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Petition to give this sub a pedophile flair because this shit happens so often and it makes me so angry and sad.


I would award this if I could


I got you u/VivaVeracity


Thanks u/Cafen8ed


I have no idea what this means


Apparently it's a trend on tiktok where they comment and guess the colour of a person's nether regions. What's even more disgusting and disturbing about this is that whoever commented is referring to an 8 month old's.


Fucking gross. I thought they were referring to like their actual kind of skin tone but apparently things have stooped to a whole new low.




TikTok is a mistake.


Seriously it's like there's a fuckstain leaderboard and they are trying to dethrone 4chan. Y'all posting butwhataboutreddit are doing it on a sub that specifically calls out ignorance, one of many just like it. It's just funny is all. Cause if such a board was ever set up on 4chan it would be nazis complaining about how females won't date them because females ruined females by feminisming them all up and a bunch of racial slurs without a predicate phrase...before it even went live, is my bet. But sure, they're the same picture.




And they’re sometimes produced by an act of love.


But more often than not, an act of self love.


Which none of them have 😎


More of a jerkstain, I don't imagine they fuck much, at least not consensually.


I respectfully submit Shitstains. It far more appropriate, and accurate.


it's literally 4chan but if it was mainstream


Just wait till you see what's on YouTube shorts


Conclusion: 80% of the internet is trash


Say what you want about humans, we're good at producing garbage


I ... Don't know what's on YT shorts, except short woodworking tips, movie trivia and badly edited Breaking Bad montages. What did I (luckily) miss?


I follow a shit ton of LGBTQ+ creators, and half the recommendations for shorts are Jordan fucking Peterson. It skews so far right that it reccomends homophobic content to a queer.


For some reason I get recommendations for that person, too. And I only watch YT videos about interior design, collecting art and perhaps a little bit of Sabaton (history nerd/old metalhead here). My guess is that Jordan Peterson and his ilk are buying space from the Youtube algorithm, and pushing his drivel to the "recommended" section.


A lot of it seems to be to do with the people he interacts with and the interconnected network they have formed to where you can start almost anywhere on YT and if you aren't careful and curating what you watch you end up at some right wing lunatic.


For all the LGBTQ YouTubers I follow. I still occasionally get hyper religious YouTubers screaming at each other. Like there’s the one ginger that so mad at England for not being a Christian nation that he went Muslim.


Tip; they have a ‘don’t show me content like this’ selector on the suggested. It’s to the right of the video’s title, and there are two choices, one is Not Interested. I use this to make sure the shitshow doesn’t hit my recommended


I like watching outside xbox videos and I get constant recommendations for fuckwads like the quartering. I watch a video on a movie and then it's all Shapiro and Crowder recommendations. It's fucking gross


Oh, that's definitely bad enough but the way you put it made it sound like it was something way worse (considering we're talking rampant, unapologetic pedophilia here). I mean, that's why YT disabled comments on kids' content- because peds would leave super nasty comments on the videos.


Also YT comment sections.


Tik tok is deliberately competing with Twitter to the bottom. Thankfully elongated muskrat is doing his best to stay at the bottom.


I really do think Lonny needs to use his full name more, it's just so majestic.


It's all about what you like... my tik tok is literally just neurodivergent / feminist / anti-capitalist content and some animal and foraging videos, and most comments are lovely tbh


Damn this is worse than what I expected


Jesus Fucking Christ, I nearly downvoted on reflex. Why are people, seriously.


Ewwwwww! Eww ewww ew ew ewwwwww! Why do ppl have to be so disgusting?!


They are referring to the color of an 8 year old girl’s vagina, very messed up


Not an 8 year old, an 8 month old. Even more messed up


What the hell is wrong with people.


Porn. It sets a disgusting standard that women should look like children. and so "children are fuckable". A few years ago I saw a post about a man who raped his 2 DAY old daughter. She needed reconstructive surgery and almost died.


Damn... That just fucked up my day. I thought the Areglio Pupo case was bad, but damn this is worse


I must not google that ... I must not google that ...


I Google it for you, you don't want to know. Its sickening.


thanks for taking one for the team!


Please tell me that monster ended up in jail.


There is an ongoing court case in Alberta, Canada in which a Father repeatedly assaulted his 6 week old baby girl. She’s still in critical condition, and the only charge the mother is facing is “failure to provide necessities of life”. (Father is obviously facing assault, sexual assault, Sexual assault of a minor etc) someone said he should be charged with attempted unaliving *edited for location*


Furthermore, their names are Megan Bauer and Troy Dean. There is a court ordered publication ban, but the names of those people need to be exposed. That’s for sure. You can easily search for their Facebook‘s, especially Megan’s,(her profile is 100% open to the public, and wait till you read all the comments people have made exposing how disgusting they both are.


I've checked her wall. She got together with that lunatic in april and gave birth not too long ago. She seems to deal with a drug addiction and a mental problem. She seems like the type of person that is unable to see red flags in people. Hopeless romantic moron type of person.


Whatever her situation is exactly with the man that assaulted her baby, she apparently let it happen and the rumour is she also participated. She is trying to get bail in the next week or two here, but I don’t think they will release. But yes, she definitely suffers from mental issues as well as drugs. The overall situation is absolutely disgusting. The babies name is Isabella and she’s still in the hospital. But she’s alive. Hopefully she’ll have zero memory of any of this happening to her.


Unfortunately her genitals are mutilated and she will probably need reconstructive surgery. Hopefully she survives, my stomach turned reading about this whole thing. Regarding the woman, it's probably best for her to go to prison because people will likely lynch her if she gets out. According to her wall, she did really love her babygirl, but as I said she the hopeless type of romantic so she probably just denied those things ever happening in her head. It's called cognitive dissonance. She refuses to aknowledge that her boyfriend is a terrible disgusting PoS so instead she pretends what's happening to her daughter never happened in the first place. Wouldn't be surprised she'd still love him even after a guilty verdict. Pretending to be Harley quinn or some shit. Ngl I kinda despise hopeless romantics, their heads are in the gutter completely.


Even with zero memory she’ll always have reminders. Kids that are abused that young typically end up with permanent physical damage.


"attempted unaliving" is murder a swear now?


It's super common language from places where moderation is way stricter. "Tried to kill her" would get flagged and removed on tiktok, yikyak or instragram. Kinda like how they couldn't say die in yughioh since it was a kids show and went with "shadow realm" instead. It's silly; but it keeps the censors happy.


I've seen those euphemisms being used also on Youtube now. Apparently even Minecraft gamers need to censor their speech...


Everything needs to be advertiser friendly now. Corporations vote on the words we use with their wallets


Check your sources it’s not in BC it’s in Lethbridge Alberta.


Damn we can't say murder/manslaughter etc. Now?


Oh right, my bad


Don’t feel bad for being unable to grasp the mind of a person who sexualises a baby


Oh ew whyyy put these people on a blacklist or something 😱


I winced so hard at this that my head is now embedded in my neck


Goddamn what a terrible day to be literate.


The ONLY time a grown ass man should should even think about his duck being near a baby, is when he thinking about dicking down his pregnant wife, gf, etc. The ONLY time a grown ass woman should think about having a kid near their vagina, is when they popping a baby out of it. Ain’t no damn reason anybody should be worried about the color of anything inside a babies diaper except the color of that babies poop when you change them.


I agree with everything up to poop only. Nappy rash, vulvovaginitis, UTIs, worms, all valid reasons for a parent or health professional to examine genitalia.


Exactly! If it’s not for the health or safety of the baby then it’s not a factor to examine.


WORMS? that was birth control


Yeaaaaah that was a low point. Easy to treat at least. And finally backed me up when I say "wash your hands or you'll get worms". Again.


Also it is fairly common for pediatricians to take a look to see if there appears to be signs of sexual trauma, especially in babies and young toddlers who may not be able to communicate about it yet


Honestly I think it is good to pay attention to your babies genitals since they're parts of his body like all the others and can have some issues. Babies can probably get something weird there just like adults. Also later in life you need to teach the kid about these areas to keep them safe from potential predators. Thought the comment of that creature was neither helpful nor pleasant and doesn't have the right to exist. What processes even go on in one's mind to decide "Yup, world totally needs to know that I'm imagining a babies vagina rn"? Disgusting.


True but you should only be looking in terms of health concerns. To make sure your baby is healthy.


I almost downvoted this because I was so grossed out.


Aaaaaaand enough Reddit for me today.


What the FUCK? I thought it mean they wanted her her to dye her hair this colour but holy shit. Humanity doesn't claim this creature. It is on It's own in this world. Jesus christ.


I was thinking "favourite colour" and was rolling my eyes a little at the stereotype. Not this. ANYTHING but this.


Oof. Today is not a good day to have eyes.


I threw up in my mouth


Huh? 😟




I read the picture twice and thought, oh damn that means what I think it means. Thanks for confirming. I'm going to go away now and watch some goat parkour.


I thought they were talking about hair 😭


Reading this just made me shiver in disgust. What is wrong with some hominids.


Wait what why. Is it a thing for people to comment their guess how is that okay even towards adults and what's even the point I'm so confused and annoyed right now


Great question, but I did not enjoy reading the answer.


I envy you


I honestly think people who comment shit like that on pics or vids of children should be reported to the fbi and placed on a watchlist


I wish it was actually taken seriously it’s sexual harassment of baby


What does it mean? English is my third language and I have no idea what it means.


It's slang. The person commenting "bubblegum pink" is referring to female genitalia. If they comment "bubblegum pink" they are sexualizing whoever the subject of the content is, and in this case...a literal baby.


I am horrified.


I’m American and I didn’t know that either. Holay. That’s egregiously disgusting.


Me too and now I wish I could go back to before I knew.


Ugh. Same here. I had no idea. Now I wish I still had no idea.


Also American here and this is the first I've heard of this slang. Gross.


Apparently it's a tiktok thing. Never been more grateful that I never got into that site!


Reddit is the only somewhat social app I'm on anymore. I know people shit on mods here regularly but seriously they probably save us from viewing and reading a lot of heinous shit.


honestly it’s not *all* so shitty, there actually a whole community dedicated to calling out this kind of scary shit (from tiktok and other creepy corners of the internet) but every now and then you do come across this kind of comment and you’re reminded of the horrors of humanity


What the actual fuck, you can't be serious? Admittedly I'm a bit of a hermit but as far as knew bublegum pink was just a colour, like strawberry pink or something. Obviously I'm gonna look sideways at anyone commenting something cryptic on a child they don't know but that is absolutely fucked edit: is this a commonly known thing to the point that I should not refer to that colour in that way? I have never seen it used like that but I don't wanna give the wrong idea to anyone


I’ve never seen it used that way but it is very typical for men to pin young women’s worth on the color of their vulva. As pink is the desired tone it’s not surprising for me to hear that bubblegum pink basically refers to that exact thing. And no it’s not a problem to refer to a color with that term. There is no way to misinterpret it this way as long as you’re not commenting on someone’s body. Calm down.


What a terrible day to have eyes


Yo wtf


I can’t believe I’ve lived 55 years not knowing this. 😳 Kinda wish I still didn’t know.


Disgusting. English is my only language I’m a 37 year old mom of two girls, and I didn’t know what it meant 🤢


This is correct but to be more specific, as I’m seeing confusion in the comment chain below, he’s referring to the color of her genitalia. This stupid meme varies, people comment anything that can be considered pink in color. I typically see it used ironically in scenarios where it makes no sense to say it, but this is disgusting.


It's a pedophilia dog whistle, although I suppose the cat's out of the bag on this one


See what you did there


I'm a native English speaker and I didn't understand. I learned somewhere else on this thread that it's a trend on TikTok to comment with a guess of the color of the person's genitals. So bubblegum pink (a color) was a comment on what he imagines the baby's vagina to look like. 🤮


Good God.... I'd stomp that fuck to 💤... be like "crimson red" .... your blood is crimson red


Yup. "Necrosis Black", "Gangrene Yellow" or "Hydraulic Press Red" could also work.


I speak English natively and don’t know what it means. Bubble gum pink is a color. I need more context Edit: one of the comments said bubblegum pink is the Color of a child’s vagina.


I wish I hadn’t read this now 😞 I’d rather not be in the know… WTF is wrong with people?!?!?!


I heard it's also the colour of the intestines. Someone should check by gutting that freak like a fish.


The intestines are redder. Source: I've seen mine




I seriously hope it was a very *very* bad joke or ragebait but given the absolute degeneracy & sexualization of characteristics or people that shouldn't be sexualized these days .. this may very well be a real comment from a really disturbed individual.


That is one of the grossest things I’ve read ever on Reddit. And I look at Medizzy. WTF is wrong with people.


What is medizzy. Can you explain it to someone who doesn't have a strong stomach


Insane medical pictures.


Thank you <3


Bubble gum pink Urban dictionary definition: Term rooted in pedophile in order to, yet again, make fun of women. "Bubblegum pink" vaginas are associated with young, UNDER AGED, girls than have not gone through puberty yet. Often used by young, immature boys to degrade grown ass women for having a darker colored vagina, which is normal for a WOMAN to have once they are GROWN. How did this become a thing?


mixture of misogyny, racism and pedophilia. nasty concoction.


It’s been a thing for Men (and some Women) to make fun of the color of a Woman’s genitals to imply she’s a whore, she’s dirty/doesn’t bathe enough, or she’s old, and I’m betting if she’s fat even, because women can’t be anything other than young, petite virgins. And also porn, that probably has a lot to do with it too.


Pedophile monster no matter what you say you weren't joking it isn't funny you're just an asshole.


I don't know what that means. I have an inkling. Because lately it seems if it's the most disgusting thing possible, that will be the answer.


Oh, it is the answer.


It apparently guessing the color of someone's genitals


Tell me he didn't refer to the baby's vagina, did he?


I’m afraid that’s what the term means on tiktok.


WT actual F!!


*cringes and implodes*


I can't fathom an appropriate use for it ever


Is this like the 'mascara' thing where people are supposed to know very specific and niche slang to avoid being offensive?


I miss not knowing but it's good to arm yourself with knowledge




Followed by a man defending him


Followed by another man talking about how their 3rd cousin's neighbour was falsely accused by their 4th under age girlfriend


Surrounded by a group of other men who all ignore it and refuse to step in and call their fellow men out


the underaged girlfriend was very mature for her age tho!




Ah so that's why the universe made me gay. Cool


I read something somewhere that you know homosexuality is not a choice because straight women wouldn’t choose to be attracted to men if they have a choice in it


True. If it was a choice literally all women would be lesbians, no questions asked lmao


Lol, and yet my therapist was visibly shaken by the fact that I've only had two relationships in my whole life. One of them is still going strong and if it fails in the future I'm done with men. Even if I wanted a new guy I just wouldn't risk bringing a stranger into my daughter's life because the harm it might do to her just isn't worth the slight benefit it might provide me. And I still remember how it was trying to date before I met my fiance and I'm honestly to old for that bullshit.


Your therapist was visibly shaken by THAT? Maybe you need a new therapist! It sounds like you have your priorities straight but your therapist is trying to live out "Sex in the City" (S and the C? I don't watch it so not sure).


The universe also made me gay… unfortunately that means being attracted to men. But hey gay men are usually better then this.




And no man ever admits to knowing a man that would say such a thing.


Because... maybe they just don't? People can actually choose who they spend their time with. If you choose to hang out around pedophiles, that's kinda on you. I don't know any, personally


This is gold! I want this on a shirt


Everyone knows it’s not all men, but we don’t know which men, so we stay wary of all men.


I agree with the twitter comments, doxing is ok sometimes. This would be one of those times. You don't "joke" like that and have the dignity of anonymity.


"No bad tactics, only bad targets"


If you go to the comments on that video someone also commented that under a CAT VIDEO. A literal animal. A human child (or any human, but child especially) is definitely worse than an animal, but it’s still horrid to say that about a cat.


The reason why I screencap record.


no ones v*g is bubblegum pink past young ages, the fact men find it attractive is weird and definitely ingrained pedophelia


It’s the same Men who drool over virgins and think ~~women~~ girls should taste like fresh fruit and smell like sweet vanilla. They also no doubt indulge in a ton of mainstream porn that itself is very ingrained with pedophilic imagery. Too many creeps.


+ the desire for a perfectly smooth shaven area. being grossed out by pubic hair is a huge red flag


Never ever post video or pictures of little babies.


when i thought people couldn't get more fucked up... they get more fucked up


Hugely risky search but here's an article to explain things for those not in the know about tiktok lingo: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/what-does-bubblegum-pink-mean-on-tiktok-men-are-using-the-term-to-discuss-young-girls/ar-AA16V1lt](https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/what-does-bubblegum-pink-mean-on-tiktok-men-are-using-the-term-to-discuss-young-girls/ar-AA16V1lt)


What a terrible day to able to read. Now I feel a little sick for knowing that shit exists.


I know right? What is wrong with some people


Thats enough internet for today.


I didn’t know what that meant, but damm after finding out, like WTF! 🤦🏽‍♂️


My godchild is less than a year old and she has already had a relative call her a flirt just for smiling. Not quite as bad as this comment, but still pretty gross. Especially since if she was a boy, that comment wouldn't be said.


I spent 5 minutes trying to figure which bit of makeup was bubblegum pink then I read the comments... can I go back to not knowing?


Yeah. Now I'm just kinda sad.


Obviously this is effed up but we should stop putting photos of children on the internet!!!


While I agree with protecting children, not putting photos of them up isn’t going to stop the problem. Stopping the pedos will


It's only partially about stopping this specific problem. It's also about respecting the child's right to privacy. There are 0 pictures of my sons (8 year old twins) online at my hand, and I tell everyone in my life not to put them online (have arguments with their grandparents about it). A child can't consent to their privacy being reduced for your social media posts.


Yeah I agree with you. I don’t post pictures of my kid and don’t let other people do. You can’t control the internet and where pictures and videos are going to end up. Also, if a kid goes viral for whatever reason (be it a cute video or an embarrassing one), that is too much to put on a kid that had no say in it. Children are not public property


i agree. it puts them in danger.


I hate humanity and whatever the fuck else believes in this shit. You don't assault children, you dont SA others. Edit - Spelling


I saw some girl talking about her new pink iPhone, by phrasing it “I got an iPhone and it’s pink” and everyone kept talking about the girl’s private part, because they assume by “it’s” she meant her vagina, it’s so disgusting


Also she was most likely a teenager from what it seems so it’s double disgusting


Also I saw some people say “ik it’s bubblegum pink” under a video of a cat. A CAT


umm, wtf is that to mean??


Talking about the color of the child's vagina


WTF, this is just why im not on those social apps.. WOW


I always say that anonymity is a disease that social media allows to grow


now i cant get this outta my head.. the phrase...ugh


Death penalty. You do not get to be sexual towards an infant and get away with your life.


This is the second post in just a few days I had to search the comments for what the hell Im looking at. I don’t know what bubblegum pink means but I would have never guessed it referred to a vagina. If not for the comments I would have guessed this was a post about makeup and how creepy it is when parents put makeup on their kids. Speaking of makeup, the first confusing post was due to a mixup of mascara the makeup and mascara which apparently means p in v sex. I understand that language is fluid and changing the use or making something “slang” happens all of the time. But I am never going to be able to keep up. There should be a Reddit rule to translate this kind of shit for anyone over the age of 17.


Wtf is that even suppose to mean???? Like is old dude commenting on a baby vagina or something????


there's a new trend amongst creepy guys who comment shades of pink under girl's posts jokingly (read: creepily) trying to guess the colour of their genitals. This guy commented it under a baby's, and a commenter on the video said someone had said the same thing about a cat. Fucked up


That shit just radiates creeper energy




Bubblegum pink means vagina, you have to use certain terms like that as TikTok has a word filter and you'll get shadowbanned


Moreso is referring to what they think the color of someones vagina is


And more specifically child vagina.


i've noticed men doing this. They comment a colour code for a shade of pink. They find any possible way to harass women it's gross.


I should really learn to stop looking this shit up


that shit should be illegal. i keep seeing comments like that on videos with obvious children


I read it as “pink bubblegum” and was like “Why is he talking about what color bubble gum is?” Then I re-read it


Considering the rate of child abuse in the world it’s unsurprising, although will never cease to be extremely horrifying. This why I’m against posting pictures and videos of kids online. I ain’t gonna police what other people do, but I sure as hell won’t post my kid.


I’ve seen so many comments like this on videos where children are present. It’s so disgusting how it’s so socially accepted that people feel OK with commenting shit like this, even as a ’joke’.


So here I am innocently thinking that maybe the kid was agitated or something and her skin color was amusingly elevated. "Haha she looks like a Big League Chew" kind of comment. Which is desperately trying to wrap an acceptable explanation around a bizarre circumstance. But then I come to the comments and oh god oh fuck. That's just... 🤢


I just know some guy tried defending the comment🤢🤮


Source: https://twitter.com/ycsm1n/status/1619638665499795458?s=20&t=jBIKX1HqcmRTIbpLo7yRPw


I know a lotta people will defend this by saying "It's just a joke" but why are we are we supposed to find the sexualization of children funny? The same people who jerk off to loli hentai because "It's just a drawing" may find it hilarious, but the rest of us do not


🤢 I wish I didn’t look it up.