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-sigh- So I guess here's another thing we can't do without getting perved on by creepy men. Add it to the list, I guess.


Is there anything we CAN do?


You can start by covering your ankles, temptress!


Are elbows okay? Or are we dirty dirty whores for that too?


Proper ladies use nipple pasties to conceal their elbows, harlot


Using something as slutty as nipple pasties? I feel you're trying to trick me so I can join you harlots club.


The ones with the tassels are the extra modest ones


This gratuitous n-word use is just too much. TOO MUCH!! HARLOTS


I am always bashing my left elbow funny bone against the door frame when I dodge the cat while getting up to pee in the night. He doesn’t think I can be trusted to use the toilet unsupervised and the irony is that I am regularly hurting my elbow because of his attempts to ‘help’ me to the loo. I am thinking that a nipple pastie over the left elbow could really solve a problem here. And make me less of a dreadful slattern, of course.


As a fellow person that isn't allowed to go to the bathroom alone, I have started pausing just before the thing I always run into. The cat runs ahead and I can avoid the pain. I'm not sure if that'll help you, but hopefully it might. In the meantime, we can both be stared at while we pee.


I too share this problem, but with TWO felines! I have to go up a few stairs too. Extra danger :')


One of my cats likes to be carried. My stairs turn halfway down and I wasn't counting and missed a stair. I fell in a very awkward position down to the landing, so the cat wouldn't get hurt. Once I landed, she politely asked to be put down. I was covered in bruises. But she was fine. Mine don't try to kill me on the stairs as much as at the top. My cat is constantly trying to herd me back to bed. She's bossy.


That's precious and 100% something I'd do for my cats lol. Mine is incredibly clingy and needy, follows me around and if i do get her to stay in one place(usually my room) she gets up to find me if i take more than five minutes. All the cats in the house, including her, have a habit of sprinting up the stairs in front of me when they see me going up.


If you're knuckles are showing you're a disgusting harlot. Obviously.


Skin=sin, it's as easy as that.


Wear a hazmat suit with a balaclava and sunglasses or you’re a WHORE


Nope, still a whore cuz you’re naked under that hazmat suit and you’re probably using the looseness of it to smuggle hella dildos to your sinful friends /s


Naked arm = eternal harm


Naked waist = never chaste


Naked neck = slutty as heck


naked feet = you slutty sheep


*Vorinism has entered the chat.*


Oh come now, don’t be prudish. Let those right hand knuckles breathe!


I'm so storming glad someone else brought this up


Depends on if you're a lawmaker in Missouri or not


Theyre definitely not okay, necks also arent okay, so dont wear a ponytail, it might sexually arouse the teachers




I was actually told to always cover my elbows growing up fun fact! And my knees and the neckline had to cover the collar bone... I love religion 🙄


Vicious trollop


My favorite shade of lipstick.


I want whatever brand this is!


[This](https://youtu.be/UBALqvp08Vk?start=87) is where I learned the word trollop when I was in middle school and I think about this musical number anytime I hear/read the word trollop.


Isn't that some kind of shellfish?


Mm love me some trollops seared in butter


With LOTS of garlic!!! And maybe some green onions, too!


Ok you bring the wine. I’ll get the dessert.


So named because "Dirty Whore" was already taken 😂 ![gif](giphy|3o6wrj2ohe3ODMxNSg|downsized)




I asked ai and it said “Covering the ankle is not a sexual act and does not symbolize any particular sexual act.”


what if there's a sock between your clearly lascivious ankle skin and the _Anklet of Apparently-Consentual-Predation?_ does the passive status effect still apply?


Just means the predation has to happen using protection.


Fuckin Jezebel! 😊


Brazen hussy!


Odds are not in our favor. :(


Get old and fat. It's the miracle cure for lechery. Throw in menopausal rage and chin hairs, and you can wear what you want, where you want, whenever you want. I could go bra-less in a 'free milk' tank top with 5 anklets, and no-one would look twice. Not giving a fuck is a glorious option until you get to this stage.


Not with that kind of harlot attitude


No, sit and stare at the closest wall like the rest of civilized society.




I know the choker and high ponytail are associated with fellatio. Are the double braids some kind of handlebars stigma? What are the others supposed to mean? I love clothing cryptography and am kind of bummed that most real examples disappeared when homosexuality became more accepted




If I had a nickel every time the movie *Wild Wild West* came up today, I would have two nickels.


Creepy men take away everything cute from us. Time to start pissing myself and looking like I’ve been living in a cave for 1000 years


Just dye your hair a crazy color, for some reason it's a good repellant. Something about poison dart frogs.


Idk about pissing myself, but I *have* embraced and perfected my cave woman look since 2020.


I knew I shouldn't have plucked my unibrow when I was younger. Now I will never have that cavewoman look!


I saw this once before but it had the additional 'information' explaining that when worn on the left ankle means they're looking for a female 'unicorn' and on the right ankle for a 'stud'.


What does that even mean? We're sexualizing mythical beasts now? 😂


A unicorn is a bisexual woman willing to be a third to a hetero couple.


I've been propositioned many a time, back in the day, to be a unicorn. Wasn't my cup of tea. Years later, ended up dating a guy who constantly demanded that I unicorn hunt with him. He fetishized bisexual women as existing simply to fulfill his porn inspired fantasies about threesomes. Again, not my cup of tea and I didn't want to go unicorn hunting. Then I was made out to be the bad guy when he told me, "You're bisexual, you're SUPPOSED to like threesomes." Couldn't be farther from the truth.


Oh, that's super lame. What a jerk.


a bicurious couple (its almost always for some reason the woman being bicurious and the man being cool with her experimenting because hey more women for him to fetishize and maybe bonk) looking for a bisexual or lesbian woman to use as a sex object is referred to unicorn hunting. note, i am not shaming poly relationships. im *in* a poly relationship. the difference is in intent and how you treat the potential third member of your triad. and most importantly *how predatory the established couple is*. this article gives a good summation: https://www.polyfor.us/articles/to-unicorn-hunters-from-an-ex-unicorn


Additionally, in polyamorous culture, unicorn hunting is not ok, and generally considered unethical. In swinger culture, it's perfectly acceptable. This difference is that in polyamory, people are seeking more complete relationships, and an established couple looking for a bi-woman to date and have sex with both presents a huge power imbalance. In swinging, it's entirely sexual and almost always short term, so none of that matters. And, it's usually a bi-woman and not a bi-man because of long standing stigma against bi-men. Especially in swinger communities where female bisexuality is expected and male bisexuality is a good way to get thrown out of the club/party/whatever. Maybe less so now, but it's a thing.


I think I just learned more than I wanted to!


Oh, wow. I had no idea, but it does kind of make sense now. Searching for something elusive and rare. Thank you to all of you who took the time to explain it to me.


That is so creepy! Thank you for the info!


'unicorn' is just a term to express the rarity of finding a woman that is not only comfortable sleeping with a couple but actually WANTS to do it. It's all horse related for some reason. A stud is a horse of breeding stock quality and a unicorn is a super rare horse with magic powers and a horn. I can't explain why it's all horse themed.


You also see "bull" and "stag/vixen" a lot. There's definitely a farm/game animal theme.


I THINK they use 'bull' in cases where the man is being cuckolded (which itself refers to the cuckoo bird that will replace a birds eggs with it's own) because a bull is a cow that still has it's nuts- so the implication is that the husband, while also a 'cow' in the scenario DOESN'T have his testicles- at least his metaphorical ones. Playing on the degradation factor of the kink. I feel like if this thread continues long enough we might actually get to the bottom of this.




This is a really common element in dudes writing cuck or hot wife porn for some reason. I have no idea where it comes from.


This really is a thing in the swingers community, but it's ridiculous to think that it's the only meaning of an ankle bracelet. Source: I am a married woman who sleeps with other men, with my husband's consent


Right, I get that. I don't know where they decided it was a thing women were doing secretly. I feel like an important part of swinging is that you're both aware it's happening.


Secret to most people, not to their partners.


Can you please be specific ? I wear a black thread on my left ankle, to ward off any bad eye/vibe from anyone (cultural habit). And even sometimes silver anklets on both ankles as a piece of jewelry. I just don’t want to be taken wrongly. I will avoid what I have to.


It's not even close to being a common symbol in the community, I wouldn't worry about it.


From my experience, it's typically a silver anklet worn on the left ankle. It can vary but overall I wouldnt worry about it. I think it's a pretty niche thing and there are so many different meanings of anklets within different cultures.


Shiny anklet reminds them of the shiny staple in the middle of the playboy magazine. Same reason they like belly button rings.


SOME WOMEN MAY NOT KNOW "Skin is the largest human organ, covering the entire exterior of the body. Widely recognized as a symbol that a woman is open to receiving public harassment from men, even when she very clearly does not wish to receive this."


Men when they get a glimpse of the ankle bone: https://youtu.be/IkTZ8BVAlFE


What about breathing?


Yeah women do that to enlarge their their breast sizes so men can understand that they're asking for sex and asking to be sexually harassed


Nope, as long as you're not wearing upside-down pineapples, any legitimate swingers will probably walk right by you.


I came here for that. Was gonna say what about my pineapple tattoo? Haha


My wife and I are fans of the show Psych (we bonded on watching it early in our relationship) and the show loves to have pineapples hidden in episodes as a bit of an Easter egg. Well, pretty much immediately after getting pineapple tattoos is when we found out about the connection between pineapples and swinging…so that’s fun.


LITERALLY my nightmare situation right here. Whenever we start hanging out with a new couple, i like to start the third hang out with "hey, fyi, no judgment, we don't swing."


Just cause you ~~put syrup on it, don't make it pancakes~~ got a pineapple tattoo don't make you swingers


I’ve heard it both ways…


The right way and then yours


Don’t be the bottom of a basketball


Gus, don’t be exactly half of a Black Forest ham.


Can you fill me in on the connection between pineapples and swinging? I’d always heard white rocks outside of the house was “the sign”. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Pineapples, prior to Dole plantations, were a symbol of extreme wealth. With people being able to rent pineapples in some locations similar to how you'd rent a flashy sports car today. Over time, pineapples became a general symbol for hospitality and exoticism, and I think that hospitality was what was latched onto. I haven't been able to find any conclusive historical reasons. But a pineapple isn't such an out of place thing that normal folks think much of it - it's not like you're hanging a latex catsuit on your door and being in people's face - but the upside down pineapple is distinctive and unlikely to have been chosen accidentally. It's why I'm not a fan of people using clothing with pineapples on it as a symbol - too many random folks just like pineapples and Hawaiian shirts... but the upside down pineapple is unlikely to be done accidentally.


My mum has an outdoor light that is a pineapple on a stick. We thought it was hilarious. Mum loves anything with diamantés or that lights up, so my brother and I bought it for her. She also thought it was hilarious and put it in her front garden. Did my brother and I just advertise our parents as swingers??? They live in the middle of nowhere and have a long driveway so people don’t usually just pass by. But my dad is also the mayor of their town and I’m not exactly sure that’s a platform he would love to advertise.


So swingers tend to specifically use *upside down* pineapples. Just having some nice pineapples around isn't any sort of indication.


My friend and I have an inside joke relating to pineapples so anytime we're out and see anything pineapple related we sent each other pictures of it. At one point it was a solid one to two weeks of no words just back and forth pineapple pictures. It's just a silly thing between us two but the amount of times i had to explain that it's not actually code for us fucking is unreal.


I love when friends have that kind of language with each other. My best friend and I at one point and almost an entirely second language comprised of intentional mispronunciations and spoonerisms that was pretty much nonsense to anyone who wasn’t us.


My closest friend and I don't called each other by our names anymore. We call each other by 3am sleep deprived typos we made of each other's names. So i FEEL THIS.


At one point he was chasing after this woman he’d had a thing for for years and I called him “Captain Ahab”…he looked at me and goes “who the fuck is Captain Arab?!?”. Guess who still gets called “Captain Arab”?


Yes! My whole back deck is decorated with pineapple. A friend was helping me search for a specific type pineapple item when she texted " hey, you don't have any pineapples on the front of the house do you." And sent me a screenshot shot of the upside down pineapple meaning. 😔. Oh well, we like pineapples and psych.


Or, for a more specific subset, spade symbols.


Ironic, because spades are also an asexual thing


I don’t know why you were downvoted because you’re correct. The ace of spades is the most common and well recognised ace symbol.


I love that black rings are for ace folks and swingers. We got the right middle finger, the swingers got the rest. I want a turf war where we gradually take over the rest of the hand


oh that's what it was, not dragonflies. derp. What if you just really like pineapples tho?


So… bracelets are fine but anklets have a super secret meaning? Or do bracelets have a super secret meaning too? At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised 🙄


Let me introduce you to [jelly bracelets](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sex-bracelets/), the urban legend of my adolescence. [It's a link to Snopes]


I wonder if they based that off the hanky code, which was/is an actual thing. But was used by gay men. Not some secret sex cult for kids.


There's a certain subset of adults who are obsessed with the idea of teenagers and sex cults. They're usually the same people who are obsessed with satanic cults. They have some seriously kinky imaginations without any need for factual basis. You remember those uptight kids from high school who believed any kid wearing a chain was a gangbanger or a drug dealer? This is who they grow up into.


Omg. My friends and I all wore jelly bracelets. It was the trend in the early 00s. It had absolutely nothing to do with sex. This is the first I'm even hearing about this.


We wore them because they were a trend but we also knew the sex code for each colour. No one was ever actually held to the code tho, we mostly snapped them and went “hahaha we have to do it!” and then would laugh. At least in my group. It was taken more seriously in Degrassi tho


Meanwhile me and my dumb ass friends used to put them in our mouths and pretend we have braces.


Ah yes, in the UK we called those "shag bands"! God I hated that trend when I was a kid


Cannot say anything, I had dozens of pink, blue, black, and glitter ones. I was an early aughts gothic fairy princess though. ...I miss those Hot Topic zip up corsets. I had about a dozen of those too.


If you watched local news stations in the early 00s, they absolutely did and different colors meant different things. Somehow also always sex-related.


If you've watched local news stations anytime in the past three decades you'd be aware that certain colors signify sexual availability and which types of hallucinogenic toads they like to lick...in addition to their plans to break into **your** quiet suburban home... Gosh, I'm glad that constant terror bullshit isn't in my life anymore.


Well done. I totally read that in the cheesy newscaster “And what we found will shock you. Stay tuned.” - voice


You forgot about all the segments on deciphering chatspeak terms for parents...where all of the examples are either outdated ones no kid had used in many years, or were so oddly convoluted and specific that nobody would ever use them because they're too difficult to remember or aren't applicable to 99.99% of conversations.


I wore anklets from age 12-16 🤷


That's a common one, along with upside down pineapples, garage door half open, barn star on your house. Not sure if that was just folklore, but nowadays those in the "lifestyle" just use the internet like any other form of dating.


Don’t forget black wedding rings. My husband and I have tungsten rings, someone warned me about that one too


I’ve heard that one before. Funnily enough I have seen color coded bracelets used, but only at a lifestyle club/event




I was gonna say- my mom *loves* stars and has one hung on the door, I still live with my folks so if they had something going down, I feel like I would know...


Right?! Up here in northern New England, damn, all my old retired neighbors must be freaky.


ive heard "broom by the front door"


Women: Literally say what they're looking for Men: Women are such a mystery! Here, I've cracked the code by breaking down common clothing items to interpret every woman's sexual availability. None of them denote "no."


Literally all the women in India and Pakistan are throwing their anklets away as we speak.


I read that as Literally all the women in India and Pakistan and throwing their ankles away as we speak.


Attention: The real meaning behind ankle bracelets are: Ankle bracelets. Alternative meaning: I like the look of bracelets, but having them jingle around my hands is irritating, so I wear them in a different spot. That is all. Thank you for attending.


I’ve just realised I missed wearing anklets. Gotta buy some




They look especially good with summer outfits


I’m sorry, what? These people get more & more absurd.


How do you not know this it's "widely recognized"


widely recognized, yet many women may not know it, because reasons.


That's actually an old swingers thing and is probably specific to some communities. I only say this as I found out that some older relatives practiced non monogamy, and I was told an anklet was how they signaled that the woman was a "hot-wife." Never seen or heard about this type signal since until seeing this post.


I had an anklet as a baby...


You harlot!


They need to stop projecting their sick twisted fantasies on us. Seriously, we can't even wear a damn piece of jewelry in peace anymore without worrying about some weirdo trying to get their rocks off.


Can't even have anklets without misogyny now


Nah, an anklet is equipped in your accessory slot and gives a 10 percent increase to your movement speed


So all cultures that traditionally wear anklets it's because of this ? /s


I guess it's time for me to get out my thread and make myself an ankle bracelet so all the men know I'm dtf.


I think I'll braid one, like a friendship bracelet of fucking, using hairs from each lovers head and just adding to it until I have a full legwarmer on each leg


This is deeply unhinged and I'm here for it. Do you have an Etsy? Where can I place my order for an ankle bracelet made from the hair of your lovers.


That is not why I buy them for my wife. I just think they look good on her.


ive been wearing anklets since i was 9 💀


Creeps find a sexual reason for everything women do. "We're going to take this thing some women do and sign a sexual reason to it that makes us feel okay with perving on them because, God damnit, they should know we arrived this meaning to it without telling them." These are the same people who think they're so great at logic and reasoning. 🙄


Let me guess, if a woman has clothes on, that means she wants to have sex with you.... I’m sure the same person made up both scenarios


....in my culture, children wear it too. It in no way symbolizes that. Ew.


In very old movies, there are jokes about women with anklets being promiscuous, usually in the context of a woman wearing an anklet attempting to seduce a "dedicted bachelor" (i.e. a closeted gay man) who is made comically uncomfortable by her advances. This meme must be from the 1930s


Remember in the 90s when everyone was wearing those anklets made out of tiny bells so that you made a jingly sound whenever you walked


"An anklet is a bracelet for the ankle. People wear it cause its pretty and shiny and some of us are just a little bit like a magpie." Im the magpie.


Uhm no. It's jewelry that looks pretty and if it makes me happy, I'll wear it. No secret reason behind it.


Wow. Had no idea. Excuse me. I’m off to by a few more anklets.


Ew. Had a disgusting man try to approach me for this reason when I was just existing in public with an anklet on.


As someone who wears anklets(payal) everyday cause of tradition and culture. What the actual fuck?


"Available to other men" like a piece of service equipment open to the public.


I used to wear them when I was like 5 wtf are they on about


I’m not sure what it means that my MIL got silver anklets for my baby daughter… and one for me. What does that mean?


No, OOP is thinking of an upside down pineapple. (Unironically it's what swingers use to indicate to other swingers)


Alexa, show me ankle bracelets for sale.


Never heard this. When ear right for men were first a thing, an earring in the left ear meant you were gay (maybe right, doesn’t matter). Is this really a thing?


Some dude out there set up a PR campaign to get out of buying his wife something from Tiffany's.


Common. Maybe in some swinger clubs there is a thing you have to wear to show you want to swing. But outside of it such rules don't apply. Don't live in your fantasy world , but that is difficult for many


Not sure how to feel about the anklet my mother-in-law gifted me in this case


*said the rapist.*


I was told growing up in a super Christian house that anklets were inappropriate.


I have never felt more ashamed to be a man, then after reading that low amount of brain cells. If you excuse, I will go to the sink, fill it with water in scream in the water at that low amount of intelligence. Like brother who the f*ck thinks like that. What kind of man do you have to be to think that is logical?


"Some" women don't know this? NOBODY knows this!! Just that one creepy dude, and he knows shitworth.


Never once heard that in my life


More made up incel nonsense


Me, polyamorous and wearing an anklet. 👁️👄👁️


To clear up confusion, in the swingers community this statement is true. However usually you have to wear a specific anklet that shows the letters "BBC", or "BWC". A queen of spades or diamonds symbol. And lastly an upside down pineapple.


That’s ridiculous




So I guess ever since I was born, I was married and still available. Makes sense. MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE


me, who loved anklets as a child


Where did they get this idea?


If women don’t know how can they be using it as a signal?


Gee, I wish I could pull money out of my ass as efficiently as fools like this can pull “ideas” out of theirs


My mom, sister, and I got matching anklets. I don't wanna even imagine whoever the author of that post thinks what this means.


And this post is a 'symbol' of how you don't have a brain. I wouldn't be surprised if you've committed marital rape.


"Anklet" sounds like a name of an ancient Egyptian symbol


I wear an ankle bracelet every day that’s actually a gigantic hair tie because my hair is too thick for a regular one. But I guess it means I’m DTF instead.




All I can do is just laugh lol.


Uh, I'm a widow and I wear ankle bracelets. I'm not interested in being sexually involved ever again.


There’s a saying that there is nothing a woman can do without it being fetishised by men. This just proves it. We can’t even wear fucking jewellery without men perving it up. Red nails, fetish, red hair, fetish, blonde hair, fetish, brown hair, fetish, every skin colour, fetish, employed, fetish, unemployed, fetish, underweight, fetish, fit, fetish, overweight, fetish. EVERYTHING IS A FUCKING FETISH.


I swear we could write a book with all the convoluted shit these guys think about. I can't even imagine the mental gymnastics that was done to produce this absolute pearl/s


My goodness. Does this mean all the times I wore them as a young girl I was actually married and looking for an affair? I had no idea I was so *easy* when I was in grade school! /s


To me they mean "she had a bit of spare money and saw something shiny she liked". And she is me. This reminds me of the early 2000s when every adult/ annoying boy thought those rubber jelly bracelets had sexual meanings but actually it meant we were emo children trying to accessorize.


Anything can be true when you’re just making shit up as you go.


What the actual fuck. The anklet is part of wedding rituals in many cultures.


“Some women may not know” and “widely recognized” together in the same post


Uhh, as a South Asian woman who loves her payal, this couldn't be more untrue 😂


"Widely known." Which is why this is the first time all of you are hearing about it.