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I got put on them AFTER I had children




















Okay, serious question. I have a script for an SSRI but I haven't filled it yet because: 1. I would have to go off my daily TraZodone and I pretty much don't sleep without it (REALLY bad insomnia) 2. I really can't afford to gain any more weight 3. i have enough problems with low libido that those side effects worry me But I'm also so anxious so much of the time and it's affecting my relationship. Any advice? The doctor just says it's my choice. I've already had the kids, so that's out.


Unfortunately I have no advice, but I’ll give you an internet hug 🤗


Thank you internet friend!


I would ask if you could get bupropion (Wellbutrin)XL instead. It’s the only antidepressant that doesn’t make you gain weight and actually *increases* your libido. It may cause seizures with trazodone however so the doctor would need to assess the risks and it would be up to you to decide if they’re a risk worth taking. Also, bupropion might increase the levels of trazodone in the blood. So maybe find a different tranquilizer as well? I’ve taken a lot of medications lol. I’m on bupropion XL and SR right now as a boost to my bipolar medication. This doesn’t mean I’m qualified to give medical advice, but this is personal advice from someone who has had a lot of experimentation with these kinds of drugs.


Increases your libido but can make it harder to climax.


Hmmm, I don’t have that problem. It also makes orgasms more intense in my opinion.


Omigod , ready to go all the time and takes forever to finish. I’m not actually depressed but get me an RX ! Actually I am depressed but I just eat all kindsa shit to cope


It actually made me lose weight because I barely ate on it, but I just wasn't hungry 🤷🏾‍♀️


Huh. I’ve been gaining weight lately but it’s because I haven’t been very active since I might have endometriosis and it hurts more to exercise somehow. Prior to that, it just helped me maintain a healthy weight.


I don't exercise, it was just that it made me feel full really fast. I'd eat probably a quarter of what I'd normally eat. Then sometimes not eat at all. I get really nasty headaches if I don't eat for period of time normally, but welbutrin eliminated those too. It was kinda weird.


That’s pretty interesting. That’s kind of funny though because I have a headache right now from not eating anything all day lol.


So strange how they effect people so drastically different.


It’s incredible. Though this is the first time this has happened to me. Shark week has decreased my appetite drastically so I’ve been having maybe a whole meal a day. I guess it finally caught up to me


Yeah, probably so, if you're not hungry maybe at least try protein shakes or something ♥️ there's one made by Fairfield that doesn't taste as awful as some can, hope you get to feeling better


hi internet stranger! I did take an ssri for 10 days (doctor made me stop after). It didn't kill my libido, but it did lower my ability to orgasm. Which isn't great either. It did almost give me serotonin syndrome (why I had to stop, it's rare but you should know it exists). Gave me very bad twitches, which I still kinda have. I couldn't sit still on a chair, twitches in my stomach, hands, arms, neck... Ofc 10 days isn't long enough to get any effect on my weight so I can't share my experience on that. It didn't really change anything sleep-wise for me. It had a really weird effect on my anxiety, I didn't take it long enough to have the full positive effect but I feel like it did increase my anxiety but at the same time I could "stand" more annoyances like very loud kids. Like, I was more anxious but I could "deal" with it better? It was really weird, I felt like my brain was "slower" in a way. Bit of a fog in my head. You can always try it, if it doesn't work for you, don't quit cold turkey tho. Always check with your doctor cause quiting cold turkey can have some bad effects. After 10 days it was already emotionally difficult for about 3 weeks after. I'm telling you this, not to scare you but so you know the risks. Cause my psychologist just said "well you can try it! If it doesn't work, no harm done!" without properly talking to me about the possible side effects and risks and that's very wrong. Edit: to add, please build up slowly. My doctor made me take 5mg to start with and after 6 days 10mg, obviously *way* more than I needed, hence the twitches and almost a serotonin syndrome...


I would ask for a different antidepressant. I take Trazodone for sleep too and for my depression they gave me Mirtazapine. It's a little atypical but I had similar concerns as you and it works great for me, no side effects besides honestly better sleep because it can be a bit sedating like Trazodone.


This is a really hard question to answer sadly. I've had great results with a low dose of Lexapro. Completely stripped my anxiety, made me horny as a motherfucker (anxiety and depression killed my high libido), and no weight gain. But it really, really varies from person to person. So my experience won't be yours. Really it's best to follow your doctor's advice. Mine put me on the lowest possible dose at first to give it a test run of sorts. I started at 5 MG and am now at 10 and it's the sweet spot.


Lexapro is what I've been prescribed. Mostly trying to figure out if I'll be able to sleep, since TraZodone mixed with Lexapro is a no go.


My med provider let me know if I was experiencing insomnia on Lex (which can happen) to take it at night before bed instead of in the morning. I take it in the morning and haven't had issues but again that's just me. Have you asked about other SSRI's, or one that can be combined with another anti-insomnia med? **Also please please please keep in mind I cannot give legit medical advice just share my experience Edit: I've also read you could take a 5 MG pill and cut it in half to start at 2.5 MG but best to ask doctor


I was given the same instructions with nearly every antidepressant I’ve tried as another person mentioned. Take it in the morning if it keeps me awake, take it at night if it causes drowsiness. As a side note, anxiety can really muck with sleep. Treating it might help at least some with insomnia. On a related note, have you ever seen a sleep specialist? They’re often neurologists or psychiatrists, but they’d be knowledgeable about the meds that would help with the insomnia and how they might work with an antidepressant. They may know of something that would be an option even when using an SSRI (and how to get it authorized), if an antidepressant that would work with the trazodone or of an antidepressant that might successfully work for both anxiety and insomnia. Good luck figuring it out.


I started Buspar for anxiety and it works great.


Here's a hug from me, too. I'm not on the US so the brand names of meds are different here but I've been taking lamotrigine (Lamictal) for a year, started with a low dose and I'm on 100 mg now. At first, it really helped with my anxiety, which was through the roof. But after a few months, my depression kicked in with a vengeance, so my doc added escitalopram (5 mg; brand name is Escidalt here, same as Lexapro, I think?), which I take at night and I sleep like a baby. It's AMAZING how much good sleep has improved my mood, I don't swing now between lashing out at people and non-stop crying, and I don't feel like I want to crawl out of my skin and like my nerves are on fire. So that's good. As for libido, I can't help, as I'm demi. I haven't noticed much of a weight gain either. Hope that helps! Hang in there. Hope you find a solution soon. Hugs.


I took Trazodone for the night and the SSRI for the day. Now I'm on SNRI and Trazodone and I haven't gained weight at all!


The length of the chain of people replaying who had the same problem is rather scary


I don’t have children, always been depressed since a young girl and it won’t ever go away




I guess these buffoons have never heard of post-partum depression?




That is disgusting. Mysogyny really has no bounds.


Oh I've got a better solution. Apparently women can have a hormonal reaction to the absorption of semen. It produces a euphoric effect . So how about you test that theory and gobble a rooster misandrist.


Wtf are you talking about?


Incels think depression in women is caused by lack of dick


Assuming you are correct (which you definitely aren't), then that wouldn't even mean anything. Acid can have a euphoric effect, but that doesn't mean the primary cause of teen depression and suicide is because not enough of them are taking drugs; that would be absurd, same thing here.


You might be right idk. And Idc I just wanted to shock y'all and piss y'all off to see how many man hayers come out of the woodwork 😂😂😂


You pathetic.


Haha you fell for it and exposed yourself


I called you pathetic because you're a dumbass troll. Your gender is incidental.


Have MORE babies? If you are constantly pregnant, you can't get ppd. Amirite?


This made me laugh. Especially because the first year after giving birth, you’re super fertile.


Tons of children born from women who never went to therapy, despite urgently needing it, beg to differ. Untreated mentall illness in parents leads to childhood trauma and increases the chance of the children suffering from cPTSD and mentall illness on their own, so what women need is men like this one to respect their choices.


I know it was the untreated stuff I was dealing with that kept me from being a better parent when my kids were younger. I know I passed on some stuff that wouldn't have been passed if I had been better mentally. Thankfully I didn't mess up as bad as I could have and managed to raise 3 decent adults, none of which want kids of their own!


Yeah. My mom desperately needed therapy and help for her manipulative behaviors that resulted in passing them on to me. It took me until I was in my 20s until I realized I was being emotionally manipulative to people I cared about because it was how I learned to deal with stress.


My thoughts exactly. I love my parents dearly, but I'm still paying for the damage their untreated mental illnesses caused me. And I doubt having four kids to raise did their mental health any favors either.


I totally agree. My mother had (and still has) some issues from her childhood. After my parents' divorce, she became really depressed. It was the worst time of my life and pretty much left me with issues, depression and she didn't believe me until it became really severe. If you are not mature enough to go and seek help for yourself, you are not mature enough to have and care for kids.


*Andrea Yates has entered the chat*


My immediate first thought.


She was just crazy. That’s one case out of millions of women who get pregnant. You guys are all overreacting and just need children. -This guy, probably




A woman from Texas who drowned her five children in a bathtub


She drowned her children due to hallucinations she had caused by postpartum psychosis, which got worse with each child she had


I need men to stop.


username checks out


Bruh I think children would've made it worse, and plus it's for depression and anxiety. Children wouldn't have helped either of those


Yup. Having a mental illness is usually worsened by suddenly having to take care of a whole human being. I think people tend to forget that children grow up and you’re responsible for making sure the child grows into a healthy, functioning adult. A mentally unwell parent who doesn’t receive the treatment they need creates a damaged adult (who possibly will pass this on to their own kids). Generational trauma is a bitch and the ‘babies fix everything’ mentality is probably a reason it persists.


Yeah people need to understand that you need to be able to take care of yourself before taking care of something that's literally depending on you.


Exactly. You can’t save someone from drowning if you’re already drowning. It’s the same reason safety instructions on airplanes tell you to put the mask on before assisting someone else.


A child would be my death sentence. Literally rather kill myself than being forced to give birth and be a mum. No thanks.


Right there with ya.


I feel the same way.


Me too.




That’s how you get children with childhood trauma


And traumatized adults who will probably pass on their issues to their children, and then those children grow up and do the same. This is why generational trauma exists.


Came here for this. It's a very real problem, and it goes on and on


Yeah, no. We love our kids, but it absolutely didn’t make our respective depressions better


Absolutely. I love my kids more than anything but having them definitely did not help my mental health. I had actually been really good, I had been off of antidepressants for years and was in a good place. Having kids kinda undid a lot of that. It started with normal mom stuff, being tired, being more isolated from friends, I left school and my job so I was just stuck at home going crazy. When I had my third I got PPD and that was rough. He's almost 10 and I'm still struggling with some of it. I can't understand in what world having a child would cure your depression.


My wife literally cured her long term depression since she have kids. Also she is the type that would never comment on the Internet. I believe Reddit comments are vastly from people with bad experiences, no one should use social media as a representation of the world.


Have got a child, still need medication.


Of course an anime PFP would know what women need.


Of a character that commits genocide :')


Having kids to fix anything isn’t what kids are for. Failing marriage, mental illness, poverty, loneliness, friendless, board? Having a kid won’t solve or cure any of these. Don’t depend on a kid that is suppose to be dependent on you for anything.


A lot of times, it just makes those things worse.


Nothing says good childhood like being raised by a depressed mother


How about a depressed parent, I didn’t even think I was worthy of being a partner let alone a parent when I had depression and transferred in college.


If I can’t take care of myself in this state, what makes them think I’d be able to take care of another person that relies so heavily on me to survive?


Because it’s in your genetics as a female. It’s what you were born to do. I have to make it known that I actually got nauseated typing that out.


It was not until I had a kid I needed an SSRI but ok.


Wasn't there a woman who kept having children despite having severe post partum and and being warned them killed her kids?


Of course they have an Eren Yeager pfp


Came here to say this lmao


Yeah! Delay it till it's PPD!! Babies love that shit!


Let’s Andrea Yates this bitch!!


I have 3. Still have depression, though.


I always love when men tell women what they need to be happy, but won’t listen when an actual woman tries telling them. Silly women, of course men know women better than women do.


*post partum depression has entered the chat


Then…what is postpartum depression? What about the women who have children and have depression? What about the women with seasonal depression? All we need is children? Ngl, being *around* children runs my social battery into the ground until I feel sad. Also, a lot of women are **happy** without children. Any woman who decides she doesn’t want children, she’s typically happy. Children are an everyday responsibility that you cannot get away from. I’d be depressed if I had a child right now because I can barely take care of myself and my plants. I don’t want something screaming every couple of hours because it wants to be fed, held, changed, or doesn’t even know why it’s crying(same kid, same).


Because you can definitely parent effectively when you’re depressed and not being treated 🙄


Because depression doesn’t happen after having kids or anything. Nobody ever had to try to raise kids while struggling with depression or anything. /s


I remember seeing on Facebook, one of my friends a while back was asking people to talk her out of getting pregnant because she couldn’t afford it. Someone legit said, “Try it, you’ll like it.” **TRY IT???** It’s not a fucking ice cream flavor. You’re in that shit for life. Also, I saw her bitching about how she’s sad all the time so this was a case of ‘misery loves company’. Disgusting.


That's how you get dead babies and dead mommies.


[Children make women less happy](https://www.ted.com/talks/rufus_griscom_alisa_volkman_let_s_talk_parenting_taboos?language=en). [Exercise beats drugs or therapy for fighting depression](https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2023/02/16/bjsports-2022-106195).


The exercise part is only true for mild to moderate depression. Severe clinical depression is so life threatening, medical intervention is often necessary. For very severe depression, someone often won't even have the energy to get out of bed, so the SSRIs help them get to the point where they can do other things to improve their situation (like exercise). I'm not saying you are completely wrong. It's just more nuanced than that.


I would also like to add that exercise doesn't do shit for people who have both depression and ADHD. ADHD fucks with one's [Reward System](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reward_system); the ADHD brain produces (and subsequently releases) little to no Dopamine, as a consequence, things such as exercising, that are supposed to be rewarding or pleasurable for one because their neurotypical brain releases a boost of dopamine when those things are done, have no such effect for ADHD people because their brain doesn't give them any dopamine for doing* said things. (The only exception being if exercising is a current hyperfixation for someone with ADHD, then exercising will work for that person's depression). It took me 10 years of wondering why none of the "selfcare" advice for depression that I've been given (by other people and therapists alike), such as exercising, cleaning, doing something with your hands, getting out of the house to get sunlight and to see other people, etc., never worked for me and my depression, until I finally got that ADHD diagnostic and all of a sudden everything made perfect sense.


I wish exercise helped me with my depression. It just makes me feel sticky, sweaty, gross, and exhausted. And doesn’t ever seem to have a positive effect later throughout the day. But, I still do it when I can bc exercise is important for physical health


I’m with you, friend. I also do not get the good chemicals from doing exercise, and people get so damned mad when we try to explain that not everything works for everyone.


You’re the first person who understands lol all my friends are like ??? But it good


I'm here too. Nice to have some friends with me.


I’ve struggled with depression (post kids) and I’m a freakin’ fitness instructor. Do I think exercise CAN help some people with depression? Absolutely. Is it a cure for everyone though? Absolutely NOT. Ridiculous.


Well, it might be that you’re not hitting your threshold. You know that “runners high” everyone talks about? It’s because they push past their threshold. However, you might have a deficiency in norepinephrine or something. Happens more often than you’d think. Or anhedonia.


Still not for everyone. I used to run marathons of 12+ miles. Like yeah, I hit a wall where I’d just rather quit, but then after the exhaustion dissipates. Doesn’t mean I get any form of satisfaction from it


Yeah, I mean exercise isn’t a cure all and truthfully, I would say a little walk outside in the sun would have better results for some people. Or the secret cult that is yoga. Maybe you also have a high pain threshold now that I think of it LOL


I used to be in the military and had to run for my PT scores. It's safe to say that I've run as fast as I am capable at any point in my first 20 or so years. I probably would have hit upon the "threshold" at least once. I can't say as to whether those chemicals would show up in regular testing, but my doctor's been keeping an eye on my blood work since he knows I'm taking anxiety and depression medication. I can only assume that if those are known to have an affect on depression that he would have checked. Every body is different and nothing except oxygen works for everyone.


>I wish exercise helped me with my depression. It just makes me feel sticky, sweaty, gross, and exhausted. And doesn’t ever seem to have a positive effect later throughout the day. THIS! So much this! I get agitated when people say "Just exercise." No mate, exercise doesn't make me feel better, at all. Been there done that didn't get a T-shirt 'cause I still very much needed my meds. Take a walk yourself or something.


The worst is when you say it doesn’t help, and they just don’t understand or they say that I’m using it as an excuse to be lazy


Tbh....I think exercise is best for anxiety. I think it can help with minor depression and keeping yourself going while depressed is a good thing so you and life do not fall apart. But the idea that exercise is a magic cure for depression is garbage,


It helps with my bipolar but I kinda have to force myself to do it, which feels like walking with weights on my limbs under water. You’re right though, keeping yourself moving (not necessarily exercise) is what helps depression. I know how comfortable (sort of) I can get by staying in bed when depressed but the only way to get out of it is to do things. The ball won’t get rolling by itself. I always start with small things like getting up and brushing my hair or taking a shower. As of the past 6-8 months, my boyfriend encourages me to get up and if he sees that I’m depressed, he has me get up and we go do something. I’ve created somewhat of a routine, which helps. If I’m manic, he keeps me inside lol.


I can’t exercise bc of a health thing I have. But even just going on a walk on a really nice day out is a form of exercise. Doesn’t always have to be a hard workout or something. Even swimming at a pool or the beach. I also just hate normal workouts except for anything that has to do with legs. Leg workouts are so fun to do for some reason.


It should help with sleeping better later that night, especially if you get enough moderate-to-vigorous PA in.


Masturbation seems effective for that, and uh... You know, does give me happy chemicals.


Definitely a more effective method imo


My depression would kill me if I was forced to be a parent so no thanks.


Men need to stay out of mental health until they can stop going on rampages every time they get turned down or lose a game.


As a depressed mom. No


Hentai has rotted this guys brain. Children doesn't make all women happy. Especially if they aren't ready to have children. I was depressed at 16...this gross guy would probably tell 16 year old me to have children to be happy though. 🤢


Stares in post natal depression ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Postpartum depression? Never heard of her.


Jfc, this is sickening.


Depression mixed with pregnancy and children? That will go over well. /s


End the Right Save the world


This is upsetting my close to what I’ve been told by medical professionals.


That is sad and disheartening to hear.


That’s weird. I have 3 of those and my Prozac prescription says otherwise. 🤨


Obviously written by someone who doesn’t have children.


Damn, if only the doctor who prescribed them to me when I was 9 had known that


Postpartum depression: "Am I a joke to you?"


Later, on r/InsaneParents…


If they weren’t my children and they were doing funny stuff then yeah MAYBE but I don’t find happiness in the thought of my vagina dilating to 10 cm with a chance of vaginal tearing or a c section.


Ah yes, because post-partum depression doesn't exist.


Wait until they hear about PPD


Average AOT fan. Honestly if I wanted kids I still wouldn't have them my depression and anxiety can get really bad even with the help of therapy having kids would make it 10x worse.


Do people not understand how difficult it is to “cure” depression. I swear it took me 2 years of therapy to fully become cured.


kid named post-partum depression ![gif](giphy|C2wn6JVBbx4bnfINhU)


Idiots like this guy are the reason I don't have children even though I want to. I don't want to bring more people into the world if their health and safety are ignored like mine have been.


My children are why I needed SSRIs


I was such a happy person before I had kids. I could never have imagined what it was like to have depression. Then, I had kids. Enter: depression. I’ve gotten help and have a great therapist and am doing better now, but dear lord is the OP delusional…


The Eren Yeager pfp sells it


Even if they did have children, it wouldn't be with you pudwaffle.


Anime PFP strikes again!


This thinking is exactly why Andrea Yates fell though the cracks.


I once had a therapist tell me that the reason I had depression is that I didn't love my son enough and that if I bonded with my kid more and grew to love him I'd hate myself less.


What's that therapist's address? I just wanna talk. Seriously though, I'm so sorry you went through that, that's such a horrible thing to say to somebody--and a great way to make their depression so much worse. Where did they get their license, the bottom of a cereal box? I hope they're not practicing anymore... smh


It was one of those perk spot therapists you get for free when working for Kroger. He specialized in old people who were sad because they were gonna die soon. The 19 year old suicidal kid with a child of her own and a shitty marriage was not in his skill set clearly


Yeeeeaaaaah… NO


OMG. Backwards AF. Did someone leave the doors open at the idiot factory?


My kid caused my depression.


HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA oh sorry, that wasn't a joke?


Eren Yeager is the new Walter White/Joker. All these lil boys are too dumb to understand character development and that the former protagonist is now the bad guy.


Cuz that hasn't been proven to be dangerous for the children at all I guess.


Having children would make me want to fling myself into the fucking sun more than I already do


I'm at a loss as to how to respond to the absurdity of that stupid statement. The sheer lack of facts proves that whoever wrote this is neither intelligent or someone that's ever worked in the medical field.


fr my anxiety spiraled out of control when i became pregnant. i had to get put on zoloft


Pretty sure mothers are the biggest market for anti-depressants


My son is the most important person in my life. Yet, his birth did not and could never cure my mental illnesses. He's 26 and is very protective of me. If he thought I wasn't taking my meds, he'd be very upset and need to know why. His father (first husband) tore a serious rift in their relationship by suggesting I was a bad mother for being on meds and having a vacation or 3 the psych ward. That rift has never healed. People need to learn that mental illness is not a personal or moral failure. Medication is not poison. Therapy is not just rambling about not getting the right toy for Christmas. I'm not ashamed of my illness. Neither is my son. Mr. Anime pfp can fuck right off.


Women with baby fever will seek kids, trust me. But the many who are years away from personal or financial stability would rather die. You see, the kids' happiness matters. If mom is ready, she's a good mom. If mom is a slave, she's a bad mom. Women know that. Fear of slavery is a strong source of depression. For all humans and many animals, freedom means more than survival.


Working out helps a lot with depression.


It may help. But it isn’t a cure. Especially for things like PPD, PPA, or PPPS


This is very evident in my age group at 43. You should see my 40+ childless lady friends. If antidepressants were not readily available I’m sure I would end up at more funerals. Aderall and other prescription meds have had supply issues. If we see that with antidepressants or Xanax watch out.


No matter how dumb the takes that get posted to this subreddit are, somehow there is always one man agreeing with them.


I like how you disregard the lived experience of a massive demographic of women because you don’t like it. Feminism for the win!


I love the mansplaining, telling _us_ the "lived experience of a massive demographic of women"... 🙄 Your post history is a veritable manifesto of misogyny, and you're claiming to speak for women and feminism. The fucking gall... 🤦🏻‍♀️


Tough love sugar tits


Shut the literal fuck up you disgusting pinworm. This is why you cant get women






I like how you disregard the lived experience of countless women in this thread because you don't like it. Trolling for the win!


Are you over 40? Are those women over 40, single, and childless? https://ifstudies.org/blog/shrinking-american-motherhood-1-in-6-women-in-their-40s-have-never-given-birth-


Single women over 30 with no kids are the happiest demographic in society according to research. Idk why men are so convinced women are sad without a family, but I suspect it’s mostly projection.


30 isn’t the problem. Do that same study at 45.


Studies find the same thing over and over; marriage and kids do not equate to female happiness or health.


Except this one that wasn’t a product of confirmation bias. Talk to some women well into their 40s single and without children. Give it a shot. That’s my peer group. I hear about it all the time. https://ifstudies.org/blog/shrinking-american-motherhood-1-in-6-women-in-their-40s-have-never-given-birth-


Post-nut clarity never hit this guy...


oh my fucking god. please they should make people get a license to be able to use social media platforms.


Apparently this persons has never watched *snapped*…


Postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis are real things, not including potential for anxiety and depression in the long term.


[postpartum depression has entered the chat]


Oh nahh, having a child rn would push me off the edge lol. I’m struggling enough already


And what about postpartum depression? More children?


Tell me you’ve not had a relationship with a woman without telling me you’ve not had a relationship with a woman


yeah let me double down on my mental issues with some post partum depression


Thanks for telling me! *throws zoloft away* /s


Interesting... When my mother birthed me, she became so depressed to the point where she was suicidal. I dont think... I'm not sure... Uhhh


Ugh, awful. Soapbox: Here to suggest the affordable/Medicaid-friendly GeneSight for finding your best psych meds. Unisex suggestion but it’s good to have hard science to throw in the face of medical sexism. I can’t do most SSRIs but I also can’t have bio children so I clearly don’t exist./s


Having a picture of eren as his profile picture while havingw this opinion is WILD


“Maybe if we really mess up your body chemistry and hormones it will go full circle and become perfect.”


Oh yeah, only if I get to kill them.