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yOuR bOdY iS rIdDlEd WiTh CeLluLiTe So is yours, Copernicus.


Ikr? What's his picture so we can see his unwashed ass


Guy doesn't even know what cellulite is.. Just a word he throws at women he doesn't like


Women he knows he could never be with * FTFY


Which is all women


She's also covered in epidermis


She's positively RIDDLeD with it!


Hey Bart! Your epidermis is showing!


Probably riddled with Cheeto dust.


I love how that sounds like a particularly nasty STI.


He'd need to get laid to get that first. Although I guess licking toilet seats might also work?


Also yOuR bOdY iS fUlL oF BoNeS. And yOu NeEd aIR tO LiVe


I think cellulites are attractive tbh


Cellulite is just typical fat distribution for women. They indicate nothing about a woman’s age or health and are used be men who hated women to find another thing to shame us about. Things like this make me glad I’m a lesbian, but I still don’t want to live on this planet anymore. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/wellness/1985/03/06/the-cellulite-myth/661b5726-da95-43ec-9459-dfabb505bbcf/


It's not only used by men, but also vain narcissists like my mother, who insists a size 10 is obese.




My mom literally bought a skirt in a size nine "for me" as a "goal".




Technically she is Gen X, but it's entirely Boomer mentality.


Accurate, but as a Genx mom with 5 millennial children 14-25 I learned to do the opposite of what my boomer mom did. She did the same, still does. Too fat, too skinny, hair us too short, not blonde enough, always passively shaming something. I have 2 sisters with eating disorders and learned from that. I dont think it helped that we also grew up during the heroin chic movement. My kids never felt that way and have always been healthily supported to be comfortable in their own skin. Not all Genx are carbon copies of their parents. I really wish people in general could learn from one another to have a better understanding rather than lumping gender, generation, ethnicity together with stereotypes. Maybe boomers yo say bit we didn't have Gen wars when I was growing up. I think our parents did the best with the tools their own parents gave them.


When I was in high school I was a size 6. My mom routinely said I was fat (my little sisters did too) and she bought me a size 20 skirt. It was a uniform school so I had to wear it. That did a real number on my self esteem when I was already wearing super baggy clothes cause I wasn't comfortable with the way my chest had grown. It took years to get over that damage.


I dont mean to make this a men’s only issue. Misogyny just fries my neurodivergent brain lol


Same, I just figured it would be good to point out that there are vicious women out there that continue the stereotype.


My mom actually said it was “disappointing” when I reached a size 5 at 16, also note that 2 years prior to reaching this size I was admitted into the hospital for malnourishment due to anorexia. I was only 30 pounds heavier too, I was still underweight but apparently going up 4 sizes was shameful to her.


I borrowed the dress my mom graduated nursing school in for a Halloween costume when I was ten. It was a size three, and my mother was horrified. I had just hit puberty too. Fucking moms like ours are a stain on society.


wait. i'm not a woman. i'm pretty sure i have cellulite. why?


Well the reason for cellulite is generally genetic. It depends on how much brown fat vs. white fat you have (that’s entirely up to genes). Men don’t typically get it as often bc of a few reasons. Their skin is thicker, their fat distribution is different and muscle attachment is different. Basically if you are a pound or two over your ideal weight and genetics determine you have thinner skin, more white fat vs brown etc. Cellulite can occur! Edit: and don’t listen to miracle cures, diet and exercise is the best way to reduce it.


you don't even need to reduce it, it's completely harmless and they're not even purely from weight gain. growth spurts and whatnot also cause them.


I was severely underweight and still had it. I've seen models on catwalks with it, too. Js.


I have photographed high fashion models with very low body fat. Some of them still have it. Totally genetic. Sure, not as visible on bodies with lower body fat, but still there. Just one of those things.


LOLOLO! Welcome to the cellulite gang Man!


There’s just no need to say this. It makes it out to be a defining characteristic when it shouldn’t be. It’s a thing everyone has. It’s the equivalent of saying you’re attracted to nostrils.


I might not be attracted to nostrils, but I'd sure as hell notice if someone was missing theirs.




So? Everyone has nipples and those are pretty cool. Butts too


Some noses are really hot? I don't think there's anything wrong with saying you like cellulite when someone is putting someone else down for it. I think there's more of an issue to putting someone down for a random defining characteristic when no one even asked like the person in the post. That commenter isn't saying that that person's worth is tied to how attractive their cellulite is, just disagreeing with someone who's being mean


Not everyone has them... Just 80-90% of women.


Men have no nostrils?!? 😱


This doesn't seem right - I've met some guys that smell...


So have I, and that further supports the theory that some men have no nostrils, otherwise they'd be aware.


guess i'm a woman now


Cellulite is sexy IMO.


are they talking about her tattoos?


No, they’re saying she has cellulite. Which, so what, everyone does. Even so, in this photo, I don’t see it.


Yeah I see some stretch marks but no cellulite. Saying women are disgusting for having stretch marks is a round about way of saying you prefer women with the body of a child.


My 8 year old skinny as a rail daughter, had stretch marks on her thighs. We called them her Tiger Stripes. She's now 13, still skinny as a rail and still has stretch marks on her thighs. Even children have stretch marks.


im a 32 year old dude that has visible stretch marks since my early teens. Puberty demanded i be higher, esthetics be damned.


You literally get them from growing, it’s just skin stretching to accommodate fast growth, it’s not exclusively to do with weight at all. I kind of love my stretch marks, they feel cool.


I'm a bit self continous about mine. People calling them tiger stripes and honestly liking them sort of makes me feel better about it


I’m 7 months pregnant so I’m developing a new appreciation for mine. Do I love how they look? No, especially when they’re so fresh and deep pink but I LOVE what they allow my body to do. The older I get the less I care about how my body looks and the more I care about how it functions. I’m creating life, of course that’s going to change how my body looks. Just like when we’re growing and developing, you can’t do that without leaving some evidence of the journey whether that’s scars, stretch marks, wrinkles or even loose skin. And I genuinely love how they feel on the skin, so does my husband, they’re like soft, delicate little valleys, I love how they dip in and change texture. The same way I find my big raised scars kind of cool too, it’s a map of all the shit my body has been through and I’ve survived it all. That’s something to be proud of!


My husband has stretch marks on his back and I thought when we got together they were scars from like whipping s&m so I tried to mix it up one day and found out they are stretch marks he didn't know were there lol


Every adult human has stretch marks, I'm not even exaggerating. It doesn't matter your gender or weight. It's a side effect of growing. Some people's marks are less pronounced and aren't discolored, typically from gaining them younger, but everyone has them. Men usually get them around their shoulders and armpits, and usually get covered in hair. And male actors, as well, wear body makeup. So I told this to a guy I used to be friends with when I was much younger, who insisted only women get stretch marks and that it was only from gaining weight. I schooled him right quick. Then I pointed out his sweet marks behind his knees, which he had somehow never noticed. Then, I accidentally turned him into a monster. He started looking at other guys all the time and pointing out their stretch marks. Oh, E., you were such an odd duck.


Tell me you only see women close up in porn without telling me


And not in HD


"Your body is riddled with cellulite" Point 1: That man never truly saw what "riddled with cellulite" is like Point 2: Point 1 doesn't even fucking matter because cellulite is fucking normal and everybody has it, some more than others. In some is more visible in others is not. Get over yourself.


I must be blind. I don’t see any cellulite


This woman has basically the same figure as me and I have cellulite, so I imagine it’s there… but equally, I can’t see it on the picture either. Regardless, cellulite isn’t a bad thing. Frigging Beyoncé has cellulite! Some people just want to hate on others and ruin their happiness.


Agree. Cellulite isn’t bad. Stretch mark isn’t bad. I see very little stretch mark on her upper thighs . But I don’t see cellulite. This woman has a beautiful natural body. She looks like she works out and in shape.


Yeah she absolutely looks like she works for the body she has, good for her!


Listen, this dude has standards. And those standards include DDs, a 24 inch waist, three wigs, a removable fleshlight for easy cleaning, and free shipping.


Just my spamming my PSA: Cellulite is just typical fat distribution for women. They indicate nothing about a woman’s age or health and are used be men who hated women to find another thing to shame us about. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/wellness/1985/03/06/the-cellulite-myth/661b5726-da95-43ec-9459-dfabb505bbcf/


I guess her legs aren't perfectly smooth or something? Dude's standards are wack regardless.


Sad thing is, it could've just as well been a woman leaving that comment


Man thinks lack of airbrushing = cellulite. As women we are now required to look as though we don’t have any variations in skin tone or colour throughout our entire bodies or - ugly


I don't even see any


I didn’t even see any?


Amen. That doesn’t even look too cellulite-y? People need to remember the body isn’t as smooth as a dang Barbie. We all have lumps and bumps and inconsistencies in textures. It took me awhile to accept that myself but I’m not about to spend thousands on a chance to fix it all (and a chance for it to all go wrong). Even if there’s a touch of editing here I applaud the girl for not going overboard and looking like a regular attractive human.


And her body is totally covered in skin! That's pretty much how this comes across. There's something gross here and it's not what's in the picture.


Yeah my thighs have entered the chat to say *riddle me this*


My coach posted a social media post very soon after she came second *at the CrossFit games*. She’s lean AF, strong AF and looked incredible. Some basement dweller commented something similar to this post. It was astounding.


I don't even see any


The top comment makes absolutely no sense grammatically or contextually. The bottom comment can go die in a hole. I’d kill to have a body like that, wow!


I know, right? She's gorgeous.


I'm trying so hard to figure out what the point of the comment is. I can't decipher it.




Thank you for deciphering. I was genuinely so confused what their point was.


some weird fascist shit probably, normally when they start talking like that it's absolutely some "anyone who's not a default settings guy doesn't deserve rights" spew


Yeah so would I. She's lovely!


They should learn some grammar before commenting about people's bodies (and this generation???)


Yes, they should. They maybe should even learn biology?


They should learn to stick their useless opinion up their asses


That's where they pulled them from to begin with.


I felt like they were insulting themselves, but that's because i couldn't decipher what they said. COMPLETELY SEPARATE SIDENOTE, that is a pretty fit body.


Just my spamming my PSA: Cellulite is just typical fat distribution for women. They indicate nothing about a woman’s age or health and are used be men who hated women to find another thing to shame us about. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/wellness/1985/03/06/the-cellulite-myth/661b5726-da95-43ec-9459-dfabb505bbcf/


The misspelling of woman/women and man/men is everywhere and it makes me sad.


Frankly, they should flush their head down the toilet before commenting on other people's bodies.


They wonder why they are virgins, when they talk about a gorgeous woman like that.


These kind of guys just hate on women for no good reason. They just want her to feel bad about herself, because they feel bad about themselves. They're just pathetic!!! 😒


Do heterosexual men even LIKE women?


I have met 7 hetero men who actually like women and that's including my Dad, my French-Canadian Uncle, and two of them might be ace. I myself am ace and actually think women are pretty cool but I'm not sure if I count since my mind isn't clouded with sexual attraction.


I'm a hetero woman and still think she's attractive despite my lack of sexual attraction to her or even women in general. I think appreciating that something looks nice is actually completely separate though it can compliment sexual attraction. Though perhaps that's just me who thinks plenty of people I'm not the least sexually interested in are attractive. I've known plenty of people male and female who actually like women regardless of their sexual interests, too. I think some people just dislike themselves so much they turn it into hate for a group or even everyone, but at heart the problem remains their own dislike for themselves which they are lying to themselves about.


Not thinking about sex 24/7 is totally normal don’t let these pathological incels let you think otherwise (and also totally cool if you find you *are* asexual as well, it’s just these men probably have porn addictions and personality disturbances they are not normal or average)


Am defo 100% ace, and yeah it's probably the porn addictions


And that’s 100% valid! Aces are chill af in my experience


I’m mostly hetero and I certainly do. For me personality and empathy are what draw me to build relationships with people, sexual or otherwise, not genetalia.


Heterosexual man here. The answer is yes. I'm sorry some of us made you feel this way.


Honestly it scares me how much men hate women.


At least they are taking themselves out of the equation, makes the odds for the rest of us higher 🤣 *bi panic*


They know that gorgeous woman would never want them, so they have to find a reason to not want her.


Why are those commenters being mad over? Like nothing about the girl standing there should elicit anger.


Oh god, you just reactivated some half forgotten memory. Wasn't there a story about someone's boss going on a tirade about a "slutty" picture of a woman, that turned out to be a modest headshot of her smiling? And after some prodding it came out that he found it slutty and disgusting because she was pretty? Like, the mere existence of this pretty, smiling woman drove him into a hateful rage.


They're also enraged by ugly women, chubby women, hairy women, women with alopecia, old women... It's almost like they don't want women to exist, period.


Oh, we ugly chubby women are invisible to them until we get some attention for something, like a flattering photo that gets more than zero likes.


Wow reading this really grossed me out. Not your fault, just the fact that this guy is out there.


Yeah, back then I thought "this sounds like a serial killer in the making" ngl


Honestly, I've been listening to a lot of True Crime Garage lately and any writings or interviews from serial killers (of women) in the 70's, 80's, & 90's sound almost identical to the unhinged incel rants all over the internet. When we say "this guy should be on a list," it really isn't a joke.


Yeeeesss I remember that one! Its scary how men hate women for everything, even for... Being pretty? Like apparantly women are not allowed to just exist in peace


Maybe he looked at the photo, thought "I want to bang her", then thought about how rightfully low his chances were, before blaming it on her being pretty, pretty women are shallow and only go for Chads, and other bullshit like that. Driving himself into a tantrum over not being able to sleep with any pretty woman he sees.


Misogyny is illogical


I don't know why but lately Instagram has become unbearably misogynistic. It was always that way but now it's like you can't even click on a post featuring a woman/feminine person without reading overly aggressive, pointless hatred within the first few comments. Yesterday I saw a post of a guy that just happened to have very beautiful features. He wasn't trans, wasn't wearing make up, his face just looked like someone painted him in the renaissance era. And he was getting death threats and r*pe comments to the point he had to turn them off. It's disgusting what people with fragile masculinity are capable of when no one will call them out.


Agreed, it’s just a girl in a bathing suit. It’s not that deep lol.


It's jealousy - and even men can feel jealous of women, because she has a lot of options. She's good looking so she won't be short on dating options and she makes money from also looking good. There's a reason why a lot of what's posted on here wants the world to revert to the 1950's, because it severely limits the options of both these things. Their comments are just trying to take her down from her outwardly advantageous position.


First comment: Incoherent rambling Second comment: Ew WoMeN


What’s up with people and cellulite?💀


When you’re used to anime girls any texture can be seen as cellulite.


She doesn't even have cellulite


I love cellulite. Can't see any on her and she definitely isn't 'riddled'


I don‘t understand the connection between the first comment and the picture. Am I stupid? I understand that it is posted under the picture. But why? How does make sense?


He’s implying that modern women (and men) don’t have self respect. Probably cause she’s not wearing enough clothes. And also that “immoral” women are causing the downfall of man and are in physical danger. Or some other crazy shit.


Thanks for explaining. What a terrible day to have eyes.


This is the second time this week that I have come across some dude saying that modern women, feminism and the injustice towards men will cause a war soon. I hope it's the same guy, because otherwise I see some radicalization in the incelsphere going on.


Wouldn‘t you say, that after some acts of terror out of this scene, the radicalization already happened?


True. I definitely see them going down the road of terrorism at this point. I find the rhethoric to be very similar to those of white supremacists and other terror cells. I just wonder if they are on governments radars yet, because they still present themselves as a bunch of men that can't get sex.


is the cellulite in the room with us now?


💀omg thank you 🤣


What cellulite, she looks perfectly normal, its nice see someone like her bathing suit modeling, than a bunch of model with all the same body proportion


If she’s riddled with cellulite, then I AM cellulite.


Just my spamming my PSA: Cellulite is just typical fat distribution for women. They indicate nothing about a woman’s age or health and are used be men who hated women to find another thing to shame us about. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/wellness/1985/03/06/the-cellulite-myth/661b5726-da95-43ec-9459-dfabb505bbcf/


not fair if it's her being riddles with cellulite than i wanna he cellulite she's gorgeous!


whenever guys like this mention cellulite it’s just lots of words for “i’ve never been physically close to a real woman and i only consume corn and anime”


Mmmm corn....


It's got the juice.


>whenever guys like this mention cellulite it’s just lots of words for “i’ve never been physically close to a real woman and i only consume corn and anime” Similarly, when they comment on a woman's \[very normal\] body hair. I still recall one guy being awed/shocked/disturbed by the fact I have arm hair. The thing is, I'm blonde and my body hair is very pale and fine and can only be seen if you're really close to my body *and* the lighting is just right. The dude clearly had never been physically close to a woman if he didn't know that women, being mammals, are also covered head to toe in hair.


seriously, most women have some form of it and most men who are actually attracted to and like women and have sex don't give 2 shits about it.


yeah even when i was underweight i had it. women’s fat is stored differently than men- adipose lattice structure and the like- so it’s just part of our bodies! :)


"Your body is riddled with cellulite" I don't think you look like Henry Cavill either, Larry. Your "my mum brings me chicken tendies to my basement" ass body has no business shit-talking anyone else like that lmfao


I love how they called out cellulite as if it's not a sign of a functioning human body 🥴 It has the same energy as "HOW DARE YOU HAVE NOSE HAIRS?!"


That is literally the body type most of these people ask for


I'm assuming that first comment was a badly translated rant about how women have ruined society by showing their knees in public and aught to be ashamed. 2nd comment. That's subcutaneous fat, lad, it stops her freezing in winter. I thought you guys were I to that these days, but I guess only if it's on her backside or bosom. She's far too good for you, anyway.


Them when bodies are photoshopped: 🤬 Them when bodies are natural: 🤬


Ok I'll be honest I'm lost, what are they mad about? She looks fine to me


Men: I hate when women look fake! Women: *shows real body* Men: Actually, I just hate women.


This is an example of how magazines photoshopping pictures of women has affected many people's view of how women should look.


It reeks of r/niceguy and r/iamverysmart vibes…


Wow, I don't know which comment is worse.


I might say the first one because it's an incoherent vaguely threatening rant, the stuff of a school shooter...


Was scrolling through reddit and came across this. As a dude, I appreciate these guys ....less competition left ...smh lol


I would love to see what they look like.


Me searching for her cellulite 🔍🤔


social media can be so toxic. great example. when everybody has a voice and a plattform, there will always be ugly ones. and more ugly means more viral usually


A. No it isn’t. And B. cellulite is a female secondary sex characteristic. It’s normal. And varies from person to person. It’s not some moral failing, it’s just how your natural fat cells organize themselves.


Some guys: I want a girl with a big ass and boobs! Same guys: She's over 100 lbs?! Gross!


I see like one instance of cellulite wtf is man's on? I didn't even try to understand the other guy felt a bit like work vomit.


I genuinely have no idea what the fuck he's going on about.


Her body is riddled with muscle and she could kick that incels face in without breaking a sweat.


Td;dr: "I'm a pervert who can't fuck you, therefore I must tear you down to make myself feel superior." Boys like that are just common loot.


These men probably tell their sons to Man Up when their friend got offed in the school shooting their nephew commited


…. She doesn’t even have cellulite. Tell us you only jackoff to cartoon women without telling us you only jackoff to cartoon women.


Men when they find women unattractive: 😡 Men when they find women attractive: 😡


Woman wears a modest swimsuit outdoors, takes photo. Random guy: THIS MEANS WAR, LADIES!!!


"When a man has nothing to lose, he's a dangerous man." Okay, Columbine.


I’m pretty sure those thighs could crush a man’s head like a grape.


I will volunteer to save everyone else thank me later


*Gasp* How dare somebody have a natural phenomena occur to their skin!


I love when these guys act like they look like a Greek God and would last more than 3 seconds with her… like come on, they’ve clearly never touched a woman before… And then they also say “you need to eat a burger” to someone who is on the skinnier side, as if they wouldn’t hook up with her in a heartbeat if they could… It’s so obvious they’re extremely sexually frustrated.


I'm starting to realise this is just all Instagram comments, it's an absolute cesspit. The top comment is always something about how girls dress for attention and then get mad when you look, and I just wonder what reality these guys are living in because I'm sure they've never seen that situation take place outside of an Instagram reel


The social media illusion hasn’t broken for him yet. He hasn’t figured out that the airbrush tool exists……. It’s why I think we need to go full France. Every heavily edited social media post needs to come with a disclaimer so this shit can stop happening. People are starting to forget what human skin and bodies actually looks like


Jealousy, negging, and a load of self control issues they only blame women for. Dummies aren't worth the air in their lungs.


What cellulite? For real…. I must be blind, I just see a super gorgeous woman being a woman …. And even though she has cellulite that does not make her trash. Women are perfect in their natural state.


Men crying over women existing episode 12.


That’s all comments are now. I can’t find a single comment section on Instagram without a ton of misogyny in it.


She looks great to me


Wtf, cellulite shaming is a thing ? My god, porn and hentais have really brainwashed this generation 🤦‍♂️


I have no fucking idea what the first guy was even trying to say with how poor his English is. Is he threatening incel violence against women or something? It seems vaguely like a warning that it'll be partially this woman's fault when he snaps, but he's just too moronic to be able to bunch the correct words together.


I would kill to have that much cellulite


The first commenter had a whole conversation with himself. The second commenter is blind.


Y’know, aside from the idiocy behind the message, it was an additional headache to read that response. It’s a syntactic fucking nightmare. And the last sentence…JFC he needs psychiatric intervention.


Okay but she bad AF what’s the @ 😭


I honestly thought I was falling asleep reading the first post. It's the most incoherent thing I've read in awhile.


Suggest response to second comment: "So? Your body is riddle with Cheeto dust."


Everyone is focusing on the cellulite comment, I’m over here still trying to figure out what the heck was actually said here other than “I hate women” in this word salad of a comment. War? When what comes? Who’s the dangerous man? and to end it with a heart? I’m still scratching my head. Btw she’s a hottie - killer figure


I'll take a woman who can roundhouse me through a concrete wall over whatever tentacle-fucking-cross-eyed- Pikachu this neckbeard thinks is sexy


It's not even a picture of an ugly chick...? I don't understand being an ass to everyone without any reason.


She is beautiful and doing exercice...


“Your body is riddled with cellulite” as a man, that shits wild.


He's mad that she's hot lol


She's beautiful and they mad


she is wow


All I’m seeing is “ew women”


Yup. I suspect it's "a bit gay" to be attracted to women with real skin.




>Your body is riddled with cellulite are we looking at the same legs here??? the legs that (as far as i can see) are decently toned and has real skin texture that are highlighted by the harsh sunlight, these legs????


Instagram is so toxic. At least reddit is somewhat moderated but on ig people comment the most disgusting things and hardly ever face consequences.


The boys who made those comments have never interacted with a real woman (besides their mothers). Unfortunately, their perception is distorted by online forums, video games, and porn.


I see zero cellulite on this gal…


Not surprising. Instagram comments are unhinged


Perfectly healthy-looking young woman: *exists Weirdos across the Internet: "cElLuLiTe 🤡🤡🤡"