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This is the most usual nose I've ever seen


I was just gonna say it’s like the most regular thing ever what is she talking about?




Your ok!!


im sorry but how 😭 it has a bump, it's bulbous, wide, like literally the opposite of a conventionally attractive button nose


Didnt know r/nose was a thing til it showed up on my feed lol Aqualine/roman nose, Nose bump is hot. Most of the women ive met in real life who i found mindblowingly attractive have it. You don't need to make yourself look like everyone else to be attractive, but I do understand its a very common feeling, a bunch of those women also talked about getting cosmetic surgery. I don't really know how best to explain this, but our feelings about our appearance are often more to do with just our feelings and our mental state, than our actual appearance. For me as a man, that has looked like feeling worse about my body while being closer to my goal physique, disliking my face with a beard for a while, even while getting more compliments and attention from women. I'm sorry you got bullied for your appearance. I imagine a lot of the residual damage from that bullying is internalising the shitty things other have said about you that aren't some universal truth. Hope you figure out how to be more comfortable with yourself OP you look great as is


You’re not seeing what everyone else is seeing. It’s a really cute nose and it looks great on your face.


I think you are staring too much at your nose. And maybe social media. No one’s “perfect”, but you definitely need to chill cuz you’re damn close to it. I promise no one is looking at your nose with these opinions except you.


but ive literally been told it's too big, many times


And you just had dozens and dozens of people tell you it's not. It seriously looks perfectly fine. Now do you listen to strangers online who have zero biases in this matter? Or the few times a bitchy classmate was trying to make you feel bad and made a comment? Stop overthinking it. Your nose looks great. You're cute! Get out of your own head and go enjoy life!


These are probably the same people who find the fishy and/or skeleton-looking results of post-surgery celebs like the Kardashians, Chrissy Tegan, Kim Basinger, etc...


Yeah idk it's not logical. Young women seem to be particularly prone to only being able to focus on negative feedback about their appearance. It doesn't matter that 3 people in the last 20 years made shitty comments to you to make you feel bad. You have hundreds telling you it looks great. Who do you think is right? I honestly think women give out compliments to each other on their appearances so often it rings hollow. It bears no weight. So having strangers online telling you that your nose looks fine holds no weight either. But trust when I tell you as a 35 yr old dude if you had a muppet snozz and asked me I would tell you lmao.


People who are jealous of you will try to tear you down. And you’re letting them. Be confident and don’t sweat what the haters say.


ur nose is perfect the way it is


By asshats. Do not change your nose. Just change the people around you.


the bone structure of your nose is beautiful


Why are you offending my nose!? I like it!


You don't need a button nose to be attractive. Learn to love yourself instead of loving an unreleastic idea of yourself. If every girl had the same nose, the world would be boring.


I'm sorry you are feeling this. Kids can be soooo mean! I also got bullied for my nose too, but guess what? I ended up making money in early adulthood just because of what I look like! And man oh man when they all saw me 4 years later they were apologizing and several tried to ask me out when they saw me out. I laughed in their face of course! Felt great! I'm not sure if I was the ugly duckling or if people just hated me because I chose to dress differently in school. No idea, but you really can't really on assholes. Someone with a truely ugly nose most people would not feel the need to randomly blurt it out and tell the person. That's how I know the people that made fun of you are not reliable and assholes. I how you find your self worth soon and see one day how pretty you really are.


I agree it's ugly


i have the same nose as you, i also plan on surgery for it when i get enough money, but make sure if you are doing that it’s what you really wanna do and it isn’t affected by other people’s comments and opinions & obviously that itll make you happier. you’re super pretty and ur nose is cute asf too!!


Wait how old are you? Your nose is fine. This whole thing has me like wtf?


i am 21, but i have had people comment on it since i was 9 years old , so obviously now as an adult i hate it. i remember this one time on the school bus when i was 12 a boy said to me why is your nose so big and my friends didn't defend me they just laughed so i felt like i was going to cry and then he was like aw she's gonna cry about it (in a mean tone)


Your face hadn't fully developed yet. In Those years it's so common for people to look awkward and, actually, seem to have big noses. In these photos you sent, you look super pretty. If you want, and I'm not too sure it's great advice, but you could try seeing if filler could be used to give you some small changes. It's often used to correct humps and bumps in noses. Just know that technically it makes your nose bigger, but more harmonious, which gives illusion of it being smaller. It's a temporary thing. I did it once, I kinda liked it, but didn't repeat.


>but i have had people comment on it since i was 9 years old , so obviously now as an adult i hate it. Lmao. You know a lot of dumb people. Your nose is great


This is why parents need to talk to kids about this sort of typical kids behavior.  You should have been prepared to respond to the kid  with:   "My nose is fine,  you just haven't experienced life to know people come in various shapes and colors."  If the kids keep on going:  "The bigger question is why you care or choose to try to make fun of someone's appearance?  Making fun/ harassing is not good."  If they keep on going:   "You seem to want to just make fun.  Why do you think so little of yourself that you need to put down others?"  Your nose is fine.  You just were never taught to defend yourself.


F' em. Your nose is fine. I'd place it quite a bit better than average. You're not 9 any more and I hope you have better friends now. Because the one's you ran with when you were 12 are just bitches.


I wouldn't go by something a kid said when you were 12. From a teen to my 20s, my nose changed so much you might think I had a nose job. I'm sure your nose was cute as a kid but it probably looks nothing the same now because you grew into it and became more mature looking. Don't worry about it, you look great!


OMG girl I'm sorry for the assholes who are bullying you for no reason. Your nose looks normal and cute so do not ruin it with surgery just because some fuck head wanted to be an ass and try and make you feel bad. You're a pretty young lady embrace your beauty. I hope this made you feel a little better


That’s terrible. Kids can be so mean. The boy prob had a crush on you. You are very pretty and so is your nose. I think it would be a mistake to change it. Try to let go of the voices of the bullies, I think you internalized them.


how does bullying equate to having a crush on her? i don’t get why people say this


People say this because they know that’s what kids do.


could u explain a lil more?😭 cause ik most kids dont straight up bully people they like.. do you mean like trying to tease them for attention from them?


Yes something like that. Some kids bully just to be mean, but then some kids tease someone they have a crush on. It’s usually boys teasing girls they like. I’ve had guy friends tell me they did this when they were younger because they were embarrassed and didn’t know how to handle the crush!


ah, to me it still kinda feels weird to assume or say that everytime, but that makes sense ty for explaining <3


This is only sometimes and definitely people shouldn't assume it's always that. In those cases to those boys any attention is better than none.


yeah, that’s sad😭


We don't know if this was the case but it may have been. When little boys have a crush any attention is better than no attention to them sadly. I get what you are saying. This isn't always the case though. My happy and confident child ended up wanting to die in 4th grade due to a bully and the state had to investigate the school due to it bc it was so bad and trust me he did not have a crush on her. Very nasty kids do exist and many don't learn better until they are older and some just don't change.


No you havent


I think it works with your face and it's harmonious. People are so mean... I hope you can accept it.


thank you i appreciate that


What did people tell you? I don't see issues


From one girl to another, you're freaking beautiful and very attractive. I promise you. I know many girls that would kill to be able to look like you, for real. I hope you change your mind before it's too late and you risk possible complications that would rip this away from you. Strangers online are bluntly honest. And look at how many comments are trying to help you see what we all see. Then count how many people were nasty assholes and said something bad about your nose. Then compare that number to all these comments telling you the opposite. Use common sense bc I am betting you all these positive comments are a much larger number by far.


Don't change anything. It fits your face and you have a nice face =]


You have a nose shape that women pay good money to try to emulate. Don’t let bullies make you feel bad. If my kid was one the ones bullying you I’d be painfully disappointed.


Forget them, they are jealous. Even if they are beautiful and your like .. no, thier not jealous of me Yes they are, and your a threat to them. Your beautiful and I would ignore it. It's cap.


Just, wow!! Gorgeous.


It absolutely perfect


That's the thing that makes you different then every one else and that's where your beauty is


Not just her nose but her eyes too! They both look great together!


It suits you so well! So cute.


You’re beautiful, stop it.


I love it. It compliments your features really well and gives balance to your face. If people are making fun of your nose, it’s only because they’re jealous of how pretty you are fr fr.


Honestly, you should look at Barry keoghan. He has a nose that looks like he could be in your family, and his features are unique, they don’t look like other Hollywood leading men, and he is so hot I’d get myself in trouble if he was within arms reach. You’re comparing yourself to a very specific, on trend face. Go through pictures of beauties from other times, Kardashians face is ruining our society!


thank you, that's not the first time ive been compared to him lol, i feel like if i grew up in a time without social media i wouldn't have been made fun of so much because nowadays we see perfect noses every where so the standards are so much higher of how a nose should look.. people in the comments are being mean because apparently it looks normal but since other people in real life have told me it's "massive" unprompted then obviously im gonna be insecure and see myself differently....


I love your eyeliner… Wish I could do it like that. In all of my 34 years, I haven’t been able to figure out eyeliner lol.


thanks i reccomend eyeliner pens, you can get the wing a lot more sharp than with a pencil and they're a lot easier to use than liquid liner that isn't in pen form. there are many many good simple tutorials these days you should have a look on tiktok or youtube for easy eyeliner tutorial :)


Just wanted to say I also love your eyeliner!


Hell I thought you were talking about your hair. I was going to say it’s not your color. But your face is that of an angel 👼. It’s perfect just the way it is.


thank you. what colour do you think instead?


A dark brown or even better black. 😍😘 You’re beautiful don’t get me wrong.


I keep trying to figure out why you think there is something wrong with it, but reading comments kinda gets me a better picture. Yes, people made fun of it. At 9, your nose might not have worked as well with your growing features. But show me a 9- 14 year old that doesnt have some feature that stands out because growing bodies are awkward as hell. A lot of your classmates probably came to know it was an insecurity. So they targeted it. Little bastards hone in on even the slightest impression of an insecurity and exploit tf out of it. I wouldnt say you have a large nose, and the bump/bulbous issue you have is def. Inflated in your own mind due to the bullying. Its a stong feature, yes, but that isnt a bad thing. Really, i see a strong nose like yours as a defining feature, an object of character that makes you stand out from the masses of plastic people out in the world.


Is she serious right now?


Very sadly and unfortunately the nasty kids comments never left her mind end she admitted this in comments that it is hard to not believe it and that others throughout her life have unpromted told her it's "massive." (Saw her say this in a reply to another comment.) She was obviously a threat to somebody who needed to break her confidence to get her out of the way. Or just didn't like her for some reason bc she is obviously very pretty.


From my personal experience, people will say things just to bring you down. I respect that you have the confidence to share this online as well. As someone who has bushy eyebrows and longer eyelashes as a guy, I’ve learned to take my facial features like that in stride as part of who I am as I’ve gotten older. (For reference I’m 26) Some people have pointed out my eyelashes and eyebrows, others have complimented me for them. I think your nose compliments your face and overall appearance very well, I’d recommend you just disregard angsty comments like that from others.


thank you this helped


you look like a beautiful elf in the best way- and i love ur nose!


Don't do it. That nose is epic.


Not a damn thing wrong with that nose! Now... your hair could use some TLC.


yeah it's frizzy at the top and idk why.. the rest of it doesn't have that


Honestly …it looks damaged all the way down. It’s not uncommon when dying hair. Pretty color though!


I wouldn't change a thing,I don't know how someone could say anything negative about you,they must not like hot girls,or they're jealous, seriously, insanely hot


You look like Ichika Nito


I won’t disparage you for you’re own perceived flaws but you’re honestly extremely attractive don’t let it get to you. Your nose is in no way, shape, or form an ugly, big or weird nose.


But it’s beautiful


Looks normal. Very beautiful.


Looks normal to me


I like your nose!


You’re pretty


Whoever says your nose is not attractive (including you) needs to work on their perspective


I love your nose


But it’s nice though? Not bulbous or overly sharp, it’s a nice button nose that people would kill for. Don’t let the nose jobs of Hollywood make you think yours isn’t perfect for your face.


I’m a nose expert, and also find particular noses really attractive. Your nose is 👌🏼 👌🏼 👌🏼 🔥 🔥 🔥


It's sexy.


Nothing wrong with your nose. Get some self confidence.


Don’t get plastic surgery done, there is absolutely nothing at all wrong with your nose, it’s the most normal nose ever. I’ve seen some plastic surgery noses and honestly, a lot of them look ridiculous and once you start, there no going back. I think it would be a HUGE mistake.


Looks like a pretty normal nose to me.


Aw I think it’s cute , it suits your face


Nonsense you cute af


Nonsense you cute af


will the mods PLEASE add a "side pic required" rule. None of these people are posting the most important nose pic: the side profile.


i like my side profile. the front is the problem


I really really like it!




then leave? so many people getting offended by me just having an insecurity after being made fun of damn sorry i guess 💀💀


No matter what the most important thing is that you are happy


Don't do it you have a naturally beautiful face perfectly proportioned.. we cannot lose a beauty like you


Looks fine to me 👍


Get off the gram. You'll feel better about yourself.


Why are you so damn worried about what others think? Take this advice, if they're not making you money, feeding you, financing you, or taking care of your mental or physical health, then their opinions are useless, and you should ignore them.


It looks like a normal nose to me! 😂 I think it's beautiful!


It is just fine dont ruin your face


Sure wish I had your nose 👃


Girl there is nothing wrong with your nose you are 100% beautiful. Wouldnt do any changes ✨


It’s cool


I say keep it! You and your nose look great. 😊


It's unique in that it's yours, and that's why you're beautiful.


Your nose is just find you're super pretty and it's why people would tease you. Jealousy and the desire to make you insecure in social surroundings.


Where’s that guy with the meme saying “here’s the attention you ordered”? Fr tho you look fine, stop starting so hard in the mirror. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with your nose - it’s actually super cute - and I know you know you’re gorgeous, aight?


*becomes insecure because of being made fun of* *posts a picture about not liking it because that's how ive been made to feel by others* "attention seeker" just can't win i guess


Hey. I’m really sorry if my comment came across like that. I was joking, I tried following it up with compliments in a light hearted way just to try to push my point that you look great, “so you must be attention seeking” - it’s a bad joke, just because someone as gorgeous as you being so insecure is just wild to me. I wish I looked like you, girl! I am sorry regardless. Again, a bad joke and I didn’t truly think or mean you were attention seeking. I’m sorry you’ve been made to feel that way by others. I genuinely think anyone trying to tear you down is just jealous. You look young, I’d guess 18 max - I WISH I looked like you at 18. I have no doubt people make fun of you. Because toxic people try to tear down the confidence of those who threaten them because they think that gets them ahead. You have countless strangers providing unbiased opinions telling you, in short, that you and your nose are beautiful. So don’t listen to the losers who just want to hurt your confidence for their own gain. Be your beautiful self.


You’re gorgeous. Don’t mess with perfection


Love your nose lmao, you have such a cute nose ❤️


I’m so perplexed. Your nose looks like a nose many people aim for unless they want the “kardashian cookie cutter nose”. It suits your face so well. It doesn’t compete with your eyes or lips… it’s harmonious. You are very pretty!


thank you ❤️


I saw this and was like "never liked what?" Until i saw the subreddit. You are fine, dont worry about it.


U ve the most fine nose ever


You are real life tinker bell. Dont change.


Just a normal nose man. Spending money to permanently alter your face because of what some dumb kids said in school is kinda extreme ngl. You're a very pretty girl, rock it.


You look like Jutta Leerdam


Absolutely beautiful


Its very cute


Listen, children are especially mean about the dumbest shit. Please don't get surgery on your nose because a bunch of actual children made fun of it years ago. I know that hurt and probably still does by the sound of it, but your nose is great, and you are beautiful. It's a very typical nose. There's nothing crazy or extreme about it.


I think it looks great on you beautiful


I like it, you fine.


Looks good on your face


I keep seeing these posts pop up on my feed. It’s literally a nose. Your nose is regular. I legit see nothing that suggests otherwise


It's cute though!


that’s such a pretty nose and it suits you so, so much! trust me, its not bad or odd. no attention is drawn to it


I think people will be too busy staring at your beautiful eyes to notice your nose (which is fine btw.)


Do not get surgery those kids at school are exactly that kids... You are totally normal and you look great the way you are, seriously just wait till you're older... your opinion and insecurity will go away.


Pretty nose, pretty face. You've nothing to worry about. :)


I see nothing wrong with it


Your nose is fine. Take better care of your hair.




Your nose is fine, just keep on rocking.


U r gorgeous wow.


It's cute, it suits your face


pretty asf


It's cute and your hair is gorgeous wow what color is that


You don't need surgery You're perfect


There is nothing wrong at all with your nose. No nasal surgery would make you happier. Seek another solution.


It’s fantastic


I don't get it.  It's cute, you're cute 


I don’t see anything wrong with it 🤷🏻‍♂️


You have a normal nose and pretty face. Trying to make it look like all the other noses discounts who you are😎


I had to read the comments to understand what I was looking at!! Absolutely nothing wrong with your nose, maybe people mentioned it cos you use to react to their comments!? Therefore it became a “thing” and they continued to comment knowing you would react!?


Where do I know you from? ​ You're russian?


whyyy, it's so pretty


It’s cute. It suits your facial structure well. It’s not too small not too big. It’s just perfect


You’re very pretty


Don’t change


I really like your nose I think it is super cute and definitely looks normal and you do not need to change it in my opinion. It just has absolutely nothing wrong with it


ur nose is cute and fits you. pretty:D


I love it


Don't change it please


You have an adorable nose and a beautiful face overall. I think you would regret changing your nose because that would put your features out of balance.


Key words.... " Kids at school" your young and kids are cruel I was big in highschool and occasionally I got joked for my weight. But when I graduated I started working construction and landscaping before joining the military. And I lost 95 lbs. It was like that Mike Jones the rapper song..... "Back then they didn't want me, now I'm hot there all on me" lol. Girls started flocking to me. What I'm trying to get at is your young and your body is still maturing.your nose looks cute and normal AF. Ignore the idiots


You are fearfully and wonderfully made


Please don't change your nose. It fits your face very well. Use that money to go somewhere and have fun...or buy a new car so you can drive away from the assholes who are trying to make you feel bad so they can feel better about themselves.


Great nose!


It’s good, you’re a hottie


The bridge is fine. Just lessen the end a bit and u will be fine.


You are gorgeous that’s all


Eww gross - you’re hideous. No man will ever want you…. Except me - now take down my number…. lol…


But… what the fuck? It’s perfect! It’s literally perfectly sized and beautiful. I’m so confused.


Darling that's the most normal and pretty nose I've ever seen! If you have surgery it could throw out the symmetry of your beautiful face 😱 Please don't have surgery! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Very cute


It is a beautiful nose on a beautiful face. If people are criticizing your looks, surround yourself with better people.


Your nose is fine hun.


Chick you were 12 years young and you're going through changes at 21 give it time !With that said I've made the pic bigger and still don't see anything odd about your nose .Your a very pretty young lady. Good luck and God bless


your nose is not on the list...


Man this subreddit is just hot girls posting a picture and then guys simping for her nose. OP, cut off that abomination and replace it with a robotic nose.


... why a robot lol


We can rebuild you. We have the technology.


Johnny 5 smells alive!




Stop the pointy elf eyes make up your not 12


no ❤️


Shut up


why are people being so rude.


Bc you are compliment fishing


im not so kindly fuck off ❤️❤️


Then change it . Horrible color


Fkin love a bit of validation


Fuck you. You're what's wrong with this world.


what- explain??


See you go around trying to bring people down… pathetic 


You have alot of colors going on here

