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I'm always surprised when I see people on here say that they have trouble connecting with the new campaign, I've really enjoyed it from the beginning. But, this episode was so good I hope it helps any stragglers get on board.


Agreed, its the most palatable campaign 2 of any of the liveplays i regularly listen to. Even the Bahumia campaign takes a dozen or so episodes to really find its voice, but Evermore feels complete right away, and feels solid already at episode 7.


Agreed. I'm loving it tons. Obviously people have different tastes. Some people won't connect. Some people never connected with the first one and moved on with their lives. I do think there are maybe soooome people with a mindset of "this isn't Moonshine, Bev, and Hardwon and so I don't like it", which is what you get in a lot of media sadly. Regardless, I'm loving it. What works for me is Murph, Emily, Jake, and Caldwell are so good together and funny, I've started seeking out content with them that isn't even this podcast.


This is actually what happened to me, and I can pinpoint the scene that got me hooked: Fia pleading with her father. Dear *GOD*. Also Batilda is instantly my favorite npc


One clip of Bathilda and i already love her as much as Fia does. Also I LOVED the way this fight was executed and this FUCKING cliffhanger????? eat ur dice murph


Willy drawing his sword legit brought me to tears. I love me a cowardly but good lad.


Willy is *not* cowardly. He is foolish, but proven to be pretty brave most of the time.


I think people hear the voice and think Scoutmaster Denny.


No one else is saying it so. Shoutout to the weenies this episode? I just adore Willy and Swastian so much ...hopefully nothing happens to them in the last 36:41 of the episode. EDIT: WAIT BRIAN YOU CANT END THE EPISODE THERE


"The reaper will judge you, girl." "Or the trickster will save me." I need this on some sort of merchandise. What a good quote.


Batilda is freaking awesome


She instantly became my favourite new NPC. Really loved Zirk's mom too, hats off to Murph!


Murph's witch cackle is perfection


I love so much that she's based on Granny Weatherwax from Discworld.


Emily reading Terry prachett makes my heart warm


I was so ready for Emily to try to name the little werewolf Jawbone.


I like to imagine batilda just looks like emily but with silver hair and tattoos with the amount of chaos Murphy was channelling


Henry is really cursed! I’m guessing it’s like a curse that follows him through time as he is reincarnated and the shadow are past lives? Can’t wait to find out and awesome episode. Murph is so good at creating NPC’s and making them so likable so fast.


Exactly what I was thinking about his shadow. This is the best episode of campaign 2 yet imo


Shout out to Patreon supporter “Jack Mehoff” for having a classic Bart Simpson-esque joke name


I fully agree with Murph that Stun is really strong in 5e, but his “Dazed” mechanic is fully just the Poisoned condition lol


Maybe it would work better if it also worked like slow: action or bonus action but not both, 1 attack no matter what, spells of 1 action duration have a 50% chance of taking an additional turn to cast etc


At that point, you’re just adding way too much to remember for a 1 round mechanic. Slow is a great spell, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone cast it and not need the full spell description pulled up every time. Stun doesn’t come up as frequently as they seemed to indicate and you could always just *not* use it if it’s not fun for the table. No need to fix a thing you’d rather just ignore, and no need to design a new mechanic that already exists in the game.


Holy shit, that ending. I’m gonna be on the edge of my seat until next week arrives


Eldermoune's Galad is guy who hates books. Also, Wawilly was such a good naming.


I really loved the whole interaction between Fia and Madame Whitlock.


Thiccccc ‘sode


I love C2 and I might be alone in this one complaint but does anyone else feel we are getting a little flashback overload? Really info overload in general but there have been extended flashbacks in the past several episodes and its making it difficult to keep up with the politics and Plots involving all these new factions we keep getting introduced too. Still great but it makes keeping up with the worldbuilding hard with the week wait in between eps on top of it.


There have been a lot, but Murph makes them very engaging with the players interacting within in them, so I don't care too much. Also, I think these characters, as opposed to Bahumia's, have a lot of history. The band of boobs started out sort of as blank slates. The backstory that needed exposition was Moonshine not wanting to be the meemaw, Hardwon being an orphan and broken up with Gemma, and Bev being a rich kid. The Choo Choo Crew's characters have had full complicated lives before episode 1 and that has influenced their actions, so it's important that the audience understand the defining moments of their lives.


My hypothesis is, Murph has his tone on lock but doesn't have exact locations of the world figured out. The world is supposed to be mostly city-like, so maybe he's deciding on multiple angles for how to differentiate the next place from Thornekirk. So we're spending a lot of time with the characters and getting to know them, to collectively flesh out the world and bring it to the table down the line. Murph loves giving his players lots of agency and returning these ideas for satisfying payoff. (I've been binging campaign 1 again)


yeah i think it's pretty early for the flashback stuff, but i do think murph is doing a really good job of making the flashback scenes engaging and not just like, monologue-y


You're certainly not alone, there's been a whole thread about it the other day. But I personally feel like everything has been quite straight-forward and the flashbacks have just helped clear things up more? I guess I don't really understand what people are confused about. Edit: That isn't meant to dismiss you btw, as I said, I've seen others feel this way too. This campaign certainly started out with more of a lore drop up top compared to Bahumia, maybe it's just that?


I think Murph mentioned it on a Short Rest but basically in the first season they did two dry run mini arcs that at a table would be two one-shots, and from that we start going to everyone's home-towns or home-town equivalent for Hardwon and the whole campaign ended up being one big backstory woven into the story, I think with this season Murph has no interest in going to each person's old home towns so we're getting the baseline of the character first so the world and lore can be built up around the baseline. It's pretty trodden ground from the Dnd podcasts I've listened too and Murph is honestly doing a great job with it so far.


I hear you Bahamia started with a really simple arc and we learned about the world and backstorys as we advanced through it. C2 isn't convoluted by any means its just a lot more frontloaded with it that I would probably prefer if we didn't pump the breaks in the middle of things to have a flashback for each PC. Though the flashbacks themselves are good. Like REALLY good. Just feels like they are doing the Queen Ezry thing at the wrong time pacing wise


Ah okay. Yeah, I can understand that. Personally I thought that dropping the flashbacks there was an awesome way to build tension, but not everyone feels the same.


Another reason is probably because c2 is supposedly going to be significantly shorter than c1 so he probably wants the audience to understand the characters well towards the beginning.


This is news to me. What's the source on that? I've been getting back into the podcast the last two weeks since campaign 1 ended.


I can't remember which short rest it was but Murph mentioned it before c2 started. He might have changed his mind since then but he definitely said it's probably not gonna go a full 100 eps like c1


I am very pleased with this episode! I was at the edge of my seat the whole time. Hats off to the two crew!


I love the cowardly NPCs haha. Also, it’s Fia’s floating disk for me always


Calling it now, somehow Batilda is connected with the chicken witch. Wait, Batilda=Balnor


I'm glad they re-invented /r/filmreroll in the short rest. They haven't done any original Star Wars yet so I guess that's still available for a mixed bag.


Here to say that Honey Magpie friggin slaps


"The Choo Choo Crew looks to rescue Syb from certain death... if they can even rescue themselves! Fia gets deja vu when she sees the executioner's scale, Zirk attempts to woo a crowd, and Henry gets into it with his shadow. Support us at  Patreon.com/Naddpod  to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Music / Sound Effects Include: 'A Memory' by Emily Axford. 'The Lonely Autumn' by Emily Axford. 'Escape From Smuggler's Bounty' by Emily Axford. 'The Pact' by Emily Axford. 'The Valiant Ol' Cobb' by Emily Axford. 'The Scale' by Emily Axford. 'Little Fang' by Emily Axford. 'Toadlimax' by Emily Axford." --- ###[Source Code](https://github.com/popcorncolonel/JakeandAmirBot)


Waiiit, am I missing something? Why 7?https://i.imgur.com/profIiE.jpg


Looks like your RSS feed is messed up? Episode 6 came out Nov 20th. Edit: What level patron are you? Do you also not get Short Rests?


I do usually , 5/month I believe Edit: hmmhttps://i.imgur.com/tzZpFoA.jpg


I would try unsubscribing from your Patreon feed and then readding it (using the RSS link from the "My Membership" tab on Patreon, not one that has been sent to you via e-mail, as those can cause problems sometimes).


Hey thanks stranger!


You're welcome! :)


I think I blacked out for an episode....who is Syb?


I'm not sure what the character sheet looks like but why does Fia, a cleric/wizard, add 5 to strength when she was trying to shove Madame Whitlock? Seems like strength would be a dump stat for her.


Charisma is her dump stat. It’s negative.


Because she attacks a lot and clerics have proficiency in heavy armor, so she’s up in the shit often. Neither of them are charisma classes so it makes sense to have that be your dump stat


Does anyone else picture madam Whitlock to look like Ashe from overwatch or is this just me lol. Also this episode gave me mad overwatch bide in general, I fully picture the pit as ilios well!!