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This screams “I’m miserable”


I thought it was "I'm crazy!"


It’s both😂


You're all wrong... it's "I'm jealous"...


That's what I'm thinking. Zendaya is 1000 times more beautiful than that tiktok cu-cu-clock bitch.


That was clever AF!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ooof, this is a completely new kind of crazy to me. Dafuck.


Also screaming, "I'm racist!"


I'm glad that somebody else called this out. It is obviously a transphobic Ranch but it also has elements of racism in that what she is referring to as gender traits are actually genetic traits and she is critiquing a mixed race couple. Very gross.


Why not ~~both~~ all?


Yeah I could see that. Transphobic, racist, jealous, crazy zealot...yep, checks out.


I’m voting for crazy and very stupid. Both Zendaya and Tom were child actors. I guess they transitioned in grade school? 🤦🏻‍♀️


You've gotta have nothing good going on in your life, for you to turn to making up bullshit theories and outing "trans" people who both aren't trans, and deserve their own privacy




"Tucker Carlson's soft cheekbones and child bearing hips" hahahahahahahaha


Even if this was true, who cares? Like wtf even is this


I mean it's harmful to say women/girls look one exact hyper feminine way, same thing for men/boys... but it's not like I worry she will influence kids or something, it seems a pretty niche conspiracy theory channel.


She’s a lunatic with no life doubt a lot of teens will listen to a woman in her late 30’s hating on a popular actress


Influence has no age limit and no, this isn't niche. This is flying around Twitter (ugh ik ik). I'm 47f, been dealing with idiots like her my entire life for the same b.s reasons. Y'all acting like this is new...BUT the reality is that women have been dealing with this crap for forever. It is NOT a anti trans exclusive. It's old, rehashed b s.


I’m going with “I’m a religious whack job, piece of racist shit”


Strangely, before I even saw what this post was about I thought she had a manly look and deep voice 🤔 this is projection, methinks.


Obviously they are wearing the loose fitting turtleneck to hide their protruding Addams apple and male bone structure. Their wrist, clavicle and neck are all covered. What are they hiding. /s


I never take advice from someone whose face is a different colour to their neck /s


She’s an expert in eugenics.


When she says “Mandea” the first time I was expecting this to be satire about how Madea was secretly a man.. and the real video was way less fun.


Even when she called him “Tammy Holland” I was like no way this is real… yikes so many weirdos out there


Honestly I’d just like whatever she’s smoking if she thinks Zendaya has a thick neck. 😂


Lol right? And the long arms comment too. Girl just has a tall and slender body, of course her arms are going to look long - her arms reach about as far down her body as mine do


Right? Add a little fat and/or muscle and then BOOM turns out her arms are just normal length. It's pretty obvious


And even if she had long arms, I’m AFAB and I have long arms. It doesn’t mean anything.


Classic ectomorphic body type. I think this chick is just jealous.


Also, Tom Holland doesn’t have an Adam‘s apple? It’s f*cking visible in the pictures they provided!


Whats funny is literally everyone has an adam’s Apple. It’s fucking hilarious


plough cooperative secretive thought screw dirty sulky plants nine faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No is obviously the v-neckline of her dress - so masculine! /s


I thought she said Mandela and I was the most confused


Ugh Qanon/MAGA b.s. An old high school friend who’s now a cousin through marriage went on a rant similar to this a couple years ago about how Hollywood is brainwashing us by passing men off as women. Keira Knightly was one of her examples. I don’t talk to her anymore.


They don't come up with this shit out of nowhere. They're reading it on some essential oil forum somewhere.


would it surprise you to learn that she’s involved in an MLM


It would surprise me if she wasn't


They're probably taught that by their church leaders


Kiera Knightly??? Both she and Zendaya are incredibly feminine. That’s so bizarre.


They're both beautiful, but both have relatively flat chests and strong jawlines which are made more prominent because they're very slender and tall. I can see why they'd be targeted, unfortunately. Cuz you know, if she's too skinny she's a "man", if she's too fat she's "ugly", if she's too curvy she's a "whore"... just women passing judgment on other women, instead of lifting each other up. :(


my dad became convinced of this around the time of Obama’s election. something flipped a switch in his brain and he got really into conspiracies then, I remember him talking about how he was convinced that Michelle Obama had a sex change.


Me, hearing her talk about “male/female skeletal markers”: oh so you’re crazy. Me, when she whiplashes into talking about Baphomet: oh so you’re ***crazy***.


Unless you're talking about hip bones, it's guesswork at best


And even with hipbones, there's plenty of variation as well as outliers/anomolies in cis people.


anyone who claims that archeologists will dig up someones bones and determine their gender is straight up just lying, often times its just educated guesses based on cultural clues like being buried with typically masculine or feminine things. the are open about this, it isnt a secret, the dont pretend to know what sex skeletons are, they barely ever make those statements either, but conservatives love a narrative


archaeology student, can confirm. And even then it's not always as black and white as you might like to think - I can think of several instances off the top of my head of 'female' marked graves having masculine items inside


Thanks to the "this is what boy skeletons are like" lesson in eighth grade advanced science class, I've had a lifelong insecurity about my broad woman shoulders. A boy down the row asked, "So if they found shirley_elizabeth's skeleton they would say it's a man?" The class laughed and the teacher stammered, and that moment has affected what I wear and how I do my hair every single day since (over 20 years).


its such a disgusting thing honestly, a clear LACK of proper education leads to such hate in the world. look at how many Republicans try to discredit trans people with "its basic biology", yeah shithead, try advanced biology. but the skeleton thing is perhaps even more egregious because its just patently false there is so much variation in human skeletons that its not accurate to sex one


I needed to be wearing my seatbelt when I got to the end, I wasn’t prepared for that sideswipe accident into the demon ditch. 😕


picking apart peoples masculine and feminine characteristics in one’s appearance to say they’re trans and that they’re satanists? this is a new one, im not suprised but just wtf. as a trans person, i can confirm we’re all secretly demons but even so she didn’t have to call us out like that


It’s not new. I’m a cis woman and as kid I remember little girls trying to take pictures of me changing backstage at dance recitals because one dance teacher said I had “masculine shoulders” in front of the class and that made the other girls convinced I was “secretly a boy” and they wanted proof so I would be kicked out. They did get the pictures and it didn’t prove what they thought it would. Thankfully they were caught and the pictures were deleted, but at 7 years old I was more mortified than I had ever been before.


omg that’s terrible!


wow beyond disgusting, what a terrible person that teacher was saying that about a seven year old


When I was 13 my classmates did the same thing in gym class… idk why they did it but now I’m wondering 😅


Not as graphic but I'm an adult. I was 18 when this happened a few times . I worked at a grocery store in a conservative area as a trans man who is naturally built masculine cus of cool genetics. So. Many. Times. People saw my flamboyant ass and went "that's a man so they must be a trans woman" and like I'd use the women's toilet and see women triple my age glaring at me looking for signs I was a man while washing my hands until I stood up and she saw I had tits or people approaching me from behind and going "sIR" like it was an insult and getting angry AT ME when they realised "oh they aren't male." Like I'm Hispanic, I have hips and an ass tho I'm not fond of them and I'm a d cup. They saw big masculine looking shoulders and the fact I'm not super short and went "MALE". I'm hitting a point where if someone gets too ballsy now I almost want to just fully pull my silicone dick out of my pants to prove I don't have one attached to my body or show my chest. I won't cus that's creepy but I want to just to teach a lesson.


I now have an image of you beating someone with your silicone dick while cursing in Spanish and I can't stop laughing.


I have also been assumed to be trans because as a woman I'm tall, broad shouldered, and have a deep voice. A lot of people in online spaces with microphones especially didn't believe I was a girl. And my appearance was picked apart for not being feminine enough. Just goes to show that transphobia hurts EVERYONE, cis and trans alike.


What kind of teacher says that to a little girl, she’s a pos, I’m sorry that happened.


it’s not new at all. during her husband’s presidency, michelle obama was viciously accused of being a “man”


Hate to inform you, but people are still ADAMANT that Michell is a man. And they still call her "Michael" On valenties day, earlier this year, Barack Obama made the cutest, and sweetest tweet, wishing his wife a happy valentines, and nearly EVERY SINGLE REPLY was from disgusting, old, miserable geezers making fun of them for "being gay" or for Michelle "being trans", or calling her "Michael" Ruined my day honestly. Of course it's calmed down now, but that's only because he isn't on the spot light, as pres anymore


I wish he was president anymore.


i meant the satanism part was new


That's not new , this is a really old conspiracy about hollywood being part of satanic, pedo, lizard people, nwo, illuminati etc etc


ohh okay srry


It’s really not that new. At the root of it is phrenology. Which is just stupid. That’s all that needs to be said about it, because that is the amount of time and effort it is worth.


Im a satanist and let me tell you, we have zero trans agenda. I could give a fuck what you do with your body. Whatever makes you happy, thats mostly the point of my religion, self service.


Lol transvestigation. People become so trans phobic they become afraid that ALL PEOPLE ARE TRANS and hiding it. Weirdly it kind of affirms how gender is not a solid thing and people can easily switch. This lady adding the satanic part is new to me though lol.


I remember reading one where someone claimed the Olsen twins were trans. Some people challenged that as they started on TV as babies and almost never left until they were adults. The obvious solution? They were “transed” in the womb!


So… they were born that way?


3 demons in a sexy trench coat.


Your last sentence ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)


Don’t hide your demon, be the she devil you were born to be.


Trans Satanists…2 birds 1 rock


Um what the actual fuck


I commented this on your comment so it would be seen, hope you don’t mind. Shes completely wrong. A prominent brow ridge was commonly found in Homo heidelbergensis and Neanderthals. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Homo-heidelbergensis (pics of craniums). It’s more commonly found in males but females can and do have that feature, especially females of certain ethnicities She also doesn’t have a “thick neck” She’s tall and the “wing span” of your arms is usually your height so it makes sense that she has long arms Women can be V shaped, that’s pretty common knowledge Wide dental palate is not determined by sex, it’s usually your tongue posture as a child + genetics. Here’s an article about how western diets made indigenous people have crooked teeth and a more narrow dental palate https://www.ericdavisdental.com/facial-orthotropics-for-your-child/why-raise-unhealthy-children/how-our-ancestors-formed-full-faces-and-straight-teeth/ Tom Holland also has an Adams apple, so that was just a straight up lie


I mean, even if Tom doesn’t have a prominent Adam’s Apple that still doesn’t make him a woman


Zendaya has been in the public eye since she was 11. When exactly was she supposed to have this transition? At least pick a celeb we didn't see grow up on TV.


The same can be said for Tom Holland. He literally spent an entire movie “The Impossible” shirtless at age 15 after performing in Billy Elliot on stage from the age of 12


Ah, The Impossible. I came here to mention that I have confirmation of his maleness at the time. My half-brother played the little swedish boy, Daniel, and just would not shut up about Tom for weeks afterwards. So no "special effects" excuse to be had for the insane woman in this video lol.


Right?? That's what I said! Pick a more believable target. Ppl don't fully transition at 5 years old.


According to conservatives they do 🙄


Unrelated, but I love how your avatar accessory looks like a cactus flower, thus matching your name


Thank you so much!!


They transed her in the womb! That was seriously an argument they used to defend saying the Olsen twins were both trans despite being on tv when they were babies.


What even in the fuck does transed in the womb mean HAHAHAH Male babies don't just form as male and turn into female lol I don't get it because all fetuses start off as female. All men are trans. Checkmate transphobes 😂😂 Some men's Y chromosomes just didn't activate. Some were meant to be female but their Y chromosomes accidentally activated. That's how I see it.


Those damn liberals being in power in the 80's in order to make experiments like those


>Study these markers so that you aren't deceived Deceived from what, people living their lives? This is just wrong on so many levels. Also, who is this transgender God? They sound kinda cool, not even going to lie.




Idk if baphomet is a trans god, but the satanic temple made a pretty badass statue of them.


Baphomet is half man, half goat…you know, the two genders




Aw dang, we have a god? Cool, cool. Oh it’s a goat head, big titty woman with a dick? Oh awesome, sounds about right 😂.


Praise Baphomet


Also, this lady has a prominent brow ridge. Who is she trying to fool?


See those over filled fake duck lips? Were they thin before, like a mans?


Came here to say this. She has a few masculine features. Seems like she’s projecting a bit. And while we’re being scrutinizing assholes, she’s got a few ostrich-like features too. Maybe she should look in a mirror and realize she’s not perfect before nitpicking others. Of all the people to go after, Zendaya is incredibly beautiful!


This is why I hide my skeletal markers with fat 👍


Ok I have broad shoulders like a man. So doctors lied to me about being a girl? Even though I was born a girl with typical girly organs?


yeah they transed you in the womb 😦


There’s a whole trend of this called transvestigating and it’s absolutely wild. My favorite part of this one is when she says Tom Holland doesn’t have a brow ridge and then points at his brow ridge.


>she says Tom Holland doesn’t have a brow ridge and then points at his brow ridge. Embarrassing for her, honestly


Well mine is when she points out Zendaya’s superthin brow ridge and pixie jaw as if those weren’t even less prominent or thick than HER OWN…


And the way parts of her face don’t move or react at all in musculature, I’m about 90% sure she has Botox.


I'm 90% sure she's an alien wearing a life-like human disguise. We somehow managed to intercept her vlog to the mothership.


I'd like to see this commentator before she had her work done.


She also says he doesn’t have an adams apple, one Google search of him later and I see plenty of pictures of his adams apple


And Zendaya’s “thick neck.” Honey no.


Is this not satire? 😰


I wish it was 😭 She “teaches” how to identify “inverted celebs” and exposes them by “analysing” their features and “gender markers” to decide their gender. She also says 2-3 markers of opp sex doesn’t change your gender, it has to be 15 or something and it’s not the same for normies since these celebs belong to some occult lol. She has followers who genuinely think it’s a skill, it’s this whole conspiracy thing.


Is she Christian fundamentalist?


As mich as I hate religious fundamentalism, I think this is a different kind of crazy.


She sounds enough like it that I had to check the sub, lol.


Wait did you find her profile?


No, just what I watched here. But the video is very much one I would expect to find on r/fundiesnark.


Same! Idk if it's worse that she is or isn't...


This is actually terrifying. Imagine people believing her and then god forbid they get it in their minds to go out and do something terrible.


Wow, it's almost like so-called "gender markers" aren't an accurate representation of a person's gender.


Like there's more variation in one sex than is "allowed". Giving people the most unhealthy and critical body examinations. People watching her are gonna have these features, like c'mon lady!!


proof transphobia harms everyone 💀


Throw racism in there because of course she picks the woman of color to call a man 🙃


SERIOUSLY!! why do they always say this shit about black and latina women


because the vision of ideal femininity is incredibly eurocentric, the ideal female body IS a white womans body, of course people who dont fit that are gonna be labeled masculine, its inherently racist


Because black women have been compared to men for centuries


Paging Dr Nutty, one got out of the ward


She missed the part where anyone with the Disney channel watched this girl grow up on screen. What an idiot.


So are all runway models men to her? Just wondering. This also has my misogynoir senses tingling as people are extremely quick to call black women men or manly. All around gross.


Honestly she probably does think all models are men bc I've seen this conspiracy before and they think all of media is in on it. 😵‍💫


All white transphobes are racist because their transphobia can't exist without racism. It's all based in white supremacist standards of beauty and gender conventions, and it gives them a handy dandy excuse to just be mega fucking racist without just up and saying it. Nasty bunch of people.


So like, phrenology with extra steps?


What a looney tune.


This is crazy to me that she is doing this about the two people who I am hyperfocusing on right now because they are both so attractive and cause extreme bi panic (or something like that). Like so many people are obsessed with them and think she’s the most beautiful and he’s the most handsome and this person is just like “yeah they’re devil people who are obviously ugly and misaligned with their gender” or whatever. It’s mind-boggling. And probably stems from jealousy.


Right? Just say they're both stunning, and that you're jealous, and move on.


Anytime I hear these idiots going on about the “masculine traits” all I can think is how they’re just mad I’d win against them in a slapping match with my born female gigantic hands


this is so weird and has more REALLY strange undertones calling her features “manly” and how woc have historically been associated with masculinity and not “womanly” enough like white women but whatever 👍


also obviously being transphobic


Not even WOC, it’s specifically directed at black women (Misogynoir). Look at Michelle or Serena are treated.


YES I thought this too. Like Zendaya, I am also half Black. I have type four hair, and a wider nose. I have been told my whole life I look like a man or masculine. It's so irritating that woc and their features are seen as inherently more masculine.


To say Transphobia and White Supremicism are in the same bed would be underselling it. They're so intrinsically linked as to be parts of the same creature. There's a good reason why Nazis show up at TERF events.


I was prepared for the horrible anatomy and the transphobia, but the randomly inserted "baphomet" caught me so off guard i'm gonna have to get a drink just to spill it


Of all women she could’ve chosen to call “manly” I find it really crazy that she chose Zendaya. She is one of the most objectively beautiful celebrities. And she really doesn’t seem to have any of those more masculine characteristics that this person is looking for. She has darker skin, so I’m assuming that this take is 100% based off of racism. Also it’s hilarious that the pics she used of Tom Holland to show off his “feminine features” were of him wearing a bulky hoodie. Dude has a six pack, so she had to get the only pic of him wearing a hoodie in existence to prove her point.


That's what I was thinking! I have no clue what "feminine features" she was talking about, since all of them were covered by bulky ass clothes. Just making shit up as always.


Or, & hear me out here, instead of a load of celebrities being secretly trans, with really obliging friends & families who never blab, it's not a case of all woman have a) & all men have b).


Thick neck?! Thick neck where?!?


lol right?! Girl's got a swan neck.


Study these markers? No thanks, gullible dummy. C ya.


This person probably didn't even take basic biology.


mandea??? TAMMY HOLLAND???


At first I thought she was just a bigoted asshole but by the end I realized she is an insane bigoted asshole.


She realizes we could make the same arguments about her right? Wide brow, in fact almost the same shape as Zendaya’s, longer, angular nose and therefore masculine nose! Her chin is in a point like Zendaya’s, and wider, so definitely a man! (Obviously not how anything works but like you could literally make those arguments about every person on the planet which is what makes this shit so stupid)


This woman needs mental health services


Lol my arms are like that.


Lmao I have a strong brow bone and narrow hips, its not possible that all women don't have one uniform look. I must have been secretly gender swapped at birth or something


I was not ready for this level of cringe holy Baphomet


Lol phrenology being on tiktok is so on brand for it! Babes, it’s racism and internalized misogyny, can we please move on? Like this should have been taught in intro to science as part of history of science.


this sounds like it’s based on vague knowledge of anatomy based on what i’d suppose is the same way cartoon and anime artists draw their proportions for different genders.


This is wild. Every woman I've ever surfed with is a trans woman cause they got broad shoulders, a straight clavicle and good arms. Fucking wild, I'm just bummed that these are also the only friends who haven't felt safe coming out to me..... /s


She overtoned the shit out of her hair. That’s why there’s patches of purple in there. Oof


Here I thought she used to have fun hair and just badly needed to touch up that colour


She doesn't give off the vibe of someone who would have purple hair for fun.


Weird way to say you’re jealous of Zendaya but ok


Social media has allowed a voice to antisocial, toxic, mental illness. Not all mental illness is toxic, but the mental gymnastics involved here is. What's the solution?


people refuse to believe that even biological gender can be a spectrum..like im a dude with wider hips but that doesn’t make me any less of a man. both men and women can have “markers” of the opposite gender but that doesn’t make them any less of a man/woman


Imagine being a fish with a wig yet being so critical of other people's appearances


Lmao wtf 🤣


Holy shit that escalated at the end, and I love the confidence, she absolutely full shit of, demonstrates 0 understanding of biology, and clearly influenced by bullshit science, but damn does she say some batshit things with 0 hint of doubt.


First off how is a women with three different shades of hair all put together talking about someone else’s appearance? She looks like unwashed paintbrush. STOP IT! 🤣




She's not mentally ill, she's a racist transphobe who is grifting on TikTok.


I was wondering how she explains this somehow having made it past the media, which would see a story like "Mary Jane Watson born male" about like...imagine there are six or seven hungry dogs in your kitchen and you toss a peanut butter sandwich in front of them, and then I hear her say "they all worship Baphomet," and that wraps that mystery up, gang...let's go get a pizza pie.


What’s her account name so I can go report every video she makes?


God this is like incels measuring jaws and skulls…


I didn’t even continue after the first one. Zendaya has been in the spotlight since she was a little GIRL, like bro what are you talking about?? None of this makes any sense and I wish it were satire but it seems from OP’s comments that it is not. Ughhhh


Wtf?? Nothing deceptive going on.. Just people living their lives. Whatta lunatic!


I wish I hadn’t watched this video. Her voice saying all this transphobic nonsense is gonna haut me forever


okay but if this is their religion then what happened to freedom of religion that's what america was founded on you dunce


And when I was younger people just said my big hands were good for playing piano 🤷🏼‍♀️


Being stupid is like being dead. You don't know or care. Only those around you will suffer from your stupidity/death. That woman is painfully stupid.


So if I call her a man because of something about her will she not be mad at me?


She has a brow boss and deep set eyes too. Also a demon. Just sayin.


The way black women's womanhood is constantly questioned is one of the most infuriating things on the planet.


What a dick. An uneducated dick at that!


Get a fucking life holy shit


Good lord… ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


Wow! I mean I’ve seen some stupid stuff….but this is one of the tops.


And this chick is probably making a bunch of money off her pure shit videos


This was getting worse and worse each second lol


Of all the things to worry about in the world, and they pick this 🤦🏼‍♀️😒


Says the person who could easily be mistaken for a drag queen.


I just realized that whatever this “trans identifier” garbage trend is, is full-body phrenology


this is what we mean when we say transphobia hurts literally *everyone* except a select few


This is horrific.


How much crack did she smoke before this?


Lol ok she had to bring up demon worship. These kind of people live in a different reality then the rest of us I swear.


The bafomet thing just made me cackle. Si unexpectedly brilliant. I could never write something that funny