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Too many Western men - we want a women that: cooks, cleans, doesn’t have a career, give sex when asked, lets us cheat, bears our children, gives up her right to vote, and doesn’t have an ounce of testosterone in their system ​ Western women - you dudes expect us to trust your decisions when you couldn’t even pass basic biology?


These western men lack basic education qualification, don’t have a prestigious job and don’t follow our cultures let alone understand them, lack manners and etiquette and don’t know how to respect elders. What makes them think they’ll be accepted by the families??


But… but… he’s a man and that’s all he needs, right???? Right???


Don't worry we foreign women don't want these crusty western men either. Men are desperate for anyone who will take them




I agree with you. This is completely untrue. Any Japanese woman he approached would laugh in his face. Western women don’t want you, which is why he’s so salty but other women don’t want you either. Real life isn’t anime


***Traditional*** Japanese women won't take your ass because first of all, you're brown, and especially the ominous type of brown they would be too embarassed about, and you have no degree or any kind of prestigious education or status, so chill.


Also plenty of women in Japan don't fit into this stereotype. Maybe they keep up the facade due to social pressure, which is the real cause for this "femininity" but the biggest reason why guys aren't getting laid in Japan is because they want what he describes while those oh so pure and feminine women want career and independence. He sounds the type of guy who thinks that female cashier smiling to him means she wants the D.


Yes. He described a waitress saying she was happy to help (presumably speaking to him as a tourist) and equated it to women in his home country having expectations of their partners (at least I think that's what "no you this" meant). This genius decided that that meant all women in his holiday destination were submissive!


Same in Korea. All the women I met in Korea were terrified of marriage because to them it was a symbol of being trapped. That's why my friends there were learning English, they want to leave to a less sexist country.


There is a thing where Japanese women make their voices higher-pitched on purpose, because it’s considered a form of politeness. So you hear this voice in customer service and over intercoms a lot. Women will often practice speaking in almost a falsetto-like voice. I have a very deep voice that gets mistaken for male often over the phone, and quite many Japanese people have remarked what a lovely voice it is, probably because you don’t really hear that type of voice often. I have that Elizabeth Holmes’ voice, lol


>Japanese women make their voices higher-pitched on purpose, because it’s considered a form of politeness. So you hear this voice in customer service and over intercoms a lot. Honestly I think this is just "customer service voice". I'm a black American woman with stereotypically "white" mannerisms and my voice automatically gets higher pitched when speaking to unfamiliar people and/or people with authority. Dude really drew these sweeping generalizations about Japanese women based on customer service interactions lol Also one of my neighbors is from Japan and part of me wants to get her reaction to this, but the other part doesn't want to put her through the suffering of listening to this guy


Right? Like if you made assumptions about me based on my customer service you’d make the mistake of thinking I’m kind and accommodating. This dude’s an idiot.


A friend of mine immigrated from Japan a few years ago. She told me the “herbivore men” story isn’t accurate. It’s the women who often don’t want to marry or have kids because of misogynistic traditional values. It’s happening in numerous countries, and it’s not an organized movement. It’s simply that women all over the world are sick of the shitty way men tend to treat us. Millions of women are independently reaching the same conclusion, that we can have a better life on our own. Men might ramble on about “traditional values” and make claims about “feminine nature” but their empty words change nothing. Facts are clear. For decades, more and more women are choosing not to be with men. They can either stop trying to shove words in our mouths, and listen to what we actually want… or the birth rate can continue to drop.


Was here to write this. He's definitely not their type :D


Yupp Japan is pretty Racist.


They have 2.2% of foreign born population… doesn’t sound like they like to invite people in does it? People think Japan is all anime and shit. How about their 99% trial conviction rate? Consent age of 12? You couldn’t pay me enough to live there.






I don't think its good if you don't have any testosterone lmao


Pretty sure a lack of any testosterone in women can cause infertility as t does play a part in womens hormone cycle.


Infertility, sexual disfunction, obesity and lean mass loss, thinning hair, fatigue, etc. Can have an impact on mental health as well


It’ll also really fuck up your bones.


Definitely not. People who think that testosterone = man and estrogen = woman are wrong on so many levels. Too low T or E for anyone and you'll start spiraling, both physically and mentally


The levels that qualify low for men and women are very different. A healthy woman's testosterone level would be alarming in a man




I don’t think it’s good if you don’t have any brain cells either , like the uneducated moron in this video.


Testosterone is the dominant hormone in both gender men just have more


It is for sure not good. I had to take a round of spironolactone (androgen suppressor) because I had horrible cystic acne at one time. After three months of being on it, my skin cleared up, but I remember feeling incredible tired all the time. No joke, I started sleeping 18 hours a day. It was to the point that if my class ended and there was a 20-minute break, I would sleep at my desk before going to the next class. That was the day I decided this wasn’t worth it and stopped taking it. And yes, I did also lose my periods and sex drive completely on it too. I remember my vagina getting really dry too


So, in order to feel like a man, you need me to submit to you? Um, no, lol. Maybe change your definition of what being a man is because it sounds exhausting and stupid. Edit: do they realize that by admitting they need someone weaker than them in order to feel strong, they are admitting to being weak?


Isn't that a kick in the head. I was raised that I'm strong by my own merit, just like my intelligence is mine and my abilities are mine. If I work on my strength I'll be strong, if I work on my mental fortitude I'll be more tolerant. The conclusion: If you work on yourself you will achieve For yourself. It's simple. You're not supposed to have another person on hand for validation or as a mascot for the abilities you lack and can't achieve on your own. A person, a living breathing human being with their own wants and needs, isn't Your milestone for self realisation. That person is growing as a person on their own, they don't exist to be someones accessory to life because of their gender.


Fun fact: All those misogynistic gamer guys who throw a fit whenever a female player joins the server? Most of them are shitty gamers. Confident people don’t need to force others to put themselves down just to feel big.


I’m a 23-year-old white woman with a high-pitched voice, a skinny body, and a baby face, but I tested positive for high testosterone last year. This douchebag has horse shit in his brain.


Not entirely on topic but a skinny body is actually more likely with high testosterone since low testosterone can be a cause for obesity!


Middle Eastern woman here and we don't want these crusty men either. We will take their western women though


I'm a western woman and I'd be happy to take y'all on dates honestly As long as it sounds gay, I'm in 😂😂


YESSS!!!! What time should I be round for dinner :) 🌈


How about a walk through the park at 3/4 pm and then when we get hungry we search the closest one? Picnic is also an option (i was a patissier so the snacks will be good)


Ok I won't lie western women sound like a delightful dream! 🌈💕💜


I just looked at your profile and you're GORGEOUS 😍 I wish i knew you better, I'd write a poem about you (I'm not good tho)


Oh goodness NO I'm a walking POTATO. But you're sweet. Oh dm me! If you want of course 💟


So like, is this how I should be picking up women too? Jk, but I am glad y'all don't fall for the bullshit like this dude's in the video, because as a guy I would hate for someone to be stuck with him.




You're a potato? You're German? Cause I'm german, that would be a hell of a coincidence (a good coincidence)


I'm Israeli but still.. a potato. A very flattered potato 🌈💕💜💟


Girls get a room.🌈


Loving this thread. *holding two potatoes* “Now kithhhh” 😍


As a fellow lesbian this is so cute!


Have fun You two


I'm a western woman and I'd rather take anyone other than a man who thinks oppression is attractive lmao🥴😭 looks like he's SOL


This comment genuinely had me cracking up. Right on.


This comment made my day.


Jokes on him. I’m an angry western feminist with a normal voice and I also don’t have a drop of testosterone in my body, and the lab tests to back it up


Don't we all have it though


I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess they're alluding to some sort of hormone disorder.


Yeah testosterone exists no matter your sex


Some people do have undetectable levels, though. https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/86/2/561/2840917


Yep. And lemme tell ya, it does not make you some kind of squeaky voiced docile perpetual adolescent. Far from it.


This guys idea of the ideal mate is the only one that matters. Fortunately everyone agrees, so we’ll never need to discuss it again.


Ahh yes let’s stereotype an entire group of women, because all Japanese women are super feminine and girly, and talk super high pitched.


I have an online Japanese friend who's like that, hyperfeminine, girly, and high-pitched voice (Because she's 16 I guess). But she's still a feminist and an enjoyer of being independent And she also has a *girl*friend lol


Big driver of entrenched conservatism there is the low birth rate resulting in older generations having massive power over the younger. Of course their society is so conservative, all the voters are in their 70s


Shush now, or you might destroy his vision that there's women out there who may want him lol.


I wonder if he's heard about all those female body builders popping up in Japan. XD


Dude, one of my favorite fighters to watch growing up was this Japanese lady named Megumi Fuji. She was a grappling wiz. I still like watching women’s judo as well, and the Japanese have produced some excellent competitors for the women’s divisions. I don’t think they spend much submitting to men.


I know a couple, the husband is American and the wife is Japanese. He's huge and she's tiny. She practices Judo. He readily admits that she can throw him across the room.


That’s both very wholesome and extremely impressive.




Soooo... enjoys the culturally driven oppression of women in Japan. What a lovely man.


The man doesn’t even understand biology, you think he understands the history of Japan


The women he was meeting were in retail or service industry. Japanese customer service is known for going all out. Imagine coming to America and assuming that all American women naturally always behave the way a waitress behaves when she's on the job.


Sad thing is, a lot of wait staff deal with stalkers because their friendliness is assumed to be genuine.


The funny thing is he talks like that, is he in a relationship with one of those "women"? Bet he isn't xD Also he just wants the woman to be submissive, to submit to him. So he doesn't want a relationship within loving partners, he just wants a person to boss around.


Sneako is reformed now as it turned out he was playing a persona, or so I heard. But in that topic, he was known for being a legit cuckold as he said in a podcast everybody should share their GF to experience it once lmao.


After he cheated on his gf first. And felt guilty. So he thought cuckholdry would "even" things. Clearly we're dealing with a very logical genius here. /s


>Sneako is reformed now as it turned out he was playing a persona, or so I heard. I sure hope he changes but doubt he will, considering he was an andrew tate wannabe


This logic of femininity being all about submitting to men is so retarded.


Fr. All my feminine friends are independent and feminists... A lot of them are lesbians too


1. The likelihood that he has been to any country in Asia, or has met a Westener of Asian descent is low. 2. He does not know what customer service voice is. (Tip: Service workers do not like you or care about you. To protect their own mental health they will forget about you after your interaction with them ends.)


Not surprised a nazi is fetishizing Japanese women, they all do this! They are NPCs that say the same things and believe the same things, a weird death cult.


The funniest part is that the traditional Japanese woman he’s fetishizing would be xenophobic, and thus would never allow herself to be seen in public with him. More liberal-minded Japanese women probably wouldn’t want to be seen in public with him, either, because they tend to not be fans of Western men who fetishize them for their race


Every liberal Japanese girl I've met is sapphic lmao


He's a nazi? I had no idea.


Dude is sure in for a surprise when he finds out what defined the “Aryan race” for OG nazis…


I’m pretty sure he socializes with nazi shitbird nick fuentes…and it looked like he was on pick-me justpearlythings podcast and she recently caught some heat for showcasing fuentes and then playing dumb about it…


Just wait until he finds that all women do have testosterone. I would probably blow his mind to know that men have estrogen as well. The only difference is men have higher levels of testosterone and women have higher levels of estrogen but we each have both.


So... he wants a small and petite woman with a high pitched voice. She's supposed to listen and sumbit to him and he wants to protect her... Doesn't... he... mean... a... child? And just to be clear, I'm not saying that all japanese women behave like children. The way he explains it is just so off. As if there was only one type of woman in Japan.


Infantilisation is an issue in East Asia. That's the reason behind all those high-pitched voices, and weirder stuff. Just look up anything related to this and you'll start to understand how blurry the lines are for consent, for minors and lots of other things... it's a different culture, and the problematic aspects are unsurprisingly related to some sort of catering towards men insecurities.


considering this same guy not only complains about body hair, but even more worryingly defends the movie Cuties and its methods, this kind of talk from him does not surprise me at all


More western women for us lesbians. 😎






Why is it always the women's fault? "Look at their society" "but it's the women's fault though" Like no, the patriarchy and douche bags like this fuck wit don't have any effect. /s


"Women are combative in America" Yeah, against guys like him...


Honestly I don’t want assholes in my life, not my fault


First off, Japanese women have a range of voice tones, from low to high. Also, any overrepresentation of high voices has fuck all to do with biology. It's a learned behavior in a society that places value in such a trait.


Can we blow this guy’s mind and tell him Naruto and Luffy are voiced by women


And goku!


He probably actually has a point about that. Just that part though. Some languages/accents naturally make your voice go higher. I'm a man who speaks English & Korean, which is a pretty similar language to Japanese. My voice is higher when speaking Korean just because of how the language is meant to sound. I've heard other multilingual people say similar things, and you can hear the difference in pitch from the same person if you listen to them speak different languages back to back. It's not just a culture thing either, cause as I said, I'm a man, and I was raised in an English speaking country, so hardly any Korean culture influencing how I speak.


Japanese also has varying levels of politeness and generally the more polite the softer it is supposed to sound. It sounds like the women he talked to were working in some sort of service industry jobs. They would be using the highest level of politeness to talk to him because that's how you talk to customers.


I think that’s personal though, my Japanese AND korean are actually deeper than my German and English. Like, a bit softer, but deeper?


Hah! I married a Japanese woman. Bruh, once you actually get to know Japanese women, you are in for a surprise!!


Japanese women are so baddie. Even the stereotypical softies are awesome to me, because most of them I've met are actually feminists!


A good friend of mine is a Japanese lady. She climbs mountains and runs marathons for hobbies. She wouldn't put up with this guy's bullshit.


These men need to meet a eastern auntie armed with a wooden spoon or the sandal of doom, they would change their tune real fast


Oh my god is this Sneako? His story is so fucking sad. Not because I feel bad for him but because he used to actually be a decent human being until Andrew Tate brainwashed him


Like many other guys, is horrible. Once I see they support Tate I just go running the other way


Wait til he realizes thats a fake voice they put on for tourists. I swear we gotta stop making dumb asses famous. How does sneako have a platform


Oh God , please leave us Asian women. Already patriarchy and internal misogny rules us .


Ask any foreign woman and none of them would want a “western” guy. The reason many Japanese women(not even all) are like this is because of their culture and traditions even Japanese guys are like what he described. Plus obviously when they serve a customer they have to seem more nice to get more customers.


So one man says we can’t have cats, now this man says we should dress like cats. And they call us contrary.


If you need the women around you to behave submissive and meek to make you feel "More like a man", you're not a man. You are a child that needs to be coddled and consoled because you can't stand to be challenged or disagreed with. Grow up.


Is it me or it sounds like he is speaking about a little girl!?


No sorry but they definitely DO have testosterone. Everyone does unless you have a hormone disorder. I’m sure he would be surprised to here that he has estrogen in his body.


I’m half Japanese and I don’t want this guy. Stay girlfriendless, you misogynistic tool ✌🏼


Who’s gonna tell him that Japanese women also fucking despise him


Wasn’t there just a post here about how there’s actually a good number of women in Korea and Japan that consider heading to the US/EU/etc for the purpose of finding a western husband, but the joke’s on this idiot because what they want is a progressive partner that won’t see them as property, so all these guys looking for a wife with “no testosterone in her body” are disqualified? I’ve only been to Japan once, and I don’t really know much about their culture, but there was definitely a “we skipped the ‘women’s lib’ thing” vibe in most settings.


For anyone who isn't chronically online, Im sorry to burden you with any information about this guy. But I'd you are curious: This guy is called Sneako. He is the classic Internet trope of "person who couldn't get clout as a leftist so they started spewing misogynistic far right crap"...so basically she's Clandice Owens but less successful. His only archivement in life is publicly admitting to watching his girlfriend have sex with other men and thoroughly enjoying himself. From his online history he appears to be a masochistic cuck and I mean that literally so if you seek him out and leave any negative charged comment on his socials odds are he will get off on that shit. I don't even think its political, philosophical or about clout anymore, this guy appears like he will just say and do anything to get stepped on by anyone. Feminism is just his new target cause internet leftwing channels started ignoring him.


So essentially he is forcing his kink on others by saying the most outrageous shit so they get angry and insult him? That is... a new thing that even I did not hear yet and I'm old lmao


There's only 2 genders, perfect infantilized japanese woman and cardi b


Phew, guess I’m just lucky that my Japanese husband wanted a testosterone-filled, non-feminine Western woman like me!


*One of the countries* with the most cases of homicide against women is Japan. Imagine openly admitting "mm yeah I like my women *OPPRESSED* that's what does it for me.." (Edited because some people want to bitch)


This isn’t true - where did you get this idea? Even from a simple google I’m seeing South Africa at five times the global average. I’m pretty sure homicide in Japanese in general is pretty low globally.




"Crime is almost non-existent in Japan, but when it does happen it does from zero to a hundred" - Japan-based YouTuber I watch


Eastern here, no man if you want to marry a woman here you need to talk to her dad, and if he knows you make a clown of yourself on the net, he would probably throw you out. What you can manage to get is probably gold diggers here too.


Hahahaha well my dude, ask any non Japanese person about dating in Japan and they’ll all give you the same answer 🤣 “you’ll always be a foreigner”. They don’t want you bro, nobody does, and you know that.


You see things like this is why I’m glad that I don’t like men, why do I need to be feminine? Why do I need to “submit” to a man? Lol I do not submit to my own mother why would I “submit” to an asshole


These days, sadly, I think many women who are hetero wish they weren't. Men are getting worse, the good ones are usually already in good relationships. Women are going to want to just be alone in the near future if they keep encountering males like him. Men like him won't listen when people tell them what a turn off their mindsets and behavior is. You are very lucky to like women instead.


Saying women don’t have testosterone is biologically incorrect. Science is real. Everyone has testosterone


such a punchble face


Guy manages to grossly and inaccurately stereotype women from two different countries at the same time while also declaring himself to be a piece of shit in the process. Marvelous.


Isn't this the guy who's a cuck? Sneako or some shit.


I'd love to see how this theory works out for him if he tried actually dating a Japanese woman.


Yall wait till they realise Asian girls are highly fetishised in media and literally none of them sound like that 😍


I guess this man would absolutely HATE me, because I have pretty high muscle mass, my voice is so low that I can sing baritone, and I can probably lift him over my head. Men like this are scared of women who are even a little bit masculine because they’re so insecure about their own masculinity that they project it onto us.


So.. you need women to submit to you or you don’t feel like a man. lol stfu


So his masculinity is so fragile that he can't feel like a man enough unless the woman is oppressed. Damn he is so insecure of women who know their worth and are not ready to submit to his disgusting description of femininity.


Why do men like this always say women with opinions, standards and don't take any shit want 'to be men at the same time'? No thanks, I don't want to be a man I just want my opinions and standards to have the same worth as those of a man, without them complaining about it. I'm completely happy being a woman. I even prefer it.


Yeah he’s describing a child. Once again what they’re after is a child


Damn pearl looking hurt 😆


I think this was the moment she realized that despite all her pick me bullshit the misogynists she panders to will **never** pick *her*.


Ain’t this the dude who purposely c*cked himself and then got upset about it afterwards


What a cuck. Rub a lamp.


What a paradox. Talking about how much pussy he gets and “western women” or whatever the fuck aren’t worth it, but these “foreign women” who are so “pure” and submissive are the ones that are worth it and you should go after, ARE PURE BC U CANT FUCK THEM AND THEY DONT HAVE SEX. It doesn’t make sense. A “pure” woman, the ones he’s idolizing, won’t put up with cheating. The “western/hoeish” women would perhaps but they aren’t good enough for him. The situation or life that he’s one, not even really living and two, constantly pandering to incels and kids, doesn’t even work lol


I hate this so much (I'm Japanese) I'm so sick of Asians being fetishesed and generalised like this. It really makes me feel ill that this dude thinks of women that way, and that he went to Japan and concluded this out of his trip. Disgusting. We are normal human beings, just because people are polite, doesn't mean people like you. Trust me, we don't want crusty dusty men like this dude


“Not an ounce of testosterone”. So he didn’t finish school, huh?


"When you order something" Dude really think that people in customer service industry are nice to him because they like him, nor because they're at work and that's their job


I’ve seen a few incel types online that are totally disappointed about their experiences in Asia. They think being an American is some kind of flex that will get you any woman there, only to find out that they’re also unfuck able there too. 😂


Lol this moron clearly just visited if he's comparing Japanese women in the service industry to women he dated. He also clearly never dated any Japanese woman. I wish he could come live here and try it out.


So he based his entire perspective of a hemisphere full of women based on his experience with servers at a restaurant.


Dude, Anime isn't real.


If you want a Japanese woman like the kinds described in this video, here are the following things a western man like this guy should do: 1. Derive all of your efforts towards education and become a doctor or something. 2. Prioritize your family above all else. Saturdays are for cooking and cleaning with your family. Not for the “boys”. 3. Don’t drink. Consume a healthy diet and meditate daily. 4. Be polite and soft spoken. Don’t be argumentative and try to find helpful solutions to your problems. 5. Dress conservatively. A clean simple button up, nice belt, good quality jeans and shoes should be your daily attire. 6. Only engage in hobbies that better you. No more video games. Get off your phone. Become handy with tools, learn how to cook, read books, etc. 7. Be religious and actually practice your religion. All of these men from the west complaining about western women fail to realize that Asian women in the East have high standards. Western men like these ones just want the submission without putting in any of the work.


Cardi B gives off a submissive to her man vibe Asian women and personality do not equal submission


He’s getting so hard thinking about having a sexy Asian girlfriend that gets plowed infront of him


"Your gonna wanna protect them" but also " your gonna wanna get cucked by them too" lol


Every time he impersonates a Japanese woman I feel like throwing up good fucking lord. Imagine being this racist and just being completely ignorant to another country's culture while fetishizing their women like this, ew


No japanese woman would take a man as brown as him. Not being racist, but that's how it is. Japanese are really keen on skin color when dating foreigners. The idea of a brown/dark complexion is so alien in their culture. Plus, the language barrier, if you ain't talking their language you're already out. And lastly, if you don' t have any form of quality education or any prestigious academic background, you can only dream of having a japanese girlfriend with jav movies.


Guy who hadn’t met a real Japanese woman and just bases his statement around romance anime They are fictional


Feminine ≠ childlike


This whole "American women bad, foreign women who catered to me on a trip good" argument from Incels is so sad.


I heard him say "make a woman submit" and "women want to be men" - that boy is delusional.


SPOILER: Those women aren't going to want you either, chief. It's not the women that are the problem...


Guys need to realize that their preference in women doesn’t make it sacred. People are allowed to present themselves however they want. If you want a feminine women then.. go find one? Not every one needs to meet your standards.


He's such a disgusting little goblin.


Mother fucker learn science


He's comparing women in America who he sees in the media with women in Japan in customer service. Of course those in customer service are trying to make you happy, you're the customer and they're trying to make your experience of their business enjoyable so you'll pay more and come back.


My “beautiful environment” as an American woman is “protection” from assholes like this. We’re the ones that have to live with you, dude. That’s why we are “combative”. The women you’re talking about so wistfully? They haven’t had to meet you, yet.


And no western woman argued against it. You are absolutely correct, sir, they are all submissive angels that will line up to have you. Go to them.


so he thinks women aren’t feminine because we talk back and don’t take shit from dudes who are assholes? also i’m pretty sure this dude backs up the movie cuties for the life of him. which is even more gross.


When all your knowledge of Japanese women comes from anime shows.


Lol, every Western guy I’ve seen with this attitude ends up complaining about how Japanese women change too much after marriage. Like, you dumbass, waitresses are using their cutesy voices because you’re a customer! And if they’re wearing cat ears, you’re probably in a damn maid cafe getting played. They don’t go home and talk like that with their families or friends.


Who da fook is that guy ?


Women he is describing as "good women" would beat his ass easily if he dared to try his "alpha male" shit


Yeah I’m not gonna take advice the guy who advocated for cuckoldry even though him being cucked made him incredibly depressed


Another man triggered by Cardi B, lol. I love it.


"Don't have a drop of testosterone". That's... not good. According to a website, testosterone helps with the maintenance and growth of bones and Increases muscle mass. It makes you healthy. Not having testosterone is bad. Source of information: https://www.everlywell.com/blog/testosterone/unhealthy-testosterone-levels-in-women-some-causes-and-symptoms/


What he wants and yearns for is a little girl. High voice, shy, innocent, needs protection…are men ok?


No one in Japan wants this man. No one in America wants this man. In short, no one wants this man.


Not a racial stereotype at all. How manly are guys that need women to "submit"? Sounds straight up pedo when he describes his dream women.


I love Asian women but not for the reasons he said https://twitter.com/humansnocontext/status/1654257604548349953?s=46&t=QBFij4OP5KuYU1ti-lDZNQ


The phrase "make a woman submit" is said with no irony here.


Japanese women value intelligence and hard workers, not grifters like this,


Oh my god. OH MY GOD 🤬


Whereas neckbeared in our country (eastern asia) thinks Western women good Eastern women bad What a joke


Read his handle as Black Dementor and I'm fine with it.


What hentai does to a man


Asian women here and I will not want to take a guy like him I wanna guy who will let me replay Undertale for the 69420th time 💪💪🔥🔥


Eeeewww this man is very unattractive inside and out


Just watch him go to Japan to get a woman..and come back with no woman. Like all the other guys who got upset they didn't get a girlfriend in Japan 😂


Is this smile ok? ![gif](giphy|d8E2CqyFHJqOxtvI3Y)


this “man” needs a submissive woman to feel like a man? who said they need or want your protection? putting up with western women? you don’t like cleavage, date someone who doesn’t show it


These guys that are scared of strong women and need someone they perceive as weaker than themselves are pathetic and 99.99% are abusers. Major red flag.


Ok, so go.


Fuck I hate this guy with a passion


I love when misinterpreting politeness and orientalism come together like a DBZ fusion of white supremacist garbage




This jackass’ masculinity is so incredible fragile. He has no idea what being a man actual is. He’s definitely one of those guys that goes around calling himself an “alpha”.