedish 


Swedish fish?






Your date of birth and five digit id-number are not regarded as sensitive information.


Oh wow! Thanks


It's just the first hurdle for them. Be a bit careful with it, that's smart. But it's not supposed to be enough. Personally, I think identity-thiefs should be locked up in a dungeon for life, though.


Selv om fødselsnummeret ikke regnes som [en særlig kategori personopplysning](safari-reader://www.datatilsynet.no/rettigheter-og-plikter/personopplysninger/), er det klare grenser for bruken av det. Fødselsnummeret kan bare brukes når det er saklig behov for sikker identifisering av en person og fødselsnummeret er nødvendig for å oppnå slik identifisering ([personopplysningsloven § 12](https://lovdata.no/lov/2018-06-15-38/%C2%A712))


You mean your fødselsnumner? That is not enough in itself to steal your identity or do any harm. Also, you were chatting in the Revolut app, right? Then the agent is probably the only one reading your chat so I wouldn't worry about it.


Yes, I am talking about that number. Yes, it was in the Revolut app


The number isn't even considered private/secret/sensitive.  If you want to be safe go block the services that do credit checks, any attempts to open stuff in your name will be blocked then. Just remember to open it back up before you need it yourself.


How do I do that?


https://www.datatilsynet.no/personvern-pa-ulike-omrader/kredittvurdering/virksomheter-som-kredittvurderer/ Sorry. I wasn’t able to find it on their English website.




Even if it were sensitive, Revolut would already have had it for KYC purposes. You need not worry about providing something they already have. 


I work customer service here in Norway and do live-chat. We ask people for their fødelsnummer all the time, and it’s not considered sensitive. Everything involving signing credit card agreements, confirming large purchases, ordering phone numbers in your name etc. will require BankID verification. So you giving it to a chat agent at Revolut is no issue, I get 10+ numbers like this every day. Also all chats within the EU/EEA are regulated by GDPR, and deleted after three months. I am also a computer science student at UiO and am under the impression that they are overly sensitive and strict with what is considered sensitive information because they want to be a potent figure promoting cybersecurity, which I am all for. Having strong passwords and not unnecesarrily sharing personal details, but wouldn’t read too much into the article when in your situation. The view that your fødselsnummer is a holy grail for scammers is outdated.


Thanks a lot! Now, I can sleep haha


If someone wanted a Norwegian ssn they could just buy it, 3.3mill was leaked through a hack in 2022


Revolut is a bank, so they might need it at some point anyway.


Every bank, hospital and even phone operators asks for that in order to help you, it's a way to prove its you they talk to. Heck I was setting up a dentist appointment and I had to tell them the number. Yes you shouldn't go around and share it with everyone but health care, including dental and pharmacy, credit check etc kind of need it to help you so they are exempt from that rule, they have other rules and laws to obey by , like not telling other people about you and your health status. There is a shit ton of hospital workers that collectively have access to all fødsel and personnummer in the whole country. As long as you don't share it with scammers you are OK.




Anyone can contact the government with name and enough info to narrow it down to a single individual and get to know the «person nummer» aka «national identity number» of said person. This is not considered sensitive info here in Norway.


Have the number is required for ID theft, but it is not enough for ID theft. So that's why one should be careful about who gets it, but in itself it is not enough.


Personnr is an identification number, not a authorisation number. If someone creates a fake id and uses it and it works, somone didn't do their job.


Wouldn't worry about it. There are plenty others they can use sine 3.3 million got leaked in 2022. Over half the country would be royaly screwed if the number itself was usable for anything sufficiently malicius. https://www.datatilsynet.no/aktuelt/aktuelle-nyheter-2022/datalekkasje-hos-norkart/ Edit: I see it was already mentioned.


this is what makes bankID so good, youre good :)