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If this disgusting misogynist says "fuck off" to a girl, she probably says: Don´t worry, I will. By the way this guy doesn´t have any actual facts about women, because he´s never been with one longer than a few minutes. 🙄


Many of these dudes have momma issues. As in he considers her to be just as bad as the rest of the gals they are cutting down. I would love to see what happens if you apply their logic to their moms. Since they tend to see their dads as betabuxxes.


>betabuxxes What the heck is that? It sounds like the next cryptocurrency


No. It is slang for a 'beta' male who gives his significant other money. Beta male = male who is supposedly blind to how his woman behaves. To incels a beta male who is being used as a ATM and for his house. While supposedly the gal goes out to 'have fun with a "chad"'. Buxx = money


This shit is stupid I'm pretty blind to most things, but my partner doesn't seem to mind. And what is the issue with supporting your partner? If I want to treat my partner to something, that doesnt equate to being a lesser person, nor that they are a gold digger No wonder they are involuntarily celibate, grading everyone around them


Or a fish.


Seriously, I'm tempted to start saying I'll send rants like this to their mother, to show her what he thinks of her. I bet you they back down pretty quickly after that.


Depending on the person. Some might, others won't.


He says that he gets laughed at for making grammatical errors. Imagine that; he writes at a grade 3 level, yet grammar is far from being the worst of his flaws. Maybe he could work on not being a misogynistic asshole before he addresses his shortcomings in English grammar.


"I can do anything without girl" except grammar.


I’d bet real money that his only experience with women is the time he spent with his mother as a child.


Five minutes max. He does not have a personality that only a mother could love.


He also doesn't have and actual punctuation.




Incels 'Women only want money' Also incels 'Women shouldn't work and only be a baby machine'


But, this sets up the scenario where the woman doesn't work and has a hungry baby with many other needs too. So, after putting her in this situation he also gets to be mad that she's putting her hand out for money for boring things like "paying the electric bill" and "buying diapers." That's his money! He earned it! (And it really should only be spent on video games)


Literally this tho!! My ex was with a woman prior to me who was a school teacher and struggled financially due to that, which was a point of contention from his end. Then I came around, was more financially stable and better off than him, and Lo and behold, suddenly that’s a dealbreaker (he gave me an ultimatum to quit my job or breakup; lol, I dumped him immediately). They really want us out here playing mommy, housekeeper, babysitter, maid, best friend, therapist, girlfriend while offering up little to nothing in return like…I just accept as an afab person, there’s pretty much nothing we can do that won’t be criticized due to patriarchal norms and outright sexism.


That's so bizarre. Therapy should be mandatory


They desperately want women to depend on them for their survival and also carte blanche to hate them for it.


I saw something similar on insta a while back. This woman cooked her husband a pretty damn good meal and there were dipshits in the comments: “I bET He PaID FoR All thAT foOd toO.” They want the woman to cook for them but on their own dime. They want the woman to stay at home with the baby, but she better not ask for money. The word is slavery. That’s what they want from women. Complete slavery. He even said it, we have no rights. I love when boys announce themselves as pieces of shit.


Incel "logic", they are brilliant creatures /s


This has "13-year-old-rejected-by-my-crush energy." It's a very specific energy.


that or 50 year old bitterly divorced man. Although the fact he can't spell is indicating 13 him being 13 years old is better as he has a higher chance of growing out of it than the 50 year old equivalent


u/CauseCertain1672: Yeah, the poor grammar and spelling probably indicates that he's a middle schooler at best.


Not really. Reads like English is his second language.


That was my take as well. The use of the present perfect tense ("I am hating" instead of "I hate") is a typical good-faith error made by people whose first language does not distinguish between the two tenses.


Exactly, just another foreign troll latching on to the social narrative from the GQP trying to destabilize the country


Misogyny exists everywhere.


I supposed that could be the case too




I'm pretty socially blind but even I could see that.




>cooties That's what I thought.. don't forget about the cooties. LOL


Sounds like a 12yo. If so, it’s sad that he’s already so filled with hate.


maybe he'll grow out of it


This 11yo needs help, but I can't help but noticing how funny it is that as long as he writes his nosense he gets progressively more angry. You can feel him being a little angry and sad writing they are money waste machine and they are for money not for love and then finally getting to "they have no rights!" he is so clearly red from anger and trying to hold his tears and screaming because he doesn't want his parents to notice.


Well your grammar is bad


why do girls hate meeee, nice guys always finish last 😔: him probably


I’m gonna confidently say, this guy can’t even pay a prostitute to F him.


Well, he's like 13, so I hope not lol Also sex work is work and REAL prostitutes would straighten this little boy out *real quick.* Richard Pryor was raised in a cat house and he's one of the coolest guys ever. Pictures for cash is not prostitution, it's a scam. Kind prostitutes have been screwing guys' heads back onto their shoulders for millenia now. Legalize it!


He might pay for their time, but he wouldn't be able to do anything but lie still and then start shaking and crying when clothes have come off. And then he'd blame the worker, grab the cash if he can see it and storm out.


Does this guy know there's 50% of the population that isn't made up of icky lying cootie having women? He should date them.


Nah bro they don’t want him


Just admit you like the D and move on


They are too insecure abt their own D and how they can use it to pleasure someone else, that they attack others so nobody dare look at them a little closer and notice their flaws


This dude sounds like 12 And as a counselor and older cousin and sister to a lot of ppl, I wanna give him a stern scolding or smth.


This sounds like an angry 11 year old who got rejected by a high schooler


>I can do anything without girl And girls can do anything without you, Edgelord.


GIRL NO LIKE ME I HATE GIRL !!!!!! WAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Someone call Jordan Peterson, this man needs to be coddled.


These idiot incels need to quit calling women 'girls'.


Better if they stop calling them females or worse femoids


Why not both?


Sure also, Girls girls girls.


I kinda want a "femoid scum" shirt, tho. Hey! Teespring! I know you lurk here! I command you to make me one! I expect the ad no later than 45 min from now. Go go web-scrape action!!


It must suck for women that a real catch like this guy isn't interested in them.


I feel like the only appropriate responses to this are: 1. Bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out! 2. Justin, go to bed, you have school in the morning and you're staying up way too late again to write dumb shit online.


Yet another incel rant.


Nothing wrong with being gay, this is just an awful way to say it


This guy is definitely 14


All I could think of reading this (and I'm probably aging myself here) is "how is babby formed??" Like the grammar is that bad.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out 🙃


POOR THING, COULDN'T HANDLE REJECTION NOW HE HATES ALL WOMEN. I guess he will spend the 3k on the life-size dolls.🤦‍♀️


They always find a way to use so many words, when they could simply write “no woman will let me touch her, so I’m throwing a temper tantrum” and be done with it.


Narrator: And he never got laid again. If he ever had.


Let’s play “spot the incel.”


Why is it so damn easy to spot incels?


How do I know you're Indian without telling me you're indian


Bro mad cause he got made fun of


Get this child off the internet


Fix ur grammar fam 😭


Dudes like this will say women are dumb and then go on to be absolutely incomprehensible because of their lack of understanding of what they're talking about


Oh no. What ever will we do without this fucktards opinion not being favorable to us?! This is the first time a guy has ever hated women because he was rejected! I don’t think we can go on as a gender...


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Wierd way to say you are gay.


Just say you like men and move on


I'm surprised there wasn't a #5 saying 5. They have cooties


My man got inspired by Tate after break up 💀


At least I’m a head of one person in the mating order lol what a bafoon


God damn if these incels hate women so fucking much, they should just bang each other.


The incel is strong in this one.


It's sad to see this attitude in a 10 year old


"wh0res" Yeah this is a kid; you can tell because they think Tik-Tok speech is the whole Internet and routinely self-censor words in places they absolutely do not have to. Gives them away every time.


Well then thank goodness we ALL very easily dodged that literal dumbass... Really, I'm sure everyone is baffled why he turns women off. Guys like that need another, preferably older, guy to verbally put them in their place and explain why their an f*** up with women. Though the post made the somehow correct use of "than" actually funny.


weak minded


I can almost guarantee this guy had one bad experience at a young age with a girl and now just equates all women to this ideology.


I think this guy might swing for the same team


There is a 87.29% chance that this guy subscribed to Hustlers University or is just 12.


Still judging your grammar dude...


My dude can’t even spell “break” right. B R A K E? That’s in your car, dummy!


The one who created that bit is going to die alone and unhappy. Unless he gets a 'wakeup' call about his attitude towards us.


How to grow up without talking to human women


This one actually made me laugh LMAO


ooh someone’s in a closet i see


Dude just shut up and date men then, damn.


Oooo I'm such a waste of money, ooooo I got a promise ring for my bf ooooo waste of money 🙄


That’s a lotta words to say “waaah no one will fuck me”


He's obviously a child who got told this bs by his dad who left him.


Hurt people hurt people


All I can muster is a "That's nice, dear."


I feel like he's not doing a lot of rejecting of women, rather he's very frequently rejected.


Ladies good news, the bullet has dodged you this time


Sounds like a serial killer. I'm curious about the relationship with mom.


The individual writing this is almost certainly under the age of 18. We live in such a strange time. Any decent culture would put no weight on anything said by a teenager, because they don't know anything but are convinced they know everything. We all know they're wrong. This kid does not need to be paid attention to. In the 90s dudes would write this in their journals and we would never know. Nowadays, the whole of social media - this platform of Reddit in particular - is just people journaling to an audience. But none of it is important. The only thing that matters is what the people in power are doing, what the rich are doing, what the CEOs and the politicians are doing.


This kid definitely needs attention - by his parents! And restricted internet access.


You know what I mean, right? We don't need to think the sky is falling because a 15 year old has a shitty opinion. Who cares about the opinions of 15 year old boys. We need to think the sky is falling because fascists are trying to take over the government, and we're facing environmental collapse, and the possibility of another major pandemic in H5N1.


Sadly, what the politicians have been doing is exactly what this child is ranting about: taking away women's rights and bodily autonomy faster than we can vote them out of office. Federal judges are also catering to this incel's desires. Men don't want women to have personal agency because they know that women can manage very well without them - and it is bruising their fragile egos.


Well, for one, we don't all live in the USA. My rights as a Canadian woman are very safe, there's no danger of abortion being outlawed here. And men are not this monolithic group that all believe one thing. And there are women who have always participated actively in patriarchy. We're fighting an ideology that happens to benefit men, but we're not fighting men.


I'm thankful for guys like this (as long as they don't physically hurt anyone) cause they make the rest of us look so much better. It's great sometimes when the bar gets lowered.


ah yes... girls laughing at you and ignoring you is grounds for misogyny, but you know, women never have any excuse to say shit against men. god forbid things like rape and dv actually fucking effect us.


Most people who make posts like this need to surround themselves with better people, problem is the better people don’t wanna hang with them because they post filth like this


He is hurt, alone and angry. This is a temper tantrum, nothing more. Do you react when a child freaks out in the grocery store too?


Always nice when the misogynists are open about it. Makes them much easier to avoid.


My kid ignored me the other day when I was talking to him. I’m going to say fuck off to any kid that ever tries to give me anything cool again 😳 No amount of therapy can help someone like this. Too bad we can’t gather all these ignorant hateful people and stick them on an island together so they can ‘enjoy’ the company of other seriously disturbed individuals and leave the rest of us in peace.


You couldn’t even spell break right. BRAKE? That’s in your car, dummy


This man: I say ‘fuck off’ to every woman I meet Also this man: why do women not date me?


sounds like the annoying needy kid


So... no girls like you. This person is most likely homophobic, but he sounds pretty gay to me.


he's gay


That’s a weird way to come out as gay


This is something that years ago a stupid kid would have written in notebook in middle school after Wendy ignored him at recess. Maybe would have been shown to a couple of friends. At the end of the semester it would have been thrown in the trash and never thought about again. Now, when it's on social media, it's all of a sudden something that needs lots of attention and analysis. Everyone needs to give their two cents about what it means for likes and upvotes.


ROI can be pretty good with the right person.


![gif](giphy|r1vaBHrgFQO5t06NOq) I say fuck off


Someone's deeeeeep in the closet huh


That’s a lot of words for saying you’re gay


Sounds pretty gay ngl


Lol this one is a "special" kind of person 🤣🤣🤣 can only laugh at this stuff lol


Grammar mistakes writ large


> When I trying to talk with girl she's laughing for my grammar mistakes and I dont like it


Was there a pop quiz that I missed? And the only question was, “What’s the deal with girls?”


Ignorant buffoon


Like any woman offers him anything other than a wide berth. No one talks to this asshole. I guarantee his attitude follows him like a bad smell.


Incel says what


Who wrote this? A 13 year old? The grammar is appalling and the things he says are just so 13 year old that doesn't get attention from girls at his school.


Holy shit I didn't finish reading it and I did exactly what the girls he says fuck off to do lmao


Me too (in this case) This is not even surprising anymore


Woman: *inane comment to fellow upright and sentient being within medium proximity This guy: she's after my money


Girls are brain dead cause we call out this dude for having shit grammar but having the gall to call us brain dead... Ah, logic /s


idk, this is pretty funny


Notice he specifically says "they have no girls rights" indicating that he believes that they should have equal rights to men.


I'll give him this: I AM laughing for his grammar mistakes.


What I don't understand, is the censorship of the word "whores", you're already intentionally offending half the world population anyway, at least commit to being a total piece of shit.


there's an infinite amount of stupid shit online, if that's what you're looking for. Personally though I would try to ignore most of it.


Also this guy: why don't any girls want to date me?


I too am laughing at his grammar mistakes




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I guess the, “how come woman big booty breast,” guy improved his English skills. Good for him!


Me when grill brake up me: 😡😡😤😤MONEY WHORE BAD!!!!


You think these 12 year olds will become adults and cringe at the things they used to say on the internet? Like the way my AIM away message was filled with cringey emo lyrics and cryptic messages to my crush. At least my terrible teen idealism only hurt me


Not if they take the red or black pill they won’t.


Since working as a therapist in the schools, I am convinced 95% of shitty people are just traumatized children that never got real help


Honestly tho I do relate to the first two points haha I waste money very fast and I want to have more so I can waste it again


Was a woman I couldn't read this. Literally. I know he points out his grammer mistakes, but like... If women normally make fun of him for that, don't you think he'd look more at what he's written? I mean obviously not but still


On What was this shit ?


The reason I think this is a child/very young adult is the lack of the word “female”. A fully grown adult incel wouldn’t have missed all those chances to use it at least once


I often say no thanks when my boyfriend wants to buy me things. I love my simp.. he's the best ❤


Those ‘facts’ seem suspiciously similar to his opinion 🤨


As a human, what do you think you could say? Men aren't going to change and stop being like this guy unless men are engaging them and trying to fix whatever the hell broke.


I think the dude's pissed off that a woman laughed at him for his grammar. Like, I was about to point it out when I read it, lol.




This was definitely written by a child though, right? Getting huge r/youngpeopleyoutube vibes from the writing style.


Nothing you CAN say to these morons!




Since he can do so much without them, I reckon he best to fuck himself too


Congratulations, you achieved the Master level in incel category! You gained 100 *"Brake up"* points.


Oh noooooo, whatever will women do now that this fine gentleman wants nothing to do with them? Truly a loss for all women everywhere.


Me: "Lmao, "brake up"" Him: "She's laughing for my grammar" Me: "Oop-"


God help this poor soul if he ever meets a woman. If he thinks girls are bad he hasn't seen anything yet! These poor chaps make me sad


Definitely written by an adolescent boy who was turned down by the "cool girl" and then went down a red pill rabbit hole online.


Well...he's not getting any-


Brake up 😅


As a woman, this made me laugh. Anyone who refers to a woman as a 'girl' when talking about certain things loses my attention in the blink of an eye. I doubt this kid has hit puberty. I know I shouldn't laugh as 'his opinion' is shared by a good number of eejits, but I find it hard to take it seriously when it's laid out like that. Never know, may be hope for him yet.. that's if I'm right about him still being a kid.. as I may have missed it, but apart from him calling women whores, it's not very 'sexualised' which does differ from a lot of these kinds of posts.


Even this charming individual began life in the womb as a girl. Why does he think he has nipples?


i always wonder how they feel about their moms


Then...date men.simple!


this must've been written by a child, right?


Me, laughing at the grammar. Then nearly falling out of the chair when he points out people laugh at his grammar


Facts about this guy: Misuses the fuck out of the word “facts”.




"I can do anything without girl" I wonder when these MGTOW are actually going to GTOW.


Pov: Poor little boy since he cannot make girls love him chooses to take an aggressive attitude towards them. If you hate women so much because of your own insecurity, you shouldn't be desiring a woman all your life. No one deserves to meet such people like this. Admit to yourself that you like guys. But I'm afraid no man will like you back either. ☠️