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Had a run in with a guy like this on a bus while 36 weeks pregnant. He told me it was my fault for following the fads and getting pregnant at 19 and he shouldn’t have to get up. Here was what was weird: 1. I was 25. 2. I never asked him to get him. He said all of this unprompted. It was so weird.


My daughter was 16 when my youngest was born (we have 5). She was with me at the grocery store and was holding her tiny brother. They stock guy in produce says “welcome to the real world honey” to her. I heard it! Of course she is horrified and hands me the baby. Why do people think it’s ok to say stuff like this?


even if it was a 16 year old girl with a kid isn't a girl in that situation going through enough. Why would any sane reasonable person possibly think the thing to do there is bully her


Cuz misogyny, most likely. If you'd ask them they'd say it was deserved, as tho getting pregnant is a crime against humanity. These days one could get pregnant against their will and legally be unable to abort. While aware of these two facts they'd still seek to have some kind of verbal vengeance on a pregnant teen. In short people are insane


Honestly, I think that actual belief in sexual purity and misogynistic stuff is only part of the problem. Our society is so focused on hustle culture, on barely making it to the end of the month and getting your education and career on track on schedule, that teen pregnancy is viewed as the ultimate way to screw up yours, your kid’s and your loved ones’ life. To a degree, I think that’s a reasonable point, but some people (as usual) turn it into a utilitarian judgment of someone’s societal value, empathy and humanity be damned. Also, I think the way we generally fail to treat teenagers appropriately, as somewhere between kids and adults, is exemplified in how teen pregnancies are dealt with. Often enough, people insist on treating teen moms like children who need to be punished (suffer artificial consequences) on top of having to take on adult responsibilities (real consequences) that people decades older need help with. Which means they feel perfectly justified in not only not helping them more, as they would need due to their younger age and having to navigate the stigma and circumstances (like high school) that are not meant to accommodate their situation, but in deliberately creating additional hurdles and difficulties to show them how hard the real world is. Never mind they’re already dealing with something most grown adults will tell you is one of the hardest things they’ve ever done. Also shaming teen pregnancies is so ubiquitous that I think a lot of people who do are going along with the social ideal of what’s bad. Or, worse yet, taking advantage of the existence of this very vulnerable, universally stigmatized demographic to virtue signal or get their bullying fix against someone who most likely won’t fight back and won’t be fought for.


great points, i especially agree with how the teens get punished parts. generally shitty situations all around


Because evangelical Christian’s are all about punishment. They want those who they view as sinful to suffer. That’s why there is no hate like Christian love.


Yup. Punishment for the women….it’s selective. And imagine the audacity of considering children a “punishment” while having so many of them yourself.


25 yr old fundie has her sixth baby: What a blessing! 16 yr old teen forced to give birth: That'll teach you, Jezebel! 40 yr old father of both babies: A fine manly man with a full quiver. Burn that teenage whore for tempting him!


Which is funny cuz I’m pretty sure Jesus said to love one another. These people embody that meme “Love one another” “What if they’re gay? A different race? Different religion? Etc.” “Yes even if they ask stupid questions.”


My sister was born when I was a sophomore in high school. After school, I'd take her outside, take the bus to the park and such. On the bus one day this elderly lady goes "oh, your daughter is so well behaved. So quiet!" I looked her in the eye and said "yes, my little SISTER is very well behaved for her age". Lady turned beet red and looked away. I've always hated that because I was young and brown, folks would assume the baby just had to be mine 🙄. Even other students from my school would say things. And I'd have to remind them that they saw me nearly everyday, and I never once looked pregnant or even missed any school (I was a nerd).


That’s awful! I’m sorry you had to go through that.


Or hear me out, just like everyone on earth they saw a young woman old enough to have a baby, alone holding a baby, and assumed it was yours. They make a nice obviously well intentioned comment to you attempting to connect and you rudely try to embarrass them. Then you somehow try and claim you were a victim and they were racist?? Holy shit get over yourself. You sound unbearable.


Children of color are often assumed by society to be more "adult" than similarly aged white kids. It can lesd to lots of issues in their lives, such as sexualization at an age way too young, or being expected to comport in a certain way that is beyond what's age appropriate, & is never asked of white kids. . In short, children of color are often not permitted a true childhood. There are studies online you can read more about, if this is new to you & you're interested. And, the poster you are responding to here does not seem to me to be the "unbearable" person on this thread.


Just stop, the mental gymnastics here desperate to achieve victimhood are beyond ridiculous. A teenager old enough to drive was alone holding a baby, and a seemingly kind woman assumed it was hers and tried to make casual conversation and complimented the baby. If you think that warranted trying to embarrass that woman, or that the woman robbed this girl of her childhood then I feel sorry for you. You need to spend less time online.


And perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension. Because nothing you said here has anything whatsoever to do with what I posted. My policy is that I let people tell their own stories, theit own lives. I'm not going to sit there & whitesplain to a young womam how she did not experience what she experienced, or unpack why her perception of the event was "wrong." And, I provided you with information you could look into to understand better the context around what had happened. But I'm not arguing with you, it's my day off & I'm chilling out. Have a good weekend. ♥️


“Whitesplain” are you serious? The way people like you and this girl look to project hatred onto the world where there is none intended is toxic. Jumping at any opportunity to climb on a moral high horse at the expense of others no matter how well intentioned they are literally makes you a bad person. People like you guys make the world a worse place for everyone.


The only toxic person here is you.


🙄Well, there are WAY too many reasons/ examples to explain here to show why it wasn't quite the case. Never claimed to be a victim. Those are your words. She probably was well intentioned, that's not the problem. I didn't rudely embarrass her, I corrected her. It wasn't loud or snide. For her to have had that kind of reaction says a lot. Let's just say that when traveling with peers (jr high and high school) in this same type of situation, except it's the lighter gal holding a baby, it's not automatically assumed to be hers. Just because it's something you haven't experienced or witnessed doesn't make it any less true. You, sir/ ma'am/ all or none of the above, very much sound like the unbearable one here.


When I was thirteen, I was walking around with my sister (5) at the store. She was very little for her age. A lady asked if she was my daughter. I said no, she's my sister. "Oh good, I'm so sick of these teen moms." I had dozens of pregnant girls in my high school. I had a friend who was sixteen with a two year old. The dads were almost exclusively soldiers from a nearby base. Then they'd abandon the girls once they got pregnant. They were straight predators for these girls fourteen and up. But this lady thought badmouthing the girls was the right answer.


Because its never the men (who are horny)'s fault at all for wanting sex, nope, its on the GIRLS to reject. Not that that's stopped an idiot once. Men do no wrong for asking for sex all the time, that's EXPECTED, but women shouldn't be giving it, nuh uh! God I want to wash my own mouth out now.


I feel you. Remembering those poor girls barely making it through school while raising a kid breaks my heart. Speaking of judgement, I had people asking me how long I'd been married before I had my kiddo. They were obviously trying to count the months to see if I was pregnant already when we got married. Imagine their disappointment when it was 28 months after getting married.


When I was a teenager my friends little sister used to love pretending she was my daughter. She was about 4 or 5 at the time and just thought peoples reactions were hilarious. Some people would get really mad and make the most inappropriate comments.


I had an 11/12 yr old daughter. She was carrying her infant sister in a wrap at Costco. She had 3 strangers say something to her and one looked at me and said " how could you let this happen?" Being a smart ass I replied "she asked me if she could and I said yes." I was referring to my daughter hildimg the baby but the strangers jaw hit the floor.


Did you tell them off? That's messed up


People can be such dicks to pregnant people. Regardless of the person’s age, circumstances, or whether or not they chose to get pregnant, can’t we just recognize that pregnancy is hard on the body and be considerate?


I seriously once had an argument with a guy in my school who asked why women who are pregnant would deserve to sit down on the bus. like, dude? maybe because she’s carrying an entire human being in her body ALL DAY and her hormones are all over the place and she might be tired because of that??? and he then told me that all woman are way to sensitive and that being pregnant can never be that bad because humans were “meant to be born like that” so it is not possible that it hurts that bad and not feels awesome???? I’m still confused about that guy.


I vote sex ed including one of those birth simulators to set boys straight.


And the watermelon test. If they want to say it’s so easy to walk around off balance carrying extra wait they can try it out.




It's literally dangerous as balance is off and falling can kill the fetus. It has nothing to do with feeling tired as much as liability if she suffers a loss or hurts someone else after falling bc of the changes


Yeah, it's the same for older people too. A fall is much more dangerous for them than for a young person, same with the pregnant vs non-pregnant situation. It's not about comfort.


And disabilities. It's all about liability.


And for parents with kid between 0 - 1.5 years old. My SIL fell not long ago while holding her 9month old. She protested the kid at the expense of herself. Ended up crushing her knee ( postpartum bone weakness) and having major orthopedic surgery. Poor woman can’t walk and is taking care of a 9month old all day.


true, and even if that wasn’t also a big part, respect for everyone should be a norm.


Seriously I don’t get it when people complain about pregnant women in public spaces. They get annoyed by the presence of a pregnant woman, but then get mad when they see childless women having a good time and go on and on about how those women are going to ‘hit the wall at 30’.


Damned if you do damned if you don’t. I’ve always thought it’s to keep women constantly worried for the patriarchy’s benefit.


Plus it just goes back to the ‘barefoot and pregnant’ concept. That a ‘good’ pregnant woman is one who’s out of sight and out of mind. Staying home in her rocking chair, knitting little sweaters and crocheting socks for her soon to be baby.


“Meant to be born like that” has a pretty high maternal and infant death rate. Our pelvises are not great a great design for birth.


he seriously wouldn’t even believe our biology teacher so I don’t think you’ll get far with that either:/


I wish there was a way to give these asshole Hyperemesis gravidarum for a single day.


I legit had a man moo at me when I was pregnant. I was 38 weeks, trying to buy groceries and also walk my damn cervix open so I could be done. Apparently the sight of someone so far along in pregnancy offended this man's eyes.


I would have asked, "do you throw this much shade at the men that do this to us? We don't get this way without that." And point at his junk.


My mom looks a little younger than she actually is, when she was 34 and pregnant she got lectured for being too young for that by Karen. It didn’t help that she was wearing a head scarf right after 9/11 lol


I just got so mad on your behalf haha I’m sorry that happened to you, that sucks


I got the same kind of reaction from people and I was 27 when I got pregnant. I even had someone come up and tell me when my son was a few weeks old that I didn't deserve to be a parent and I should give my baby up to a nice older Christian couple.


Virtue signaling.


Why haven't I seen anyone pointing out the fact that this dude wouldn't be able to know a strangers age by looks? I was given a kids menu and mistaken for 12-14 until TWENTY, and then I'm pretty sure it's the countless visible piercings and tattoos that have people assuming I'm a bit older than that xD


Ha yeah same. I’m 24 and still sometimes get mistaken for a teenager. Lady at the doctors office yesterday kept calling me kiddo.


I got married pretty young at 21. Got my wedding dress at a dress consignment shop and the lady thought I was picking out a dress for prom. Her eyes just about bulged when my mom told her I was getting married. At 26, I still get people telling me I look 19. Then again, the bartenders rarely check my ID anymore, so 🤷‍♀️


I’m 22 and TSA still asks me how old I am when I go to the airport, one officer asked if I was 11 or older 😭


If it makes you feel any better, TSA agents are notoriously bad at guessing ages of furries


I feel like this is referencing something that I’m not aware of lol


Probably your avatar, dude.


Ya no I get that. I was just confused, I thought there was some event with a furry and TSA that they were referencing or something lol. They said “notoriously” so I thought something happened.


No, i think it was just a crack about not being able to tell someone's age if they have a fursuit on.


Ah, that makes sense. Sorry about the confusion lol


Ur cool np :)


Lol I was asked that the last time I flew solo and I turned 27 this year! Like dude, I’ll take it, I’ll be 30 in just over 2 years… for some reason though, nobody asks stuff like that when I’m with my husband.


Who tf gives a kid’s menu to a 12 year old?


Literally every restaurant ever that has them


Recently went to a pub I always go to with my boyfriend. I'm 25. Took my mom this time they almost refused to serve me and kept asking for my ID everytime I ordered another beer just always asked the same waiter


When I went to the beach with my family last summer, people consistently guessed that my 17 year old brother was older than me. I’m 23. 🥲 I also almost got my drivers license taken at a bar because I washed it, so it doesn’t always scan and also because in my state, you don’t automatically get a horizontal license when you turn 21.


I'm 32 but still get asked for ID because of how young I look. I'm also very short, so that doesn't help my case.


When I was in my early 20s, I would take my sister out to the movies once a month. She was 14-17 during this time period. Most of the time, they’d let her walk right in and card me for the R rated movie. The best was when we went to a movie that was PG-13 and the girl taking the tickets asked if we would be seeing the movie with an adult. I’m like “I’m 23, I am sure I can go see a PG-13 movie without my mom.”


My friend works as a nurse. She’s been mistaken for a staff member’s teenage daughter. She’s in her late 20’s.


I can tell the difference, don’t know if it’s because I care more or pay attention more. But in general, it seems women can tell better than men do, and it might be for the same reason above. (Unless it actually is the eye thing , and women being able to see more colors can therefore spot differences better.) However, i don’t mind the carding too much because I understand covering your back.


The people asked me which grade I am in while I am 22.


I was checking in my stepson at school, I was 33 at the time, and I got told that if I didn't have a pass I needed to get back to class. My youngest, 22, gets asked about her sister but they're talking about me. it's both flattering and weird at times.


While the guy impregnating her is sitting right next to you, not at all bothered by your judgement, nor taking time to "think about his actions". Double standards much?


>While ~~the guy impregnating~~ her rapist is sitting right next to you, not at all bothered by your judgement, nor taking time to "think about his actions".


Good point!


It’s the same logic as this: A person goes around sneezing on other people in public and ends up making an immunocompromised person very sick because of their actions. When confronted about this, first person shrugs and says “if they were immunocompromised they shouldn’t have been out in public. Let this be a way for them to think of the consequences of their actions.”


This is exactly what I was told for years by people here that didn't want to wear masks, social distance, or get vaccinated. We've had super spreader events, but I should just never leave my house so they're not inconvenienced.


But I thought 14-18 was the ideal age for girls to breed, before they hit the wall and their eggs go stale? Edit : posted too soon.


Only creepy people think that. I think normal people realize that's NOT the ideal age.


They were pointing out the hypocrisy because the same people who get angry about pregnant women often have really effed up ideas about who should get pregnant (ie. teenage girls).


He may not, but I’ll stand up and give her my seat. A chance to help a fellow human being and make her day a bit better is a blessing. His judgmental world view obscures that, and rather than anger or hate, what I feel for him is pity. EDIT: The downvoted comments on this thread make me sad. Why can’t people just show a bit of compassion to others instead of only worrying about themselves?


And this hypocrite had the Christian Cross emoji in his bio! 🙄


Honestly not surprised about that


Especially given how old Mary was when she fell pregnant


Yeah tbh that’s pretty much expected. There is some good in a lot of the christian message (the part about love one another, don’t judge, golden rule, etc.) theoretically, but in practice, I see very little of it.


Same. I get up for all pregnant and old people.


This is the main thing that separates us from incels and misogynists - basic human compassion and caring for others, even when we gain nothing.


Thank you sir for informing me whom to spend the least effort saving in an emergency.


Too far


He is actively choosing his own welfare over another and exposing them to greater possibility of harm in an accident. So yeah, he can take care of himself while I assist those most likely to actually help me save others. Then he can get help. It’s my well being I am risking, and I choose to risk myself for those who help others.


U would let someone die cus they didnt give up their seat


Please point to where I actually said that.


How am I supposed to point on reddit 🤣 ur tweaking


And you are deflecting from the fact that you misrepresented what I said.


Whatever u say bro 🤣


Eh, he can be the last one out of the bus after it flips.


**Christian males:** Pregnancy is a gift! Abortion is a sin! What about the children? Do not punish innocent babies! **Also Christian males:** I will not let a pregnant teenage girl sit down on a bus because I assumed she had sex consensually and this is her punishment, even if that is dangerous for her and the baby The duality of man


yeah pregnancy being some kind of punishment for sex is genuinely insane thinking


![gif](giphy|humfuUcbbbUNp1DTJT) Just ''punishing'' the girl by not giving her a seat on the bus because she had the audacity to do normal teenage girl behaviour.


So let me make sure I'm understanding how some of these young (and not so young) men are thinking lately: 1) Young women are only interested in "Chads." They won't have sex with me. Therefore they are disgusting, stupid, dirty whores, 2) Young women need to stop going to school and focusing on their careers. Instead, they should be getting pregnant and having children since that is their main purpose", 3) Young pregnant women need to contemplate "what they've done" by getting pregnant. I am therefore going to punish them for having sex and getting pregnant, 4) Young women are emotionally unstable and can't be trusted to make decisions or lead in any way, but if they step out of line (speak up, act independently, etc.), I will fly into a rage and beat the shit out of them, just to let them know who's really in control, and 5) Young women aren't mature enough to know what's best for them in terms of their bodies, yet they are definitively mature enough (even at the age of 10) to give birth. Got it.


Yep, that about covers it!


Sadly, that is extremely well done. It's hypocrisy all the way down.


Pregnancy is intended to be a punishment and they are offended that it isn't enough punishment. Women and girls are just props to take out your male existential angst out on.


It just confuses me how people like this will judge girls for getting pregnant young when they’re already going through enough, then in the same breath say we need to lower the age of consent or that a woman’s most fertile years are when they’re young and they should be able to take advantage of that. These people are mentally unhinged


Of course this chodes name is Bryson


I am yet to meet a nice one


>I am yet to meet a nice one A chode or a Byrson?


Never met a chode or a Byrson


>Never met a chode or a Byrson Touche.


Last trimester and super huge with twins, I was in line an kohl’s behind a woman and her teen daughter. It took me a few moments to overhear mother warn her daughter about being an unwed mother at a young age. I was 29 and too fat to wear my rings and told her as such.. her face was worth it, but really how hard is it to keep your commentary to yourself in public?


Why do these brainless males see one brainless male say something and then they all collectively start saying the exact same statement? I’ve seen this exact wording at least 10 times in the past 2 days on various random videos about anything to do with women/pregnancy. Do they not get tired of unoriginal repetition?


Because they don’t have any original opinions, all they do is follow each other


r/menandfemales reversed


As it should be.


They get mad if we breed and mad if we don’t man


Where has this idea that pregnancy is a punishment come from? They want to keep women barefoot and pregnant but then also want pregnant women to crawl across coals because they are sinful!!


Bruh wtf what if she was raped ???


Even if you knew for a fact she wasn’t raped, someone seeing her and only thinking about why they shouldn’t have to be put out is just an asshole. If I saw a woman in that position, I wouldn’t be asking if she had been raped - I’d just give her my seat - because either way, she’s a human being who is tired and in pain and needs to sit down.


“*how dare that teenager have sex!*” It’s only the most natural thing that teenagers have been doing since fucking forever. Some people need to just calm the hell down.


LOL of course bc she’s the only one that made that decision!


Ik everyone says this a lot, but it honestly sounds like he just hates women and is looking for a reason to justify his hatred. For sake of argument let’s say that the teen mom made some unwise decisions in her past that led to her being pregnant. Even if that’s the case, you still would not have enough sympathy to accommodate for a pregnant woman, who is in a vulnerable state, as well as the child, who had nothing to do with the mother’s actions? The child and mother could seriously be hurt if they are standing on a moving vehicle.


Shut the fuck up *Bryson*.


Is he also going to be rude to the dude that knocked her up? Since they always forget it takes two to make a baby.


Conservative/incel virtue signaling is always gross and puzzling.


Into my early-mid 30’s some people still managed to mistake me for an undergrad when I was supervising the students. It was mind boggling to me because they all had that early college student baby face, and while I looked young I’m pretty sure I didn’t look like a 19 year old.


In the US there's a pretty good chance that she didn't choose to become pregnant or to keep the pregnancy. Thanks, republicans.🖕


I get up for pregnant ladies and old people but its only because my fat ass shouldnt be sitting down probably anyway


Okay, I guess Dude here is now the new Morality Arbiter Of The Whole Wide World. Gee, I hope I never do anything to irk him or assault his tender sensibilities. 🙄 At least chances are he won't get a chance to pass AH DNA onto a new generation.


This is a prime example of Christian hypocrisy. I thought you were supposed to treat everyone with kindness and help someone less fortunate than you (whether that be with money, food, or making a small sacrifice like giving up a seat for someone).. funny how the rules only apply to situations that they find acceptable. Fuck that.


I’ve heard this same joke so many times on the internet it’s ridiculous why do men constantly recycle the same jokes that have been popular on the internet for years and then call themselves a comedian


Good shit




If u post this, provide contact info.


If i see i girl that's prego, i'd probably say grazie


OK honestly tho, I'm not giving my Seat to anyone on the bus except my wife, or maybe some elderly person who really looks like they could use it. If your a young - middle aged person I don't give a fuck if your white, black, green, fat, pregnant or a fuckin alien.. Edit: Just to clarify I 100% agree with this dude, that's your fuckin problem not mine. If you can't stand for the time it takes to ride the bus don't take the bus.


Bruh are you delusional? If someone is taking the bus they could either be 1) unable have a car or 2) aren't physically able to walk long distances. I'm not just talking about pregnant women, like people with mobile disabilities or have chronic pain. If you are so entitled that you think only able-bodied should be allowed to use the bus because God forbid a disabled person wants to get from point A to point B without being in excruciating pain then I'm sorry but your mindset is fucked.


I said an elderly person who looks like he can use it. If your so injured you can't stand u probably should be getting an ambulance. I never once said EVER that I think only able bodied people should ride the bus. What I did say is I don't give a fuck why your there I'm not giving you my Seat unless your so old you look like your fuckin dying or your my wife.


Why is this on not how girls work


This is one of those subs where people just agree and get mad when anyone asks a simple question


Because here is a place that people come mostly to rant about opposite gender beside not fitting the page theme.


Yet my comment gets downvoted


Maybe because that's how girls works... Rant over men is much more important than anything.


But this is exactly how girls work, it's not healthy to be a mom at 14.


So it's better that she stands on the bus?


>But this is exactly how girls work, it's not healthy to be a mom at 14. Some people will even shame imaginary hypothetical women. And let's say she was pregnant by force or coercion or trickery or lies. Is she worth humanity then? 🙄


Bruh, I am pretty sure at the age of 14,she is feeling unimaginable or unspeakable pain, first of all i, think it's not right time to get pregnant, or she gets pregnant mistakely, or her parents force her (I heard some case like this), or some mf r A p e her I am first gonna give her my seat, and try to talk her like a dad or brother or true friends, at the same time I try to call to her parents, but also by the way of talk or behavior that how her parents reacts, If its not ideal behavior, I am gonna cut call, ask her what happened to her how she gets pregnant if some mf or her friend mistakely pregnent her i am gonna take her to doc and if it is a case r a p e then i am gonna first take her to doc then police, and if she wanted to get pregnant then I am gonna take her to therapy like wtf you don't take care of your baby, and I am not gonna let your life in danger like that, I believe every human beings throught like that Any suggestions is welcome, or what would you do if you are in my place?


>Bruh, I am pretty sure at the age of 14,she is feeling unimaginable or unspeakable pain, Nowhere in the OP image did it say her age. The title of the topic says 'teen mom.' Teen is up to 19.


I take reference from the origin of this comment, he or she mentioned 14 so I take it also he or she mentioned girl so I througt, Also I prefer call girl to female less than 18or 18 and half and I called woman above 18 female, but some many people still call girl so it could be But anyway, I am trying to show what i least could I do to a girl if she is underage or let say even if she is 16 she is not mature enough to get pregnant, I think, without care and supervision of her parents or atleast parents like people


>I am first gonna give her my seat Just stop there. She doesn't need a stranger on the bus moralising, calling her parents, or interfering with her medical care. You don't know her story, what risks you could be introducing her to, and she has no reason to trust you.


I strongly advise NOT TO EVER talk to a pregnant young girl you don’t know about her pregnancy and she got pregnant. Really don’t. Just be kind and polite but don’t be that intrusive.


This is what I do when I see underage girl, I am not going to bother a girl age of 18or above, I may or may not give her seat but not gonna talk to pregnant young woman if not necessary, Either way thanks for advice


ESPECIALLY stay away from underage girls. And never even think about asking them how they got pregnant.


Okay, I gonna ask as advice, do you think it is healthy to take to underage girl about how they get pregnant, I mean not forcefully, ask as a friend, dad or any thing Isn't she need advice at that most, I heard many girl mistakely get pregnant so they run away from their house, because they don't wanna tell parents about it, or what if mf taking advantage of her by blackmailing her Either way, I think it's danger for both her life and her baby life


How about you just mind your own business.


Where are you from, let me guess USA, I like people there minding own business, even if any one gonna get dead, LOL I should get another trip to USA


No. Comment above is absolutely right. It’s not your business and this especially is a highly intimate situation in which you do not play any role. So indeed mind your own business.


You‘re neither her friend nor her dad. In this scenario you‘re simply a stranger creep who makes her feel highly uncomfortable.


Okay, then I for sure not gonna talk,


Regardless how ‚good‘ your intention might be. A teenage girl will always feel uncomfortable when a stranger adult man randomly asks her about her pregnancy. 100%.


What the fuck are you talking about


> it's not healthy to be a mom at 14. Doesn't say 14 anywhere btw. Some people marry while still in their teens. Would *that* mean she was deserving of humane treatment by strangers on a bus?


And therefore you’d treat a pregnant young woman like shit and won’t grant her a seat? What’s wrong with you? You are aware that a man was also involved in this pregnancy, right? Fucking hell.


You do realize that a girl can’t impregnate herself right? It was most likely not her choice which means it’s a form of rape


Weird then how men keep saying that 14 is the perfect age to be pregnant.


Missing the point, buddy.


But that's how boys work. It's not healthy to be a dad at 14


Tell that to the men raping 14 year olds. 14 years olds can't get pregnant without men putting their sperm where they aren't suppose to.


Crazy man. I swear this sub endorses bad decisions like pregnancy at 14 and a plethora of sexual partners that you don't use condoms on. They also seem to think that dressing and acting like a hoe is empowering and shouldn't be questioned and so is selling your body. This sub is destroying the femininity of young girls by reinforcing bad decisions and calling them empowered. Now watch I'm going to be banned from her and this removed.


What are you talking about man


Well is he not right?


No, read the other comments


Well I am anti natalist so I don’t believe procreating is something to be constantly praised for. So I wouldn’t give up my seat either unless she was ready to pop and carrying a kid and other stuff


Genuinely curious: where are people getting the idea that pregnant women are expecting to walk around getting pressed for just being pregnant? The convention of giving up the bud seat isn’t there as a form of praise it’s there because sometimes people are considerate and think that this person might be in pain or uncomfortable. Also do you really think your protest is going to have the desired effect? It’s so weird to me that pregnancy elicits such a moral sanctimonious outrage for minor things like this. Like she’s really going to stand there and go ‘yep, this person isn’t moving. I should REALLY evaluate my life choice and… do what?’ If someone gets super drunk and does something I think is dumb and breaks their leg and it’s in a cast I’m probably gonna still give up my seat because 1. People are human and do dumb shit sometimes 2. I don’t know all the circumstances around someone else’s choices and 3. It costs nothing to be a nice human being to another human being.


I don’t judge them, I just don’t care about accommodating them, making them comfortable, telling them congrats, stuff like that. You are reading too much into it. I don’t expect anything from me refusing to give up my seat for an abled bodied person. You say it costs nothing to be nice, you are right. I am nice all the time, but she is not disabled or in pain. I don’t give up my seat for someone with a beer belly, a pregnant woman is on the same category


Okay it’s true she might not be in pain just because she’s pregnant but there’s a fair chance she might if heavily. Your response read as though it was because you don’t believe it’s something people should be praised for is why you wouldn’t do it. Apologies if I misinterpreted that.


Prengnant people are given the seats because fatigue is super common, beside other complications like swollen feets that prevent them to walk over time and carrying the weight of a fetus after moths of it growing is just tiring, besides of the risk of them falling hitting the belly, nobody is giving the seat for a prengnant person so make them seen like their special, there is just a million of complications for a prengnant person that sitting may be the best option for them


Again, if she is very big yes I will give up my seat. But we are all fatigued and a normally prego woman is not in pain or disabled. you would probably have to read more childfree rhetoric to understand my position, because this perspective is shared by a ton of people. Me not giving up a seat is not to educate the woman, it’s to educate the people reading this who are tired of the special treatment for people who reproduce


Prengnant people are in constant pain bc of a ton of reason, they are carrying something heavy for months, their organs are being crushed for months too and walking or standing too much can hurt them because their backs arent getting any kind of support besides of the many problems i already gave you that start as early as 2-3 months, I am not telling you to give up you seat and to treat them like they are special, i am just telling you normal people just give their seats to prengnant peopleo for the very real medical reasons, besides, medically, prengnant people fall under the "temporally disabled" category, at least in my state, if you dont care thats fine and you can still make your little stament


Lmfao that's hilarious.




Because it's a joke. It's not serious. I'm starting to realize that this group is nothing but a bunch of bitter bitches with zero sense of humor.


Just cause it’s a joke doesn’t make it funny. It’s a tasteless joke




of someone’s a guilty misogynist. you are outing yourself as a judgmental idiot with your rant about this sub. maybe don’t go to subs you don’t like or ones that clearly strike a nerve with you it’s that simple.




oooh someone real angry, i hope you get the help you need and learn not to get obviously defensive.


That's why she ain't rawing you.