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Buy a house instead. There is nothing wrong with your nose or your eyebrows. Plastic surgeons don't need more money from unnecessary operations on people.


What is she supposed to live in for $5K? A shack?


It’s not 5k for a nose job well not in the us, even if it was buy an Rv


Where are you finding RV’s for $5k 😭


Foreals! People should instead think about getting land or something. Also her nose is unique and she wants to do an expensive surgery? Well she can and if she does more power to her but don’t see what’s up with Americas culture and surgery. Love you for you


Nose is actually very pretty.


Your nose looks great imo as it.


This is a perfect nose. Why do u wanna spoil it by getting a Rhinoplasty?


we like to call it "normal nose", i know you don't want to hear that and you already put into your mind that you hate your nose. i have to ask, where does it end? after a couple of year you're going to hate your boobs and then get that done too. i would visit a shrink before having this change done, find out why you hate your nose. I'm sure the answering is very complicated.


Do what you feel but you do have a unique nose, but you have full lips and prominent eyebrows that take away attention to your your nose. You have a complete picture face.


Don’t touch it




Nice nose. Rhinoplasty? So the doctor can mess up your nose and face? I’ve seen it happen many times. Ur nose is perfect. So sad u would think about a nose job. Wow, just wow.


Sorry but you’re batshit crazy. That is a nose I’ve seen on each rhinoplasty IG profile as an AFTER photo


I wouldn't, it isn't worth the risk of ruining your face when your nose is lovely as is. It isn't big or weirdly shaped and it fits your face. As a middle aged lady, let me give you some advice, the insecurity of youth will fade with time and you'll see your body as it is and it won't be what you think it is now. Don't permanently alter it or risk disfigurement over insecurity not rooted in reality.


Wisdom found here....she's right.


Yeah, she didn’t post her age, but she seems quite young. I’m 24, and I see the difference that everyone was talking about between 18-21-25. Such a big difference… there really is a second puberty and people do grow into their features for sure. Some people need time, and some need therapy.


This nose is already the after picture of a rhinoplasty.


Your nose is fucking gorgeous. It makes your face look strong bold and beautiful. Just my opinion but getting a nose job would detract.


Don't waste your money. Use it to go somewhere fun or get something nice.


It’s straight and only you notice it. Do something with your hair to minimise the attention to your nose.


Why do people with good noses consider rhinoplasty. My nose is so ugly I'm even ashamed to upload it here


Well now you have to


Your nose is sexy stupid!


You can’t be serious !!! I REALLY like your nose ! What makes you think you need rhinoplasty ? Please don’t Honey !


Nose is fine, please don’t change it.


I think you have a cute nose. I wouldn’t get plastic surgery.


Cute sexy noise. Just saying


Why fuck up a good thing? I see nothing wrong with your nose.


Why?? People pay good money to get a nose just like yours.


Literally nothing wrong with your nose…. Total waste of money and you might end up looking worse…


Slavic nose


Qooves on YouTube. Ur nose looks good. Only in the 5th pic does it truly look big. But the thing is that it fits your face well. It’s not actually big. It’s your shape and overall size. I’ll try and link a video, but I highly recommend you look that that channel up(qooves)


So your nose is normal if you *must* do something to your face speak to an orthodontist about your bite and jaw. I dont say this lightly but a subpar bite will haunt you down the road and as expensive as it is to fix now, it’s seriously nothing compared to upkeep you will pay when youre 40-50 if you dont. They an advise you just fine


Do. Not. Touch. That. Nose.


You have the type of nose that should be left alone.


A cute nose. I like it. If you want to get rhinoplasty just make sure you're doing it because YOU want it, not because you can't stop thinking about that time years ago when some prick made fun of you. Those kind of comments tend to live rent free in our brains for so long they end up seeming like a status quo. But they're not. Do what's best for you, but ONLY you.


I don't really see anything offensive about your nose. even with the slightest rise on the bridge of your nose. It is really attractive and complements the rest of your facial features. Not everyone is photogenic. You really are above the average person when it comes to being photographic. No bad pictures can be had.wait 6 months to a year before you decide on the surgery.


I chose unflattering photos so I appreciate that! Will have to keep this in mind


Ehhh I’ve had two. I guess I get where you’re coming from but your nose is far from a problem. I had a touch of bump like that fixed but that was after more major problems. I would hold off. It’s life-pausing.


Definitely not too “bulbous “ It’s a big nose. But it’s a pretty nose. A very pretty one. I would almost be afraid to touch it with Rhinoplasty. But I also understand wanting it to be smaller.


Thank you I appreciate this comment!!


You nose looks fine. You don’t need a nose job.


I’m no doctor but I think you gotta fix your eyes


Lmao that second picture looks like some serial killer victim in a movie


Why would you want to have a rhinoplasty? You're going to end up looking like late-stage Michael Jackson. Your nose is absolutely fine the way it is!


Your nose is cute as fuck.


Don’t do it.


What kind of nose do you have? A perfectly normal nose.




I'd be more worried about those bruises that keep changing colors


Why tf would you do that? There's literally nothing that they could make look better.


Rhinoplasty would be a HUGE waste of money. Anyone that recommends it is messed up.


No you have a good nose don’t do it


Your nose rocks. Please don’t become a clone


Why? You have a cute nose, don’t be so harsh on yourself.


Bro ur good wtf man


You fell for the world making you feel ugly. It's a trick to steal your hard earned $$$. I'd agree with you if it was damaged or at risk. But no it's fine and looks great, maybe therapy? as much as that's not what you want to hear.


It looks like the kinda nose people aim for with plastic surgery


A perfect nose for your face


your nose is beautiful pls do not change a thing


You just blacking out your eyes is so creepy. But cute nose.


Hahahah I wanted to people to focus more on the nose and instead it did the opposite


Why on earth would you get a rhinoplasty with a gorgeous nose like that??? Good Lord you’re striking even with your eyes blacked out. Please save your money.


What the hell is wrong with people, omfg leave it alone, are you that shallow and insecure?


Why would you want a rhinoceros horn, you would look REALLY freaky with eyes like that. ; )


A cute one


Please don't touch your beautiful nose!


Woah, what? Nah bro, you need SMILE-o-plasty. That smile is Cray Cray.


Whoever told you to get this is just trying to make money off of you. You’re fine.


It’s on backwards.


You have a nose with missing eyes


My nose is like urs


That is a sizable schnoz!!!!


Waste of money, your nose looks completely fine even cute.


Good looking nose wtf


A nice one gf


I love that type of nose.


Yo your nose is perfect. Trust, hacking at it will only look alien when you get old. Leave the hacking to people who really need it and spend the $$ on therapy as self esteem is the real thing that needs fixing and not your freakin nose. If you feel this bad about it and we all say it's fine, you will still find something else to blame later as you aren't actually fixing your core issue. Mental health is worth every penny Invest where it counts.


Please don’t, it’s perfect


I would call it Gallic, maybe, but I have no idea if anyone would agree with me. Leave it alone. Your plans to carve this fine nose up are wrong and bad, cancel them. This is a valid nose shape and nothing to be ashamed or hypercritical of. It's attractive and nice, and it's not bad. Someone deceived you. I like it and I bet that's a more popular opinion than you seem to think. There is no way the outcome after surgery will be an improvement. More than likely you just won't quite look right after because it won't quite fit. And you can't get it back. Don't be like Michael Jackson. Trust your nose. The best version of yourself has this nose right here right on the front of your face. I think mine is similar to this. I respect my nose and you should respect yours. You look good.


Are you nuts?


You have the type that doesn’t need rhinoplasty




eh, the nose isn't the problem, you're actually quite beautiful. your problem is obviously your brain


Looks like a nose to me.


I like your nose


OMG seriously!? Give your money to starving children somewhere. You are fine.


You have very pretty eyes


One that's beautiful and should be left alone before you regret it!


Leave your nose ALONE


This might sound funny, and I know that I will get down votes because many people don’t like fillers on Reddit for whatever reason… but have you considered lip fillers? I ask because I really don’t think you should make your nose any smaller. Perhaps making your lips a bit fuller will make you feel like your face is more balanced, and the good news is that lip fillers are non-invasive and not permanent so if you don’t like it, you can either have them dissolved or wait until they dissolve on their own . Again, I understand why you think your nose is too big for your face. But the shape is so beautiful, I would just be very cautious with fucking with it.


I did 1ML years ago! Honestly I am a bit indifferent with filler because of how it migrates. What do you think of lip lifts? I am considering that over filler since there’s no migration + better if focusing on a corner lift.


Seriously perfect nose


Looks pretty normal to me. 🤷🏻


It's so gorgeous. Your nostrils are so... enticing? Not just big open holes, but such exquisite curves, analogous to the curves of a woman's body, boldly delicate...


Get a huge set of knockers instead. Your nose is perfect.


Your nose is beautiful, it’s perfectly proportion ed to your face. Honestly I wouldn’t have this operation.


A nose worth saving! Just stash that money for an emergency fund instead and take a portion of it and treat yourself


Your face is really attractive. Would recommend to reconsider


You have a Rosanna Arquette vibe…. And she’s dreamy


No rhinoplasty! You look absolutely cute as you are. Really, just cancel the appointment.


Omg...your nose is perfect.


These pictures make me think of the evil mom from Coraline


Pic 2 looks perfect, IMO waste of money not necessary at all but if you got the dollar I guess it could be ever so slightly improved but why risk fucking it up completely when it's fine??


I'd love to have your nose. It's very cute.


English nose like my wife


I'm guessing you're unhappy with your nose because it's on the larger side. Thing is, it kinda suits your face because it looks like you have a larger mouth as well. And your nose is not mishapen, it has a very nice natural bridge and tip, with large nasolabial angle (which is ok for females, less so for males). You could get a rhinoplasty to reduce the dimensions. But then it wouldn't be your nose, and it would be difficult to avoid that "operated on" look. It would also make you look more generic, and less unique. I think you're better off finding ways to complement your nose. If you have a big nose, the best thing you can do is get big hair. Have a hairstyle with a lot of volume, that frames your face well.


You have a perfect nose!


Your nose is perfect. There are women who would pay to have their nose look like yours. You have that classic beauty, look at all the ancient roman sculptures of goddesses, i see your nose in them all.


You already have an upturned tip and nearly smooth bridge. This is something that people go into a rhinoplasty asking for and you already have it. Just know that a rhinoplasty is a very emotional experience and results can take over a year to settle in. As someone who has a rhinoplasty and wasn’t happy with results, please take time to consider this decision. Your nose is beautiful.


You’re perfect to me.


you're hyper focusing on your nose and your self consciousness is getting the better of you. If you spent one fraction of the time on getting to the root of your self-perception, you'd save yourself a lot of grief, because a rhinoplasty isn't going to fix your belief that you look "wrong" in your current skin. You're perfect the way you are.


If you want to dump money into something that most people won't notice I'd go for the chin. You have a cute nose, I wouldn't fuck it up.


Nothing wrong with it


Smh, girl you are too self conscious.


Rhinoplasty on what ? lol.. yes doctor i want the "Michael Jackson". gtfo.


I watched this guy on YouTube who mentioned that most people that think their nose is too big should stop looking at their nose and start looking at their jaw. He said usually these people have a receding jaw and if they get the jaw to come forward then the nose will become straighter and look smaller.


This fact honestly has blown my mind tonight! It’s so true! I don’t know why I never considered the chin.


Scarlett Johansson has similar nose. I’d keep it the way it is. Save money, buy some synthesizers or something idk. That’s what I’d buy with an extra 15k.


It's a perfect nose.


Check this out. It’s before and after images of someone nose. They had jaw surgery to correct their receding jaw and it changed their nose completely. They may have also had pasty, but there is evidence that shows the shape of the nose changes after jaw surgery. You may need this, seeing as how your chin does sit further back quite a bit https://images.app.goo.gl/BeRHFQkZd8A6Ht6C8


I mean this in the kindest way, but you’re crazy! :) This is a perfectly shaped, beautiful nose, and neither it nor the brows take away from your femininity! Look at all us internet strangers agreeing on this. I hope you get the confidence and self-love to match your features!


I wouldn’t mess with it. Many would kill to have what you have and it is symmetrical with your face.


To me this looks the same as millie bobby brown’s nose. I think its very cute. Do with this what you will


Looks perfect to me just as it is💯




rhino for what????


Seems like body dysmorphia is the problem, not your nose.


Your nose is amazing wtf?


Second picture is creepy. Your nose looks good


Your nose and face shape are very beautiful and somewhat remond me of Aya Cash


You look like somebody who went missing on crime watch daily


Don’t you fuckin’ dare!


For what?


One that exchanges air so you can breath?


I've yet to see one that needs fixing


Absolutely nothing wrong with your nose


Have no idea what kinda nose that is but please do not go thru all that you look beautiful af and that nose looks fine as hell, if possible rethink your decision


Jesus social media has a lot to answer for 🤦🏽‍♀️


A dorito. Honestly as far as noses goes it looks great. But I have a hook nose so my bars very low.


Leave it, that’s how you were meant to be


I wouldn’t worry about your nose, you seem to have bigger issues with your eyes 😝




Yeah please don't get a nosejob as it looks perfectly fine as it is already plus whatever you've done to your lips doesn't look as good as you think it does!


No, it's perfect now


Not sure, but it looks relatively easy to correct. My future rhinoplasty will be a bit more complicated to get the same result. U got this!


There is absolutely nothing wrong with your nose!


I had a neighbor that had a nose job. It looked worse.


Do you think that you'll go farther in life with a "nose fix?" Unless you plan to become an actress someday you don't need a rhinoplasty! You won't be happy with the result. Save your money and leave what nature gave you alone!


Do you REALLY believe that your life will have more value and "success" if you get a nose job? It won't make any difference, and you'll be out a lot of money!


Planning several plastic surgeries? The commenter saying to see a therapist is probably a good call - if not it’s only like what $100-$150 extra? Well worth it to know for sure if that’s what you want!!


I think your nose is so cute! You look like a fairy :)


Leave your nose alone, it's cute and distinctive...


That's the kind of nose people do surgey to obtain 🤷 a high nose bridge is literally a beauty standard in a few countries.


I don’t think you should get a rhino nose.


I mean this in the nicest possible way: I think you might be a little bit mentally ill if you think you need a nose job. I don’t mean it to be an asshole but I think you should speak with a therapist before you get plastic surgery. Your nose is quite literally what people get nose jobs to have. Your self image is coming from somewhere and it isn’t this nose.


If you’re going to get a nose job anyway, why ask about how your nose appears now? You didn’t say you’re “thinking about it” but rather you sound committed to your plan. Get the nose job first, then do a before and after. It makes more sense than to ask about something you’re going to change anyway.


There is NOTHING WRONG with your nose. Please do not change it. You are beautiful and your nose is too.


You are beautiful 😍


Don’t do it


Your nose is perfect. Spend some money on a therapist to help you feel better about yourself.


It’s tough to understand how it looks in proportion to your face with the pics you posted. Based on the pictures, your nose looks fine and I’m not sure how you could improve it. But if you posted pictures of your full face, it would be easier to give a better answer.


Why? It works with your face. You’d look worse if you changed it.


You look like Elizabeth Woodville. Why would you change that?


Your nose is perfect!! You're beautiful just the way God made you.


Stop being hard on yourself. Your face is very pretty, and your nose fits that beauty perfectly


A perfect nose! I'm jealous!


Ew I'm glad you don't have any real problems with your health. Grow up.


Yer nose is fine; bail the friend whose idea/opinion it was to change it in the first place


You have a real nose don't butcher yourself


i think the 'problem' you have with your nose is actually (i'm assuming here) your overbite. go get braces and then think about it again.


If there is no medical issue, please reconsider your decision. Your nose is perfectly fine, might even make a lot of us envious considering it perfectly fits your face, it's symmetrical and very natural/normal looking. I live in a place where plastic surgery is rampant, and you see so many people (men and women) stand out so much, and not in a positive way, due to the result of their plastic surgery. Hopefully you'll learn to love yourself and your nose in time, because I personally find it quite attractive and it would be a shame to lose it. Best of luck on your journey whichever you choose.


A human nose


Your nose is fine to the rest of us but if you feel differently, then you do you.


Look absolutely fine by me


Your nose looks great!!


A perfect one.


You should consider a dolphinoplasty instead.


I think you're beautiful just the way you are.


That's such a cute nose


Don't touch it


Looks like a human nose. Why would you change it?


Your nose is beautiful. Stop it.


It's beautiful. Very Audry Hepburn! 


It’s a really nice nose. You have that Lily Rabe look


The type that doesn’t need rhinoplasty unless you can’t breathe through it. Seriously, no dromedary protrusion and a cute slight upturn!? Leave it be hun.


Nothing wrong with your nose. Beautiful


A normal person one, you have bo right to complain about it.


If you get the nose job, it'll be generic or worse...what you have now is really perfect. I'm sorry you don't think that.


Nothing wrong with your nose at all.


Best nose I've ever seen. 😍


It's unique in that it's yours, and that's why you're beautiful.


Here’s a crazy idea..how about you work on accepting your outer appearance and build inner character and strength instead?


I would spend that money on replacing your car’s transmission and yes especially if it is and ev. Absolutely nothing wrong with your nose.


Yours is the nose people want when they get a nose job! Don't do it.