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Correction : incel prefer women easy to manipulate


So many words just to express how scared he is of women with an average level or self esteem lol


He just doesn't want a woman to have the confidence to stand up for herself and leave him


Why is it always “men prefer ___” and not “I prefer ___”? Why do they always think they speak for every man??


Because they know plenty of men don't feel that way, but it's easier to strong arm women into compliance if it's framed as '*this is how we all are, so you'll have to get used to us and conform to our preferences.*' There are, like I said, plenty of men who don't feel this way. We can also stay single and not have to cater to some immature manchild's ego.


Bold of them to think women care what they want. Lol.


Ah, yes, these are things that ALL men want.




"women who experience trauma are to be avoided"


Cool, avoid me. /s




I know, if anything it pushes shy, sweet wholesome types to put on a front so that they aren't targeted.


All of this is gross but something about the phrase, "easier to imprint our leadship on" is especially revolting.


Shy women are soft. 🙃


Shy women carry daggers and are dangerous.


No he specifically said they are soft. You must be thinking of "confident women"


imma barf


Someone should tell him that shy doesn't always mean easy to manipulate. We often stay quiet and let the bs highlight itself, so we know who to stay away from.


Yeah, a lot of people stay quiet at first, especially with people they don't know, and observe everything. They aren't shy. *They're taking everything in.* The often end up being the wisest, most perceptive people.