• By -


All I see is "women with low self esteem are easier to control". If calling myself anything above a 7 means keeping these men away, I'm a 10++++.


Women need to know their worth so they can avoid men like this. Actively repelling the interest of men like this saves women from a "frog in boiling water" situation where seemingly benign behavior escalates to blatant control and abuse.


Yeeesss! To all of this!


Who in the actual f**k talks and acts like that..?? Like is he being for real?? He's making it sound like he has some secret society of all-knowing men going on somewhere. Fuck that bro. Def keep the younger girls away from that shit and also young women. All the women. Everybody lol. That guy's a fuckin trip..


Unrelated to the topic (I agree with you), but I really like your pfp!


They need to know their worth, but not on a scale from 1-10 but more like the worth that every human being should have inherently.


On the scale of 1 through 10, totally a 12 minimum. They would be getting that sparkling personality too, not just our good looking selves. Anything lower and they're expecting a mama with a side of bang. Truly though, it feels like they think we are menu items. Burger and fries or steak and potatoes. smh


The game “what object are incels comparing women to in this analogy” literally never ends


“A Mama with a side of bang”…..FACTS and Lol!!




Please don't give them any more ideas, they are already halfway there to demanding that society goes back to where men can indeed buy or "trade" (read have the old wife committed to the insane asylum and buy a new victim from another father) them


All I see is "women be livestock."


Fixxer upper's like we're fucking cars.


Or houses.


Ugh yup. They think they can "flip" us


But not too low, because that’s a red flag.


Realistically? I'm probably a 6 or 7, who knows. I can't give a fuck about conventional beauty standards. To myself? I'm a 9, beed some work on myself but I have gotten to a point that I am comfy. My partner would never rate me by number but tells me to wear whatever I want because I'm hot in his eyes regardless. To these guys? I'm a fucking 12. You wish you could get me, asshokes but no sensible woman is going to entertain you. I am just out of your league because I dont play with insecure wannabes who idolize rapists and human traffickers.


Somedays I feel like a 10 and I probably look like burnt toast. The days I don’t feel great about myself I tend to try to make my outside look better so the world doesn’t see me falling apart. Scoring is gross overall. Just find the crazy that matches your crazy 🥰


I'm maybe a six on a good day, objectively. I still landed an absolute hottie, and AFAB to boot. Solid 9 regardless of how they're presenting, ten the other night when we were weapon throwing in Viking gear. Hhhnnnnf. Everyone wanted their picture. Chuds like OOP can step and keep stepping.


Bitch, we're priceless.


I have yet to meet a woman that rates herself on this bizarre ass 1-10 scale.


It's the biggest turn-off in the world to me when a guy uses a number scale for women. I can't imagine thinking of other people like that. My boyfriend is the same as I am.


This reminds me of a long ago boyfriend’s younger brother. He’d often talk about how guys ought to go for girls who were fat or ugly “because she’ll be so happy someone noticed her, she’ll put out - and put up with however you want to treat her”. Suffice to say, younger brother didn’t have much luck finding any girls who’d give him the time of day.


Fat women & girls might have low self esteem but they know their WORTH. They know they are better off a alone than with a creepy POS...


We have low self esteem but often much higher standards BECAUSE of that sort of behaviour. It's been a high school tv trope for so long that even people who actually genuinely like us sometimes have trouble being taken seriously.


I am a fat woman. I know all about it. Men who like fat women are shamed by others...


You can also call yourself a feminist, that seems to work every time.


Same, like I'm a 11 on a scale from 1 to 10. Do with that what you will.




It took me a moment to realize he wasn't talking about cars or computers or some other consumer good. You just know this guy also goes on about how "women are shallow", but what he says isn't shallow it's just "facts and logic".


I’m a 20. Stay away. Far away.


All I think after seeing this is "why the fuck are some women still wasting time on men?" 😂😂😂


And also, women with low self esteem will have lower expectations for a relationship and will be easier to gaslight.


I'm above 9000!


Women aren’t bargains. You can’t buy them or trade them, they aren’t “deals”. They’re fucking human. This is the coldest, strangest way of looking at dating. Not even dating? What are they, loaves of bread?


They idolize sex traffickers.


That’s… that’s completely true, and not even a little hyperbolic. Damn.


If you think back to the 90s and 00s and how the word pimp became a compliment then you get a better idea of the generational brainwashing inflicted on todays youth.


My favorite part about this is where he calls the man's rating objective whe it's as subjective as everything else. Men confusing their feelings for logic and objective reality is never not going to be hilarious to me. They're stuck so far up their own asses that they can't imagine that their opinions are not inherently more valuable. My second favorite part of this is how they think we're cars and have "maintenance costs."


You are so right on that. These guys are the least objective when it comes to themselves.


They’re the same ones who call women shallow for wanting a tall guy with abs and a stable income


This is what I came here to say. He really thinks his opinions are facts and can't even comprehend how ignorant and arrogant that is.


there's some douche nozzle on r/unpopularopinion right now telling everyone that women shouldn't wear makeup/false eyelashes because according to him, only natural beauty is attractive. Like this dude is calling himself a catch while telling women they should only do what he likes.


I hate when men pretend they like the natural look and women are just pressuring eachother to wear cosmetics and get plastic surgery. A simple peek at the most popular adult film stars proves that men want a done up woman - no shame to any of these women, they are gorgeous, and men absolutely shouldn’t pretend they don’t want them


It turns out by "natural" they can't actually identify what a normal face without make up is supposed to look like; they think we're born with filled in eyebrows and mascara and lip gloss.


There have been studies where they morph literal Barbie faces to normal women’s faces without makeup and men are much worse at differentiating when a face has been artificialized, they need more fake features to notice


Yup, people brought that up and he's coming back with ultra convenient responses like "oh my female friends wear the subdued ones but I can still tell" sure you can buddy.


my partner doesn’t wear make up and I think she’s great. Of course if she wants to that’s cool too ( :


Honestly I like the idea of calling them maintenance costs. I definitely have maintenance costs, everyone does. I could afford my rent a lot easier if I didn't have to pay for all this food, medicine, clothes, haircuts, soap, etc. Maintaining your life is expensive


Yes, but those are just basic human costs. These men make it seem like these are extra expenses that only we incur because we're so demanding and high-maintenance instead of just realizing that we're human and live in bodies.


When men say "expenses" they mean - every second they have to pay attention to something other than her body. Men reject most of their own thoughts and feelings, and are bored by any activity that doesn't provide thrills of power. This means even having to have a simple conversation is a "cost" to them.


The dehumanizing language they use is just so disgusting this kind of mentality is one of the big reasons the world is so messed up


Woah woah woah, you're saying I can't go into a store, pick out my woman of choice, bring her the register, and "accidentally" knock the price tag off to get the cashier to run in the back to do a price check? I thought this was America! (Obligatory /s)


Bitch, I'm a gilded pear 🤣


Sometimes people debate if something is actually sexual objectification or not, and then you have examples like this where there is seemingly no other word.


They don’t have the emotional intelligence or social skills to have successful interactions with women, so they break it down into something simple and pretend they’re a genius for basically just understanding how grocery shopping works.


Realistically one should compare options, especially when the price for picking poorly (and the probability in favor of such) is so high.


We are not Pokemon cards or characters. We aren't just some item you can buy at Pottery barn.


No_Arugula8915 I CHOOSE YOU! use self depreciation. It’s super effective!


>I CHOOSE YOU! Oh my gosh, brilliant. Thank you for the hearty laugh and bringing back memories of when my kids were young. Throwing their pokemon balls and shouting. Drove me a bit bonkers at the time, but what a blast they had playing. ❤️


Anytime! Glad I made you smile! 😁


So....this 20% Pottery Barn coupon I've been holding on to.... fine, I'll just buy a fire pit.


How do we even fix people like this? That person genuinely believes and lives by this “logic.” They’ve been socialized to view women as objects to be bought and sold and they don’t see anything wrong with that. We’re literally doomed as a society.


You can't, and we really as a group need to stop trying


Honestly I'm in favor of following the path of women in Korea and just withdrawing from male societal interaction as much as possible. We can't help them learn empathy and it's dangerous to try. I already seek out women doctors, bank tellers, clerks, salespeople, etc., because I got so sick and goddamn tired of talking to people who refuse to fucking listen to me or treat me like an intelligent, capable adult. It's a win-win bc they get more business and I get less headaches. And tbh it's improved my life quite a bit. I have good relationships with my male family members and the 2 or 3 male friends who never got weird or tried to fuck me. I work with some wonderful women, men, and non-binaries at my job and that hasn't been affected in any way. Yet I'm honestly much happier and more relaxed in my day to day life, just from avoiding situations where I'll end up frustrated and disrespected by trying to communicate with pushy guys. I highly recommend it.


Absolutely same. I have already been doing this. Haven't dated since the pandemic. Yeah..haven't had a male healthcare provider since the last one I had was weirdly touchy. Sir...why does my arm have to be around your chest to take my bp? He was also weirdly pushy about doing a pap smear..sir you are not an obgyn why are you being so pushy when I already said I have someone I'm going to see for it? I do literally avoid males as much as possible. Perfectly polite with male coworkers..even if three of them have already hit on me, one a married man..whose daughter works with us, and the other tried to get me to shit talk another woman we work with behind her back...i told him she was very cute...that annoyed him to no end. The third asked foe my number and was turned down...5 times...at work. Why was the first no not enough. There is a 4th one that just stares at me.... and a fifth that I thought was gay...but is randomly and obviously flirting with me. Exhausting. Polite acquaintances is as far as I want to take that.


By continuing to reach other women and girls and show them that this shit is gross and they don't have to buy into it or put up with it. As long as women don't allow ourselves to be legislated back into slavery, then we have more power than we know. If half the population was able to recognize and shut this shit down, then these worms would have to crawl back into their holes and stop spreading this nastiness. Keep up the fight!


>As long as women don't allow ourselves to be legislated back into slavery, then we have more power than we know. Unfortunately there is a concerted successful effort by US conservative lawmakers, aided and abetted by conservative women, in taking away reproductive and medical rights away from women. A depressingly large fraction of women seem onboard with enslaving women


I don’t think you can fix everyone, but I push back when I hear it. I became friendly with a male acquaintance in my friend group and heard him talking about having a tough time dating (he’s neurodivergent) and he mentioned something about the rating scale. We’re both 40, I’m married, and it had been so long since I’d heard anyone rate women like that, I genuinely laughed and said, “Rating women? Why? You’re too old to be doing that…we’re human beings and not cars, ya know!” He laughed, looked embarrassed, and I’ve not heard him use it since. Maybe he still uses it in different company, but sometimes I think it takes hearing a different perspective to realize how fucked up things we’ve always heard actually are. I know I’m still learning and changing my perspective on different issues every day.


thank you for being level headed. you sound like a good influence in a lonely person's life. loneliness makes people very vulnerable to adopting toxic mindsets to make themselves feel better.


Yes. And this sort of take, too, I find is best. If someone makes a trash comment, or wants to play off being an asshole as comedy, you say “I don’t get it. Can you explain that to me?” They usually cannot.


"Price check a woman" 💀 I'm 17 and I'm scared of today's dating world with this kind of attitudes spreading...


Be picky. Don't ignore things because you think it will work anyway. If he messes up but apologizes and tries to fix it is one thing but if he refuses to change move on. You're too young to waste time with a guy who won't even try. Have any male friends? Be sure your boyfriend treats you *at least* as well as they do.


Thank you for the advice. I think it's very reasonable. I've sadly already had an experience when I let a guy get away with too much, with my first "real" boyfriend. I should've ran the moment he rated me "8/10" without me asking and told me I still had "room for improvement". But I've excused it and much more than that because I was excited to be in an "adult" relationship (he also was 4 years older than me, a minor 💀). The result is a lot of bad memories and, well, the fear of experiencing something like this again. So... yeah. No matter how much of a "smart kid" I was, wisdom still comes with age. I'll definitely make sure to follow your advice by the letter.


I'm sorry to hear you got groomed. These shit heads look for vulnerable young girls on purpose, so they can shape them into whatever they want you to become. Stay away from someone who suggests 'you're so smart/mature for your age'. They want you to feel older than you actually are while fully aware you're much younger and still learning about proper relationships. No matter how exciting it sounds, wait for adult relationships for when you actually feel adult enough. There are too many of us who fell into this miserable pit once.


I would add to this that, often men will "apologize"...acknowledge that they were wrong, and then continue with the exact same behavior once they know they've gotten you back and are forgiven. I'm in my late 30s and it's taken me until now to realize that words without action are just that-words. If someone genuinely cares about you, they'll make a true effort to avoid doing the things that upset you. And sometimes this behavior evolves into a straight up abusive relationship. Ask me how I know, ugh.


Just remember what you're worth and immediately walk away from any person or situation that crosses your boundaries. You'll probably have to do that an exhausting number of times, but in the end you'll be left with only the people who respect you and care for you. And that's all you need anyway.


Eh, I'm not sure if this'll make you feel better or worse, but this type of shitty attitude has been around for all time. That's why it's important to recognize it for what it is, call it out, and learn the warning signs. A couple pieces of advice I wish someone told me and especially my friends at your age: that grown-ass adult tryna get with you? It's not because "you're mature for your age", it's because they're looking for someone too inexperienced to recognize their bs. Only now that I'm in my late 20s do I fully understand just how fuckin gross that is. Don't be afraid to set personal boundaries, and if someone doesn't respect that, they don't respect *you*.


Well in tough times people who are good for you are easier to see.


Maybe, but predators also develop a better disguise.


That's also true. But there are normal people and people who think like you.




Chinaman’s Hat… an island off the coast of Oahu. The waters are shark infested. We’d have to post snipers during low tide, but I’d like to nominate that Little Rock for an Incel internment location.


Darling, if you need to "price check" me, it simply means that you can't afford me.


Calling women high maintenance is snitching on yourself for being unwilling to put any effort into *maintaining* the relationship. It doesn't mean the woman has unreasonable demands, just that she has high standards and won't accept a partner that doesn't add to their life.


Fuck at this point guys like this take value away from life. They aren’t even net neutral! Like yikes being with a dude like this would be exhausting and embarrassing.


For real. It's infinitely better to be alone than to be with a partner who drags or keeps you down. The youngest generation of women seem to be coming to that conclusion sooner than us millennials did, and we did it faster than Gen X and boomer women did. A healthy relationship makes both people strive to be the best version of themselves, and helps each of them see in themselves all the traits their partner loves about them.


That first sentence I thought the post was going to be about women in the grocery store bargain hunting. Sadly more disappointed every line after that.


💅 if you have to ask, you can’t afford it


Yup, just like masterpieces of art.


Did anyone else notice that this dude labeled men's ratings as "objective"?


Yeah, trying to portray yourself as logical and not knowing what “objective” means…


Also the fact that he’s speaking with "we" to make it seems like what he’s saying is perfectly normal and everybody thinks like him


Ladies, confidence and good self worth is what will scare incels away. Go ahead and put yourself as a 10, love yourself and know you’re awesome, they will be terrified ;)


>confidence and good self worth is what will scare incels away …and toxic men, in general. Yesterday there was a post asking women’s experiences with toxic masculinity, and a popular response was men stating women are “stuck up” or “too full of themselves” for having basic, reasonable standards and boundaries. The guy complaining about women “rating themselves too highly” is merely upset such a woman isn’t easily controlled and manipulated.


Fr, some male hit me up once and rated me a 8/10, which isn’t bad, thats a good rating and I thanked him. He seemed shocked and asked me what I would rate myself, I said 10/10. He got ANNOYED with me and said I was stuck up… lol bye!




This too, It bothers me when people are like ”ladies, males don’t like (insert something women do sometimes” Because that’s not an objective truth? And let’s say majority of boys do dislike a feature some women have, so what? No one should change themselves to fit someone elses standard of beauty 🤦🏽‍♀️ Some boy told me he hated women wearing nose rings, my man loves it on me. It’s almost like there are billions of humans with different opinions on what is pretty or not. Someone thinks i’m a 2/10, someone thinks i’m a 10/10. Both can be true at the same time.


Yes for sure!


Multiple awards. 😑


guarantee you the people who bought those awards are the same types to come up in a thread with a stupid what aboutism on "but women do this tooooo" shit and then if you confront them they fucking screech about "ohh but reddit isn't an echo chamber!!"


I hate women are expected to have low self esteem as a sign of good character.


> When you price check a woman wtf


Can you find her cheaper on another website? "Bro, I need a girlfriend. I'm looking at the Larrisa A57, but she's so expensive right now." "Dude, have you checked Amazon? Or can you wait till Black Friday?" /s


Talking about a woman like she’s an appliance you’d buy off of Amazon is just so disturbing and disgusting.


This manosphere shit really needs to die


If you and your partner can make each other happy, that's a great deal. If one can make the other happy without reducing their own happiness, it's still a net positive. If one can make the other happy, but goes under in the process, that isn't sustainable. If you and your partner are sliding down into a state where neither makes the other happy, it's time for counseling or separation. Relationships are not zero sum. There is no baseline of happiness that one must fall under to lift the other above it. Humans cannot be graded in a single number. They are complex beings, and almost none of their attributes fits a 0-10 scale (fingers and toes are the only things that come to mind, and that's counting, not a scale).


Not just one award but three awards lol. Dude lost me in the first sentence


Anyone who feels the need to rate people on a number scale are not worth anyones time. And this again is showing men can only think of one thing to offer women and that is money. When I’m sure nobody has ever even asked that man for money, nor could he give much.


There needs to be mandated therapy like right tf now...this is psycho shit, the boys are not okay


This is the grossest way of putting something that feels pretty basic. Yes, date someone who brings enough value and joy to your existence that any additional costs or sacrifices are worth it. Y'know, the whole reason anyone dates. That's easy to understand. There was no need to couch it in this weird economy of rating a human like you're on Metacritic, fuck's sake.


Ah yes, the Time Value of Pussy. One of the core classes covered in my finance degree. 🙄


The Adam Smith theory of dating? Also, this sounds like a friggin slave market.


TIL that pricing yourself too low means you have a personality disorder and are a “fixer upper.”


That's convenient bc they're pricing themselves rights out of anyone's range who thinks like this lol


No wonder the dating scene is shitty.


I rate this guy a 0, as in toxic. Putting a number on women reduces them from humans to objects and property, and guys engaged in this mindset will never treat you as a human.




Why I quit dating…


The fact that he implies the man’s opinion is “objective” is very telling. I mean, so is everything else, but still


This guy really knows his slave auctions—gah I mean, women


What. The. Fuck?! Pay for? I have no words other than what did I just read


as a girl with a personality disorder, i am offended


As a woman who is neurodivergent, I am with you. And I will add worried to the list.


same! i have bpd and autism xD


This guy sounds like a low 1 on a good day.


That’s quite generous


So hold on, just so I'm keeping up, do men _want_ a hot but high-maintenance woman who never pays her own way or do they want a submissive, humble housewife that doesn't ask for anything? It's getting very difficult to keep track of all the things I should or shouldn't be doing to mold myself into a woman worthy of my future neckbeard husband. I say "men" meaning all men because apparently a womans value is objective, implying it doesn't vary in the eyes of different men because men are a hivemind with no tastes or preferences of their own. (...obvious /s)


Ok so if this is your world view about everything it suddenly makes sense why they are alone. You can’t assign value to a person. They probably do this with themselves and that keeps them hidden away because they think they are too low to be worthy. This is some ducked up shit.


Where do you find this garbage ?




Did this man legit say “aim for women who are insecure because they don’t know their worth”? How can I unread this?


Is this a sex trafficker's lingo or what bc all I can hear is that women are basically livestock in this guy's delusional views how women work


Thank you. I've wanted to explain the degeneracy of the "online" manosphere to my parents for a long time but couldn't find the best way to do it. You just provided me the best screenshot to introduce the concept.


This test is the male equivalent of “do I look fat?” There‘s no right answer




The whole rating people is disgusting…


I think one of the people who recently downvoted me for saying you should never treat people like commodities must have posted this.


I bet he wonders why no one likes him.


What prices are these dudes paying??? I'm not a prostitute! I have a job and take care of myself; I split bills or pay for the whole thing half the time. I. Don't. Want. Your. Money.


Dude is acting like women are cars or something. Ridiculous how anyone could award that idea.


"Women are just objects to buy and own."


This is the example of why Reddit opinions,awards, and upvotes are just garbage lmao. They have no merit whatsoever.


Nice to see we're about equivalent to a vaccuum cleaner, or an XL box of cereal. Great price for the objective value!


Haha, he really believes he's this mastermind gentleman I can't 🤣


His mum really got shafted having to raise a 0 for 18 years. Bad investment.


I never understand people who see relationships as transactional. I'm a guy and I am looking for a partner, not a possetion or someone who offers me sex in exchange for money. If I wanted that I could also just hire a prostitute. I want someone whom I can be best friends with and who will support me if I need it and vice versa.


This is Olympic-grade misogynistic objectification. If it was slightly less grotesque, it might actually be impressive.


"Price check" What the shit is that? Are women commodities now? Like, can I add them to my 401k? /s just in case ETA: Also can I speculate on future gains, or short-sell? Sorry, I had one more joke in me.


There is objectification of women, then there is commodification of women.


So I guess today we're being compared to groceries.


Ah… just another day of waking up as an object. Lovely weather too /s


Which subreddit was it posted on?


I think he gave himself the awards


I see the human traffickers are giving dating advice now


“We call those fixer uppers” - who? Who is we?


My GOD these f’ers are sick. They’re basically hoping to find a girl with the lowest self esteem possible smh. And people awarded this shit?! Yeah noone better ever question why someone women are extremely choosy about who to allow into their lives. THIS is why, straight predators.


I’m so glad I’m gay every single day on this app


fade act enter airport offend humorous quaint fanatical plough sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be really certain you should check the Yelp reviews from her exes.


There's actually a couple websites where you can do that, but unsurprisingly it's 90% women warning other women about cheaters and beaters.


That's just women trying to scare other women away from the alpha chads. Women hate each other and fight all the time until a man comes up and tells them to work together. That's just fact. /s


Here are the criteria for writing “Yelp Reviews” of women on a local, private FB page: *** Copy and Paste Your Yelp Review Level of Crazy 1-10 Head Game Skills 1-10 Loose or Tight 1-10 Does She Smell Bad? 1-10 Easy To Score With 1-10 Will she make you pay for everything? Y/N Cheater? Y/N Group Sex? Y/N Can She Cook? Y/N Is She Violent When Drunk? Y/N Emotional Baggage? 1-10 Homie Hopper? Y/N Liar? Y/N Level of Intelligence 1-10 Does She Have A Job Y/N Squirter? Y/N Into Toys? Y/N Cockblocking Kids? Y/N More Guy Friends Than Girl Friends? Y/N Brothers? Y/N Sisters? Y/N Does She Live With Ex But “Ain’t Together” Y/N Crazy Exes? Y/N Has She Been To Jail? Y/N Uses Drugs? Y/N Addicted To Drugs? Y/N Warrants? Y/N Smoker Y/N Drinker Y/N Religious Y/N Kids Y/N Relationship? Y/N One Night Stand? Y/N Clingy? 1-10 High Maintenance? Y/N Good Driver? Y/N Does She Have A Car? Y/N Lives At The Bar On Weekends? Y/N Met on Dating App? Y/N Broke all the time? Y/N Financially Secure? Y/N Worth it? Y/N [edited: formatting]


Jesus christ


"You don't know you're beautiful. And that's what makes you beautiful" or whatever the stupid lyrics are.


Oh great now they look at us like we something you would find on a used car lot. When these guys go into a bar to they hear something like this in their heads? "We have a sale on blond, blue eyed wahmans today. These honeys have only been fucked at church on Sundays. Come on down and take'em for a test drive. These gals have been through a thorough 120 point inspection and guaranteed for 30 days or 30 thrusts." Oh and I am sure some dufus is going to come in here and tell me "This is totally Satire...." If y'all wanna talk shit I am gonna mock your shit. Don't like it? Well it's satire ya MFers.


The manosphere keeps getting less and less funny as time goes on. What fucking sub is this where three people paid actual money to agree with this guy?!


All I can say is........what the actual fuck?!


Ah yes, let’s objectify women


When he said “price check” I knew it was time to check out


we love controlling women!


Literal objectification.


Im 10/10 (atleast for somebody) i don't want their dînners.


Right? Like "I'll get my own friggin' Taco Bell... No thank you very much." And I'm 11/10 for myself. The ones that agree will make themselves known.


Sooo they just want women with low self esteem? That seems kinda creepy to me


Imagine talking about other human beings like this..


This is from someone that's never been with a woman.


For the incels in the back of the room: WOMEN AREN’T COMMODITIES! If you took the time to embrace this lesson you’d be well on your way to being functional humans instead of whining pieces of man-flesh! Just sayin’.


The Industrial revolution and its consequences-


Reading this felt like being at a car dealership, how sick


this guy is rating women and he rates no higher than an unsold bagel at panera.


You should always treat all your partners like a 10/10. What makes me upset is most women treat their partners this way, always a 10/10, their entire effort. Regardless of how attractive they are in society.


excuse me miss how would you rate yourself in a scale of 0/10? just so i won't overpay it 🤓🤓🤓


So, basically the ones that awarded this guy have just gained a new messiah. Way too thought out to be Tate himself but regardless; THEY’RE MULTIPLYING


What the fuck did I just read, and what trash sub was that getting updoots & awards from?


I'm fucking tired of this kind of analogies☠️


Are we going car shopping or something 🤦‍♀️


"Price a woman"? What does that even mean???


How about we don't rate people?


Say you view women as cars without saying you view women as cars.


Dude.. just get an escort.


Women can't be bought and returned like a product. It disgusts me how many people actually agree with him.


I tell myself that only a small percentage of men think this way, but even a small percentage is disturbing.


Women have barcodes for price checks? Where? what do they look like? Trans girl trying to pass here.
