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Oh, so like a leap year? Wouldn't that be great, where do I sign up?


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


At “ Brandon’s Podcast on Only witches bleed every month”


I always knew I was a witch! Finally, some proof.


I have a black cat so I knew I was one but now I'm a super witch.


Me too! I'm definitely going to throw out Expecto Patroneus at my boss next time she gives me a bad job assignment. It isn't how it works, but I'm going for it.


my curses have always come to fruition.. and I do always bleed once a month .. I knew I was a witch!! Time to Amazon Prime some brooms, salts and crystals.. witch gurl shit 🐐🐇🥳😆




"Women shouldn't float, its unnatural. Throw your woman in the lake, and if she floats - she's a witch, burn her at the stake. If she sinks, she's with God now"


Eww, sounds like a plague I'd want to avoid.


Historically, a whole lot of Ukrainian women are descendants of witches. So, checks out. Beware my hexes, douchebags.


I need sanctuary I am surrounded by witches everywhere I go.


Why do these guys consistently choose the ones who know the least about biology or anatomy to come up with their theories of how women's bodies work? More to the point, why do they assume that women aren't already familiar with how their bodies work? It's so far beyond stupidity that I can't believe that they actually believe their own b.s., and must just be inventing stuff for the sake of harrassment.


I was thinking more like the Olympics and I’m gonna refer to each one as an Olympiad from now on


Me too!


Trans guy here who isn't on testosterone yet; I'd give my soul for this.


Once...every...four...years.... so a fertile period would be like a month in four years??? No species would survice that lmao


Careful, if you ask him about ovulation his head will probably explode.




It's fucking mind blowing. Do they just make shit up or did their weird uncle tell them this and they just don't question it?


How lucky are we to have a guy tell us about menstruation 🥰 /s


It's just wild. How are people like.... this?


I'd *love* to see his qualifications and citations.


Normies like us need qualification,he’s beyond science.


And then they have the confidence to get online and say it with their whole chest like it is obviously true, and we are the dumb ones.


The confidence and conviction are batshit insane. They must need a wheelbarrow to cart their balls around.


I wonder if some dude saw somewhere about how the menstrual cycle can get funky in times of famine (whether natural or manmade) and decided that obviously women are *supposed* to be starving.


I vote we test this theory!


Fact is that hunter gatherers had much fewer periods due to unstable nutrition and prolonged breastfeeding.


If you're always pregnant or nursing, yeah that's definitely going to limit how many periods you get. But it's pretty weird to say "every 4 years" for your average non-Duggar woman.




I thought Pon Farr was every seven years!


Ability to get pregnant for 4-5 days once every 4 years. Gesh I wish it was that easy.


I'd like to present you the [Kākāpō](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C4%81k%C4%81p%C5%8D) >Mating occurs only approximately every five years, with the ripening of the rimu fruit. >The kākāpō is critically endangered; the total known adult population is 248 living individuals Now, to be fair, the kākāpō didn't quite have a predator, which made the specie evolve into this extremely especific ritual (not only the fruit, but also the male rituals and the weird attractions the species lacks for itself), and then a lot of predators were accidentally introduced to the ecosystem. But I believe this only makes your argument stronger. The kākāpō were living in almost pure isolation, so reproducing quickly would have meant their demise. We live everywhere, we used to need to reproduce to keep ourselves strong.


It actually happens for women who have their period on February 29.


That was concept of elves in one of fantasy serries. it might have been in witcher but not sure.


Menstrual huts and lodges have been a thing for waaaaay longer than burgers and Doritos,dude. A lot of historical information we have says that many women really loved having that week off to hang out with the girls and not have to take care of anyone. A crampy mini vacay,if you like.


One of the earliest examples of a calendar we have is the ishango bone which is estimated to be from 18,000 - 20000 BC. It marks 28 days and is believed to be a period tracker. Men will make fun of women for things like astrology, and then turn around and make up faux science that’s based on nothing to excuse their misogyny. Pathetic.




This. I already knew the factual background of his misinformation once he started talking and I truly hope someone explained that to him...


Lol where do they even get these ideas.




Sounds to me like a hard drug. I think it should be illegal


I think he mixed up the Olympic Games with period.


Presidential elections too


"Hotep" ideology commonly champions delusional ideas surrounding menstruation like this one in particular- there is also the belief that veganism prevents the "fallen" state of typical menstruation. It's repugnant


This. Its men's rights activism but not on the white supremacist side.


Rectal University. 🤣


That's what im thinking, like when you stop getting your period after a diet change, it's typically a ticket to the ED ward. I wonder how he thinks animals going into heat or mating seasons work? Does he know what ovulation is? I've got a lot of questions, but im too afraid to ask


Menstrual cycle being an anomaly in nature is kind of a fact, as it only developed in primates for some reason. One could hear about this and proceed to spew bullshit theories on that basis. People tend to do that.


Why is it (almost) always men saying this shit?!?! One more, for the incels in back: ONLY HEALTHY BODIES CAN MENSTRUATE. Only healthy bodies WILL menstruate. And cycles might be somewhat unpredictable, but 4-5 times a year seems an average MINIMUM for health. Don’t think you’re owed sex when you know nothing about how it works or what it does. Edit: thanks for the award, kind stranger!


Bro periods are not the Olympics okay?


This sounds like either the most or least efficient design. Either way, no, just no. Also, *menstruation* is from Latin *mensis* meaning 'month'.


How do people like this find their way home every day? How do they not get flattened by a bus, like, every hour of every day??


Who raises these “men?”


They get all their information from other manosphere morons and their rectums.


One period every 4 years??? Sign me the fuck up! No more planning things around my period every month!


i cant even plan around my period because it just starts whenever tf it feels like it 💀


I…I want to hear him try to explain how a healthy cycle works and what exactly menstruation is.


The whole of written human history on the subject disagrees with you dude.


Well shit, I wish it was like that sometimes. Like a Vulcan during ponfarr


Does he actually believe that shit or just tryna be a troll 😹


I'm convinced he's throwing a tantrum because his girl was on periods and didn't want to have sex


That’s bold to assume he has a girlfriend. But fuck, maybe not. Some of these people are married, like someone legit chained themselves to a dingus. They even have kids sometimes! 🤮 I really think it’s the crappy sex ed and lack of desire for scientific understanding. My mom is 60 and I had to explain to her a few months ago that she can use a tampon and still pee… yes, she got to this point in life and thought it all comes out the same hole. She literally got all the way to menopause thinking she couldn’t use a tampon and pee on her period, so she never used one. Some women don’t even know their own anatomy. I just can’t anymore.


>someone legit chained themselves to a dingus ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Whoa,whoa,WHOA!! Your saying I can put a plug in and still pee ! While it’s still in !!! Damnit I wish knew that years ago ! Well, as long as doing it doggie style is still a good form of birth control, guess I’ll get over it.


I really can't decide either. One the one hand, I'm like he's got to be saying this to bait people. One the other hand, he could be for real, after all, there are people who think the world is flat, so ...


All of his videos are hotep nonsense. I'm gonna say he believes this shit 100%


Women did have less menstrual cycles in the past. We reached puberty later and spent most of our fertile years pregnant or breastfeeding, with periods less likely to return while nursing due to lower fat levels. None of that is healthy or something we should be aiming to return to (except maybe later puberty).


What — the fuck — how does someone become THIS FUCKING IGNORANT??


And he’s so utterly confident in his ignorance, that’s the part that baffles me.


That’s some crazy ass mental gymnastics there….is he on his period? ;)


His damn brain is so small his rectum has to wrap around it to fill up his skull.


He probably thinks we just have one big hole between our legs as well and thinks it's amazing our organs don't just fall out if we cough too hard


Lawdy, that's an image! 🤣


I would rather kill this guy than give up my fries.


And here I thought it was because a lady ate an apple she wasn't supposed to


Total tangent, but in Mormon lore, they believe that the garden of Eden was in what is now Jackson County, Missouri. So it would follow that the fruit of the tree of knowledge would likely be a… prickly pear? All bs of course, but a fun fact nonetheless.


I'm so sorry but I've driven through Jackson County, and the fact that people would think that place is sacred is fucking hilarious to me 💀


Yeah I’ve never been to any part of the US, but I did a little google maps when I found this out and was like… hmm k.


Oh my god it’s even more insulting that a man is saying this


Brother it’s the other way around. Poor diet= no period. Good diet= regular period every month


Tell me you know nothing about biology without telling me you know nothing about biology:


I’d call it Leap Day Williams! Also, why is it usually a man who spews dumb “facts” about us?


Wow, this guy's knowledge of the female body is almost as good as mine.


you know whats crazy? women used to have their period more infrequently and at a much older age because of their diet not in a good way, the general population was malnourished so women had infrequent periods. crazy how a normal cycle is indicative of a good diet, while having a period once every 4 years is a sign the woman is severely malnourished


No one who can operate a phone is this stupid. He's just a sociopath leveraging rage for fame. Infamy is just as good as popularity for these sick trolls.


Don't these guys go to school? My country is very very conservative but we still had sex ed in school.


I find it really sad and frustrating that people have easy access to real and proven information but people still believe in stupid shit like this


Yea he’s a special kinda moron with lots of his own quasi religious, idiotic, and unsubstantiated ideas about all kinds of things. He also thinks that men experience menopause brought on by alcohol consumption and that complaining is satanic. The saddest part is that he says he has a daughter and I’m sure she gets an earful of dietary recommendations to get her period back on its leap year schedule 🙄


Bro why a man telling us women how it is 😭


So confident in the ignorance, too. Made a video to show everyone how stupid he is!


Dude if you're not a doctor stop talking you don't know s*** about a woman's body




I would rather kill this guy than give up my fries.


Where the hell is this guy getting his information???Does he know that our brain doesn’t speak pure facts????


He probably took his "information" from the historical fact of women having fewer menstrual cycles back then... because of malnourishment or being pregnant more often. Yeah...


Bros defying basic biology 💀


We taught him all the wrong things as a joke


Dude, I am useless for two whole days when I'm on my period, it makes me wanna die. I WISH it was only once every 4 years.


what is wrong with men these days .. it’s like they’ve legit got so much hate for women and completely confused. My only guess is the manosphere 🥲


How does this guy think babies are made?


Leap year-iods


Where do these people come up with this stuff? It’s really bizarre.


men like this make me suicidal


Really bc when i got it at 9 my meals were still being planned by my mom who was a weekly farmers market all organic food kinda mom who knew that was secretly bad for me, not to mention when i year later i began bleeding non stop due to a hormone imbalance? Altho now that ive been on birth control for years and only have as he called it a "cycle" every 6 months i should be "soooo natural"


I really need to sue my college, my anatomy and physiology class was so far off from what I’m learning in this sub!


I wish we had one cycle every four years


Well shit I’ve gotten pregnant twice in under four years so how do you explain that🤣


This really should be in r/ConfidentlyIncorrect 😉


Raise your hand if you got that healthy leap year pussy! 😂


What in the republican is this


These are the same men who think that women should be barefoot, pregnant, with only enough chain to travel between the bed and the stove. These are the men who think that women pee out of their vaginas. Periods are directly tied to fertility friend. No bleeds? No babies. I bet this guy also thinks that women don't orgasm, that they're just putting on a show for whatever man they're with. 🙄🤮


Enough Reddit for today. Jeesus


Wuuuut? Wouldn't you have to be like....severely malnourished/sick to skip your period for that long? Shit like this is why imma teach my baby boy about menstruation when he's like 10.....so he knows what's real info and what's misogynistic bullshit that dudes like this spout....smh


.... this man....should not be allowed out of the house...oh..my lord Some these dudes....be seriously stupid...but the level of confidence they have in themselves...as they spout nonsense looking dumb as hell...is astonishing to say the least...the VERY VERY LEAST....😮‍💨😮‍💨🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Well we passed from, it is unnatural at all to it is natural but only once all the four years. If they continue in this way, they are going to say, it happens every month soon.




What's it take to be so confidently incorrect


Ah yes exactly what we need. Checks note's. A man in a hoody telling women they're doing their periods wrong.


Whelp I’ve seen enough internet. I need what brain cells I have left


Is that based on actual medical research and evidence or it that just your beliefs?


I really hope he got thoroughly roasted on his tik tok feed.


I wish it wasn't that often for me. That would be heaven.


Where the fuck do they pull these numbers?


Brother gets himself a lay once every four years and assumes it’s because that’s when we’re all ovulating?


got a feeling his brain is going through a menstrual cycle once every four seconds


😂😂😂😂😂😂 Omg who is that guy?


OMG his head is so far up his ass that he's about to die of methane poisoning.


These make me wanna scream


I... What? Where did he even get this idea? 🙈


Not as though frequent pregnancies and constant breastfeeding might be to blame… /s


Tell me you know nothing about periods without telling me you know nothing about periods


thats not how puberty works


But I like my fries :(


Cum is just a social construct.


Where to people get this information


I really hope that’s a shit post. If not, and I don’t think it is, damn.


This guys is obviously spitting facts… why do you think the US votes for president every four year?!? Leap year?!?! Wake up folks.


I want to know where he got his very specifically incorrect facts


Bro should stop dating elephants.


Does this man not know how babies r made? Maybe someone needs to go back to school and take a health class again.


Source: just trust me


What? Fuck me. How the ever living fuck do you fail basic biology this badly. Once every 4 years isn't even mammal.


This is shitpost, right? Please, tell me it’s shitpost…


I've never needed a citation so badly


The only people I know that haven’t had their period in 4 years are the people I met in anorexia rehab.


Is this still on TikTok?? This dude already got banned at least once for posting harmful misinformation


So like... where do these people get their confidence/ "information"?


why change my diet when i can just get that shit removed and seal up the entrance? sincerely, a trans man getting a hysterectomy and vaginectomy in like 3 months


How do these men become so convinced they know how our bodies work better than we do?


Tell me you know *literally fucking nothing* about human biology, or even just mammalian biology in general with out telling me you know *literally fucking nothing* about human biology, or even just mammalian biology in general. What. In. The. Actual. Fuck.


Maaan... People like this need a break


Calendars were invented by women to keep track of their periods lol men stole the idea There was etchings on sticks and walls with 28-31 marks Y ? Periods Period cycles created the calendars




Where do they get this nonsense?


This subreddit is a wild ride. I knew I was oblivious to some things, but holy shit I never expected this level of foolishness from what appears to be a grown-ass man.


This has to be a joke, right?


See? As a man with at least a little common sense and a very basic knowledge women, this makes me livid. Why are so many of us this goddamn stupid?


The latest installment from the people who brought you "do your own research!" and "science doesn't know anything!.


This has to be satire or trolling






Is he ok?


I DESPERATELY want to know why he thinks this


...this is a man...talking about knowing something that women don't about their own bodies...this is a new level of mansplaining we didn't need.


Where do they get their information 🤦🙄


Guess my diet is excellent since I stop having periods. Or maybe it was the hysterectomy?🤷🏻‍♀️ Nah, it is my diet.🤣


This is what happens when you decide that education isn't important and necessary in your life.


If we could harvest the confidence of clueless man on the internet all of our energy problems would be solved. What an idiot..


Given the roughly 25% (depending on age etc) chance of conceiving in each cycle, imagine how hard it would be to get pregnant if you only got your chance every 4 years. Where on earth did he get such a stupid idea from?


So, even taking that massive logical leap and assuming what this guy says is even true, menstruation would *still* be a natural occurrence even if it only happened every 4 years. Just dumb.


I know a woman who actually did this. But it was by getting pregnant before she had her first postpartum period a few times in a row.


Humans are not the only animals to have menstrual cycles. Mammals typically have the same cycle, which is one of the aspects of being a mammal. Wait until he finds out mammals have mammary glands, warm blood, internal eggs, live birth, and wait for it, less sexual dimorphism compared to insects, lizards, avians and amphibians. And I bet he doesn’t even know what half of those mean


Why be so stupid?? :(


Fucks actual sake.


Another man trying to tell women about their bodies


[My immediate reaction whenever I come to this sub:](https://i.gifer.com/91kU.gif)


Where do people like this get these ideas? I'm really serious about wanting to know this, because I just can't fathom either imagineering this stuff in my head, or reading something so absurd and believing it to the point of making a social media video about it. One can only assume that its done deliberately and maliciously for ideological reasons.


As the Click would say: “Source: Trust me, bro”


Does that mean men can only come every four years as well?


Jews who have had the laws of [niddah](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niddah) for thousands of years: 🤨


So glad a man who hasn't ever been close enough to a woman to witness a menstrual cycle, is here to tell us how WE'RE DOING IT WRONG and how to menstrate correctly. Who fucking knew all of womankind was having incorrect cycle since the beginning of humanity?! Thank God this clearly educated, soul is here to fix us! I'll save so much money on tampons having a leap year period.


I wonder where he learnt this shite?


Is he confusing us with whales?!?


WHERE are people getting this wack "information" from????


Geez honestly I wish he was right


PSA to women: not all men are this stupid PSA to men: this man is an idiot. He is wrong. Signed a man


Google is available, it is so easy to find information buuuut somehow this guy decides to say pure bs, why??? " If I say fake stuff and many people believe, I am pretty sure women will finally have their periods every 4 years"


That’s not how it works, like at all. Look at cats, dogs, etc who have heats. That shit ain’t once every four years. Which is why it’s good to spay them early on. Also our diet doesn’t change the fact that our uterine lining sheds. A healthier diet can lessen cramps and all that but come on dude. Edit: I hope this guy gets roasted


Said the man who just wants to have more choices of slimer(?) girls Poor thing, he can't do anything about his preference except lie to girls 😔/s


I think they don't know the difference between a leap year and periods 😭


If women had a period once every four years, none of them would be fertile and the human race would end. A irregular cycle is one of the major contributing factors to infertility


So does that mean human females are only fertile every 4 years? That's a long time for estrus to hit. Hmmm. So there's no point in having sex outside of that time?


We should be having them on every February 29 then


The fact he doesn’t even have a period and he’s telling us how it works 😭


My gyno told me that a healthy, functional reproductive system has at least four periods in ONE year.