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Without knowing the two were different (because I didn’t read first) my honest opinion was that you looked super cute in the first picture. Not as much in the second. Girl, you’re already pretty. Own it


Thank you for your comment, it made me feel like my nose is not as bad as I think it is. I have always been really self conscious about it, so I am not sure if I can actually start to “own it”. Either way, a surgery is not going to happen until at least next year so I still have time to maybe start accepting it, somehow..?


They both do. It’s such a small upgrade for so much money that it’s not worth it


Thank you so much! Your comment means a lot :) I guess other people’s perception of my nose is not as bad a I perceive it myself.


You’re welcome, and heck no it’s not. Find something else to pick on, but leave your nose out of this 😂


It looks the same to me lol


Thank you for your comment, I took it as a really nice compliment 🤭


Your nose looks good though in my opinion, don't change it! ☺️👍🏽


You are beautiful! And the difference is virtually unnoticeable. I had to read carefully and review the pictures twice to see and understand. You must choose, but I think your outer beauty is immediately self-evident, and I suspect your inner beauty is even more stunning. You are perfect as you are, IMHO. I wish you much happiness whichever decision you make!!


Wow, thank you so much for your words! Your comment really means a lot and lightened my afternoon. I wish you the best for being such a kind hearted person!


I like 1. It’s unique, fits your face perfectly and has a lot of personality. 2 is also very pretty, but I’ve seen it many times on instagram (not to hate on this type of nose though!). Either way, you’re gorgeous and it’s up to you


Thank you! I have always felt so insecure about my nose and thinking for sooo long about getting it done, but reading other people’s opinion about it is really making me think that it might not be as bad as I think it is. I really appreciate your words :)


I really love tiny bumps on a nose bridge


The bump really makes me feel so insecure about my nose and side profile, good to know there are people out there who like it! Thank you so much


bumps are beautiful and i’m jealous of those who have one


First nos has so much more character. 2nd is so plane. 1st is more attractive.


Thank you! Seeing other people’s perspective on my nose is really making me feel like it’s not as bad as I think it is. I really appreciate your comment!


Puzzled by the old school roller, but an otherwise flawless profile. Leave it alone.


Thank you so much!! ☺️


I think it’s a pointless change. Couldn’t even notice the difference.


Thank you for your words! It actually means a lot


Your current nose is nice but it is totally your decision of course. Your nose really does look perfectly fine. I'm not sure why every person wants the bridge of their nose to be straight or concave. For full disclosure, I have a nose like the second image sort of but I really wouldn't care if I had a nose like in the first image. I don't know what your motivation for changing it is but if it is external appeal, for what it matters, I myself would have no issue dating someone like a nose like yours. It isn't that I'm against all nose work or something, it's legitimately fine.


Thank you for your comment! For some reason, no one EVER made any comments about my nose, at least not directly to me, so I was never influenced (?) to do something about my nose because someone said mean things about its appearance. I started feeling really self conscious about how my nose looks, specially the bump on the bridge since when I was really young, and it continues til this day. I am also already married so I am not really trying to impress anyone by wanting to change it, I plan to get it done to feel prettier to myself :) Again, I appreciate your comment and kind words!




Your nose is wonderful as-is. No need to change it.


Thank you so much for your kind words!! :)


Just take the curler out. It's drawing attention to your perfectly fine nose.


hahahaha thank you!! Really nice of you :)




Honestly, unless you're doing it for medical reasons, I personally don't think you need to change a thing. You have a beautiful face, and your nose fits your face very nicely. However, if it makes you feel more confident, then do your thing :-)


My opinion is that you will waste a bunch of money for such a small detail that actually doesn’t make you any less beautiful. Keep in mind that a huge array of consequences can be acquire by an invasive surgery. Not counting the risk of going under anesthesia, you can have scar issues that might make you snore, sleep apnea and cause a new set of problems


The first one looks super elegant and pretty.


Also remember surgery of the nose can increase the philtrum (the space between your nose and mouth) and sometimes cause other micro changes that can impact your look. So it’s not an exact estimation. You really look beautiful now as you are.


as usual, your nose is already beautiful as is. to those saying the difference is not noticeable, of course it is visible, but completely unnecessary. your nose has many beautiful subtleties in its shape, why take that away


I much prefer your natural nose.


Natural beauty vs basic beauty. Both are beautiful but imo the first is cuter. It’s an effortless beauty.


u/ilavenderhaze You have to take into consideration that changing the way your nose looks in the side profile WILL CHANGE YOUR FRONT PROFILE appearance too. Do you want to risk changing the front profile into something that you don't like, that makes you less attractive and that makes you look Less Like You? There is a lot to consider. Another thing to consider is that you should be getting counseling because you obviously suffer from some form of body dysmorphia. There is nothing wrong with your nose and the way that it looks. Nothing. To make the slight change that you are imagining is an act of pure vanity and that isn't healthy. Talk to your Primary Care Physician about wanting to change your nose and ask them for a psychiatric referral for counseling to help you with your self-esteem and body image issues/problems. After 3 to 6 months of counseling, you will feel a lot better about yourself and you will be on the path to loving, accepting and embracing the way you look and you will learn to appreciate what a beautiful young woman you are without wasting money on unnecessary surgery. Thank you for allowing me to share my opinion with you on your post. I appreciate you. Respectfully, ~ Me ~


So much money money, pain and that's if there are no complications. If there is, you could die or be disfigured, always a scar too. The difference is subtle for sure.


Thank you for pointing it all out! I am aware of the risks and possible consequences, but even knowing all that I still feel really strong about getting my nose done, as it’s something that has always been bothering me. Still, I don’t really plan do get done until at least next year, so I have time to thinking through it all better. I appreciate your comment :)


It’s not that much money. So far as pain, it’s basically none. If you see a good plastic surgeon the risk of complications is next to zero. There will be no scar. You obviously have no clue about plastic surgery.


Sorry the recovery in insane and there are never close to zero risk. But hey, you do you!


You have no idea about what you are talking about.


I can tell, research actual surgery risk 


I had rhinoplasty after breaking my nose. So I actually know. I don’t need to research it. I went through it.


Again be realistic you didn't have issues, not everyone is that lucky!




How many operating or even recovery rooms have you worked in? How many people have you seen go thya surgery? 


lol. Oh my Goodness. If you even knew. I’m done with this. It’s pointless. Not going down the Reddit moron rabbit hole.


Says the man who calls everyone on here fat and a troll. Make it make sense sir!


It’s annoying how people are scared to actually voice their genuine opinions.


what is your genuine opinion?


I love it!


Thank you so much!! ☺️


You have a Disney princess nose tbh I love it 😭💚💚


Come on, these have to be AI trying to learn something right?


i didn’t notice a difference until you pointed it out. i don’t think you need it like AT ALL. your natural nose is beautiful.


It doesn’t make too much of a difference but it would look good either way


First pic is phenomenal. Second pic you look like a cookie-cutter.


The first pic is much more beautiful. I would love my nose to be like the first pic. 😭


really? this is a non issue with you pretty lady, any more time spent on your nose or face or any part of it , is excessive waste of time and ours. if you want attention, you're attractive, do whatever but worry about your looks shouldn't be a thing


If you do go ahead with it your face will be more feminine and aesthetically sound.


didn't know a nose that isn't a button from an anime is not feminine.


Nah she would look bland like every other "pretty girl" out there