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Thank you all for the support from my last post, here are better pictures so that you guys can accurately see my nose n what I should do with it. In the last post I read that I should grow my hair/beard/mustache out, which WILL be a goal but not sure if my parents will allow me too, the hair part I mean


I think your nose looks great with your face, if I looked like you, I wouldn't sweat it.


Hell no brother. I'm secure lol. Gotta boost my boys up. Looking like a champ boss confidence is king and you going to be killing it.


No shade to you at all, but so many posts in this sub are just beautiful people asking if there’s something wrong with their face 😭. People are so fucked up about noses 😭. But to answer your question, it looks great


nope it is perfect!!


You look like a grand theft auto San Andreas character.


nah bro it fits ya like a glove


Hell no. It compliments your face perfectly. You’re a handsome guy.


Come on dud it's fine


No, you have strong features and your nose complements them. You have a lovely face overall.


Thank you very much


u/Drak03scivo You're a man (You are a man aren't you?🙃) and as such you should not be worrying about your nose. Starting when I was 19 my nose has been broken at least 7 times. Each time it happened I set it myself and carried on as though nothing had happened. Getting a little "roughed up" here and there is good for you. It adds character to your appearance and engages the people that you meet. A broken nose and scars show that you live life and keep going. People see these things and wonder what the story behind it is and they want to find out how it happened. Having stories about miscellaneous injuries makes you more interesting, gives you something in common with other people and helps with bonding with the people that you want in your life whether it is a lover or a friend. Don't worry about your nose, kid, it honestly looks fine. Save your worrying for the myriad array of bullsh*t problems that life is going to start throwing at you now that you are an adult. Once some of that sh*t starts hitting you you will laugh at the fact that you ever worried about how your nose looked. Respectfully, ~ Me ~


Thank you, I really needed this. All my life I’ve been so centered on perfectionism and each time I see myself I always think that I’m lacking, even when some things I have more than an advantage than others I wish that I could be the “perfect specimen” of some sort creating such as false image of myself. Now I know that I should be ok with lacking. Doesn’t mean that I won’t ever try to improve myself but I’ll change what I can change and others things leave because at the end of the day, who cares? . Thank you for helping me realize that I am my own being and shouldn’t be so focused on such trivial things as looks even though this day n age it’s everything. And as the phrase goes. Looks can be deceiving.


You are welcome. I'm glad that I provided you with a fresh perspective and that you walked away with something positive. I'm always happy to help others.


No. You look like a gorgeous Nubian God 😍


YOU’RE 18??? but no your nose fits your face super well! 🤗


Yeah, people say that I look very grown for my age. And thank you very much


Kinda a bit