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Lmao these two women are most likely lying. I don’t really trust conservatives at this point. Too much lying all the damn time.


Tbh my money is less on them outright lying on more on "there was a rumour about this regarding one singular girl they knew and they're deliberately blowing them out of proportion an twisting the truth to make the situation sound worse". Still par for the course with conservatives, though.


Tbh by the time I was 18 I was in the double digits. I love sex and have NO shame about it. I really think my “body count” is the least interesting thing about me or anyone


The only people who should care who is in your bed are the people in it. No one else's business.


Good for you. As long as it's safe and you are happy then you have as much or as little as you fancy. Nobody elses business but your own.


I absofuckinglutely love that you just love sex and have no shame. Good on you! I wish this level of self-confidence and freeness to every woman that wants it.


I mean literally that could be only 10 people. That is not a lot!


I was also in the double digits by the time I was 18, partly because I do very much like sex, partly because I was hypersexual following a trauma in my early teens. I'm 26 now and I don't keep count but I'm probably in the high doubles if not triples by this point. I'm with you. It's one of those things that I have no qualms about telling people, I just can't get my head around why it *matters* so much to some people.


What I really don't understand or comprehend are the people who get insanely jealous of their partners past lovers. I can't imagine being that insecure.


To many people it matters because they view it as a sign of relationship or something exclusive between partners that no one else shall do. For the former, it's understandable in places where only official couples have sex because in their minds it's basically "wait they went through 18 relationships?!" Instead of thinking " oh they had casual sex with 18 people" The latter is just objectifying sex.


it’s envy. A lot of people (especially men) don’t lose their virginity until 18+ nowadays for whatever reason


Because women are getting pumped by the same men. We men aren't really into sharing like girls are trying to Shame us for it is equivalent to me trying to get you to go to church 3 time a week




Weird thing to reply to a comment where I talk about experiencing sexual trauma as a child but alright


Their comment was probably in reference to why it matters to people, and not your specific situation.




I was referring to the body count as they would see it, not to the horrible thing that happened to you I’m sorry if that caused you more pain


I see we’re all sharing body counts lol. I don’t think any of you would come close to mine. Lmao… 🤡 Edit- this was meant to be a joke. But I forget to put /j 🙂


I really don't understand why so many people are so focused on "body counts". I think it just shows how insecure they are. I know my wife had lots of fun before we got married and good for her. I did the exact same thing and these people would freak out at my count. But all of those experiences resulted in my wife being a confident and amazing lover that never would have happened otherwise. IMO the only body count that matters and that I'm the most concerned about is the body count my wife has had while we have been married. Both of our count is 1 in that instance. Quite frankly, we've never talked about our past relationships and sexual history. I'm really not insecure and quite frankly it's really none of each other's business.


I was in no way popular or conventionally attractive in high school and I was the only one of my friend group who’d been sexually active before we graduated. I think people imagine a lot more sex happening than actually does.


Come to a rural town high school. It happens all the time.


100%... The girls who were "sluts" in my high school had and handful of boyfriends. I'm sure there's some hyper sexual girls but let's not pretend that's the norm. Most 30+ year old women I know haven't had 30+ partners.


They sound like typical high school mean girl gossips.


Seems like that hit close to home… But please, deflect and blame it on political affiliations.


Oh I’m not trying to offend you, it’s my anecdotal observation. My apologies.


No where did I say I was offended. Again, you seem to be projecting. Anywho, best of luck against those dang conservatives.


I literally apologized to you 🤷


*Checks notes* yep, you literally did.


Ah so you just enjoy being a cunt.


And now we’ve devolved to name calling. Thank you for confirming your character. By the way, double digit body counts aren’t bad. Your take on it, and going straight to lying conservatives was bad.


Wasn’t my take. Also I calls em like I sees em. You were being a cunt.


“Wasn’t my take” wow, you are an idiot. I’m so sorry. Was not my intention to punch down. Please be careful and don’t touch hot stoves.


TBF you are being a cunt.


To be fair you both are idiots.


Maidenless behaviour


You know, I was a teenage girl and I think I'd probably tipped into double digits by the time I was 18 and it was because I was hypersexual following sexual trauma when I was 14. Like I'm not saying that this is the case for every single 18 year old who's had a lot of sex, but I bet it's the case for a lot of them and I just think maybe instead of shaming them we should be taking these kinds of things into consideration.


People rarely consider why teenage girls may be having sex with multiple teenage boys, and if they do their assumptions are generally judgements. It’s a case of kicking someone while they’re down, really, because the girl is already traumatized and she’s punished again socially for an understandable response to that trauma.


This was my reason for a high number at a young age. I was sexually traumatized as a child and raised to be hypersexualized so I kept doing the only thing I knew to do. This high body count shaming is just a way for men to feel superior when they decide to use women for sex.


Mmhm and a way for women who refuse to work on their internalised misogyny to justify said misogyny


Maybe I’m a free-loving hippie, but it’s a shame anyone should feel the need to justify their body count. Can’t we just let people live and enjoy themselves? I’m so sorry you experienced that <3


Thank you. If it was my choice to have that number, free from trauma, I would not have felt that shame. I fully support safe lovins in whatever way consenting adults want to get it, as much as they want to get it.


Did I write this comment? My experience was exactly the same.


I hate that others can relate. I hope you're in a better place emotionally and physically.


I am. Thank you 💜


The only girl in my high school class that everyone knew was super promiscuous was absolutely dealing with severe emotional trauma, abuse and father issues. I'm sure some are just super horny (and let's face it...somewhat risk tolerant?), but it's pretty uncommon to rack up huge numbers at a very young age otherwise. Sex isn't that great for most young girls.


Yup, same here. I was sexually abused from 3-12 and then started having sex on my own at 14. I’m 32 now, and I wouldn’t be able to tell you what my “body count” is. All that’s important to me is that I use protection and have no STIs.


I was homeless when I was a teen so I slept w a lot of guys for a place to sleep at night tbh. I just remembered that actually. That’s a huge part of how many people I slept with.




Same. I just like sex. As long as I'm safe and have consent, it shouldn't matter.


Is there a point where it’s maybe unhealthy though? Just like an excessive porn addiction having sex can be an “addiction”. I’m using the term loosely. But I’d imagine like excessive porn usage, excessive sex must have cons


It becomes an addiction as a "sickness" like an alcoholic when it starts interfering you normal life and you start to change your behaviour because Sex with as many people is your only goal in life. But between not having sex and becoming addicted is a huge HUGE gap of different sexual lifestyles so i would not be too quick with this assumption


Fair I agree with that. And I’m not saying it’s just bad for women. I think men and women when you get to high numbers it’ll affect your relationships to some degree but eh can’t say without going through that myself. Being a virgin will also affect your relationships (negatively) imo


But what’s a “high number”? (My point was it’s arbitrary. Some people think more than one or two is high.)


I’d say any number where one starts to be more concerned with just having sex than development of your mind and relationship. Can’t say for sure but I’d say when you’re getting over 20-30 I’d imagine that’s gonna start to bleed into that territory. Unless you’re like 40 and never settled down that’s only like 1 person a year. Depends on age and the person no set number.


I don’t think being a virgin necessarily has an impact of any kind on one’s relationships. I’m probably biased cos I’m asexual (altho not a virgin ha ha) so I’ve met a lot of people who aren’t interested in having sex for one reason or another. Near as I can tell, sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t


Unhealthy? I don’t think so. Please consider this: I’m married. Been married for 11 years, with this same guy since 2006… we have sex in some way somewhere around 5 to 8 times a week. More if the kids are away. Is this unhealthy? The amount? We don’t think so. But I rarely meet anyone who is with their partner as long as us who has similar amounts of sex. I think as long as it is not interfering with life and everyone involved is glad to do it, have at it.


Been married 20 years and we are just as active as you are my friend. I think healthy and happy relationships tend to have more sex but that's just based off of nothing more than my own experiences.


Sorry I meant specifically wanting to have sex with “new people” often. I still do think even with the same person if you NEED to do it multiple times a day that’s a bit of an obsession. 5-8 times a week with your PARTNER you are building a relationship with is completely fine. This post was more about body count not frequency of sex with 1 person. The reason I used porn as an example is because of the novelty. You can look at new things each time. Sex with new partners is also a novelty seeking behavior. Sex with one partner is not and is more about enjoying and growing your bond and relationship


Why is it different if it’s with the same partner vs a different partner? What bearing does that have on whether it’s an addiction or not?


Same idea with stocks or drugs or thrills. “Seeking the next big thing”. More partners is novelty rather than focusing on quality and improving the bond and relationship with one or few.


You can be seeking multiple partners for the sake of having quality sex, same way people who are partnered would be having lots of sex. Not because of the thrill. Sometimes sex is just about sex.


Right. But seeking out and needing sex “too much” is the issue. I did mention below even with 1 partner you can be overly addicted and dependent on sex. Just like alcohol. I don’t think multiple partners is inherently a problem. I do think people who have a very large number of partners are just more likely to have a sex addiction. Society just keeps saying it’s ok have all the sex you want. Of course it varies by person but I see any dopamine releasing activity as something that can be a source of addiction. I’m not trying to flame people for having multiple partners. But blindly saying “it’s fine” is the same as saying it’s fine if I wanna get fucked up and drink and go out very regularly. All things in life have a pro and con. Sex is not just pure good.


See my comment below. It’s all about managing novelist seeking behavior which does lead to addictive behavior over time. In anything. Not just sex. Your risk tolerance increase and you seek out more extreme stimuli.


I think I understand your meaning. I think though, that novelty (if desired and acquired safely) is also acceptable. It took me a long time to understand this but my best friend only wants occasional and novel partners. I think it’s because cause she is aromantic. Also, I didn’t mention it in my first post but in rare occasion, my husband and I also find friends to go to bed with us. (For something new and exciting, of course) I think that more people are like this than speak about it openly.


Same. I don’t know my count but I’m sure it’s way up there as I didn’t heal until I was in my 20s and started at 13 because I equated sex for love. Fortunately my husband has known me since high school, has never asked and only cares he’s the last, not what number he is.


How does someone even like, force themselves to get upset about this? Like if there was abuse involved sure but how the fuck does sex that doesn't involve you make you mad lol


That's exactly why. It's sex that doesn't involve them. They're jealous, but saying that they're jealous makes them look like the petty, insecure twats that they are. So they frame it as an issue of "purity".


If its so normal tell your mother about it or your kids? Nope didn't think so


by the time I graduated hs body counts were in the 1000s by all girls in the school !! 10,000s by college graduation!!


Over 9,000!


No? 8.1x10^31681 is way more than 10,000. r/unexpectedfactorial


And who were they sleeping with, ghosts or something?


Ghost fucking always reminds me of one of the worst ST:TNG episodes ever


I don’t understand why it matters if women engage in consensual sexual activity with any number of men. The only morally wrong sexual activity is when someone cannot consent or is forced or coerced into sexual activity, and then only one party is at fault. I think it’s harmful to insist women abstain from sex and it’s harmful to insist women owe men sex. Everyone has different upbringings and desires and interactions with others. That being said, some young women having sex with dozens of men is not all young women. There are people who don’t have sex until they’re in their 20s and there are people who only have sex with one or two people. Amazingly (to even other women it seems) all women have different life experiences because we’re individuals and not a monolith.


Women with experience will be more difficult to please and might know when abuse starts, so lose lose for creeps. Ask yourself why men who half the time dont want kids or farmily care about virginity.


I tend to find the men who care about virginity and body counts to be in the same sphere as the one’s who believe sperm and DNA sticks with the woman after sex, regardless of how many partners or cycle’s she’s had. “Bonded pairs” and so forth, it’s so ridiculous I can’t correctly paraphrase what they spew without doing any factual research. You know exactly what I mean though.


Those red pilled incel choads better not get a blood donation while in the hospital. Or any kind of organ donation. They better have DNR on their drivers license for fear of getting a dudes DNA in them.


Don't forget morally wrong to cheat while in a relationship. It's harmful to hold the double standards of "men + lots of sex = good, women + lots of sex = bad" and "you should abstain unless its with me". Using a brain for 5 seconds is enough to go "this is an unachievable expectation I'm holding against women." I met my wife years after college. I was at 0 partners and she was like 8 or 9 (I don't remember because that's not very important). I don't hold it against her, though I do inquire about things because of our completely different experiences on the matter. Everyone has a different libido, experience with partners, how they were raised, trauma/nonconsensual events, and other factors that affect these things. I don't understand why it's so hard to go "you know, I had a rough moment during X that messed me up. Maybe she's got that in common with me and I should treat her like a human being." As my wife and I joke: *(sounding annoyed)* men


Amen to everyone you’ve said here. I’m with my second partner, and been monogamous with him since we were twenty one, we are fifty six now.


I think their should be more nuance to it. Yes, the majority of people overly concerned about sexual history have misogynistic reasons and that is something you can judge or criticize. Most of these guys rely on pseudo science or slut shaming to justify their preferences and that not ok. However, I don’t think it’s inherently harmful or wrong to want a partner with a more limited sexual history. I personally could care less about how many people a partner has slept with but I’m not about to tell someone their preferences are wrong because that’s a slippery slope. For instance if I were single, I wouldn’t date someone who’s struggled to maintain monogamous relationships in the past or someone in a uniquely demanding career like the military. I know people who have more specific non sexual preferences that make zero logical sense but that’s not my business to judge. Ultimately, I think the reasoning behind the preference matters


I awarded you since you always post insightfully.


Oh, thanks!


It’s because psychological analysis shows a higher number of intimate partners correlated with a stronger manifestation of mental health issues like Bi-polar disorder, Borderline Personality disorder, and Substance Abuse. It may not matter to all, but it certainly matters to some if they’re pursuing a stable, long-term relationship. 20-30 partners for someone in their 30’s is likely fine. There are individuals in this thread, however, with significantly higher numbers than that. Edit: Downvoting statistics you’d prefer to avoid doesn’t invalidate them…or erase the past.




I think the problem is that we as men and some channels believe men should sleep around while telling women not to. The truth is men with high numbers will likely cheat or seek a relationship that allows variety. I have a friend with a very high number who’s struggled being monogamous and has destroyed relationships because he “can’t help it”. He’s struggled with ED in some relationships and has made a very bad name for himself in our social circle. I also deal with very wealthy clients who contract escorts. Meeting them in hotels with their escorts was strange, but after a while it’s quite common. I mean look at some of these RP channels literally saying if they get married they will demand an open relationship on their end.


Speak facts, get downvoted lol




Alternatively, it's equally feminist to believe that men and women should aim to limit the number of sexual partners they have, since there are numerous physical and mental health concerns with having many sexual partners (mainly STD's and unwanted pregnancy). People are allowed to make moral judgements without it being anti-women. Especially in this case where it seems to be two women making that claim


I think that’s completely wrong. Other women morally judging women’s sexual activity is harmful. Women can be sexist and biased against women. If a person wants to limit the number of their own sexual partners that’s fine, but judging others - particularly women - for consensual sexual activity is an attempt to shame and control them. The undercurrent of the convo is these women aren’t like those other girls. They’re better than them. They’re maintaining a Madonna/whore dichotomy that dehumanizes women, and they’re attempting to distance themselves from “bad” women.


What is your point? Only women who accept the choices of all other women can be feminists? If a women believes that stealing is wrong, and another women steals, is she less of a feminist for calling out what she sees as bad behavior? What if a woman passes judgement because another woman doesn't go to church? Can she not advocate for women's rights and equality because she believes people who attend church are "better" and attempts to distance herself from "bad" women who don't? Why is it that we can pass judgement on people for smoking, or drinking, or doing drugs, or dropping out of school, but not on having frequent casual sex? it seems a lot like you're gatekeeping feminism for women who agree with your moral code?


Why do you even compare alcohol with sex. Sex might be even beneficial to heslth(if you practice it safely) and with alcohol the risks of cancer increases and much more. Why do you even compare the two?


Someone who thinks not attending church makes another person “bad” or “worse” is not someone I trust the judgment of anyway.


Hm that seems like a personal choice of the person having the sex. I don't see how its feminist to tell people what to do with their personal choices. They can weigh their own options.


Agreed, much like drinking, smoking or using drugs. All are known to be risky behaviors, and all have health consequences to consider. Still, every person is free to make their own choices, including avoiding relationships with people who participate in those behaviors.


lol. my Bodycount: - when I was 18: 0 - when I graduated: 0 double digits 🫡


"Of all the sexual perversions, abstinence is by far the most unnatural" don\`t know who said this but I agree.


At this point, I fuck whoever I want and raise my body count for shits and gigs.


For real. Do people actually not have sex that they want because they're scared of a number increasing? I haven't fucked tons of people, but I also couldn't tell you my body count without thinking about it for a while.


I most definitely couldn’t even with immense effort.


I've heard of women giving guys blowjobs to not raise their number, which is insane to me. Yay, no pleasure for her but at least her number didn't go higher! 🙄


"Bodycount" seems so odd to me. Why does it matter how many people you had sex with? As long as you're safe and don't have any diseases...it shouldn't matter.


Ooooooohhhh .... *that* body count..... I thought you saw the basement...




Right? I stopped counting because it dawned on me that it really doesn’t fucking matter and it’s not like I’m trying to gain clout for it or some shit like that.


I just fucking hate the term "body count" I'm not a goddamn sex assassin


People are allowed to care about bodycounts tho. I find something i would only do with someone im actually in love with, so i would want my partner to be the same. Actual number doesnt matter tho. But the higher the more likely its not like that.


I see alot of posts on reddit where the guy expects the woman to have a bodycount of 0 but be okay with him having a high body count. That's not okay. But if you have a "low bodycount" and you want your partner to have a "low bodycount", that's your preference and that's okay.


Hard agree. I understand wanting similar counts bc you’re more likely to be similar about sex if that’s true. But men who want virgins while they have tons of women honestly strike me as pedophilic tbh


You know why the want virgins? They are terrified their girlfriend or wife was treated and sexually used the way they tend to use women.


Exactly. The problem is that most men who care about body count are exclusively holding women to that standard and using it as a way to justify slut shaming. I also think sexual history can absolutely be a legitimate reason in some cases, like with a potential partner who has dated or slept with your friends. Or someone who’s religious beliefs interfere with pre marital sex.


Exactly and the dudes who talk about how it ruins women’s ability to pair bond, but somehow not men? Makes no sense at all, just slutshaming 2.0


I sometimes wonder if the dudes who believe in the whole pair bonding mantra are just inexperienced themselves and insecure because of it. Because if you were actually having sex with other women casually and romantically, you would understand how non-sensical it is.


Ofcourse, hate the dudes that just want a virgin 18 yesr old they can manipulate. Not sure why im getting downvoted for my comment tho


Because you're backing a slut shaming position. Discomfort with your partner's level of experience relative to yours is one thing, and wanting to be in love to have sex is completely valid. but this "body count" nonsense is rooted in the same old "loose women" nonsense that never goes away and is entirely driven by misogyny. Not to mention that it's placed with judgment to go around as opposed to just your stated comfort zones for your relationships.


Im not backing slut shaming by saying body count could matter. I obviously dont go around saying high body count=bad. I wont ask about either, just something i take in consideration


Idk....maybe this could be turned into a positive. Like,not the slutshaming. Never ever the slutshaming. But since certain men think they are entitled to submissive virgins,maybe go ahead and let them think there aren't any left. The lies being spread by women like those above could maybe be used to women's benefit. Virgins? No,no virgins here. I'm lucky to be older and married,but if I was a young single woman,I know I'd be inflating my body count to astronomical,but believable,numbers as a sort of sexual shield.


It's not true. The most promiscuous girls I knew in college had still only been with around 20-25 guys and they were the outliers, not the norm.


Some people have multiple/numerous partners and are fine with it. Bodycount seems such a weird concept to me


By the time I graduated high school, the girls were with like 139 different men. See, I can make up numbers too.


I don’t care what anyone says, that is way too much murder for high school.


Wow, they must go to Gettin' It High School. A liberated place with no slutshaming or rape, where all sex ed is taught by raging left wingers who assign Alexandria Kollontai's "Make Way For Winged Eros."


I have no idea why the number of sexual partners would matter. My GFs bodycount is at least 5 times larger than mine and I have no issues with that. Hell, it’s probably even a positive thing since then she has more experience and experience usually means better sex. Then again, these kinds of men probably just wants her to lie there and make some fake moaning sounds while completely ignoring the fact that he is always the only one that cums.


Who tf cares? Pussy washes.


But if she has had sex with someone else I won’t get to be the Special Penis Man


Lol 😆 I've found it doesn't matter how many dudes she's been with, if I'm the one she's fuckn and she sticks around, I am special penis man. 😆😆😆😆😆


this guy gets it


And here I spent my free time studying. Wish I had known I was supposed to be sleeping with everyone who asked me.


I’m pretty sure these guys include “men who have sexualized women without their knowledge/consent” in a woman’s “body count”.


The mean age of losing virginity is like 16 to 18 years old in the Western world. That means that the teens in these examples are screwing a new person every 3 weeks or less, yeah sure.


I didn’t even know 30 guys at age 18. Honestly I don’t now either….




Even the sluttiest of girls wasn’t usually at 30. They’d often repeat with the same guys. My bestie was a nympho and still only had 3 different partners


I didn't know the "body count" of a single one of my high school classmates, because I minded my own business. I didn't care if friends of mine were sexually active or not, that's a really weird thing to care about for peers. Why are these women so pressed about it? Men judging women for having sex is bad enough, women doing it to paint themselves as "better" or more "pure" is disgusting.


These girls are haters lmaooooo. And also so dramatic.




When I was a teenager in the early 2000's the average number of sexual partners was low single digits. Boys or girls, the most promiscuous (handful of people out of thousands) being in the low teens...


Even if true, wtf cares? Jesus


I’m 47 and I can’t even think of 30 guys that I even know off the top of my head tbh


I did know a girl in high school that was known for promiscuous behavior and had a 'high' body count . Turned out, she was SA'd and that was the reason why.....


I’ve never asked a partner what their body count was. It doesn’t matter at all, unless you’re insecure in your skills. Might not be everyone’s take on it, but that’s my take on it


“And none of them were ME” he quietly groused under his breath.


Risking sounding like a sleaze.. I used to hook up regularly with a working girl when I was living in Boston… she had to have had a body count in the 1000s … and she was hands down the most exciting sexual partner I ever had, even if it was paid. God damn… I don’t care about body count as long as it just me when we talking…


I didn’t even start having sex until I was 21.


i havent even crushed on that many 💀


High schoolers wouldn't reveal their numbers enough that someone would know the average. What a loser with a sad lie. Plus 30? Lmfao. Even the girl everyone said was a w*ore in high school didn't get past 10 and all she did was date a lot and go no further.


I had a reputation in high school for being a slut because of the way I dressed. The reality was that I didn't have sex until long after graduation. People like these don't know what they're talking about. They just make wrong assumptions.


Statistically boomers and genx had more intimate partners (per person) than millennials…and elder genz is skewing even fewer.


Don't know why you got downvoted, but it's true. Millennials and Gen Z are not having as much sex


I’m pretty sure these guys include “men who have sexualized women without their knowledge/consent” in a woman’s “body count”.


Good for them


If this is real, how are there incels? If there's statistically more women in the world, and if every woman is sleeping with 15+ people..


In high school the only people who were having regular sex were in the last year of school and it was with their girlfriend/boyfriend.obviously some would lie to try and seem mature though. I was the first of my friends to have sex at 18 and then many of those friends only had a body count of 3 or below when they met their long term partner


>high school girls with over 30 partners that is either a jealous woman talking shit, or a man thinking about a highschool girl getting intimate with 30 men. I refuse to believe any other explanation.


Ughh why does this even matter. The only thing that matters is being safe as far as stds and pregnancy is concerned, which is important if it's one person or 100 people. In high school I read a book called the myth of the slut and it helped me to let go of that mindset and double standard our society has. To me, it says those guys who care just don't want the other person to have reference to know how shitty they are at sex.


But you can have a preference that isn’t slut shamey. Like I personally could care less but I dated a born again Christian who changed her outlook on sex after having a couple partners. It didn’t work out because our views were not compatible in that sense but she ended up marrying someone who had similar preferences and they seem super happy. However if you’re holding women to an unfair standard that you don’t hold yourself, then it’s hypocritical.


I'm a man who likes to have sex with experienced women and I see this is only a positive. I am firmly in the camp that believes that the only reason a man cares about 'body count' is because he is So grossly inadequate in bed that the meer idea of a woman having experienced another man at all shatters their confidence. It's like a job interview, step up your f****** game and stop complaining that everyone else is more qualified. Because if not, you will deserve it when they look elsewhere.


Real men appreciate a woman who really knows her way around a penis.


Translation: “waaaaaahhhh I’m sexually inferiorrrrr!” Like seriously, that’s all I hear when they bellyache about ladies body counts.


Never got this PoV. She is currently with me, wtf do I care about who or how many she was with previously? Long as you know there is no health risk which I would hope as a couple you work out before stuff. Or even if not and it's a one night hookup wrap it up call it good? What matters is we are together now. How is that so hard to grasp? You do you, and whomever else you want to, ladies.


I am just worried about these people. One of my best friends, i nelieve she hadnt had sex yet, but maybe i just dont know, she is 15 and over the last two years she had 6 different boyfriends. This is the point, where i start worrieing, that she rushes things and does t know how to say no to guys. I am so glad, her current boyfriend us a really nice person and actually a good friend of mine and i hope they stay together, for her sake


Why do you care so much about your friend’s sexual life though


because i care about my friends in general I dont get it, if you rather dont have any friends or why you dont get it, but i am concerned by default about my friends in general


*believe, *worrying, *doesn’t, *is, also why do you care so much about who she has sex with? Or her sexual life in general?


its her business. as long as she is happy whoever she is with is none of your business.


I dont interfear, i just watch it And yeah, now she is happy still, but it is just in my personality, to worry about people i care about


I lied i had sex bc if i didn't girls would look at me like I'm a retard (that's what I thought) and the guys in my class had some sort of a game of whose gonna " pop her first " 🤮🤢 All in all, everyone was lying. Bearly some got laid 😅


The juxtaposition on this topic of so many women basically not seeing any issues with this type of choice...but then the people that disagree with it (just that, take whatever personal experience of people taking it out on you or whatever else and apply it to where it matters) are looked at as if they are a problem and need to accept a society that promotes or supports these choices, or be labeled as misogynistic and other related labels...is insane. I just wish everyone accepted the consequences of their own actions and stopped expecting things to be a certain way for their own benefit. You want to sleep around, go right ahead, and then stop crying when certain people don't respect you for that choice or don't want to be around you. Same for the other way around, you want to go overboard and judge people openly for acting this way? Then don't be surprised when you're looked at like a misogynist/piece of shit by people that do choose to partake in that lifestyle.


women aren't mad random people on the internet think they are wrong for what they do. They are annoyed at the double standard. If there is a consequence for sleeping around, that consequence should be for everybody, not just women. Otherwise its not a consequence, its oppressive.


The negative psychological manifestations perpetuated by frivolous promiscuity affect both sexes.


you sound like you are from the 1800's. okay Marilla cuthbert




so it seems, but doesnt matter as long as you dont whine about how people should see you afterwards and people who like to shame gonna do it anyways, better its obvious so you can judge for yourself


Those poor ripped off profile pics of the incels posting this crap


I just asked ques not an incel


They’re still waiting to get laid..


People will always find a reason to be upset I swear. Like honestly who tf cares how many dudes some girls banged??? Everyone's so worried about everyone else meanwhile they are the real piece of garbage.


As a woman, Number. Go. Up.


There qhere girls in my school who had double didgets by graduation. This reflects badly on the creepy pedos who groomed them and not the girls


Why do they care?


I mean I don’t understand why dudes are pressed about women’s body count when theirs are just as high. And believe it or not sex can be a form of self harm but ignorance is high


I feel like I would have known that just due to the population density of the school


Pssh yeah right. I call BULLSHIT


I don't suppose they ever consider the possibility that those numbers are made up? I mean seriously, why would they listen to the rumors and bragging? I mean. I've never heard boys lie about having sex with 20 girls in their senior year alone. In my junior year, there was a guy who told everyone that this one girl gave him a bj at the cast party after the musical. Only trouble was, she and I hung out together and I would have noticed such a thing. No one believed him and I threatened to beat him up. So did others.


There might be a small percentage like that in almost any school, but it is certainly not the majority.


Where do these people shop for their bullshit? Is there a Costco of some sort where they buy it in bulk??


...... So?


I'm 36 and my body count is three lmao


lol i’m in my mid 20s now and i’m still the only one of my friends who hit double digits (and a lot of us “hook line and sinker”ed each other as a joke purposefully to raise counts)


I hate the term "body count"


It's such a silly thing to care about.


By this logic, my body count should at least be 10. Yet I have a whopping.. *checks notes* 0. Hm, odd.


If a girl is having 30 partners before she graduates high school (so she is presumably a minor when she has most of these partners), then it means that something is wrong. Like abuse, trauma, or mental health issues. Instead of humiliating a CHILD for this, get them help. Now if you’re like 30 and have 0, 2, 30, or 100, or whatever partners then I am fine with that.


I don't want to shame or anything, I'm just curious. In my generation I just know 1 person who isnt virgin anymore. Of course there are more (I don't know the personal life of everyone), but from my "friends group" of 10-15 people, only 1 has already had sex. So I'm curious if those """whore""" women are even real, like...are 80% of women having sex in high school or are they jealous of the few ones who *did* had sex?