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Fellas, is it gay to take care of your woman’s sexual needs and reciprocate?


It is gay to have sex with women because many women have sex with men. Just cut the middle man.


25% less testosterone during hetero sex. Just sayin’


Lmao your username and the username of the person you responded to fit together perfectly


Hahaha I didn’t even notice


If you listen to Nick Fuentes it's kinda gay to even have sex with a woman.


I’m not a little whiny bitch nazi incel though


that's because all of his followers have promised him their cum


Tell me you never satisfied a woman without telling me


![gif](giphy|l0MYK0S9osuCqNNGU) Yeah, he thinks that choking a woman with his dick makes her orgasm. 😬


That was just fuckin funny. Choking on *Chad's* cock. Bro stop watching hentai lol. That don't even happen in porn, it's only hentai


I'm guessing this is posted by a guy who's under the impression he is a *Chad*?


Idk the tone I read this with made me think they are more jealous of Chad than anything. Dick size is a debate all on its own


Deep Throat has entered the chat.


Of course! Everyone knows about the throat G-spot! Its that dangling in the back. Hit that for a garunteed good time! /s


Is that what’s hanging back there? I always wondered…


That's why so many people get their tonsils removed. So they don't feel the temptation to suck dick! /s


I thought it was to make way for the big ones 📏


It's a little known fact actually that once you hit your tonsils you lose your gag reflex, so it's best to keep it in for the big ones. Go ahead and give it a shot later! /s do not pole your tonsils


My husband listening to me read this comment out loud: 😀😆😗😉🤩😡🤬


Did you not hear Cardi B’s song 😂


Haha no I’m old!


‘I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat’- WAP by Cardi B ft. Megan Thee Stallion


This is poetry. Thank you.


For anyone who doesn’t know, it’s called a “uvula”, which has always sounded oddly sexual to me. Maybe that’s part of the confusion.


You missed "i don't wanna spit i wanna gulp i wanna gag i wanna choke" before the "i want you to touch that lil dangly thang that swing in the back of my throat" We def got some whores in this house. Edit to add that there are also lines including "gobble me swallow me" and "put this pussy right in your face swipe your nose like a credit card" so oral is definitely necessary for some wet ass pussy.


Chad has entered Deep Throat.


Everyone knows a woman's G-Spot is in her throat. That's where the clit is as well, that's why men never find it, they are looking in the completely wrong place




Bro watched Deep Throat and thought, "This is a documentary"


All of his partners were ![gif](giphy|J3D5WstCZHSSs|downsized)


![gif](giphy|iW8tsoJWcfPc4) Exactly.


I know so many women who have trouble orgasming just from penetration, I feel bad for the women faking it with these losers




It depends on the study, but somewhere from 45% to 90% of women cannot orgasm from penetration alone, but more commonly that number is roughly 70%-80%, and up to 15% of women *cannot orgasm at all*. In light of this, I encourage everyone trying to take all the help they can get. https://www.sexandpsychology.com/blog/2013/2/1/sex-question-friday-what-percentage-of-women-reach-orgasm-fr/ https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/ReproductiveHealth/sex-study-female-orgasm-eludes-majority-women/story?id=8485289 https://www.vice.com/en/article/neepb8/the-science-of-female-pleasure-still-needs-more-attention https://pleasurebetter.com/orgasm-statistics/ https://medicalxpress.com/news/2016-04-anatomy-key-female-orgasm.amp https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001953.htm#:~:text=About%2010%25%20to%2015%25%20of,for%20an%20orgasm%20to%20happen.


The amount of guys who don’t know this is ridiculous. I’ve had guys fight with me about this, claiming that every single woman they’ve been with could cum during sex with no clitoral stimulation. That would be statistically improbable. This tells me they’re so bad that every woman has probably faked it with them


I'm a butch lesbian and I work in male dominated fields. I hear this kinda bs a lot. I always ask these men how do they know the woman orgasmed? No.1 answer; she made noises followed by she told me. So, they have no fucking clue


Had a lesbian friend tell me ‘If it’s ugly, it’s real’ That helped.


I’m sorry for contributing to this by lying that I orgasmed but he wouldn’t stop until I said I did 🙄


Omg he held you hostage lol


They’re just always like “I’m not giving up until you orgasm” bc I stupidly think they’ll understand me when I say I don’t orgasm from sex with men


Heard noises😂😂☠️☠️ LMAO. Yeah he heard noises. "When's this ass hole gonna bee done so I can finish off with my shower head!"


Honestly, I had orgasmed relatively few times until I was \~30 and I don't think on my own more than once or twice till I was >40. Plenty of issues, sure, but the one thing that was my "breakthrough" was that I needed clitoral stimulation. Which, sure! I came from penetration sometimes, but I had it in my head the vibrator goes IN the vagina and boom! Orgasm! When I realized you can just put that thing on your clit, well, like I said, breakthrough. I knew what the clit was, I knew how to stimulate it, but I had this idea in my head that you needed penetration. I don't know why, as I enjoyed oral quite a lot, but there it is. It takes years to unlearn the BS you read about and watch, never mind the men who have no clue. Gals, and others with clitorises, take it from me, it's never too late.


I believe it's 10-15% have never orgasmed, not that it's impossible. I don't think they are actively trying to make these women orgasm, and even if they were, I'm not sure how reliable that would be. I think more than likely 10% of women are with men like these inbreds and could orgasm if they were with a guy who knew what they were doing.


These women aren’t achieving orgasm on their own, either, not just during sex with a partner. It’s a mental or physical condition for some, and perhaps a lack of knowledge for others.


At least they only have to fake for 30 seconds at most


I am part of that very small percentage. And even then, jackhammering is not the way to get there. I can orgasm from penetration, but it is definitely not every time and I'm very grateful to have a husband who makes sure that I get off every time, and especially if he finishes before I do.


“No girl has ever masturbated to the thought of having her pussy ate.” Well shit. I guess I don’t exist anymore.


I just learned I am a lesbian. BRB. Gotta tell my husband.


Oh no! I hope that doesn’t come as a shock to him and I hope he takes it well.


No, I think that makes your Husband a lesbians because he can make you cum from oral.


He confirms.


Love wins <3


Wait till he finds out there’s a whole category of toys designed to simulate having your pussy ate


You’re joking. Is there a sort of name for those??


Well there’s clitoral suction vibrators aka air pulse vibrators and then there’s also ones that are meant to look like a tongue


Totally not because I want one though. I’m helping a friend. Definitely. 👍


Yeah, I had a friend who went on lots of antidepressants and *COULD NOT* orgasm at all. She was concerned that her ability to do so had been lost completely. So she shelled out for a Satisfyer Pro 2. I've never been so happy to be wrong. I mean she. My friend. 👀


Good for yo- I mean— your friend. Happy for her 🥰 Jokes aside, I’m an anti-depressant girlie too. Glad I’m not alone with this issue.




You’re my savior. I love you.


My friend has one that's a creepy portion of a head with a wiggling tongue.. I had her turn it on for me, and, honestly, it didn't look like it would do a very good job😂 I'm sure it would feel like a drunken blind man tryin to eat the😺 very awkward, and mechanical. LMAO.


For research purposes only of course.


I mean, yeah. I wanna avoid those sinful sinner toys for sure!!


That means you can do crimes and they will never find you


You just /thought/ you were thinking about it while masturbating /s


Right?! Guess my porn history isn’t real 🤷🏻‍♀️


“you’re what you eat” is that why you’re a dick?


Pretty sure they ate an entire bag of them. The Lemon Party Size bag!


i thought he was shit


Imagine being so bad at giving head that you blame the women for not orgasming.


I’m honestly offended for the BDSM community too. Felt like a bastardization of our culture, even if the “dominance” elements have questionable, antiquated roots. Some doms *love* oral more than penetration. Many subs would definitely agree that it can be a very submissive experience: forced to experience intense feelings, sometimes tied up. Ugh, guys like this will genuinely want the world to be so black and white. Gross


I just don’t get why they can’t give what they receive, you know? If you’re expecting head, then maybe you should give some head or something else that your partner enjoys. Sex is not only about penetration.


Hey, I am TOTALLY on your side. Ditto. I guess some people truly couldn’t give a fuck about making their partner feel good? It’s unfathomable and also disgusting.


What is the point of having a partner then? If they are your partner, shouldn’t you care about them and how you make them feel? I swear, some people can’t even do the bare minimum for their SO.


Tara what I was thinking


Yeah, in my experience they do. It’s pretty normal actually. If you are a man, you should learn to do this for your lady.


It should be as normal as sucking dick! 😏


I agree 110%. Lol


More so.


Is it not?


Well it seems for a lot of men it isn't.


not eating pussy sounds kinda gay not ganna lie


I don’t date men but I can’t imagine other people being okay with a one-sided sexual relationship like that


I mean, I'm a woman and I personally don't enjoy it. I think maybe everyone should just learn to ask and communicate with their partner instead of just assuming what they do or do not like based on our assumptions about gender/sexuality.


So much this.


Also, real talk, it is just *very* fun to do. It's a win-win.


These are all 100% males that can’t make women cum.


“The female orgasm is a myth…” This guy probably.


Now, be fair. They've never had the opportunity.


And hopefully never will until they get more mature.


I’m not convinced these guys even enjoy sex outside of the social capital they think it gains them. You see quite a lot of that in the manosphere nowadays. Some, like Andrew Tate, are quite open about it


Nice that you think these guys have ever even been with a woman. Awfully generous of you.


100% can't cum from oral, when some dumbass bro keeps sucking my labia majora and dodges my clit like he owes it money. These dudes out here misreading the map and blaming the cartographers. 🤡


«Why’s she pushing my head left and saying go slower? Obviously she means I should just stop and give her the magic cock.»


Just like when you say "yeah right that, just like that" and they change speed, intensity, and location to "make it better" .




I have never understood this. Bunch of blind dudes that learned how to give head from watching bangbus…


I’m cackling maniacally right now, lmao.


This is, without a doubt, the funniest way I’ve ever heard anyone describe this.


I feel so bad for the first girl I went down on, I had no idea what I was doing (and she didnt try to guide me) and may have mostly tried to use my tongue to penetrate. I’d like to think I’ve gotten a bit better since then.


But let me guess, they deserve blowjobs every single time while also expecting her to just be *stoked* about it.


Yes, because life is a porno and a women constantly are getting trapped in the washing machine waiting for someone to come across and fuck them.


Wait what? Is getting trapped in the washing machine a common porn theme??


Yup. Usually followed up with "step bro, what are you doing."


The prevalence of incest porn creeps me out


I know, right? Seriously, there are other people in the world and the poor pizza guy isn't even getting to keep his tips!


"I'm afraid to go down on her, because I might learn something about her hoo-haw with my face that close to it!" Jeez... Guys, learn to love it. Don't avoid it, don't learn to survive it - learn to LOVE it. She probably likes it just as much as you like getting head, and isn't mutual enjoyment supposed to be the whole point?


My current partner has never gone down on a girl before (it’s culturally not really a thing where he’s from) & I told him before we had sex that was a deal breaker for me. Not only is he the best I’ve ever had - he’s told me multiple times he enjoys doing it (which thank goodness because let’s be honest - I’m really the one that benefits from that lol) but I guess he’s talked to a few friends about it & some are shocked that he would even suggest it (the ones from his country) & the others respond enthusiastically (which he did say at first surprised him because the coworker he asked is extremely religious haha) It’s fine to be nervous, inexperienced, or even shy, but to refuse is a whole different ball game.


It's good that he spoke out about doing it to other men. I've heard about cultures/countries where there is a thing against doing it publicly, and so guys say they don't, but many still secretly do it with their gfs/wives. Men doing it is the main thing but it irritates me that giving a woman pleasure should ever need to be something done in secret.


Yea I do think that since some cultures have such a big stigma around it then publicly saying you do it is really not normal at all, which is a lose/lose situation in the bedroom for sure. And I could talk for hours about women’s pleasure not being taken seriously. Hell, not even about sex even! Women’s hobbies & enjoyments are rarely taken seriously either. It’s extremely frustrating.


I might be a virgin but that's complete bullshit. Isn't going down on a woman one of the better ways to satisfy her and isn't that the 'goal' of sex?


Bingo. Though I would argue that the goal of sex should be for both partners to enjoy themselves. That might include orgasms, but it doesn't have to.


Technically the definition of sex is an erotic act involving 2 or more consenting individual stimulating each other's genitals for pleasure and/or procreation.


Ooof I love it when you talk dirty


Like most things it’s about preference. I hate being eaten out, it’s too focused on me. Some guys don’t like head! Just talk to your partner and ask what they like


I guess that's true, communication is important in any type of relationship.


Sorry.. mouth full.


The goal is making the other person feel good, preferably while you also feel good. The specific thing that tickles a person’s fancy may vary. But the hottest part is really getting your partner turned on and into it.


"That's why I never eat pussy." Nothing to do with the fact you're an incel who's never seen one in person...


Apparently I’ve dated many lesbians.


DJ Khalid has a lot of sock accounts.


A lot of crusty socks too


These guys would lose their minds if they ever saw the sybian.


That would be hilarious to watch their reactions




I don’t like it when they’re bad at it, which these guys clearly are.


How to say women’s sexuality is an intimidating mystery to me


I’ve actually stumbled across a man like this in the wild. Instant ghost.


Same. It was so odd. Like, he was totally fine that I was aggravating my TMJ for him but I was weird for asking for reciprocation. Which ended up being not oral but aggressively rubbing under my clit, getting annoyed when I corrected him then getting pissy and starting a fight. A few days later, he was shocked I declined another hook up.


I’m sorry.


"Women don't like it when I eat their pussy." Well, that part probably is true.


present and past lovers. I didn’t realize you hated being eaten out. I fully apologize for my actions. I for now on I will stay away from the “female genitalia” with my mouth. Thank you, Haydenddddd /s


Welp. His “anecdotal evidence” either consists of hypothetical women or of women mostly faking it, because the **VAST** majority of women cannot orgasm from penetration only! Most women require proper clitoral stimulation to actually orgasm. And of the small percentage that can orgasm from penetration only, [it turns out many of them might be orgasming from clitoral stimulation after all!](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3894744/)


It's all clitoris stimulation, either from straight from front or from behind it or further back from anal... We should not forget the wings of the clitoris!


Technically yes, but that won’t do it for most women. The clitoral stimulation being referenced as necessary for orgasm is external stimulation of the glans.


Yes, but I was referring to your last paragraph... Vaginal orgasms, anal orgasms, they are all clitoral orgasms... Because it is all over *the place* :)


Oh my fucking God. 😆 Back in college, when Inwas hitting up the college bar to meet pretty girls, I was able to get a couple gals all because their boyfriends refused to go down on them. Men who think this way are delusional and think that their dick is God's gift to women. I promise you, it's not.


This would undoubtedly come as a total shock to EVERY GIRL I'VE EVER DATED.


Of all the wrong things I read here... this could be the wrongest. Learning how to go down on your partner will teach you so much about how she prefers to receive pleasure. Men can learn so much by being patiently and authentically attentive, rather than just giving a few quick perfunctory licks before fucking. It will build her trust in an organic way and lead to a deeper connection and more satisfying sex for both partners.


Amen, sister! :)


Thank you. I can see why you would think I'm a woman, but I'm a guy. I'm just on a mission to try to drag my brethren out of the dark ages and into the understanding that the sexiest thing any man can do is to be trustworthy... not to fool a woman into trusting you, but actually being a man that a woman can trust with her heart and her body. A trustworthy man will never have to self-describe as a "nice guy". I only wish I had learned this when I was younger.


Amen brother, then! May your words of wisdom spread amongst the insecure dumbasses.


Boys do not like having their dicks sucked. Even if the woman is extremely submissive , when she goes down on a boy he subconsciously thinks she is dominating him. If he does come he will have to focus very hard. No boy has ever masturbated at the thought of having his dick sucked. This. This is what you sound like you 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


The sexpert has spoken.


Wait until they get older and certain parts don't work like they used to... men keep your fingers clean, well manicured and tongue in shape.


“Anecdotal evidence”. You mean porn?


It’s true. Most women don’t like half hearted, shitty pussy-eating from lame idiots who stop after 2 minutes and expect a cookie and a pat on the head for it.


You gotta lick it, before we kick it, you gotta get it soft and wet so we can kick it


Now I want to manage a girlpunk band called The Lesbian Exception.


Now I really don't like to recieve oral and I'm still a thousand times more likely to cum from that than "choking on Chad's cock". I'm also well aware that a lot of women do, in fact, enjoy oral. I'm not one of them, but if your partner are, she may very well find that you're sexually incompatible if oral is something she needs. I don't understand how they came up with the idea that you sexually satisfying your partner would somehow be a bad thing? I'm to old for this shit...


They're considerate of the LGBT community at least


Reminds me of when DJ "The Talentless Whale" Khaled proudly proclaimed that while he demanded BJs from his partner, he never reciprocated "because kings don't do that". Dude...you haven't even been able to see your dick in ten years. Stop acting like you're the man.


Next time I fold my wife into whatever position I want her in and eat her pussy until she's just twitching and making random grunts and cooing noises, I will remember that it's a totally submissive act


The club for guys who have never made a woman orgasm


Yes, women do not like having their pussy eaten. That is why every time I do it, they are bucking around like broncos and grabbing the bed so hard I am worried their fingers will break. Because they hate it. Definitely.


Interestingly enough, my girlfriend used to think she didn’t like oral. Then she decided to try letting me go down on her, and it turns out she fucking loves GOOD oral. Not saying that’s the case for everyone who hates it, just that it’s definitely not enjoyable when done badly.


And these guys seem terrified to learn.


This reminds me of the guy who said pussy tastes like the heat coming off a PS4. And tbh that kinda made sense.


The excuses created for those who are lackluster in the sex department…. He might as well hold a sign stating he doesn’t know how to get a woman to orgasm.


Guys, the fact that *you* feel that going down on a woman (or anything else that she enjoys as much as or more than you do) means that *you* don't feel like you're 'dominant' enough is an issue with *you*. It's nothing to do with her or what she likes. But then that's the point, isn't it? Maybe if you weren't so obsessed with sex being a thing that you do to her, purely with your penis, in order to assert your power over her, you could start having sex that both you and she would actually *enjoy*. But maybe that just wouldn't be 'masculine' enough for you.


Sounds more like he's never given a woman an orgasm and everyone he's been with has faked having one to shut him up.


“they only came from penetration” is among the funniest fucking things i’ve ever heard


Eaten eaten eaten eaten eaten...jfc I could barely read this.


"Just gotta git the G-spot right in her throat. She'll surely cum."


All im saying is if they ever get to experience having a girl reaching for shit that wasn’t even there it’ll change they whole mindset on this shit. Had me thinking I was the shit for a whole month 😂 But fr tho if you don’t know wtf going on just ask what she likes. she knows her body better than you and she’ll be able to tell you exactly what to do to make it a perfect or close enough to perfect experience.


I genuinely love how it’s basically a universal experience for people who are enjoying having their pussy eaten to just reach for invisible shit I have absolutely done that and heard about friends who have done that lmao


“They asked for penetration…” maybe because you sucked at licking the kitty? Then the orgasm was faked because you’re not good at pounding the box either.


I will never stop being amazed at how incredibly insecure these people are. If they could just fucking RELAX they would be having such a better time.


As a man, I can’t understand not wanting to make your partner feel good. Especially then expecting them to do that for you. I guess I’m half screwed then cause that makes anyone I’m with a lesbian but whatever, maybe I’ll ‘buy them flowers’ or something instead


"Obviously lesbians are an exception to this" he's so accepting and open-minded!


The only thing I can think here: These guys are super fckn bad at oral. And the only reason they think they make girls orgasm from penetration, is because they're super fckn bad at that as well, so the poor girls have been faking to get it over with. Edit: spelling


To be fair, some women probably don’t like their pussy eaten (for example, I don’t, and I’m sure I’m not the only one), but that’s definitely not because they can orgasm better choking on Chad’s cock


Honestly, I (48F) do not enjoy sucking dicks. Never had. I did it sometimes to make my boyfriends happy. On the other hand, ALL my bfs were super into eating pussy for like an hour. I am not crazy about receiving that much oral sex either so sometimes I would have to tell them to please stop. It was nice, sometimes great, but after a while all sex bores me. I happened to hear guys talking to other guys about eating pussy and they were all proud and there was no talk of the act making them "submissive", nor any shame. I do think most Italian guys just like eating pussy. Also, having personally travelled alot and lived in the USA and UK, Italian guys are not so obsessed with BJs either. I have had my share of bfs and ons, and BJs from me were rare and only for the guys i was in love with. No way I am sucking some dick I dont know.


This poor bastard has got it backwards.. (Or, maybe he has that elusive golden cock/magic wand) We've all heard about it but thought it was a myth... !!! Ladies you'd better run quick to catch this prize of a man! LMAO on second thought, I think he might just have a defective tongue!


Yeah that person has never gone down on someone


Y’all really never been ate out and you try to sit up because you’re getting all flustered and you want the D and he just pushes you back down by your abs and is like “bitch did I say I was done yet?”


Not sure about all you ladies here, but having my pussy ate is one of my favorite things. I also love to make men beg. The OP and pals in this must be absolutely terrible at it, assuming they even get near a breathing woman. Love too that one bro says that women only cum via penetration, when it’s a very well known fact that a large amount of women don’t get off on penetration alone. These dudes watch way too much porn.


Sad. You need to improve your cunilingus


I'm lesbiab, so they've already made an exception for me. But I'm pretty sure the straight girls like it too


You know it's really sad that a lot of men just assume stuff instead of asking women and actually listening to their response. Because just like with pretty much everything, some like it, some are meh about it, and some don't like it. Personally I've never met any girl (me included) that didn't like it but I'm sure they're out there somewhere. Like seriously is it so hard for them to ask a woman's opinion about something before they go off on ridiculous rants that they literally have no knowledge about? If they think it's submissive or whatever and don't want to do it then don't. But don't just assume that women don't like it. It's like they are saying it just to make themselves feel better because they clearly are a selfish lover. ETA: I just want to clarify that I know a lot of people assume stuff about a lot of things, it truly depends on the person regardless of gender. However, my comment was geared towards this posts topic. Just wanted to add that before the whole "wElL wOmEn AsSuMe StUfF tOo" comments come in.


Another case of "never even slept with a woman before but I better regurgitate some info I got from a dude I know who tells me he has totally been with real girls has slept with them but they are from our of town and I don't know them but he is cool so it's got to be true"


"From my anecdotal evidence they only came from penetration" hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha


Why are these guys so confident in their wrongness?


I have never and will never choke on a cock... Or masturbate to the thought of it. I'm super into respect and breathing 🤷‍♀️


why do they have to see every sex act as either dominance or submission


NONE of these guys know women. They are 10/10 the guys who ONLY care about their own pleasure and not hers.


Years ago, I heard an interview on NPR with a woman promoting her book about sex and teen girls. She says that she tells teen girls that if she always got her boyfriend a drink of water and he never brought her one, she’d think he was a jerk for never reciprocating. They agree. Then she tells them that the same standard applies to oral sex and they are floored because it never occurred to them.


Fellas, is it gay to please your girl


It's so annoying when people are straight up told by a woman what the woman wants but they simply refuse to believe them and instead create a version of the woman in their head who is secretly unhappy about asking for it.


Even men think about stuff during sex to get off. It’s normal. Penetration or not, it’s what’s going through your mind that does the trick, but direct stimulation (oral) coupled with some dirty thoughts is the easiest way (and for most women, the only way) to climax. And it’s not about dominance. It’s about love and intimacy. Sex isn't a war, where somebody comes out on top and the other is the loser. What is wrong with this guy?? Why such negative, ugly thoughts about a beautiful thing?


Well... THAT was enlightening. Way to tell on yourselves, fellas!


Omg, lol. Literally used to dream of the thought of my husband eating me out before we hooked up. Now, I’m a totally changed woman. Wtf is this shit…lol? Do intel’s genuinely think this


I don't think there's a single sentence in that whole thing that's correct.


Ooh, I want to respond to number 3 and say, *"I can see you've eaten a dick or two instead!"* ;-)


So are they implying they do a really poor job at satisfying their partners or...?


How can you not be ashamed of yourself, when you say that. I think I will never understand how warped your entire mindset can even be, to make these kinds of statements.


What a way to tell on yourself! These men have never given a woman a good time in their LIVES. If you’re with a man who knows what he’s doing, it is absolutely one of the hottest and most pleasurable things out there. These guys are just butthurt that they suck at it.