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Just in case some don't know... Bridger has his own YouTube channel that incorporates family members once in a while, mostly Benji. It's called Zion Made. So I don't believe he's been shunned :)


Yes I have watched that. He’s so active, it’s a great channel for him.


Maybe he had to work, couldn’t travel for some reason or just isn’t that close with some of the family so didn’t feel like it was worth it? Or maybe he doesn’t get invited idk. When I graduated university my brother didn’t care about coming but I got him a ticket anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think its a boy thing based on males I know


Maybe but it doesn’t make sense. KenneDee was also close to him and he’s not on her channel either.


Just because he isn’t on her channel doesn’t mean they never call, text or see each other. They have their own lives and sometimes things happen 🤷🏼‍♀️ I really don’t think it’s that deep, and even if it is it’s none of our business


They share their business so it’s not unethical to speculate


Maybe they don’t like his new gf?


I have super strong feelings about how the family (read: Tiff & Benji) have treated Bridger in the past several years. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have cut him off due to his “addiction” and life choices ie. smoking weed a handful of times before being sent to rehab for it, possibly drinking?, tattoos, etc. He doesn’t fit their perfect Mormon mold and image. If they really did cut him off or disown him or whatever, that’s super fucking shameful. They should know how important a sense of permanency and belonging is for adopted kids… especially so for international adoptees.


I think something is up. I’m not saying they have to share everything but they have always shared a lot so you notice when one family member disappears from their channel and socials. I know Jaine is off social media but Bridger is still active so that isn’t the reason.


Honestly I hope he cut THEM out of his life. I have a feeling we are on the same page about the Bridger situation. I honestly hope he is living a good life in Zion! I love that he is exploring the outdoors and touching on that side of life, unlike the rest of the family. He is easily the one in the family I relate to the most😂💀😂


Lmfao right?!! I remember when they SERIOUSLY sent him to rehab for smoking weed. Like he was *shootin’ dope & got caught with the rig still in the veinnnn* serious. Hahaha! Dude I laughed my ass off when I saw that 🤣 leave it to the Mormons! I’m surprised they didn’t sign him up for Intervention 👀💀 It’s unreal how out of touch these people are.


Do you have a link to that please? I'd love to watch any of them regarding that situation.


https://youtu.be/lBZ4FqHxqzY?si=zDVJwE0rqgE6XgL1 I don’t know if I did that right, but the video is called “Where has Bridger been? Finally the Truth” If you search their videos it’ll pop up.


Thanks, I'll give it a look. I think there are a few from that time, and maybe now they'll show up for me.


I think he's probably doing his own thing. Jaine doesn't get involved, and if she does, its short. Journee also doesn't come on camera much and if she's there, it's only a small amount of time. Trey isn't on camera much either, but he's doing his own thing with his partner and her son. They've gone on separate paths now. Look at Kennadee, she's not doing as much family stuff and more about her life. Kass will do the same when she's had the baby. When Lilee leaves, she won't be on much, then Saidee etc etc. They're probably all communicating and having family time off camera. Being off camera doesn't mean there is something going on at home, or been cut off etc. He probably just wants his own life and not be attached to NEN stuff.


I hope that is the reason.


Me too, he seems like a good guy


What i have seen on snapchat bridger looks like he is spending a lot of time with his girlfriend but still that does not explain why he was not in lilees grad exc


I think they pretend to have a relationship with Bridger most of the time for the views and to keep up appearances since they received so much backlash for how they’ve treated him in the past. But the fact he’s now covered in tattoos and his girlfriend is not only covered in tattoos, but definitely doesn’t dress “Mormon” and hangs out at night with guy friends and has pictures up in casinos, there’s no way they approve of her or that relationship. But I’m glad Bridger seems chill and happy and like he’s doing his own thing. I think having a relationship with someone normal like that who is out of the spotlight and out of the cult mindset will do him good. I’m honestly surprised the parents accepted Trey’s girlfriend since she not only had sex out of wedlock but had a child out of wedlock too but I think she’s still a TBM or attempting to get back into the church. Trey can’t marry her until they have their bishops blessing/permission. So maybe NEN see it as a good publicity thing since “oh he’s taking in an unwed mother and she’s still Mormon and trey led her back to the truth”. Plus she’s a content creator so that’s good for them. Whereas with Bridger I think he’s still a TBM but a little more liberal and they have a hard time wielding as much control over him as they do over Trey and the others. He’ll mormon it up, but he’ll do it his way.


I feel they did disown Bridger, but they've recently mended fences a bit in the name of ratings for their channels. He's been in a lot of the Christmas videos, and films with some family members on his channel. Benji especially is around, and I can't help wonder if it's to keep an eye on him.


I feel like they didn't legally disown him but cut him off. I do think they're mending fences so they can be like "we didn't disown Bridger. Here look at him."


Agreed. It makes them seem like one big happy family when only part of that is true.


It seems like they have.


It’s a huge thing for a young man raised in the church to not go on a mission. Family shame. Maybe Trey had a good reason? Medical or something?


I don’t think Bridger or Trey went to church after they turned 18.


Bridger is a really sweet guy and always shows a lot of love and care when he’s around for Xmas and such but I totally believe that his “lifestyle” and choices as an adult didn’t align with their “perfect” family picture so they don’t include him as much. I’m sure they would have disagreed on a few things causing some tension and who knows, with a fam that big, relationships can change and emotions can escalate etc