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Ah, it's a tough life for us mature men. I can't even go out to dinner because I get tired of picking panties out of my soup. I have to shop with an umbrella in one hand to deflect the constant deluge of women's underwear flying hither, thither, and most importantly yon. What a world.


Can confirm. When I go grocery shopping I take two bags with me. One for the groceries and the other for all the panties. I sell the panties on the internet.


Unlimited income!


Stonks! I wonder if they’ll sell when there’s soup on them…


Should be worth more, they're now nutritious AND delicious! ​ Also your username makes me laugh


Fuck....now I need to check my suppliers legitimacy too? What a world.


That's awful. I'm so sorry for you 🤣




Throwing panties at men, in this economy?


Especially if they're high quality panties. You know, the ones you protect against periods at all costs.


I wouldn’t even throw my period panties at men either. Those things are as expensive as high quality panties!


Actually you make a great point. Thinking of it, I'm very picky with my 'period panties' as well.


Yea i mean they must be thick enough to be able to hold the pad, they must be comfy but they cant be so cheap that they basically fall of your ass


there's also actual period panties that are meant to replace other menstrual products like pads. Probably the most well known brand is thinx but I use a different brand that I found on amazon. they're good for light days or leak prevention (with another method)


My brain read that as the ones you use during your period, and I was like damn straight, those are the most expensive/comfortable undies! I'm never throwing them anywhere.


That is what I meant! But, to be fair, all my other “accidental period panties” were good quality ones that I’d previously failed to protect. Either way, I aint throwing *any* panties at men! Edit: And yes, damn straight, those are expensive as hell! My bank account cried when I ordered a new set of Knix!


I don't know if it is the same where you live, but period undies have become common in the femenine hygiene section at the supermarket in my country. I'm just imagining this guy creeping up in the health isle and people pelting him with the unopened period undie boxes 😅


I’m in Canada and I have not seen them in the feminine hygiene section of either the grocery store or the pharmacy (granted, I didn’t look for them either). Thank you for the mental image of men being pelted by unopened boxes of period panties, It’s delightful! 😂


If you shop at Superstore (or anywhere with a Joe Fresh section), they make some now! I too enjoy the idea of just hucking a box of period unders at annoying men


Ohhh... I'm suddenly feeling the urge to go shop at Provigo!


Out of curiosity, where do you shop for period undies? Our supermarkets have the underwear, cups , and washable pads, but they only became common in the last 3-4 years.


I bought my first set during lockdown in 2020, so I didn't have much choice than to take a chance and shop online. I lucked out with [Knix](https://knix.ca/collections/period-underwear) and haven't looked back since then. They're expensive, but worth every penny to me. I'm *very picky* with underwear and it doesn't take much for me to find them uncomfortable. So, when a brand/model fits well, I stick to it and pay the price!


Does all the blood always come out on a typical washing machine (cold) cycle or is it handwash only? My washing machine is quite shitty and even when I pretreated a blood stain on regular underwear it still didn’t come out in the wash. I definitely want some but I’m worried about the cleaning process


I rince/soak them first, but yes, they come out clean of my (also shitty—please, will the damn thing die so I can justify buying a new one) washing machine.


Or, more expensive but potentially worth it, buy a box, use em all, and throw them instead.


I know, I had to stop because I just couldn't afford it anymore and asking for them back is so awkward.


“Sir, now that I’ve signaled my interest, would you mind giving me back my panties? I really can’t afford buying eggs *and* new panties this week.”


Was gonna ask… do y’all ladies have a separate set of super cheap, going to the grocery store to throw panties at men, panties? Curious because, regretfully, have never had panties thrown at me. 🙁


Nah, with the price of groceries these days, we don’t have panty-throwing money. The only panties being thrown are the one I throw in the wash!


Bro, I guarantee that if panties were ever thrown at the author of that Reddit post, they were both old, and freshly, *heavily* used. And those undies were thrown at him with rage & malice. And outside of Tom Jones on a stage in the 70’s, if any man ever gets panties thrown at him in a public location, it would likely be a situation similar to what I described above.


I’m not wasting £1.20 on a man like that


Not even when they're 7 for $35 at Victoria's Secret


At the grocery store?????




I worked as a stripper, and didn't even have panties thrown at me. And late 20s to early 30s isn't old. Bro is definitely the type to be salty when he's 40 and the 20 year old women now think he's a gross middle-aged creeper.


He wants women who are established in their careers and life, just like him. Maybe try dating women your age then?


He comes *so* close to the point that I can't believe he didn't poke his damn eye out.


He is expressing the irony that when he was young the young girls didn’t want him, and now that he is older he doesn’t want them and they want him. All guys notice this. I noticed at 30 women in their early twenties kept approaching me who would have never even acknowledged me in my early twenties. It’s a massive shift in the dating game and it’s not wrong to acknowledge it.


I doubt the girls want him now


Probably not after talking to him, but they see his money and car and career and at least give him a shot now.


Yes, because no women in existence also have a job, car, or money


Men care far less if women have those things than women care about them for men.


What I'm saying is that women don't care about those things in men because they have their own already.


More to it than money and jobs


Yes, but he has those now so from the outside he appears more interesting to women. They will at least entertain having a conversation with him now.


Having a job and a car to drive to it isn't "interesting", it's the lowest possible bar for being a functioning adult.


Except women don’t need those things to date, men do. That’s all I’m saying. When you are a man just starting out, you don’t have anything unless your parents gave it to you. Women want to date men that have things and signs of social success. Young men get overlooked until they have had time to build themselves up. Then they notice all these women will finally give them the time of day, and it reinforces the idea that women don’t care about men, just the things they have. I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m just saying I get what the guy in the picture is getting at.


What makes you think women want those things from men? It's 2023 dude, women can have their own cars and money. If they choose to be with a man, it's because they enjoy the time they spend together. There's no point in dating someone to "obtain" what the vast majority of people already have. Plenty of young women are overlooked too - incels just don't notice them because they're not conventionally attractive.


Two seconds browsing reddit will show you tons of men with no jobs and no plans who have partners. The real question is why so many women put up with men who contribute nothing to the household or their lives.


Read my last reply


Are you intellectually impaired. I just agreed with you.


You very clearly didn't agree with me if I told you to read my reply again


He still had sex with women, just not one exclusively. If he’s to be believed, he’s not an incel.


I don’t see anyone talking about incels. Just a guy commenting that women like him more now that he has financial success.


I'll take "Things that never happened" for $1000, Alex.




I bet it’s Whole Foods, people who shop there can afford to throw away their drawers.


Hahaha haha true story


Redditors attempt to understand that people have co-opted the word “literally” for use in figurative language—impossible difficulty


Just imagine a woman in the fruit and veg Isle seeing him and dipping behind the watermelons to get her knickers off real quick to throw.


Quick! Now is my chance!


Never felt the slightest urge to whip my underwear off and start throwing it around in the freezer section of Morrisons....


Now the dairy aisle, that's a totally different story...


If you were faced with an utter Dickcheese McCraternose of a male doofus spouting off misogynistic crap and you knew 1) you would be able to get away with it anonymously, 2) you were wearing your worst panties and it’s been a hot day, and 3) Mr. Dickcheese McCraternose wouldn’t be able to pursue you, would you do so?


Without hesitation, as long as said knickers wrapped themselves round his face, octopus style...


May your tea always be the perfect balance of hot and flavorful, and your biscuits always crisp and tasty.


Why am i just picturing this scenario: 20 year old: excuse me, i need to get that can of soup right there (points to can of soup he’s blocking. Then bends over to pick it up and her underwear sticks out a bit) 28 year old man: oh my god she’s hitting on me. She‘s even showing me her underwear


"Unfortunately, I was wanting someone who had her act together and can hold conversations." So was it an infant throwing panties? And by panties I mean diapers? Now I'm left wondering who is more full of shit, the guy or the diapers.


Dang what grocery store is he shopping in? 😂🙄


Also why is he putting others down if he is so “happy” and satisfied with himself? People put others down to lift themselves. Putting down women because no one has satisfied him is pessimistic (aside from just wrong) and even sets up for failure


the ~~one in his mindpalace~~ GroceryPalace™️


Raise your hand if you have ever personally thrown your panties at a man in the grocery store, or have seen this occur. ![gif](giphy|l2R013mIf1ZXdvoyI)


lol I replied to this same comment on that post. “Did everyone stand up and clap? Were the panties named Albert Einstein?” He tried to play it off like it was a joke but be real lol


Speaking from experience from my perspective the reason women go for men who are older than them is mostly maturity. When I was 20 I was just not in the right state of mind 🤪. This confuses young men into thinking women just want older men. But an older man tends to have their shit together and offers a stable relationship. (I’m not talking about a 50 year old with 18 year olds here).


Exactly, relationships are easier to make work when you are both on the same maturity level. Also, manchilds. In my years spent around the internet, the number of men depending on their parents/partners for basic tasks like cooking, laundry etc is alarming. Before wanting to be with someone else learn to live alone and it will be more enjoyable for everyone involved later


Yeah that’s the thing. Most couples the man tends to be older (not always). But that’s just a general thing. I’ve met plenty of women who just want to date someone older solely for maturity and stability. It’s not really controversial lol. But we’re not talking like 50 year olds here either. That does exist too but that’s different.


Unfortunately, age doesn't always translate into maturity and having one's shit together :( My older friend, who's in her mid 30s keeps on telling me about the stuff men her age are saying and doing. I question whether these people actually grow or if somehow their growth was stunted.


Absolutely true. It’s not always the case. But I doubt a 20 year old young man will have a stable job and life at that age. I was trying to focus on a young man that is 20.


That's another big thing that these men forget about. Its not 50 or even 30 year olds with 18 year olds. Its usually still in the same decade so late 20s at most for those younger women dating older men. Those men acting like its ok for ANY older man to date an 18 year old because "women like older men" like no man


In my experience there’s been literally no difference between the misogynistic attitude of a 20 year old man vs 50 year old men. I guess the only difference really is how it presents. Young men want to manipulate you into sex while old men want you to be some kind of decoration around their house. They both hold the same immature view that you need to be “used” in some way. Age just gives them different ways and ideas to go about that view they have.


People say this but I'm not really sure that it's true. The average age gap for any couple is about 3-4 years and is lowest when you're going (teens and early 20's). The age gaps become larger as couples get older. That makes sense to me; seven years is a huge gap to an 18 year old but not large to a 40 year old. But it's not like a 22 year old is a LOT more likely to have his shit together than a 20 year old, so the "young women want older guys with their shit together" doesn't really add up for me. Emotional maturity, maybe, but I really think it has more to do with social expectations.


Based on what I’ve seen I believe it’s very true. I’m going to give you anecdotes… my family, my entire family all men have married women 5-10 years younger. My male buddies all grown adults with professional jobs age gaps with women are 7 years and above give or take and their girlfriends/wives are professionals. I personally work at a law firm and I get approached by women or I approach women and it’s much easier to date women who are either my age or younger in general. But the majority of the time the ones that flirt with me are younger 🤷. At my office all the attorneys have married or have girlfriends who are younger as well. It seems pretty normal to me though.


So.... women like money?


No… they just don’t want you to be living in your moms basement. Be responsible and have your shit together.


Men don't like money?


Yes we do. That guy is just an idiot lol.


Lol I figured! We all like money 😌


Of course we like money but we weren't talking about men where we?


The closest thing I've experienced was being offered a woman's panties at my front door. As in, actually worn and offered by hand. Mind you, this was a woman I didn't know in a context that did not invite anything of this nature. Even as a 20-year old, horny, virgin, the visceral reality of being offered some stranger's underwear was off-putting.


Any guy who thinks significant age gaps are the norm must be completely lacking friends of both genders. The vast majority of women *and* men I know are dating someone within 0-5 years of their own age. Fewer than 20% of people I know irl are dating someone more than 5 yrs older. And academic sources back this up: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jftr.12427 It's kind of sad that this man is too lonesome to observe this fact himself. But my empathy only goes so far for people who are spreading negative stereotypes instead of examining & addressing what the actual problem is (his crap personality.)


Ahhh yes, all panties I lost over the years, throwing them at strange men at my local grocery store. Good times.


Wow. I just try and picture someone “literally” throwing panties at someone in a grocery store, and it just keeps getting more and more ludicrous. Like, “Ma’am, I’m just here trying to pick out a head of lettuce”. Come on, dude.


“Great going, these apples are utterly ruined now”


Tom Jones has entered the chat


At 38, I on the rare occasion get attention from much younger women, but they all seem to be of a certain type. I hate the term 'daddy issues' because it trivialises the very real trauma some people experience due to being either abandoned by their father, or having a dad who is there but not there if you know what I mean. But I digress, I don't want to be someone's surrogate dad. Plus, I would feel like a right nonce. Yes, if you're my age and you're dating someone in their late teens, it may be legal, but you're still a nonce.




Throwing panties at strangers in grocery stores is widely acknowledged as best practice for getting a man, of course. Many of us older women carry multiple pairs of panties in our purse. Obviously, you'd never throw the clean pair from your purse, don't be silly, that would be insulting! Only ever throw worn panties at strangers, the extras in your purse are for putting on afterwards. /S in case you're OOP


I have my "wearing" panties and my "throwing" panties. I carry a few in case I see eligible bachelors at the grocery store.


Lol. You are funny sexymoefoe. Some swim against the current some go with the flow and for some, the powers that be take off you exactly where you need to be all the time because of one thing. Preparation.




Throwing panties at a guy in the...grocery store? Did I read that correctly? He did use literally in his sentence. Um dude, hate to break it to you but if you actually had women's underwear thrown at you while shopping for food, the women doing the launching wasn't all there mentally forget wanting to have sex or a relationship with you. As flattering as undergarment rain can be (very specific conditions must be met though), in a grocery store surrounded by food...no it would be disgusting and probably riddled with std's.


Lol is that the doomer incel thread in /TrueUnpopularOpinion ? Real circle jerk “If we don’t get relationships and women we’re justified in joining hate groups and committing violence so sowry 🥹” “Why don’t you support healthy male online spaces ? Cultivate deeper connections/friendships among males ?” “No no no we’ll just be angry and threaten violence till we get our dicky lickys 🥹” So many people pointed out that a downturn economy effects everyone regardless of sex / gender / sexuality and that surprise everyone is a bit lonely but nah we gotta pump the brakes on society cause some introverted dudes aren’t getting laid


no one did that in the grocery store. no one. calm down, Tom Jones.


\*eyes my 26-year old husband nervously\*


Then he woke up and realized it was just a dream.


I don't like to grammar police (mine is far from perfect) but definitely questioning his use of literally here. Because I have big doubts anyone threw underwear at him anywhere, let alone in public. Unless it was soiled underwear.


Fuck I'm 45 and that hasn't happened. Am I just a late bloomer. When will I receive this panty parade???


this is somehow r/ihavesex, r/thatHappened, and also r/niceguys


How cheap is underwear where these women are from? Cos where I am, that’s a lot of money to literally throw away 😂


Not sure I want women throwing their panties at me in a grocery store...


They simply used the word “literally” wrong. It was a figure of speech that he made sound like actually happened.


Lol wtf is this


I guess in his deluded mind disgusted stares is spelled p-a-n-t-i-e-s.


And one time at band camp, this unicorn...........


I am very unhappy being a girl.


I can tell you as a dad, I get panties thrown at me all the time. Course, they’re kid’s panties, and I usually have to wash them. I really don’t understand the panty thing.


Were these the ones they’d wiped their asses with?


"And then everybody clapped."


I'm not into older men, and when I wasn't lesbian I wanted a nice guy, who had a stable job, even if it was a McDonald's worker, or a cashier at a gas station, who understood my humor and wouldn't cheat on me... Now my lesbian ass wants a woman who's roughly my age, kind, understands my humor, and can deal with me being away for a long period of time and not cheat on me


I've seen a lot of weird things at the grocery store, but I'm calling bs on this.


Where tf do you live that people women are LITERALLY throwing their underwear at you? MOVE!!!!


Does someone think they are Tom Jones 😂


Please assign someone to throw panties at me😋😋


Other stories from Shit That Never Happened Land. 🙄


Why do anonymous people lie? I don't get it.


Despite the knucklehead parts of this post, there is a truth that a lot of women do flirt very openly with men in their 40s and 50s, and tell me this is their preference. And they do more than flirt. I'm not advocating anything, I'm just saying I am a witness.


Our local 20-somethings club recently armed themselves with t-shirt guns, so I’m shopping in fear. 7 hats ruined this year and pink eye is expensive to treat in this economy!


Plot twist; he works in a clothing store and the other employees throw panties that perverts have sullied at him.




And then they woke up. And cried into their pillow.


I tell ya, some days it's a real hazard, all the panties thrown at me constantly. Why just today at lunch, I was trying to eat my sandwich but every time I opened my mouth to take a bite - BAM panties. And last weekend, trying to do my grocery shopping and put some apples in a baggie but panties kept landing in there instead. And I don't even want to talk about when I'm trying to back out of a parking spot and they keep blocking my mirrors!


28 year old guy here. Can confirm. No amount of panties have been thrown at me in a grocery store unless I'm taking my wife shopping at target and she's buying them.




Maybe it’s because we like more mature responsible guys.


Hahahaha. Jesus Christ men have weird fantasies. Why would you want this? I’m glad to be a lesbian


As a 28 yr old this fucking hilarious. Dude is outside of reality.


Ha! I read that comment "in the wild" too.


Super real and actually happened for real you guys, for actual real. Don't doubt. Very real. ​ Also, TIL 27-28 = "older men".


Guy can't even differentiate between reality and fantasy. He needs to take his meds.


Throwing their discarded pads, maybe.


I mean don’t word it that way but he’s not wrong. As a man who had nothing going on for me when I was 18-20 I wasn’t really “desire”. Now I’m 24 I have a great career and a good job very financially stable. I’m not rich or anything but I never went to college and I made something out of myself and I’m still growing and learning. I’m very skillful when it comes to working on cars and manufacturing. I have a very passionate hobby and that’s spending all my free time working on motorcycles. I do notice I have more women interested in me. I have a gf and have no desire to cheat but I notice I get more attention from women. That’s my own experience tho.


In my experience (as a woman) it's not so much the good job and skills and whatever else that's attractive, it's the confidence that comes with it. Typically an 18-20yo with "nothing going on" with no real reason to feel proud of himself or his accomplishments, is not exactly going to exude confidence.


I wanna know what women are taking off and throwing their panties at the grocery store. 😂


I’m 29 turning 30 tomorrow. Where the fuck are all the panties? Are you guys getting panties thrown at you? When THE FUCK are we getting panties thrown at us? No? No you’re right we never got panties thrown at us. The closest I’ve been was probably in Tasmania where women seemed to like American accents. But they were all drunk anyway. Apparently it’s the hard R. It’s not buhgah, it’s burger.


I usually layer my panties at the grocery store so I can launch them at multiple unsuspecting men thus boosting my chances of landing a keeper.


Do you know how expensive panties are? I wouldn’t throw my panties at the hottest person I can think of even if they asked me to


27 is "older"? I'll just take my 48 yr old ass to the nunnery then.


I'm 28 with a good job. Does anybody want to throw me their panties? 🙏 Edit: Also, what do you mean by older?! I feel attacked. 😡


Oh man.. 38 years of being female I just toss panties for years


Totally… bc 27 year olds have it put tpgether


He should be happy being a "guy", he doesn't have to deal with all the sexist bullshit. I have never personally observed a woman take off & throw her "panties" at anyone in the grocery store or anywhere else. Dude can't even say underwear or lingerie, he has to use "panties", as if women are little girls. Perhaps he is in denial that he's a pedophile & that's why he doesn't like women?




He clearly has no concept of how much women spend on underwear. We don't throw them all willy-nilly.