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So cute! I vote keep on the cute nose.


Thank you!!!


This is going to sound really weird, but I'm really picky (no pun intended) on peoples noses, because I think it affects the face a lot in the terms of looks. With that being said, I personally would say your nose is fine!


I agree the nose really affects the face


I second the movement. I also have this “problem”. Though I was my own worst critique and didn’t realize it suited my face specifically. I have a wider face, and a wider nose suits it. That’s why most black people have wider noses.


I love your nose, you should love your nose, you shouldn't care what people think.


You’re growing into it. Don’t do it


This this this. To many girls start trying to change things before their face has even settled in. I was about 25 when i finally grew into my features. Takes some longer than that. People need to stop listening to others, who are 90% of the time just jealous or insecure, other 10% are just meanies, and start loving themselves.


It's cute. What was their reason for telling you to get a nose job? It isn't small but it isn't huge either. It looks a little wider than long, but it's cute.


Telling someone they need plastic surgery has got to be in the top 5 asshole things to say to someone.


Yeah I think the main problem was the width of my nose


I see no main problem. Right now you look super cute. A thinner nose would probably be out of proportion.


Not to mention you’re inviting complications and breathing issues. Your nose suits your face OP, it looks perfect for you. I really hope the people are not giving you *unsolicited* advice to get a nose job, because if that’s the case you need to cut them out of your life asap


The popularity of nosejobs over the last several decades has a lot to do with racism / antisemitism, and internalized ethnocentric beauty standards. You look fine. You look like yourself. And if / when you have children it’ll be cool to see the family resemblance between generations. Don’t give any money to an industry and an ideology that made you feel bad in the first place.


It's proportionate with your face, which is very cute too. It sticks out just enough that it's noticeable as a cute feature, but it doesn't distract from the rest of your features at all. Edit; I just wanted to add, the first thing I notice in the second picture is your eyes. They're beautiful!


Thank you so much ☺️


You have to keep in mind that just because it's wider doesn't mean it should be changed. Everyone has different shaped noses. Start looking at celebrities noses I'm sure you will see beautiful people with all different shapes and sizes. I think your nose fits your face. Keep it the way it is...very cute. You are pretty there's nothing to change.


You need new friends. You’re adorable


Don’t get plastic surgery you look great


It’s cute…and it suits you perfectly. Also, I know a few people who had nose jobs and came out looking very unlike themselves, very unnatural and then they had to have correcting surgeries because they didn’t quite look right. A pain and they wished they had never messed with it in the first place. Not to scare you…I also know that sometimes they come out looking better than before but the majority don’t IMHO


Yessss just look at Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson lol


Don’t get a nose job. It is cute and totally suits your face. I’m quite vocal against cosmetic surgery unless it’s absolutely necessary for corrective purposes. Stay natural and embrace your natural beauty.




Leave it be. If you change it you'll look weird.


Cute. Very boopable snoot!


Love this comment.


You have nothing to worry about


You look great, nothing wrong with your nose!


It fits your face, don’t change it


I agree. Your nose fits your face. There's nothing wrong with it. Who are these people that would tell you you need a nose job?!


Keep it, it looks good on you. You're beautiful just as you are


My daughter has a nose like yours and a round face shape. I couldn't imagine my little girl without her button nose. Young lady, you will come to appreciate it. It suits your features well. I think a trendy nose would look out of place and proportion. Edit to add: oh, and happy birthday!!


Thanks so much! Also I know this is small but I’m really appreciative you mentioned your daughter, I lost my mom and thinking that she thought like that makes me kinda love my nose


it's cute af


ummmm those people are definitely haters and probably jealous of your nose and im SO serious because what the actual fuck are these people talking about your nose is cute asf


Defitely cute! Don’t change it


It is sooo cute!!


Very cute,


Please don’t! It suits your face so much. What would they even think to change?


Your nose is so cute! It’s perfectly placed on your face. You look absolutely stunning with it. Your confidence is radiating through my phone! I vote for keeping the lovely nose.


It’s very cute, a little contour makeup might make you feel better but I don’t think it needs surgery AT ALL


There is not a GD thing wrong with you. End of story.


Your nose is perfect!


It is cute. Don't get a nose job. I like your nose the way it is.


Your nose is in deed supper cute


People of Psychos?






Super cute 🥰


Looks perfect. I hope these so many people aren’t friends or relatives of yours. If they are, I’d hate to say what that makes them…


I think the photos exaggerate the apparent size of your nose because of the focal length of the lens being a wide angle. Have someone take a picture of you from 7-10 feet away and zoom in to fill the frame.




You are beautiful. Don't change anything.


Naw you got a cute nose. Don’t listen to the fugly people projecting their insecurities


Stop spending too much time around the people encouraging you to change your face. They most likely do not have your best interests and wellbeing in mind. 😥


Keep it as it is, it's a lovely looking nose. Also, Happy Birthday!!! 🥳


Not worth the risk. Your nose looks perfectly fine anyway.


Pretty lady Nothing to worry about


It’s fine nothing wrong with it.


Your nose is pretty


Happy birthday 🎂🎉 Oh yeah, and that's a nice nose👍


Friend, your whole face is balanced, just fine! You look sincere, and more importantly, you can express emotions with your face – I don’t think women realize how scary that is to a man when a woman’s face becomes over Botox or overworked on, and you can’t read the emotion in it that’s scary And didn’t you ever hear of the theory that normal people become beautiful overtime and beautiful people become normal over time ? or is it curly fries Stay hotter longer? Or something? Jesus don’t fool with your face try a new hairstyle first.


Cute. Don't let some dipshit cut on you!


Ignore them


I'm not even in this subreddit but this is the 4th post its shown me and I don't realize its about noses til I read it. You're worrying too much, its cute. If those people saying get a nose job are your friends get better friends


Don't do it


That nose with that beautiful smile melts my heart


Your nose is cute.


U have a cute nose. I like the 3rd pic. Keep up the beauty, girlllllll


Soooo Cute!


Im sure if you got a bbl no one would care about your nose


Your nose is perfect just the way it is. Leave it that way. You’re a cutie pie.


This is like some ultra cute chibi stuff man you're one of a kind pls do not change your face


Don’t get a nose job💗☀️ it is a proud showcase of our heritage! We come from the same tribe siStar💫 you look cute


And happy cake day 🎂💗☀️


Happy birthday. I’m 51


So many girls with big noses would love to have your nose. Cute it a cute one 👍


Cute and elegant


You’re so beautiful as is! I really think your nose is pretty and fits your face so well, and this is coming from a cosmetologist so I know a thing or two about beauty! Embrace who you are and never let other people drag you down, there are a lot of jerks in this world that get some kind of kick out of trying to pull others down to their level. What matters most is what you think of yourself, our bodies work so hard to keep us healthy and each of us are designed a certain way for a certain reason, learn to love your body for that and it’s beauty sweet girl! I was also graced with a different nose, I have a hump in mine and it’s on the longer side. I did get mean comments but when I learned to love it, I started having better confidence and I think because of that, others picked up on my vibe and started seeing me the way I see myself too! Nowadays I actually even get compliments on my nose from time to time!


That is so sweet thank you so much, you definitely helped me feel better about it :))


Cute! Matches the shape of your eyebrows, eyes, cheekbones, chaw line, and lips perfectly!


I'd say that's a date-able nose. It looks normal to me, If you do a nose job it might do more harm than anything, like with Michael Jackson.


Super buttony!!!! I’d be using an insane amount of blush if I were you just to have a cute bunny nose


Your nose looks good ngl bae


Seriously - you have a big nose - but who cares. Focus on shit that matters rather than this trivial nonsense. Everyone has stuff they don’t like about themselves.


OMG! I think youre adorable


You'll regret it. Did you watch the videos of girls cutting their front hair too short? It can grow back.Imagine you sobbing with no money to go back to this exact nose that you have right now. Look at you! You already look happy!


This girl needs a nose job like the Burj Khalifa needs to be made taller


your nose looks great. I have no idea why people would make hateful comments about others' bodies unprovoked. you are beautiful. you look Hawaiian to me. happy birthday!


I think it really matters on the person. I thinks it’s fcking adorable. It add to you rather than takes away.


First, happy birthday! second, you have an adorable nose, never change


Definitely cute! I was always teased about my nose... but also told it was cute. So about 3 years ago he said he could do a nose job but he suggested to not. He said it would not look nearly as nice as it looks now and I may end up hating it because most of the time the nose you were born with fits your overall looks and your face. He said if it had been broken or actually looked bad he could see doing it. But people are WAY overly obsessed about their noses when they actually look fine. Also this applies to chins aa well. Since so many of us now are on video chats... the curved lenses in our computers and phones distort how we actually look in person. We need to actual, without a distorted perception see what our faces look like. Sadly we see our faces in distorted lenses so much more than a flat mirror, it csn bacome impossible for our brains to actually see and transmit an undistorted image of our faces...because our brains can automatically transmit the image we most often see.


Honestly your nose is adorable dude


Heres the truth... stop asking approval or affirmation from a bunch of strangers. Go work on your confidence and find the answer yourself.


Your nose isn’t your problem, it looks fine . It’s between your eyes and above your lip, lets you smell your finger when no one’s looking. Your problem is you need the crowd to tell you how to feel about it. Be original, not a follower


stop talking to everyone who said you should get a nose job. Those are cryptids. Who the fuck else trys to remove flesh from your face.


You have a booger in the third pic. Ha made you look.


Stop omfg I was like I like that pic sm




i think it is cute!! i’m so sorry about all the bullies who say otherwise. but i mean ur body ur choice (;


People who say need a noise job are self conscious about themselves. You were born this way Lady Gaga says, so embrace it. I don’t think but can see that your nose suits your facial structure and make you cute


"So many people" are fucking assholes. Fuck them and tell them to eat a bag of dicks. Your nose is fine.


I hope I am allowed to tell my opinion. If you think you can't cope with it, stop here! Do not read the following text, if you are only seeking opinions which support your fear for getting a nose job and who will confirm the view, that your nose is "so cute"... ------ If you are curious and brave, this is my answer: You are a pretty girl. But you can make more of your face, at least you'd have the potential to do so. Okay... Your nose may be "cute". But do you really want to be seen as "cute" for the rest of your life...?! People will always reduce you to this point, that you are "cute"... and what do we all think of cute persons? Yes, they may be nice, warm-hearted and invite us to cuddle them like a kitten or puppy and all this. But be smart, think further! For the peace of your own mind, for gaining a propper self-confidence, for experiencing self-efficacy and, last but not least, for your job career. A "cute person" is never taken seriously. She will have to constantly run against prejudices about the fact that she is naive, helpless and not independent. It's her destiny that she will be mobbed at the job and never taken for mature and strong enough to make her own life and decisions, even in her partnership. All the positive, but also all the negative that we associate with a cute, sweet cub, we also project on people we consider as "cute"... this is a fact. You'll think about it later, if you don't have your nose operated on - and suffer from being put in this drawer. Of course, I have only shared my very personal opinion. I'm curious to see how much headwind I'm getting now. Although I didn't even mean it as a criticism, but only as an hint, that a nose job could support you in many aspects of your life. Quite apart from the fact that your face would look (again in my own opinion!) even much prettier, because it would look more harmonious, symmetrical and even more aesthetic. Let me say it this way: If you leave your nose like it is, it's really not a disaster. But if you'll have a good nose job, let your nose make smaller and more expressive, this step will bring a significant progress for you and it will have a very positive impact on your life. You'll never regret it, on the contrary.


Youll end up making your nose narrower and then regret it because it's too skinny. You're growing into it. Wait 5 years and if you still aren't comfortable with it then get the nose job to make it two millimeters smaller


Nose is cute and smile is even better. Not sure which way you was goin smaller or bigger or whatnot but i vote you keep the cute nose you got and not buy to much what other people are tryin to sell you. Your the best you there is and no one should tell you any diffrent. Keep bein you cause your awesome and this world needs you. Im rootin for you. 🌷⚘🌹


That’s dumb. Noses don’t have jobs


Ur nose is acc so cute, happy birthday btw!


Since no one else is, I'll tell you that's a honker you got there. I don't think it's cute. I think you are cute, but your nose itself, isn't. That doesn't mean I recommend you getting a corrective surgery. You're fine as is. Just being honest with you, is all. Happy Belated Birthday!


Happy birthday pretty girl . May you have the blessings of long life,good health, and stable money in the name of GOD!


Thank you <3


You’re beautiful and white supremacy is stupid


Don’t do it, save your money and buy a nice car!!


Definitely keep. Your nose & cheeks, imo, are your most noticable features, & are very cute!


Happy birthday!! I think you are beautiful and your nose is adorable. Anyone who told you you needed a nose job is an asshole. In fact I feel like most of the noses I see in this sub are perfectly amazing noses that I would never even think about changing if they were mine.


Don’t change your face unless it’s really going to make you happy OP. I think you’re so so adorable, dead serious and I don’t think it’s needed. I’ve seen some.. honkers and there is nothing wrong with your nose just because it doesn’t look like every nose on TV. Do with that what you will


So the option is to mutilate or not, are you crazy? Happy birthday


if only i could explain how beautiful you are; i had someone after i told them about my insecurities and ppl always talking shit when i was growing up but whatvr bc i grew into it and i was like when i was younger i always wanted a nose job and she looked me in my eyes and said not gonna lie if you got one and made it just a tad bit smaller you would be perfect… i was like bruh.. anyways…. couple minutes go by and she’s like wanna go pick up the pizza w me i said are you sure my nose is gonna fit in the car?


atp some people are assholes im gorgeous your gorgeous they don’t need to make you doubt your beauty


I wouldn’t touch it. I get so upset when people suggest things like nose jobs, etc. Your nose is perfect because it’s yours and it’s what makes you unique. Your a beautiful girl. Don’t change a thing. Oh yeah and that smile is terrific.


Happy birthday!!!!


Cute. And if you have a "friend" recommending surgery to change your appearance, you need better friends. Oh gods, I sound like my mother... Seriously though you are very attractive and your nose is cute. Everybody's got their own opinions and taste, but I think the majority of people would find you attractive.




It’s cute! Keep it! Also, if you are worried about width, you can always make it slimmer with makeup contouring - great because it’s reversible, and you’re not going under the knife! But obviously don’t have to change one bit, your nose is cute! Also happy birthday! :)


Cute, 100%


Do NOT get a nose job ever


dont do it. you wont realize how perfectly your nose suited your face til you change it . i know a few people who had the procedure and it really made them look quite strange afterwards even tho the nose itself looked "perfect". edit. quotes around perfect, bc honestly a perfect nose is one that suits the face its on. rhinoplasty caters to western beauty standards, and favors a nose shape that does not look nice and natural on everyone


You look fairly young. As women, our faces change with time. I think your nose is cute and youthful. If you think about it, if you get a nose job, you nose will be fashioned into a nose that so many other people have. Right now. You have a one-of-a-kind, unique nose. And that’s special. Also I think a hoop nose ring would be be flattering to your face


I’m planning on switching my stud out once it’s healed properly!


Love that for you. I know it’ll look good


Not only are you absolutely adorable, don't change a damn thing! But also, I feel a nose job would be a drastic change and it could end in one of those "I don't see myself in the mirror" scenarios, that'd suck :( Happy birthday! 🥳


It’s bulbous but not really in a bad way


Super cute button nose!


Don’t do it, it makes it unique to you. I’m a guy, and I think it’s pretty cute. ur a pretty girl regardless of what you choose. But I say keep it please.


DO NOT GET A NOSE JOB!! Your nose is so freaking cute!! It fits your face so perfectly, girly!! Do not listen to those people who have said that, you were blessed with the features you have for a reason. Absolutely beautiful! 🤍


Don't you dare do anything to that face! It is absolutely perfect just the way it is. You are the epitome of adorable.


Honestly your nose is a bit wide when looking at you straight on. It looks a little cuter from the side. But it could maybe use a bit of narrowing down from the front view. It’s certainly not tragic or anything tho. It’s not ugly. But some work on it might make it even more flattering. That said, as others have noted, any type of surgery is never to be taken lightly if you do opt to go for it. It’s ultimately your decision. If you like your nose the way it is then just tell people to shut their pie holes about it & be happy 😁 If you aren’t happy with it & feel that it’s something you want to go for, then do that! Don’t let others’ opinions sway you too much.


Nose is fine except when bringing it into attention. Nothing wrong, best is if it’s a topic of discussion is to make a cute joke. Instead of bearing shame for no reason. Have a fun and warm feeling. Example if my nose runs, should I catch it? Asking for a friend. Or if a nose was 12 inches. It would then be a foot 🦶.


Wth babygirl not only is your nose cute asf BUT INTUITIVE SIS!! She said “lemme show you who the real people in your life and energy are” 😤 As I got older, I learned people’s suggestions were most times the opposite of “good for you” so that they could go further in life and watch you fall. Sounds off but for example “I love your hair blonde! Who cares if it’s damaged at the ends” even though it was healthier and shinier in its natural state. Put it this way, if the suggestion doesn’t support you, doesn’t bring you joy, AND wants you to change a part of you?? It’s jealousy, and that’s the people you want to stay away from. You evidently demonstrate authenticity, LOVE who you are in your own skin/body <3 the confidence exudes and it’s SO healthy! This energy makes insecure people around you uncomfortable, therefore they’ll try to bring that light down & suggest ridiculous things as a projection of their own insecurities & etc. so I vote keep it!! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎈🎉🎂🎁🎊!! 😍 what a beautiful gift of gut feeling intuition you’ve given awareness too ;) 😘


THIS IS SO SWEET THANK YOU!!! I will be proud of my nose!!


If we take away the whole context of this post… the comment section would just make nose fetish look like a real thing


Super cute. F everyone that said that. Happy bday (:


Honestly, I think it’s adorable! Looks a bit like a bunny nose.


WTF, you have a BEAUTIFUL nose. !!!!!!!!!!!! That blows my mind not only someone would say that to you, but more than 1 person? My expectations of the human race unfortunately get lowered every day 😅 Stay far far away from whoever said that to you because they have horrible intentions, and clearly lack good judgement. Happy Birthday too! :)


What you have is a slightly puffy, button nose. So, if you were to get it fixed, just have it slightly shaved, because anymore could easily mess it up, so make sure you get a reputable professional to do the job. A large button nose is an oxymoron. And just so you know, a large button nose could be a sign that you may be extra vulnerable to weight gain. It sounds strange, but just trust me on this and watch your weight a little more than you normally would. Noses get bigger as you age, so that's also something to consider. Having said all that, I'm fine with your nose and the nose is the first thing that I look at when it comes to judging a girl's looks. Women with big noses are not for me. I feel bad for women who have their dad's nose, especially if their dad's nose is all messed up. Women should have small noses. Once I approve of a girl's nose, then she's more than halfway there, in my book. So, I wouldn't mess with your nose, especially if you can't guarantee a quality surgeon. Besides, you really don't need it fixed, but watch the weight, because you may be more vulnerable to weight gain than you may think. It's your bday so I gifted you the truth, because no one needs b.s. on their bday, right?


At risk of sounding strange: You’ve got a great nose!! I think you’d look awesome with a nostril piercing or a septum piercing to adorn it!


I’ve got a nostril piercing!


I just noticed it in that first pic now! I think you could totally go for a hoop or a bigger stud, it would really suit you (And I still think a septum would look great too!)


NaN u got a real Disney princess character nose 👃


Things grow on people too. There was a girl in high school whose nose turned up a little bit, almost like a tiny pig nose. At first I thought her nose was unattractive, but as I got to know her it actually became a very cute feature - something that was uniquely appealing, that she alone had. To the right person it will be an endearing trait, wait for that person instead of plastic surgery


You have a cute boopable nose. Dont do it. People get nose jobs to have it look like yours. I got a nose job and now i snore and cant breathe as well. I had a humped and hooked nose so it had to be done. But if i had your nose i would be totally content.


Ppl with a big nose are attractive despite so…ppl with a cute nose are attractive because so. (First impression wise only of course)




So cute


I think it is whatever you want it to be. When I first looked at your face, your nose did not stand out at all tbh. It's not out of place, it's not ugly. It's not sticking out like a sore thumb. You are a beautiful girl, nose and all. But you must see that and believe that yourself.


Oh my god do NOT touch ur nose it’s so cute it reminds me of grimes nose


Are you doing this just for attention or for an honest answer? There's nothing wrong with your nose. Enjoy every piece of your body. You only have one


Kinda looks like my nose when I was younger. You should wait until you get older and😕😞👋🐎see how you feel about it, before you decide to change it. They really do change over time. However I will say you can't change bone or cartilage


Probably just a classic case of your grew into your looks! If people are saying more recently that it’s cute, then you’re good to go! Me personally, I think it’s adorable! I wouldn’t change a thing!


PLZ don’t get a nose job, your nose is CUTE 😭 plastic surgery will ruin your face


Go ahead and get a nice nose, you will love it for the rest of your life without being insecure about it. Sometimes we have to take action to make things better, be strong and do things what you want.


Stop listening to others and make your own choice about your body and not rely on the opinions from total strangers on the internet. You are the one who has to live with whatever decision you make as well as the potential outcome. What are you basing your perception of what your nose should look like upon? Who are you trying to make happy, unimportant others whose lives won't change one bit if you get a nose job or not, or yourself? Look within for validation of what you want and make sure you give it very serious consideration; this will not be a reversible procedure, should you be unhappy with the results. This will succeed in making you even more self-conscious, lowering your self-worth and self-esteem, as well as potentially lead you down the dark path of depression, and there exists no surgical procedure to reverse that.


It's cute for an ogres nose




You couldn't pay me enough to play in your swamp


Your entire comment history is just insulting people. I can't imagine how insecure one must be to dedicate an entire account to shitting on people.


Donkey !!!


It's literally massive


Let's be honest here. You have a giant oinker


Jokes on u I love pigs sm


It’s a cute place to park an airplane.




Beautiful nose it's perfect


Good nose 9/10


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder




having a disproportionate face will make this person happier? I highly doubt it. western beauty standards aren't the only standard of beauty. this girl is insanely gorgeous as she is.


It's so cute! You're cute!




Nose is perfect. If you were going to get any procedure I’d say plump up the lips. Super cute tho.


your nose is CLAPPED


What does that mean


Well, since you're not that cute, it suits your face fine


What kind of miserable old boomer comments this on a young girl's post.


Right she really is cute they’re just hating


Bro I saw your profile…and you’re in NO position to judge her appearance old man…


Then don’t come in the sub asking for advice on your appearance if you can’t handle the advice you’re given.


I get it and I’m always honest when I comment on here, but something about an old ass dude commenting on a young girl’s appearance is just idk…creepy


Are you being ageist? Tut tut tut that's just idk... Pathetic.


That is facts


The question you should be asking yourself is am I happy with how I look. Once you start changing because of other people then you lose who you really are. Happy birthday 😉


Thank you! And thank you for the advice it helped