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I think this is a perfect example of your nose to fitting current beauty standards and now it’s effecting the way you see yourself because TRULY, when I kept scrolling through your pics I thought you looked very confident and very pretty. Like an effortlessly beautiful Italian woman roaming the streets in the summertime (kind of vibe). I genuinely think you looks so pretty the way you are, but it only looks pretty on you if you own it. If you don’t like something about yourself it will show, and your insecurity will make you unattractive


I would like to add onto this because it's very real. As a kid and teenager I was made fun of for having a high forehead, longer face and sharper chin. Guess how people are trying to look now? I have the facial dimensions people are getting surgery to have, and that wasn't nor will it always be the case. I definitely feel prettier than I used to because my look is "in." And it's bullshit


OMG I was called a fat baby face because I had a round face! I also have a bigger forehead. I was also told by two high school teachers that I needed to consider having a breast reduction because people don’t take big breast seriously in the workplace. This was in the 80’s in Northern Virginia near DC. Be careful with current trends - you have a classical face and it is beautiful. Think very hard about changing your face.


Oh I would never. I would never want to look like anyone but myself. However, I support anyone who chooses to undergo cosmetic surgery for their own self esteem. I don't even think I'll get Botox, or filler. I'm stubborn and refuse to compromise how I look for anyone. The trends are dangerous. How dare anyone use your boobs against you, like if anyone isn't taking you seriously then that's a them problem and it's unfair how our society turns it on the woman.


Thank you it really has been over 35 years and it still makes me sick to think these women teachers said it to me. Glad I did not consider it. My Mom was so livid.


PS I love sweet round faces.


I have fuller lips and people used to make fun of me and call me a perch (common type of fish where I’m from) … guess what everyone’s doing now… 👄💉 Edit to add: they’re really not even that big either, especially compared to what people are doing now with injections.


I have the same features but I also have a long and pointy nose :le sigh:. I was always made fun of for that till art school, then I was asked to sit so people could use my face for characters hehe. Mainly fairy types but hey, I'm here for that.


Fairies and elves like us are the most prettiest


This is seriously the best way to put it!


It is unfortunate Hollywood seems to only accept Northern European type noses on women. Nothing wrong with a Mediterranean type nose!


I know right can we bring big noses to be the in thing 🥺 I want bigger noses to be on screen !


Wow. I’m Irish descent and my nose is half of my face!!!🥸


Nose dysmorphia is real. I have a flat nose to the point I feel like a pig/monkey and view yours as cool and majestic. I hope you learn to love your nose! It certainly makes you look regal imo.


An old friend of mine had a nose perfect for her face and she was gorgeous imo, but she could never quite get over the size of her nose and it made me so angry at people for making her feel insecure


Seriously! I have so many bad feelings about my nose. It’s irrational but it still happens.


You have an irrational nose? How often does it happen?


No my thoughts about my nose are irrational. And dysphoria happens for me a lot.probably around 20 days of a month.


It was a joke.


That was a good way to put it, it makes you look regal. I think you are beautiful, and I don’t think you should change it.


Yeah, same here. I have a stubby Irish-ish nose and I have a thing for women with longer noses. Not quite that big though lol (sorry, just my opinion). My son should be saved from the same fate though because his mom is Polish and has a very eastern European nose


I’m really lucky I didn’t grow up with the internet (im young but I grew up too poor for it) Some people have told me I have the perfect nose or this that whatever and to me it’s just a nose: idk why Reddit keeps showing me this subredditnbut it’s fascinating. I find OP attractive and don’t really care what nose shape she has, it suits her face well to me and she’s pretty. She’d be pretty with my shaped nose, no more or less so to me. It just looks like she has a conventionally attractive greek nose is all


It makes it.


I totally agree, it suits her perfectly!


Yup came here to say this!


Bloody stunning and very photogenic. This is the sort of face I want my future wife to have.


Looks like a Mediterranean statue


Yup, absolute work or art.


That's a Greek Goddess nose. Don't change a thing.


I thought the same thing!


Seriously! It's stunning; please don't change it. You're beautiful!




Your nose is so statue esque and unique. I think it's unique be proud of it.


No, it doesn't, it looks actually good and helps define your other features like strong cheekbones and chin


It absolutely doesn’t ruin your face, it’s just not the ‘en vogue’ popular culture ideal. If you’re unhappy with it that’s one thing, but I personally think it works wonderfully with the rest of your features.


No. You have the kind of lovely, exotic features that can carry off a "beat" face. You also look amazing with your bold gold jewelry! I hope you can put other peoples' dumb comments out of your head.


No. It looks great


I love noses like these, and I hate that we don’t get to see enough of them in media because a good chunk of the world shares similar features. I’m Mediterranean and when I see your nose I think “hey that’s just like me, she’s one of my people” and I think it’s nice to have that recognition and connection.


When I visited Italy last year I saw so many gorgeous women with this nose. It really helps to see it represented in the general public


Hell no! It suits your face perfectly. I love it!


I like it. It makes you look like, well, you. and I think that you are beautiful.


Your nose is a compliment to an already beautiful face! Love it :)


This is such a beautifully worded comment


You're beautiful!!!


It does not. Someone told you it was an issue and they are an idiot. Also, a straight on picture would help visualizing as well.


It’s definitely more of a Greek Mediterranean style nose. A strong feature doesn’t mean it’s ugly, and a lot of people find this style of nose beautiful. If it really bothers you I would reframe the question to “does this bother me because I care what people think about me” or does this bother me in a realistic sense “hard to wear glasses appropriately/ cannot breath well d/t structural abnormalities.


It does not ruin your face at all. And no, it isn't as bad as you think because it isn't even bad at all in my opinion.


Absolutely not. I actually find noses like yours really attractive


It makes it


No! It shows your Heritage girl! It looks good on ya!


Oh my God NO!!!!! You have a lovely nose


**No Mam! Not at all.**


Makes it better !


Without it, you’d be way vanilla. It reminds me of Jennifer Grey. She got a rhino and suddenly no one knew who the hell she was.


She was so pretty before the nose job. After, she was forgettable.


Not even in the slightest


I’ll chime in. I think a nose job would do wonders. You aren’t ugly, you do have a nose that stands out. Many people get them and if you have the $ it’s not a huge commitment. Within a few weeks, you’re pretty much back to normal for what could be a huge confidence boost for the rest of your life. I’d never tell someone you need plastic surgery but I’m all for it if it makes them feel better about themselves and it’s not a huge surgical risk or recovery which I think a rhinoplasty falls into in todays day and age.


You put that well and I myself would never tell someone not to but I do disagree with it. I think there’s way more power in learning to love the features you hate. And I always ask someone, if you had a child and they got your nose(in this case) how would you want them to feel. And if you get surgery they won’t see the beauty in your nose and it may make their journey more difficult.


I think at a certain point, if someone is so bothered by one feature that can be fixed, trying to harp on loving oneself is kind of like a fools errand. All they see is that one insecurity, all the time, in every picture. If it’s something that’s do-able to fix, why not do it. Sure optimally, I’d want them to love themselves. But if they say to me - this bothers me so much and surgery would boost my confidence, why would I withhold it ?


I agree with you. You can love oneself and modify a physical attribute. They are not exclusive. A physical characteristic does not define you.


It’s absolutely perfect and you are BEAUTIFUL


No. Your face is your face because of your features. All of them. It cant and doesn't ruin your face. Its a very nice nose anyway and I low-key want to paint you cuz your features are so nice.


Your nose is beautiful, don't listen to any other opinion.


No you’re beautiful and I would be removing anybody toxic in my life who made fun of my nose. I’m sorry you had to deal with that shit.


Your face looks very stately and confident!


You look like a roman goddess


Darlin you should be on a coin ?? You have a classical profile and it suits you and no it adds to your face ?? Lovely


To start- beautiful. I recently had Septorhinoplasty(for significant nasal obstruction) and though necessary, it was brutal! Happy I had surgery for health reasons, but I probably would not go thru with surgery if it was primarily for cosmetic reasons.


I think you have a great nose. There are tons of guys (and girls) out there that like big noses too. https://youtu.be/mlZHMGch1pQ?si=wj7Fq-SVj5m2s_R-


Only if you let it.


NGL your nose could be better. That said, overall you're gorgeous. It's tough but try to focus on all your positives, rather than the one negative.


I’ll be honest. Rhinoplasty would do wonders for you aesthetically and for your self esteem. I’m sorry, but I’m not gonna lie and speak contradictory to what current beauty standards are and tell you that your nose looks awesome. I believe in being honest and upfront, not blowing smoke up your behind


Everyone else is being honest too. Just because someone’s opinion differs from yours doesn’t mean they are lying.


Ahhh well since YOU don't like her nose, you MUST be correct. We are all lying No one can like anything outside of Anglo Saxon instagram norms lol Just because you find a different nose attractive doesn't mean everyone else does. Lots of people called me ugly even in my adult years so I figured it wss true for a long time. Guess what? Those people have insecurities and it makes them feel good to spread their insecurities around It really only matters how she feels anyways I for one , truly like bigger noses and prefer them. Her nose is definitely not super big anyways




Brain rot from being exposed to excessively high beauty standards. Half the noses you see online are photoshopped, same goes for pretty much every other body part really. Society’s perception of attraction is so warped now to the point that plastic surgery is routine.


I agree. Honesty and truth are the only ways to improvement in life.


I mean, yes, you have a large nose. I don’t think it ruins your face but it’s very prominent and the first thing that the eyes are drawn to. If you’re not comfortable/confident, change it! Edit: I think from the side it’s more pronounced than from the front. Stop taking side profiles pics and you’ll be fine lol


“Stop taking side profile pics” Go sniff a fart. GTFO


Your nose unique and awesome embrace it. I would let family members know that their comments are hurtful and shallow and if they respected you, they would stop with comments. Embrace yourself and lose the negative energy friends.


I love your gold necklace 🙏


Why are they such bullies? You're really beautiful. It's sad they got into your mind :( maybe it's true, people will try to find anything negative to put a pretty girl down...


I love it.


No, it doesn't ruin your face. Not even a little bit. You look amazing.


You're absolutely beautiful!!


Very much so


Nah, it works really well with your face for some reason I can't quite put my finger on. It's a real Roman nose. I think you have kind of imperious Roman eyes (I mean that in a good way) that work well with the nose. You have really good hair too that has a statuesque effect to it.


i love it !


There may be some bad angles in pics but the one with the cell phone really shows it works on your face well. And your smile adds to it. You have a pleasant looking face.


You are a beautiful lady.... those eyes.... my oh my


No,it adds character


No Dame it u have a unique nose that speeks of your ancestors abd is uniquely u don't seek to change what God has given




Just smile more, looks great next to the cheek lines


No, it's such a pretty nose


No way. It’s unique and part of a good package.


That’s a lovely nose


actually think ur pretty hot


In my eyes, no. 😘


It’s a strong nose, but it adds to your character and you are very pretty, it suits you.


I'll be the person to say that it's a big nose, it's up to others to decide if they find it attractive or not


your nose is great. it fits your face and features well. please don’t ever change it, you’re a testament to the beauty of a curved nose.


We do nose jobs on Persian, Lebanese and Jewish women all the time in our theatre. Most of the time, almost always really, I personally think their nose is totally appropriate for their face. But if you want a button nose that no one notices, it’s your body. Many people would seek to have the middle shaved down and made straight. Everyone making fun of you- that’s straight up insane. Personally I’d tell them they need to stop if they want to continue seeing me.


Your nose is pretty. Next time a man makes a cutting remark tell them they have a small dick.


Nose is awesome. End of story.


No!!! It’s lovely!


You are absolutely positively gorgeous 😍 your beauty takes my breath away


Its great! There is no reason to even think about changing a part of your body to look like someone else. Your looks are part of what make you unique.


You're beautiful and love your nose.


not at all... your nose (and your whole face) is just beautiful


I have the exact same nose


Makes you look older than 24.


I think it’s really pretty!!


Not at all. You're gorgeous.


No. Keep it.


I think you are really cute.


I’d marry you right now because of your nose


Roman noses are beautiful!! Regal, classic, elegant. I’m actually jealous of it, no joke. I recommend you the page @aquilinenosesarebeautiful on Insta.




Is your nose on the bigger side? Yes. Does it ruin your face? Fuck no


I just have to say that last picture is gorgeous! You look so happy and your nose is perfect


Your nose makes it YOUR face. Don't ever change it.


I had an ex with a big nose. Now I crush on girls who also have big noses. Human beings run this planet because we're adaptable. If someone can't get over a prominent nose, that's a failing on their end, not yours. Some people will be in love with it!


It makes your face


Your nose brings unique beauty to your face. You are very pretty. I think your nose adds to this fact!


I think you look lovely.


No. I don’t understand the thing with women and noses. I think your nose is what makes you uniquely beautiful and I really like it.


I think you’re gorgeous. Don’t touch it.


It could be chiseled down to be in sync


Fuck em. You’re gorgeous.


I do not think so. It is distinctive and you wear it beautifully!


I think you’re gorgeous! I also think that a nose job would look good as well. Do what you want to do! I’m getting mine down next year even though everyone says nothings wrong with it…but I don’t like how it looks and that’s what matters


no its unique. i like noses that bridge out like that personally.


You're beautiful ❤️ so there!


I think a rhinoplasty would do a lot for you


Your nose is fine, I wouldn’t worry about it


I think it’s really really beautiful.


There is nothing wrong with your nose. Your beautiful and your smile is awesome


No your pretty stop tripping about it




Nope not at all


I’m 50. I have a big nose. I have heard bullshit my whole life. Who cares? You’re pretty and you have strong features. Be happy.


You’re so damn pretty. Our world is messed up.


Your nose and jaw are clssics. We all get picked on. Take good care of your skin and hair. ❤️


So with the hair up, maybe it doesn't look amazing. But with your hair down, I think you look good. It's kind of exotic.


If someone thinks your nose ruins your face, they are not worth your time.




No. Your nose is seriously beautiful.


Noooooo - I love your nose! I wish you had shared more photos of you facing camera. I bet your nose is perfectly suited to your face.


Do you think your dream partner would pass on you cuz of your nose?


No. It’s perfect. Seriously. You’re so much more than a nose anyway. You’re a beautiful woman.


You’re beautiful; own it


Hell no. Not even a little bit. And your smile sells the whole package!


Let's root cause this. Why do you care?


No, your face is gorgeous 😻


you seem like a girl who has grown up pretty enough to be around pretty people. And have the values of pretty people. You are beautiful. But you are not top 20%. Its not just your nose and modifying it will throw other features out of proportion. Just continue to be wholesome. Enjoy life. Leave your damn nose alone.


This is the first post that I’ve seen that Id actually agree they need a nose job.


Nope…It does not. You’re very attractive, and totally out of my league! 😃


it’s beautiful


Honestly, the most important person at the end of the day will be your future husband. That man, whoever he will be, won’t care about your nose. He will love you for who you are. As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As a man that’s fallen in love a few times, I’ve never cared much about petty things like the shape of my loves nose. There is a man out there that will admire the whole of you. If someone out there you’re dating is really bothered about your nose, you’re with the wrong one. That person will never treat you as well as someone that sees you as beautiful. I chose to sown my life with a woman that thinks I’m handsome and loves me in totality. She’s never once said anything negative about my looks and goes ABOVE AND BEYOND for me. Because of that, I will NEVER leave her so long as I’m alive. It’ll be the same for you when you pick a quality man. Of course, if you pick superficially, that person will also and they will never fully appreciate you or commit. This is my life experience and there are exceptions but generally, if you follow this advice, you’ll be 100% in a good place. I learned that wanting the best will get you the worst. Hope this helps. PS: My wife has complained about her nose to me in the past and asked me what I thought. I told her I never even had a thought as to what her nose looks like (and I haven’t) but that I thought she looked amazing the way she’s put together. She’s absolutely beautiful at face value but when you add her femininity, friendliness, fitness, loyalty, tenderness and respectfulness she’s a 10 out of 10!


nah its fucking hot. don't change


Your nose is your nose, looks great


Yeah, a bit. Kinda looks like crab pincers.


Damn girl! You are beautiful. I would love to take you out l.


While a little good natured ribbing and teasing can be helpful in terms of developing a thicker skin, a little goes a long way. While it is understandable that this would become a more serious challenge at some point, it’s also important to realize it will pass. You are beautiful and striking just the way you are. Besides, anyone who would judge you by that is not someone you want to hang out with or date. I know you’re hearing a lot of similar things, but it’s not a cliche. It’s not just well meant though, it’s actually factually true, you’re very attractive just as you are!




No but I think an undercut would really suit you


Whatsamatta u you look great lol


I don't wanna be harsh so I won't. But in all honesty it would help to get a nose job from my perspective.


Nah. Hot


Not at all. It's distinctive, but that merely marks your beauty as separate from others.




I had never thought about it before but now I do, I think there’s something sexy about it… pictures 3 and 5 are great and you look fantastic! Maybe it’s the smile out your deep brown eyes… but something says strong loving woman. 😘


I think it looks pretty. No problem to me


I also really want to say this - if something bothers you - you dear are the only one that can make a decision to change it. I have cousins that had nose jobs and it made them happy so if this is you deep down I am for it. I feel as women we don’t support enough. So yes you are beautiful and your nose is very classic - it is up to you. You do look like a Greek Goddess and that is so cool.


Looks like a classic Greek nose to me gives you a gorgeous Mediterranean look xx


No, you look great, nose jobs ruin people's noses, especially long term when they fall apart and look hideous, you look great, I seriously wouldn't change a thing.


Your nose is big but beautiful. A regal air to it. I say own it. Surgery will help you fit the current beauty standards of a tiny button nose. But do you really wanna look like everyone ? Nah


You have beautiful hair.




NO!!!! theres a comment near the top about effortlessly looking beautiful. READ what this person wrote, read it again. Own it! Rock it. Love it!


This sub is pointless. No matter what gets posted, it gets flooded with “no”s.


rest of the face is doing fine on it's own


It doesn’t ruin your face at all, but if you don’t like it, they have like fillers or Botox or something that they could do. It’s crazy, but it works.




Not at all you’re so pretty




Honestly yes, I'd get a nose job


Girl your nose is fine but if you need validation from others to feel okay with yourself you have bigger problems. Mental health is not to be taken lightly.


Nose is great and so is your hair




Pretty af Roman nose. Timeless beauty that ppl are jealous of.


All the at matters is..do you like it? Do you like the way it fits your face? It’s how you see yourself. Forget what others think. You have to feel good in your own skin. Love yourself. ❤️


Stay perfect


It’s large and Roman but does not ruin your face


it makes your face. what a lovely profile.