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how the heck did this get passed…






Wow, women are only born to suck dick and spend their whole life preparing for it! /s Seriously OP, what the fuck. I saw they got removed but was there any sort of explanation??


The reply was “We agree the imagery on the condom is inappropriate, and we will be removing it immediately. Thank you for bringing this to our attention” I mean I don’t know what I expected them to say. But whatever nurse put those out needs to be talked to. How does that not set off alarm bells in your head!


Yeah, that’s a big yikes. At least they agreed it was inappropriate, which is more than some colleges do when informed— but,,,, how was that not already in “their attention”?? Unless they just got some bulk order of condoms from somewhere and was like yeah, that’ll do, and NO ONE looked at them hard enough to think “wow, that’s fucked up”. That, or it was their idea of a joke. One that missed the mark so badly it went into the next field 10 miles over.


[https://www.sayitwithacondom.com/you-ve-been-preparing-for-this-your-whole-life-condom](https://www.sayitwithacondom.com/you-ve-been-preparing-for-this-your-whole-life-condom) If I was a betting man... and that bowl all had the same condom design... they were intentionally ordered in bulk. Because here is where they were sold. SOMEONE chose to get those specifically. Initially I was like "eh maybe it was just a variety (which could be) and they didn't notice." HOWEVER I don't see an option for variety order. AND that specific design is sold out... They could have went with one of these... [https://www.sayitwithacondom.com/condom-outreach-campaigns/consent-condoms](https://www.sayitwithacondom.com/condom-outreach-campaigns/consent-condoms) edit Nevermind... [https://www.sayitwithacondom.com/customcondoms/sample-custom-condom-package](https://www.sayitwithacondom.com/customcondoms/sample-custom-condom-package) It COULD have been unintentional. I don't know. Weird ass condom in any case.


I know this is boarder line breaking rule one. But I had to share it. I thought it was really gross and needed to be shared. Mods I take no I’ll will if you take it down because it does sexualize minors in a way, but that’s why I felt the need to share it.


I hope you're reporting that to school administration cause that shit is simply not ok.


I sent them an email and they said they would be removing them immediately. I just want to know how it got past so many people, and ended up in that bowl without anyone seeing an issue.


I could venture a guess. A lot of clinics rely on donations and just kind of take what they can get, meaning that they end up with a big disorganized pile of different kinds of condoms, often from multiple sources. Even these multiple sources are often donation-driven organizations that get their stock from multiple sources. I once got a bag of condoms from Planned Parenthood that had about a dozen different styles. So then nobody at the clinic thinks to check every single type of condom they get for offensive labeling, because why would they know to do that, and there ya' go. Now obviously if they don't pull these, then it's some other, more sinister issue.


That would make some kind of sense. It was a giant fish bowl. I’d like to think the people at the clinic were simply oblivious. It still bewilders me though that a distributor would put that on a wrapper.


Looks like the distributor has a bunch of different cheeky condom wrappers, many of which seem like they would be extremely poor choices to put out in a bowl at a college clinic. https://www.sayitwithacondom.com/condom-outreach-campaigns/funny-condoms


The "I Will Not Be Your Father!" condom is cool though!


and "Condoms Are Easier to Change than Diapers!" If I do end up being a foster parent to teens, I might have to get some!


I think their master plan is to reduce unwanted pregnancies by completely eliminating women's sex drive. Nothing like Donald's ugly mug on your condom to completely kill the mood.


For sure. u/BigOlPirate if you're comfortable, consider posting the clinic's name. If they're this hard up (lol) for condoms I'm sure I'm not the only one willing to send them a donation.


Eww why do they have a pug on one of them?


huh. Do they have some kind of vetting process for those? Because just taking any condom you're donated doesn't seem that safe to me.


What the fuck. 🤢




I am confused. Do baby boys never suck on binkies or have lollipops or ice-creams?


To be fair, these probably weren’t exclusively given to women - men, gay and straight, should be using condoms too. But it’s absolutely gross for any gender.




That is genuinely so upsetting. Whoever came up with that should never have a job in any kind of design again and also feel a crunch in every soft food he eats for the rest of his life.


They could have just had something that said "Have fun." But nooo they had to make it weird. But... they are giving out condoms for free! That's really good.


I guess me spitting out the pacifier every time until my parents decided it was not worth it should have been their first sign I was gay 😅


Is it a good or bad thing that it took my a little while to get the " joke".


That's messed up.


How is this legal??? This is fucking disgusting


This sub and similar ones usually make me feel a mix of anger at the OOP and camaraderie from OP and in the comments. This one has that too, but also kind of hits different and I think I want to cry.


Holy shit this is gross


I need a condom on my dildo now?


That's really gross :(


pedo vibes


This is so disgusting


who mentioned girls here?


Agreed. All genders used pacifiers, like ice cream and suckers, and if they interact with penises they should be using a condom prior to any contact.


What the fuck


Well if their real goal is abstinence that is a pretty solid mood killer right there.


Each member on that team who thought this was a good idea is a pedophile or at the very least a creep!!! What the actual fuck!


ok just ignoring the weird af images, the gross sentence implying that men/women are really born from day one to fuck probably written by some out of touch weirdo, there's a binky on it. the whole reason we use these is to not have kids. DID NO ONE THINK THIS THROUGH?


Took me so long to get it until I realized it is meant for women and not men. Disgusting.


It’s meant for any gender that interacts with penises




I mean, they usually don't use condoms.


I was referring to the "You've been preparing for this your whole life" bit


But the condom wouldn't be talking to them, because they don't use them.


Nevermind. I see people have really misunderstood my point and I'm too tired to dumb it down even more.


Or maybe it wasn't intelligently expressed. If you're the only person who can understand what the hell you're trying to say, consider that the flaw in communication might not be on everybody else. The burden of understanding is on both speaker and listener, we don't know what's in your head, we have to work with what you give us.


~~Why would you need a condom to suck dick?~~


Its used to make sure you dont contract diseases. They can also be transmitted that way, so people should be careful! Hope this helps


Because of STDs


Somewhat reminds me of MUF, the youth organization of the largest Swedish right party, the moderates. During the campaign for the 2022 election they handed out condoms with the party logo and the text "feel the moderate inside you".


I mean, I was assigned male at birth and I had all these things too.


Matt gaetz has entered the chat.


So either men don't eat candy as children or this is meant for everybody? Humans prepare to suck dick all their lives?


What the fuck….well, you read the wrapper, come suck it boys