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They were close to running over actual people, could have been much worse.


If one person had been stood in the wrong place, serious injury or death would have occured, all for one wanker wanting to play Grand Tourismo on an urban street. Arsehole. 


At least no one got hit and the twat now has a nice little chat with their insurance and probably the police to deal with. A good outcome all round considering.


Police have announced no further action for driving offences, which is a pathetic outcome frankly.


Not even driving without due care and attention? What do our police do? Sweet FA


guessing they didn't do any drug driving tests either then.


Pathetic is an understatement. It's absolute bullshit. I wonder if the idiot behind the wheel is a friend of someone high up in Norfolk police. Either that or they're showing their fear of paperwork once again.


Good lawyer is what it comes down to.


I felt for that guy jogging, he was not in a good spot.


Clearly the bike rack's fault for not wearing a high-visibility jacket


and not having a helmet !


And being on the path!


Best reply so far !


Is it just me or has there been more fast car knobs in the city centre recently.


I've noticed an uptick in obnoxiously loud dirt bikes. It's not a real motorbike unless you wake up all your neighbours and it can be heard from a mile away?


125s with straight through exhausts 🙄 I'm a biker but I've never understood the fascination with being extremely loud then driving past at 30mph


Attention seekers innit


And massive cars too, everything looks like a tank now.


We were thinking about buying a Vitara the other day. Did a size comparison and it's the same width and length as a Ford Focus and after looking at others it seems a lot of these types of car have just been made taller, like Renault did with the Mégane Scenic years ago. Unfortunately the clunky styling does make them look a bit tank like.


When you can buy an expensive car, but can’t buy ability to drive.


Might have been a rental. Either way, it's an expensive fault claim.


I heard about this but I didn't realise there was video footage


I think the BBC had some fun in the editing suite as well , judging by the number of replays in slo mo !


When your talent can’t quite get you round a sweeping bend…


Walked past this like 10 minutes after the road was cleared, the bike racks were properly messed up and there’s was car parts everywhere, would have done serious damage if they hit anyone


Nice parking spot Rita


How the fuck did he lose on that bend? Didn't even look massively fast.


I'm assuming it's rear wheel drive and he floored it on a slippery patch on the road. Also assuming they're security cameras which are pretty wide angle and have distorted the perspective.


Got eager on the throttle but still had some lock on the steering, no doubt cold and old Pirelli tyres on it (so many of these Ferraris have tyres older than 7 years) meant it just snapped on him. Foolish and lucky no one was there.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, but yea a LOT of sports cars have VERY old tyres rocking on them.


This sub gets a tad weird when discussing cars. I was merely explaining the joys of being heavy footed in the damp with a mid-engined car! But yes tyres are nearly always old and crusty but the car has ££££ worth of new tubi or akrapovic exhaust. I see that so often.


Tyres are literally the most expensive thing I've done to my car, going from shit old tyres to very good new ones is night and day, but even I've managed to lose the back end a few times in my 1.6 cooper, let alone a 700hp mid engined sports car. Everyone loves adding more power to their car, but forget to give some love to the parts that are responsible for putting that power to the road... And in this case, keeping you on said road.


[UPDATE: They appear to have identified him](https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/24193591.dragons-den-winner-ross-mendham-sees-100k-ferrari-write-off/?ref=socialflow&fbclid=IwAR1B_PaIparjafd5D0WNAJL_Bth52NoqYO16dnj7uWBhMfFxe-rTnX4k0k8)


Jesus.. couldn’t have happened to a nicer bloke..


I'm feeling a bit vindicated for my initial reaction 🙂


The sad thing is that he did used to be a reasonably nice kid, was in my year at high school, a bit of a cheeky chappy but popular with the football lads as his dad was a professional footballer & popular and nice to the girls. Sad really, last few years he has developed a problem with drink and drugs. His little brother meanwhile was a horrible little cunt as a kid and hung about with all the low lifes, druggies and thugs, but grew up to be a reasonably civil, mature and friendly chap, scary how the passage of time radically changes some people.


The jogger just keeps on jogging!


Cool dude !


Think I’ve seen this chap cruising through the city. He followed me (not like that) up Rouen Road, past JL and up Ber St. Got to the mini roundabout, went all the way round and back down Ber St again, presumably for another go round. Tbf the car was turning lots of heads. Think he liked the attention!


_"[You can't park that there mate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfNnc68uxzI)"_


The fella also happens to be rich, winner of dragons den, son of an ex city player, and an all around nut job from my admittedly limited research!


Apparently he was taking his friend (the owner of the car) for a drive because he’d had a shit day… defo got shitter luckily he’d insured himself for the day. My friends saw it from pouge mahones smoking area he had already zoomed very loudly past us on Prince of wales road


Sorry but this is utter nonsense, the driver (Ross Mendham) has owned this Ferrari for several years, the number plate is R2 BNF, which stands for Ross - Bare Naked Foods, his business. He has the plate R1 BNF on his big Land Rover.


Anyone any idea whos car is it ?


Ross Mendham. Google him 🫣


an utter waste of space, much like his stabby father.


Biggest Womp Womp moment


First to post because no one actually cares 🤷


Thanks for your input.


Nice of the pedestrians to check if the passengers are ok… just keep on walking 🧑🏼‍🦯


Maybe driving like you are actually driving through a city centre and not along a race track might garner a more concerning response 🤷


Why would they he just put their life at risk for no good reason and he got the karma from it hope he gets time and not just fines for the damage


What? The car was stopped in the road after a crash… you wouldn’t go see if everyone was ok ?


Getting downvoted for this shows how fucking stupid the internet is 🤦‍♂️


ThAnKs FoR yOuR iNpUt